Chapter 189 Why did you come in?

 While Territory No. 2 and Territory No. 1 were scolding each other online and fighting each other offline over the two domesticated beasts, Xia Qing stayed in her own territory repairing cellars, taking care of sick wolves, growing vegetables and weeding.

 It took Xia Qing seven days to repair the cellar under the warehouse. Although the temperature and humidity control equipment has not yet been replaced, the temperature in the cellar is more suitable for storing food than outside, so Xia Qing stored wheat and mung beans in the cellar under the tool room, and stored potatoes in the cellar under the warehouse.

Xia Qing hung a piece of stone in the center of the two cellar storage rooms, which was enough to cover a space of thirty cubic meters. Of course, the cellar in the deserted village on the southwest side used for show had no hanging stones, only a small exhaust fan, and only a dozen small potatoes placed in the room.

Yi stone can shield most of the elements of poison, which is equivalent to isolating the microorganisms that become active and violently evolve under the influence of the elements. Now Xia Qing's cellar storage room has reached the storage conditions of the warehouse without temperature and humidity control equipment before the natural disaster.

Xia Qing heard Qi Fu and Shi Quan say that before the natural disaster, farmers would put the dried grain in granaries inside or outside the house. As long as it was not spoiled by rats or exposed to rain, it would not become moldy for a year. , deterioration.

 So in principle, even if the temperature and humidity are not well controlled, her cellar should be able to store food for about half a year. If it is replaced with temperature and humidity control equipment, the storage time will definitely last more than one year.

 In a natural disaster year when ordinary food, except for compressed rations, has a shelf life of less than three days, one year is a number that most people dare not even think about.

 And she is about to do it!

 Such a long food storage period can greatly enrich her and Boss Yang’s dining table.

Xia Qing now has more than 230 kilograms of wheat, more than 70 kilograms of mung beans, more than 440 kilograms of potatoes, as well as 15 kilograms of sealed compressed rations, more than 40 kilograms of green light meat jerky, a bag of dried beans and a bag of dried eggplants.

In the second crop, thirty-five green-light eggplants, fifteen yellow-light eggplants, and more than thirty yellow-light long beans were planted. Xia Qing could not eat them all by herself.

 With the Yi stone, the food Xia Qing gets no longer needs to be dried and sealed for storage. She built a small insect-proof net shed in the yard. In the net shed, she stretched several wires to dry food and hung a piece of Yi stone. Then, according to the method introduced in the book, she blanched the beans and hung them whole on the wire, sliced ​​the eggplants directly and threaded them on the wire, and dried them into dried vegetables.

 When it doesn’t rain and there is plenty of sunshine, these two vegetables can be dried in five days. The storage of dried vegetables does not require high humidity, so Xia Qing bagged them and placed them in the grain storage room under the tool room.

Xia Qing's heart feels more at ease every time she puts in a kind of food. Although the food she has now only occupies a small corner of the two cellars, she will have more food after the autumn harvest. After the Sufeng team subsided, she went into the evolutionary forest to look for chestnuts and pine nuts to make her food richer.

 This winter will definitely be the best she has experienced in the past ten years.

Xia Qing put down the food and entered the living room. When she saw the guy in the living room, she couldn't stop laughing.

Hearing the movement, the sick wolf lying on the exclusive tatami of Boss Yang raised his head and looked in the direction of Xia Qing. Its wolf eyes, which have become a bit bigger after swelling, are slowly recovering.

Different from the rich golden color of the alpha wolf and the amber color of the brain-evolved wolf, the eyes of this sick wolf are rust-colored. The way it looked at Xia Qing didn't have the arrogance of a wolf, the thinking of a wolf with an evolved brain, or the ferocity of a wolf with a broken leg, only calmness. a dog before a natural disaster.

The man and the wolf looked at each other for a moment, and Xia Qing spoke first, "Why did you come in?"

 After hearing Xia Qing's words, Sick Wolf stood up from the tatami and walked out. After nine days and nights of care by Xia Qing, the sick wolf finally stopped having diarrhea. Although he was still weak, he no longer stumbled when walking. Unlike the hooves of a sheep, the wolf has fleshy pads under its feet and makes no sound when walking.

It walked to the security door, slowly raised its paw and pulled down the door handle, then pushed it outward. The entrance door, which had been modified by Xia Qing and could be pushed open from both the inside and the outside, opened, and the sick wolf walked out.

Watching it walk out happily like this, Xia Qing felt that she didn't treat this SSVIP guest with enough respect. She touched her pocket, looking for a piece of dried meat for it to eat. Before she could touch it, Sick Wolf pushed the door open from the outside and walked in. He stood in front of Xia Qing and looked up at her.

 Xia Qing…

 I'm asking you how you came in, not how you got in...

never mind…

 Human language can be understood to this extent, which is already very powerful.

Xia Qing looked at the time and said, "It's time for lunch. Are you hungry? I'll cook right away."

This sick wolf was almost tortured to death by parasites. His intestines and stomach had not recovered and he would vomit after eating raw meat. Xia Qing could only cook meat for it every day.

 Fortunately, all the meat was sent by the wolf, and a sick wolf wouldn't be able to eat much, otherwise Xia Qing would be very distressed.

After cooking the meat for the wolf, steaming the steamed buns for himself, and making fried shredded pork with green beans, Xia Qing discussed with the sick wolf, "Go and find the sheep boss. It's time for us to eat. The sheep boss, Your friend is sleeping there and eating that white sheep, do you understand?"

Sick Wolf squatted at the door of the kitchen and looked at Xia Qing. After she finished speaking, he slowly stood up and walked out slowly. The sick wolf moved slowly, and it took ten minutes to bring the sheep boss back.

The wolf and the sheep rinsed their hooves and claws in the water basin at the door, stepped on the hay Xia Qing placed beside the basin, then opened the door and entered the house, standing at the kitchen door and looking at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing, who was mixing the ingredients for the sheep boss, twitched the corner of his mouth and immediately praised him, "Boss is great, his hooves are washed so clean; the wolf is great, his paws are washed so clean. The meal is ready, let's start eating right away. "

The sick wolf followed the sheep into the house. Xia Qing did not drive it out to eat. Instead, he put their rice bowls on the table of the sheep. The sick wolf had a pot of cooled shredded meat and offal, and the sheep boss had a pot of fine ingredients.

Looking at the wolf and the sheep standing in line to eat, Xia Qing once again lamented that the evolved Blue Star was really crazy.

She washed her hands, opened the pot and took out the hot steamed buns, put the dishes on her dining table, and turned on the intercom to listen to the exchange of information between the lords.

 These days, the chat on the lord channel is no longer about how to store potatoes, but about cotton.

 The cotton was planted at the end of March. After four months of growth, the cotton bolls from the first fruit branches at the bottom of the plant finally split open and cotton grew.

Xia Qing has picked ten kilograms of cotton and dried it on the balcony of the second floor. Every time he goes upstairs and sees cotton like clouds, Xia Qing will smile sincerely.

 Thank God and move the world, although the leaves of yellow light and red light cotton are not normal green, the cotton grown is all snow white.

 (End of this chapter)

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