Is this guy going to fight? Xia Qing pulled out the long knife and held it in her hand. She had never fought a wolf before, so she wanted to practice her skills.

Although this wolf is very powerful, Xia Qing is not afraid at all because she believes that these wolves will not attack her harshly until the sick wolf and the wolf with waist injury recover. Even if the one with the broken leg was ignorant, the brain-evolved injured wolf lying at the entrance of the cave and the alpha wolf squatting on the roof of the cave would still stop it.

The Broken Leg Wolf didn't need to be stopped by other wolves. Although Xia Qing put up a fight, it didn't fight with Xia Qing. It just ran around her a few times and continued to have fun in the valley. Wherever it passed, rocks were trampled away, tree bark was scratched, and snakes, insects, and birds fled in all directions.

The claw marks left by the broken leg wolf on the tree trunk were exactly the same as the claw marks left by a fierce wolf on the tree last year when the Fengyun team was wiped out by this group of wolves.

 It turns out that this guy with a broken leg was one of the main wolves that besieged the Fengyun Team last year.

Xia Qing, who was in chaos, sighed and raised his voice slightly, "My Queen, can you really take care of this madman? If he keeps going like this, he will be discovered by humans outside, and you can't stay here."

The alpha wolf squatting on the roof of the cave stood up, jumped up to stop the crazy brown-gray evolved wolf, and held it under his claws.


With this skill and speed, Xia Qing is worthy of being the leader of the wolf pack, and Xia Qing is ashamed of himself.

The brown-gray evolved wolf turned over, exposing the softest belly of its body, and twisted around under the paws of the head wolf. Its every movement, every flying wolf hair is full of excitement.

 Two wolves came out of the cave and joined the celebration. The four wolves were chasing each other by the pond, but they were very measured and didn't make too much noise.

Xia Qing took out her mobile phone and called Hu Feng, "Captain Hu, the chaos in the valley of District 3 has been controlled... Yes, the evolved wolf with the injured hind leg has recovered, and he is a little excited just after the anesthesia... I understand, please Hu Team."

While Xia Qing was on the phone, she looked at the camera on the big tree not far from the entrance of the cave.

The Brain Evolution Wound Wolf lying at the entrance of the cave looked at Xia Qing, and then at the big tree she was looking at, thoughtfully.

After Xia Qing hung up the phone, he found the broken-backed wolf lying on the ground looking at him, so he pointed to the valley and told it, "You can use this valley and the cave behind it, but you can't use it outside..."

Xia Qing pointed in the direction of the isolation zone outside the valley and warned with gestures, "Don't be discovered by humans outside. They have weapons that can anesthetize, capture, and kill you."

Xia Qing chose to communicate with this wolf because he found that this wolf understood human language better. This may be related to the fact that it has been recovering in Territory 3 for a relatively long time and that I often talk to it.

The Brain Evolution Wolf looked in the direction of Xia Qing's finger, and then turned to look at his companions. He should have understood from his eyes.

Xia Qing pointed to the thick wooden board with pictures in the cave and told it, "I want these two herbs, even the roots. Dig them out of the soil and give them to me. This way."

Xia Qing dug up a whole grass on the hillside next to her and showed it to the smart wolf, "Leave it to me to change the medicine and save your companions."

The Brain Evolved Wounded Wolf slowly stood up and moved to a grass. After the waist protective gear became shorter, it moved its body faster. It dug out the grass root twice with its front paws and brought it back to Xia Qing.

 “Yes, that’s it.” Communicating with your brain easily saves effort. Xia Qing took the grass in its mouth, rubbed the brain evolution wolf's smart head, walked into the cave and pointed at the mature pictures of herbs growing among the rocks on the wooden board, "I want it like this."

As for the grass growing in the water, Xia Qing felt that it was too risky to let the wolves fetch it.

When the brain-evolving wolf stared at the picture, Chen Cheng behind the camera said firmly, "Boss, I bet it will understand clearly."

Hushi Feng rubbed the little milk cat in his hand and raised it in front of the screen. "See, when we grow up, we, the fifth one, should not go play in the valley of Area 3. There are wolves there."

Chen Cheng's hands were itchy and his heart was itching, "Boss, your hands are tired after holding you for so long. Can I hold you for a while?"

"Get out!" Huzi Feng moved to the side, not letting this guy's stinky hands touch the fragrant little kitten, but he didn't notice that the little kitten in white boots was being held in his hand and was using it to round him. Watery gray eyes, staring at the screen. After Xia Qing appeased the wolves in the valley, he turned around and walked out along the river.

 Every step she takes is very calm.

This pack of wolves will not attack her now, but what about later?

Who knows?

 If the relationship becomes hostile, fight; if it becomes an ally, cooperate for a win-win situation. She can absolutely trust even humans of the same species and language as her, let alone a group of evolved beasts who have different languages ​​and different species and grew up in an evolutionary forest.

When leaving the valley and passing through the isolation zone, Xia Qing heard familiar footsteps coming from the distance on the eastern hillside and stopped where she was.

 Tan Junjie led the investigation team and walked down the **** of the isolation zone on the northern hillside of Territory No. 4. He saw Xia Qing standing on the isolation zone and nodded slightly to her.

Su Ming raised her hand and greeted cheerfully, "Sister Qing!"

Xia Qing explained to the investigation team, "I went to Mountain No. 49 to look for supplies and said hello to Territory No. 1."

 The evolutionary forest area north of the isolation zone of Territory 3 is the field training base for the Qinglong Team. The Qinglong Team has already made an announcement and put up signs prohibiting people outside the team from entering. Although the Qinglong team did not encircle the mountain, no one dared to break into it privately.

 Because he was photographed while trespassing, the Qinglong team must be compensated with at least 4,000 points. What is the maximum number? That depends on how much damage your trespassing caused to the Azure Dragon Team.

Tan Junjie nodded and told Xia Qing, "Pay attention to safety."

 “I understand, thank you Team Tan.”

After the platoon passed, Xia Qing relied on her keen hearing to hear Yuan Rui, a member of the olfactory evolution team, reporting to Tan Junjie in a low voice, "Xia Qing has the smell of a wolf on her body."

The presence of wolves in Xia Qing's territory cannot be concealed from the 24-hour patrol team patrolling territories 1 to 10.

Xia Qing and Luo Pei both greeted the investigation team. Xia Qing promised Tan Junjie that the injured wolves in her territory would never attack other territories, so Tan Junjie turned a blind eye and did not report it to the superiors.

Xia Qing is not afraid that there is a wolf in Territory No. 3 being exposed now, because the old wolf in her territory that is about to die of illness has been discovered by Zhang Yong, Xu Juan and the Sufeng team.

If people outside the investigation team detect the scent of wolves again, Xia Qing will make it obvious that there are wolves in the territory. An old wolf that is sick and moves slowly will not cause a sensation. At most, Zhao Ze will make a fuss and Tang Huai will make a few strange comments.

Tan Junjie remained silent. Xia Qing heard Su Ming whisper, "The wolf recovering from his injuries in Territory No. 3 has not recovered yet?"

Huzi responded, "Isn't this strange? Isn't the evolved sea eagle recuperating in Territory 8 also good?"

Hearing them mention it, Xia Qing remembered that Lord No. 8 Xin Yu was raising the Evolved Capture. If the Evolved Sea Eagle recovers from its injuries and does not leave, Xia Qing will have to say hello to Lord No. 8 in advance.

 The fish, poultry and even the sheep in Territory No. 3 are all included in the diet of the evolved sea eagle. If the evolved sea eagle in territory eight flew to territory three to hunt, Xia Qing would definitely kill it. Therefore, Lord No. 8 is asked to restrain her evolved animals.

Before Xia Qing could contact Lord No. 8, Xin Yu suddenly spoke during the lord communication time after the evening farming broadcast, "Is Lord No. 1 here? I am Lord No. 8 Xin Yu."

 (End of this chapter)

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