Chapter 179 A good harvest is in sight

 After letting the chickens and geese go, Xia Qing thanked Hu Feng and the others and sent them out of Territory No. 3. Then he heard the Sufeng team member who was monitoring him reporting the situation on the walkie-talkie:

"Hu Feng and his two team members have left Territory No. 3. Yes, there is only Lord No. 3 in the territory now. Yes, received."

Xia Qing returned home calmly and took out the water bike from the garage. "Boss, let's go, are you going to work?"

 Although it rained a few days ago, she covered the greenhouse in time. The crops in the greenhouse were not irrigated by rainwater, so they needed to be irrigated with water from the reservoir.

The sheep boss lying next to the sick wolf had no intention of moving. It seemed that the sick wolf was more important to the sheep boss than his favorite sport - riding a bicycle.

Xia Qing smiled and walked out carrying the bicycle.

She didn't really want Boss Yang to ride a water bike, because Team Sufeng's spies were hidden in the isolation belt to the north, south and west of Territory 3, and Xia Qing didn't want Boss Yang who was "pretending to be crazy" to expose it. The skill of collecting water on a bicycle.

Xia Qing installed the water bike and opened the canal with ease. Xia Qing raised the seat of the bike and sat on it, riding on it.

The river water flowed into the canal along the three-way pipe, and flowed to the long strips of farmland covered by greenhouses. Xia Qing looked at the green rice seedlings not far away, feeling very comfortable.

Unfortunately, before she felt comfortable for half an hour, the sheep boss who came out of the village to eat pasture came over. He stood next to Xia Qing and let out a "baa" to express his dissatisfaction.

 This toy belongs to him.

Xia Qing discussed with Boss Yang, "Boss, go take care of your sick friend while I play for a while."

The sheep boss was squinting and clawing at his hooves in an attempt to fight. Combined with the scabbed wounds on his face, it looked abnormal.

Just when Xia Qing wanted to continue to coax Boss Yang, Hu Xiufeng called, "The people guarding areas No. 3, No. 7, and No. 9 have all withdrawn. You can act with confidence."

Xia Qing was surprised, "Withdrawing so quickly?"

"Hmm." Hu Feng's voice was full of laughter. "They found several pangolin scales in the swamp north of Mount No. 49 yesterday. Today we all went out to search the swamp."

 No need to ask, the scales must have been placed by Team Qinglong. If the Sufeng team members want to find pangolins in the swamp, they must first clean up the dangerous evolved creatures in the swamp.

Yang Jin is indeed an iron rooster, and he diverts his attention without forgetting to dig holes.

However, the edible water chestnuts in the swamp and the green lantern geese that may still be there have nothing to do with Xia Qing.

Xia Qing jumped off the water bike and adjusted the seat to the height that the sheep boss liked. "Boss, let's have fun. I'll patrol the territory, catch insects and feed the fish."

 Compared with catching insects and feeding fish, Mr. Sheep prefers riding a bicycle on water. It happily jumped on and pedaled the bicycle so high that it flew up.

  After Xia Qing checked the ditch again, he went to check the crops in the farmland.

The corn is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The corn plant in the field grew eight leaves and was 70 centimeters tall a month and a half after it was planted. The corn seeds exchanged from the safety zone were planted only 22 days ago. , also grew to forty centimeters tall. It would be great if her green spinach could grow as fast and as tall.

Half a month ago, Xia Qing planted three pieces of spinach in total: one in the terraced field on the high slope, with a total of 612 spinach plants; two pieces in the vegetable greenhouse at the foot of the hillside and south of the reservoir, one with ordinary spinach given to her by Zhang San. One of the 200 spinach seeds grown from the green light spinach seeds is one of the 200 spinach plants grown from the 300 spinach seeds that will be returned to Zhang San in the future.

In the future, Zhang San will be provided with seeds and spinach leaves that contain spinach with a high content of phosphorus. The reason why they are planted in vegetable greenhouses in the farmland is because Xia Qing is worried that planting them in terraced fields will expose whether there are polluted springs in her territory. secret.

 Idols are important, but they are not more important than the most important survival resource in her territory.

Xia Qing is honest. She promised to give Zhang San half of the spinach leaves grown on this piece of spinach, so even if Zhang San is not in the territory now, she has not touched the hundred spinach plants.

Except for these 100 plants, she pinched at least two leaves from each of the remaining 700 or so plants. She really couldn't pinch anymore. This is also the reason why Xia Qing did not agree to trade with the alpha wolf the night before yesterday.

If it weren't for Yi Shi in hand, Xia Qing would never have dared to pinch him so hard. Otherwise, if it rains before the spinach plants can recover, at least half of the spinach plants will die.

More than two months have passed since the second rainstorm, and the third rainstorm is already on the way. Even if there is Yishi, Xia Qing still needs to let the spinach take a break to enhance the plant's resistance.

 Except for the spinach, which is a bit miserable, the crops in the farmland and terraces are growing well.

The three food crops of rice, mung beans, and corn are all lush and green; the pods growing on the yellow light soybean plants have turned from fluffy light green to bare brown, and they are almost ready to be harvested; the soil at the roots of the green light and yellow light sweet potatoes has begun to bulge. , sweet potatoes are growing; the dozen pumpkins produced by the green pumpkins in the terraces are already bigger than a fist.

The yellow pumpkins that were badly beaten in the farmland also recovered and bloomed golden flowers; the Jerusalem artichoke plant was more than two meters tall and bloomed with small yellow flowers like sunflowers. For these six Jerusalem artichokes, Xia Qing had to raise the height of the greenhouse where it was planted.

Ginger has also bloomed with light yellow and purple flowers, which are quite beautiful; the smelly green perilla and green alfalfa seeds are about to be harvested; her yellow and green leeks have grown leek moss and are about to bloom. The needles of the yellow light and green light peanuts stuck into the soil have also become thicker. The peanuts in the soil must be quite big.

 The second crop of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and beans planted are ready to be eaten; radishes, onions, sunflowers, cabbage, etc. are also growing vigorously under Xia Qing's care. Xia Qing made two kinds of pickles: pickled cucumbers and red-oiled cowpeas. The pickle jars were placed together with potatoes, wheat and other grains, and were protected with stone. They have not gone bad to this day.

After inspecting the food and vegetables he grew, Xia Qing threw a few evolved insects to Green Lantern Peanuts, feeling happy.

It’s time to water the terraced fields. Due to the terrain, the terraced fields cannot be irrigated with water trucks. They have to rely on Xia Qing and Mr. Yang to carry water up. Moreover, the precious green light plants in the terraces must be watered with filtered water, or filtered water mixed with spring water. It can't be done today, and it will have to be tomorrow at the earliest. When Xia Qing's hands are better, he can carry water to irrigate the fields with the sheep boss.

 After the harvest, crops need to be properly stored. She needs to prepare a cellar for storing grains and vegetables as soon as possible.

 After watching Green Lantern Peanut **** the evolved insects into dried insects with vein needles, Xia Qing walked out of the greenhouse in the high-slope planting area and went to break the toon leaves for the sheep boss.

 The sheep boss worked hard this morning and must be rewarded with delicious food.

Before Xia Qing reached the big chun tree, he saw a red light running quickly. It was a red squirrel stealing tobacco and jujubes. Even Xia Qing's eyes after the ninth-level vision evolution could not see clearly whether there was anything hidden in the red squirrel's arms or mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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