Chapter 191 Second Level Speed ​​Evolution

Xia Qing opened the greenhouse firstly to have fresh vegetables to eat, and secondly to have green spinach at any time. As long as she can grow spinach all year round, she will never run out of super nutrient solution.

 Super nutrient solution is not only needed by her and the sheep boss, but it is also a favorite "medicine" of the evolved wolves. It can be used to trade with the wolves for stone and green light prey.

Qi Fu immediately agreed, "Brother, I have been waiting for your words. Don't worry, your sister-in-law and I will never hold you back. We will do whatever you want when we go to the evolutionary forest."

Xia Qing asked, "Brother Qi, is your sister-in-law also a power evolver?"

Qi Fu replied, "When she was in the safe zone, her power evolved 1.8 times, and she has gained strength in the past six months since she came out of the territory. She must have reached level 2. If you go to a dangerous place, I will go with you. If you go to a non-dangerous place, I will go with you." Let the three of us go and let your sister-in-law carry the things with us so we can learn a lot."

Well, the couple are both power evolvers, and they will definitely be power evolvers when they have children. Xia Qing felt that if the couple's life was better, they would definitely consider having children.

Xia Qing shared her joy with Boss Yang, "Boss, we have more people to cooperate with."

Different from the Huzi Feng team in Territory 1, Qi Fu and Xia Qing have the same goal. They both want to farm well. Qi Fu has rich farming knowledge and knows many plants. Xia Qing will definitely gain more by teaming up with him to explore the outskirts of the evolutionary forest than by herself.

If Shidu doesn't go back to the safe area to spend the winter, she can also ask Shidu to form a team together. Regarding growing a greenhouse, we can also discuss it with Territory No. 5 and Territory No. 10.

 The more she thought about it, the more Xia Qing looked forward to this winter.

 A team of three or four power evolved people has a strong load-bearing capacity but poor risk resistance. Even if they are only exploring within a few kilometers of the evolutionary forest, they must be fully prepared.

Xia Qing has no shortage of equipment for exploring the evolutionary forest. Her main task now is to improve her abilities.

 During this period, no matter what he is busy with every day, Xia Qing will arrange enough time for training in physical fitness, accuracy, reaction speed and accurate positioning of sounds. Every time he practiced until he was exhausted, Xia Qing would grit his teeth and persist for at least half an hour, until he lay down and couldn't get up.

 After half a month of high-intensity training, Xia Qing has made significant progress: it used to take her fifteen minutes to run around her territory, but now it only takes twelve minutes.

The circumference of Territory Three is nine kilometers, and running one lap in twenty-four minutes shows that she has reached the level of a second-level speed evolver. Although she is still far from the level of fourth-level speed evolution proposed by Luo Pei, she Progress is something worthy of joy and celebration.

Xia Qinglei was lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky and grinning, "Boss, am I awesome?"

The sheep boss who was running around with Xia Qing was lying next to him panting. He was a power-evolved sheep, not a speed-evolved sheep. Running like this was also a challenge for him.

Xia Qing didn't know what he was thinking. Although he was exhausted every time, the sheep boss kept running. He would run as long as Xia Qing ran, and he would run as fast as Xia Qing ran.

 Not only the sheep is the boss, but also the sick wolf will follow. However, it was weak and could not keep up with the speed of Xia Qing and the sheep boss. It could only slowly walk along the hillsides, flatlands, and valleys that they ran through. It was unknown where it had reached at this time.

"Xia Qing, are you done running?" Tang Huai asked in a good voice on the Lord Channel, "After running, will I go to the grass wall in the northern wilderness of Territory No. 2 to dig for insects?"

Xia Qing runs around the territory every day and has little impact on his neighbor Zhao Ze in the east territory, but it seriously affects his auditory evolution neighbor in territory No. 2 to the south, Tang Huai.

After Tang Huai was scolded by his father, he no longer dared to scold people outside of Territory No. 1 in the lord channel, and changed his tone to yin and yang.

Xia Qing was in a good mood and pressed the intercom to reply, "The run is over." Unexpectedly, Xia Qing would reply to him. Tang Huai couldn't help but ask, "Xia Qing, what are you trying to do with your life?"

Xia Qing answered seriously, "I want to be able to better protect my territory next time I encounter an attack."

Tang Huai snorted coldly and said in a strange tone, "Can you protect your territory by running fast? Are you faster than an evolved beast running on the ground, or faster than an evolved raptor flying in the sky?"

Before Xia Qing could reply, Hu Xiufeng went online to start a fight, "Xia Qing doesn't have to compete with evolved beasts that are good at running and flying. When a natural disaster occurs, she can survive as long as she runs faster than most people. And you, that's it. most people."

Oh shit!

Just as Tang Huai was about to press the intercom button to yell back, he heard his father speak, "Captain Hu is right."

Tang Huai…

His father, there is no way he can live this life!

Although Hu Feng quarreled with Tang Huai every day, he was still very polite to Tang Zhengbo, "Director Tang, haven't the pangolins of the Sufeng team been found yet?"

Hearing Husband Feng take the initiative to mention pangolins, everyone with the walkie-talkie pricked up their ears and listened carefully. Even Xia Qing sat up.

 After sending Zhang Yong and Xu Juan to test Xia Qing and confirming that the pangolins were not in Territory 3, the Sufeng team focused their main forces on searching for the evolutionary forest, especially the swamp area north of Mountain 49.

 In seven days, the Sufeng team cleaned up the swamp, but not a single new scale was found. Tang Zhengsu, who had never suffered such a big loss, went crazy. He slapped the two scales he had found on the desk of the director of Huisan base and asked the Qinglong team to compensate for their losses.

Let the hard-earned Qinglong Team Iron Rooster pay compensation? It's simply whimsical.

The result of Tang Zhengsu's big fuss was that Yang Jin showed the evidence on the spot that the Sufeng Team members had stolen into No. 49 Mountain. With irrefutable evidence, the Sufeng Team could only grit their teeth and swallow it. , compensating the Qinglong team with 300,000 points.

“You should be glad that the pangolin died outside of Mountain No. 49. If it had died three miles south, your compensation would not be just 300,000 yuan.”

When Chen Cheng vividly imitated what Yang Jin said when he held a gun and confronted Tang Zhengsu, Xia Qing laughed until her stomach hurt, and she had to admire Yang Jin's shrewdness.

Sufeng Team lost two pangolins that were auctioned at a high price. Not only was there no Yishi found, but they also had to pay Qinglong Team 300,000 yuan in compensation.

 Three hundred thousand, exactly the points Luo Pei and Xia Qing needed to exchange two pangolins. Perhaps Yang Jin and Xie Yu had already thought of a countermeasure when Xia Qing called.

Now Husband Feng took the initiative to ask about the pangolins. Was Territory No. 1 planning to do something else? Or was Sufeng Team trying to do something else and Territory No. 1 noticed it? Xia Qing leaned on Boss Yang and listened with interest.

Tang Zhengbo replied unhurriedly, "A Huai received a notification from the team in the morning, asking him to continue to cooperate with the team to find the whereabouts of the pangolin."

Still looking for it?

 Could it be that the two pangolins captured by the wolf pack were not the two from the Sufeng team?

Hushi Feng directly asked Xia Qing's doubts, "Are the two scales you found not from the pangolin you lost?"

 (End of this chapter)

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