Chapter 205: The Angry Wolf Among Dogs

 At 5:15 the next morning, Xia Qing carried spring water into the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain. Within two minutes of waiting, Yang Jin appeared.

Yang Jin carried a long wooden box on his shoulders and a protective mask hung on his waist. The rising sunlight penetrated the leaves and lit up his short, dark and thick hair, but the protective clothing on his body did not reflect light at all. The protective clothing he wore was of a color and style that Xia Qing had never seen before. At first glance, it looked very, very, very high-end.

Is this the latest research result of the institute? I don’t know how many points a set is for takeout, Xia Qing also wants to get a set.

Yang Jin smiled when he saw Xia Qing wearing a protective mask staring at the protective clothing he was wearing. He handed the howitzer to Xia Qing, "This is the howitzer I traded with you last time. I'll ask Hu Feng to deliver the shells to you later."

"Thank you Captain Yang." He was about to go on a mission, so Xia Qing inquired about the price of his equipment at the right time. After taking the howitzer, he handed the Yishi protective shell to Yang Jin, "The rope is made of the skin of the evolved viper. , somewhat repellent effect.”

Yang Jin took off his gloves, took the jue-sized Yishi protective case, took out the Yishi stuffed in his pocket, stuck it in the protective case, and buckled it.

Although the protective case is a bit difficult to open and close, it is substantial, polished smooth, and looks very strong at first glance. For two hundred points, Xia Qing got a bargain. Yang Jin put the Yishi protective shell back into the side pocket of his waist and told Xia Qing, "There are not many shells in stock, so use them sparingly."

"Understood." The howitzer is not usually used, but it is an insurance for the territory. With this insurance, the security factor of the territory has been improved. Xia Qing shouldered the howitzer, her confidence rising a lot, "Team Yang, I wish you a successful completion of the mission and a safe return."

After Yang Jin left, Xia Qing carried a wooden box weighing dozens of kilograms and quickly returned to the territory under the cover of trees. He closed the doors and windows, opened the wooden box, put the howitzer on his shoulders, and asked Boss Yang condescendingly, "Boss, what's wrong?" So, are you domineering?"

The sheep boss was busy checking whether the straw in the wooden box was edible, without even raising his eyelids.

Xia Qing turned around and asked Sick Wolf, "Second brother, do you think he's handsome?"

 The thin sick wolf raised his head, and his clear wolf eyes were somewhat guarded. Xia Qing understood, "Have you ever seen humans use weapons of this style, or have your wolves fought with humans who used such weapons?"

Of course the sick wolf would not answer, but Xia Qing, who had a keen sense of hearing, heard the sound of the sick wolf's sharp claws digging into the floor. The howitzer made the sick wolf aware of the danger and became nervous.

Xia Qing was afraid that the irritation would affect its gastrointestinal function and cause vomiting and diarrhea. He quickly pulled away the sheep's hooves, put the barrel back into the wooden box and put it away, comforting him with a gentle voice, "Boy, don't do it." Afraid, this is my weapon, used to protect my territory.”

The sick wolf was tense all over and stared at the wooden box, as if he wanted to tear it apart. The heartless sheep boss also noticed something was wrong with his friend, so he stepped forward and rubbed his neck.

Xia Qing took the wooden box to the second floor and put it away. He picked up the new hanging bag he made for the sheep boss, went downstairs and hung it around the sick wolf's neck. Then he stuffed a small piece of barbecued meat inside, "Don't be nervous, brother." , I put away the weapons. You go and patrol the territory with the sheep boss to catch insects and feed the fish. After the patrol, we will have dinner. "

 After the sick wolf got the bag and dried meat, he not only became less nervous, but also shook his drooping tail.

The wagging of its tail made Xia Qing stunned.



 The boss got angry, shouted and dug his hoofs on the floor, wanting to fight with Xia Qing. Xia Qing immediately took out a piece of compressed ration, stuffed it into the bag around its neck, and coaxed it softly, rubbing its fur, "This belongs to the boss. The boss is the most capable, so the ration is bigger than the second child's. , and the basket is bigger than the second one. Without the hard work of the boss every day, our fish would have starved to death long ago. The boss is worthy of being the sheep at the top of the pyramid, the sheep that created a new era in the history of Blue Star evolutionary sheep..."

 The sheep boss who got the food stopped scratching his hooves and looked up at Xia Qing sideways.

“Understood, I’ll get it for the boss right away.” Xia Qing suppressed a smile and immediately handed the basket to the sheep boss, “Thank you for your hard work, boss, our territory depends entirely on you.”

The sheep boss grabbed the basket, turned around, raised his head and clattered to the door, kicked open the security door with a hoof, and went out to catch insects and feed the fish.

Xia Qing didn't make a sound, but her shoulders were shaking when she laughed.

Seeing the sick wolf squatting next to him, Xia Qing also handed over its small basket and coaxed softly, "Second brother, go catch the bugs too. Let the boss catch the powerful evolutionary bugs, and you can catch the stupid ones. Move slowly, be careful not to get scratched by insects. When you come back after feeding the fish, I will cook spinach and dried meat for you."

 Because of his weak body, the sick wolf is not as agile as the sheep boss, but he does things very carefully. When Mr. Sheep feeds the fish, he just throws the basket by the fish pond. Most of the evolved bugs fall into the fish pond, and the other half are thrown by the pond. They squat on the trees beside the fish pond, waiting for freeloading crows and magpies. .

After Xia Qing discovered it, he picked it up and swept the evolved bugs into the fish pond to feed the fish, or put them back in the basket and took them home to feed the snakes. After seeing Xia Qing do it a few times, Sick Wolf took the initiative to take on the task. It threw part of the bugs into the fish pond, took part back into the basket, and waited for Xia Qing to come.

The bird squatting on the tree found that there was no free food, so he cursed and poured bird excrement on the sick wolf's head.

 The tiger fell down and was bullied by the dog. The wolf is so weak that even birds as big as a palm dare to bully it.

Is this a common sick wolf? Of course not, it is the SSVIP VIP in territory three!

After Xia Qing used a slingshot and stones to teach the bird that deserved a beating, he chopped down the big tree next to the fish pond with a few machetes, dried the tree trunks to make charcoal-grilled wooden boards, and widened the tatami so that the sheep boss and the sick wolf could sleep more spaciously. some. Then Xia Qing discovered that the sick wolf looked at her with clearer eyes.

At this moment, the sick wolf, who had a strong emotional reaction because of seeing the powerful weapons of humans, recovered his emotions after receiving comfort and "gifts", and he opened the security door with a basket in his mouth and went to work.

Xia Qing cooked the meat and bones in a large iron pot, simmered them slowly over low heat, then put on a medicine bag and went to deliver medicine to the injured wolf in the abandoned cave in the valley of the third district.

On the way, Xia Qing opened the mobile phone app to check the location of the red squirrel. There are only green dots on the screen that represent the location of the phone, and a red arrow pointing outward. This shows that the red squirrel is carrying a locator and is more than four kilometers away from the phone. Early morning is the most active time for squirrels, and red squirrels should be looking for food.

This arrow points to the position when the locator is disconnected from the mobile phone. Xia Qing turned her phone around, and the small arrow moved with her movements until it pointed east by north. This large mountainous area in the northeast belongs to Mountain 49 and is not very dangerous.

Xia Qing put away her phone. After delivering the medicine to the wolf, she planned to go for a run in the northeast and then go home for breakfast.

 (End of this chapter)

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