Chapter 194 Refreshing your knowledge

At the security door, there was a rooster with very beautiful feathers. Its feathers were much prettier than the one the weasel was plucking.

After Xia Qing came out, the alpha wolf glanced at her and raised his paw to press the sick wolf's paw.

"Thank you for the chicken, Your Lady Queen. Thank you for your hard work, Your Lady Queen. Your companion is in better health after taking the medicine. After daybreak, I will take him and the two wolves in the cave to the territory over there to check his health." Xia Qing gestured to the wolf's waist, "It's the same place where the wolf with a waist injury was sent for physical examination and surgery last time."

After Xia Qing finished speaking, he mentioned the pheasant and praised the wolf wildly. Then he went back to the house and sent a message to Ji Li. Then, without even plucking out a beautiful tail feather of the chicken, he sealed it and mentioned the northern isolation zone of Territory No. 3.

The people in Territory No. 7 are always punctual. Ji Li and a man Xia Qing had never met were already waiting with four large boxes. Xia Qing greeted Ji Li enthusiastically, "Brother Ji, long time no see."

Ji Li nodded and asked Xia Qing, "This is the equipment you want. Can you install it? If not, ask Daya to install it for you. He is responsible for the food storage in our territory and is an expert in this field."

Xia Qing will certainly not let go of the opportunity to learn when he meets an expert, "I've never pretended to do this, sorry for bothering Brother Ya."

Daya nodded.

Because he was wearing a protective mask, Xia Qing couldn't see his appearance clearly. He could only tell that he was a middle-aged short man, or maybe less than middle-aged. Now he couldn't simply rely on his appearance to infer his age.

Ji Li took the sealed pheasant and handed Xia Qing a small medicine bag, "This is an anesthetic. Our lord asked you to go there at nine forty-five. Do you need help?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Brother Ji, please send someone to the abandoned cave at the wild boar breeding center at nine twenty to help me carry the wolf."

Although Xia Qing is strong, the road is difficult and she cannot support the three wolves on a wooden board to walk smoothly by herself.

After Ji Li left with the pheasant, Xia Qing picked up the two big boxes Ji Li brought and led the way, "Brother Ya, there is no road in my buffer forest, so be careful where you step."

"Okay." Daya responded, carrying the remaining two boxes and following Xia Qing.

 Arriving at the entrance of the village, Xia Qing reminded, "I have two wolves at home. They don't hurt anyone. Brother Ya just needs to follow me inside."

“Okay.” Daya had no fear at all for this group of wolves that would send green signals to prey, only curiosity and envy.

 He also wants a pack of such wolves.

Led Daya to the neighborhood of her home, Xia Qing was not surprised to see the alpha wolf standing on the ruins of the house outside her yard, staring at them. Xia Qing took the initiative to say hello, "Your Majesty Queen, these are the supplies I just exchanged. I can't get them back by myself. This is Brother Ya who helped deliver the things."

Daya felt very fresh after hearing Xia Qing's introduction, and said hello to the wolf on the ruins seriously, "Nice to meet you."

Daya could not say the title Queen, which was even more shameful than the cat princess.

 Watching the wolf disappear in one leap, Daya felt fear, "High...advanced speed evolver?"

"should be."

When Xia Qing led Daya through the sheep shed, he was not surprised to find a sick wolf lying in the sheep shed. The alpha wolf stood in front of it to act as a protector. The plucked weasel had already run away. A white-striped chicken.

Xia Qing said hello to the two wolves again, lifted the pheasant, and opened the security door, "Brother Ya, the basement is under this house."

“Okay.” When Daya passed by the sheep shed carrying the box, his muscles all tensed up. Xia Qing entered the room and turned on the light, and greeted the sheep boss lying on the tatami, "Boss, this is the third brother's companion, here to help us install the equipment."

Daya, who had just been frightened twice by wolves, was once again refreshed by the "Crazy Sheep" lying on the straw mat in the living room. He nodded numbly, "Boss Sheep, I have been looking up to you for a long time."

Daya’s words were not polite this time. The “crazy” power-evolving sheep in Territory No. 3 was very famous in nearby territories. Because of it, Xia Qing almost started a fight with Territory No. 2.

However, because this sheep never leaves its territory, although everyone has heard of it, no one has seen it. Daya didn't expect it to be so fat, but it's a pity that it's not a green light animal, otherwise this body of meat would be enough for the third brother to eat dozens of meals.


The sheep boss was unhappy with Daya's sight. He stood up and scratched his hooves to start a fight. This cry was obviously calling the alpha wolf and Xia Qing to join him in the fight.

Daya immediately protected the box, fearing that the sheep would go crazy.

"Don't make trouble. Brother Ya is here to help us." Xia Qing immediately picked up the sheep boss and took it to the sheep shed. "Your Majesty, please watch the boss, I have to install equipment."

After being glanced at by the alpha wolf, the sheep boss stopped scratching his hooves and his eyes were no longer slanted. He was extremely docile.

After returning to the house, Xia Qing turned on the light in the tool room and said, "The cellar is built under this room. Please help me move a set of equipment in. I will process the chicken first. It will be stale later." "

Xia Qing quickly removed the dirt from the belly of the white-striped chicken, then put the whole chicken into a pot and stewed it with water. Then he entered the tool room cellar and saw Daya unpacking boxes in the food storage room.

Xia Qing asked, "Brother Ya, do you think this storage room can still be used?"

In order to install equipment, Xia Qing built a wall in the underground storage room and installed a door on the wall to separate the storage room from the external passage. The walls inside the storage room are painted with two layers of insect-proof putty powder, so the interior looks very white and bright.

The Yishi hanging in the food storage room of the cellar has been put away by Xia Qing. The room is empty except for a piece of grain in a sealed bag on a shelf against the wall.

According to the food storage standards of Territory No. 7, the cellar in Territory No. 3 would not be qualified at all, but Xia Qing's ability to build it like this is already quite good. Daya nodded, "It works."

Daya first expanded the wall hole that Xia Qing had opened to connect the indoor and outdoor units twice so that the wrapped neutral line, compressor line, cooling fan line and four-way valve line could be passed through the hole. Go out and connect the internal and external machines together.

After drilling the hole, Daya first installed the temperature and humidity monitor and indoor unit, then installed the outdoor unit on the outer wall, and then connected the battery that Xia Qing brought over.

Xia Qing was very pleasantly surprised when the machine was powered on.

Because the sound of the outdoor unit fan is less than 30 decibels, with such noise, people entering the yard will not be able to hear the sound of the equipment operating as long as they are not a level 4 or above hearing evolution!

After Daya taught Xia Qing how to use the temperature and humidity monitor, he also introduced, "After adjusting the temperature, humidity and ventilation frequency, the monitor will automatically monitor the indoor temperature and humidity. When the air conditions are not up to standard or ventilation is needed, the machine will Just make sure there is no power outage for operation. These two sets of equipment are brand new. As long as they don't get water, insects, or are damaged by external forces, there shouldn't be any problems within five years. If something goes wrong, tell Third Brother. That’s it.”

Yanlong, Ji Li, and the person responsible for external liaison with Territory No. 7 in the past two weeks all used the title "our lord" when referring to Zhang San, but Daya used the title "third brother". Judging from the title, he should be the "direct descendant" of the third brother.

Xia Qing continued to ask for advice, "Thank you, Brother Ya. Do you think I can improve my cellar?"

 (End of this chapter)

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