After returning home and saying hello to the two wolves and one sheep lying in the sheep shed, the first thing Xia Qing did when he brought the cage into the house was to take out the spinach juice hanging in the cellar and feed each chicken two drops of it. .

 The other chickens were all honest, except for the black-feathered cockerel, which was very troublesome. But it was just a little chicken, and no matter how hard it was, it would only be dealt with. After Xia Qing fed it spinach juice, she pointed her finger on its little head and taught him a lesson, "Be honest, or else I will kill you and eat you during the Chinese New Year." Meat."

After feeding the green lantern chicken, Xia Qing turned to stare at the lonely, limp red lantern black-maned goose in the goose cage. Yesterday, when she went on a mission, she was assigned three goslings, one green, one yellow, and one red. But now, there is only one red gosling left.

The taste of black mane goose meat is indeed very good, but this is just a red light and cannot be eaten unless it is sent back to the safe area and undergoes special processing. Even if it is specially treated, it doesn't taste good and is not good for the body. Xia Qing doesn't want to eat it.

 After today’s ultrasonic attack, the birds near the swamp must have fled away, and the possibility of catching edible geese again is extremely low.

Although the red-light animals can be sold for 25 points per pound after they are raised, the price/performance ratio is too low for Xia Qing. With so much time to feed the geese, she might as well cut off some white-haired chicken vines.

However, the chicken **** vine was badly hit by the hail, and it will have to wait until next year to get points in exchange for it. The goose should be raised with the chickens.

Xia Qing took out the goose and fed it two drops of spinach juice, saying, "It's only two drops, but it's worth two hundred points. You have to live well."

 After feeding the poultry, Xia Qing went to look at the fish in the bucket. The one that turned its belly was completely hopeless, and the remaining ones were more energetic than at noon.

Xia Qing tested the chlorine content and toxic substances of the bluegill fish, and found that the fish was still a yellow light, the toxic substance content was also very low, and the meat had not deteriorated and could be eaten. She put the live fish back into the weir and pond, and the dead ones drank soup and meat.

It is said that eating fish can replenish the brain, but Xia Qing’s head still feels uncomfortable and needs to be replenished.

While drinking fish soup in the evening, Xia Qing heard the Huaguo General Station news relayed by the Huisan Base mentioned the news about the Huicheng Base's fight against the evolved bird flock.

"A flock of more than 3,000 evolved birds, mainly evolved ape-eating eagles and evolved sea eagles, rushed from Guicheng base to Huicheng base. After being effectively blocked at Huiyi base, the bird flock fled to Huisan and Huiwu base. The military and civilians of the two bases fought together and repelled the birds without causing any major losses."

The few words on the main station turned into ten minutes in Huicheng Radio News, and turned into a fifteen-minute special introduction during the Huisan Base broadcast time. Luo Pei's name was mentioned several times in the special topic, and it also introduced in detail how the soldiers and civilians in the two territories in the northern part of the safety zone fought against the Evolved Birds.

Xia Qing then learned that there were more than 3,000 evolved raptors gathered at the seaside of Guicheng Base. After hundreds of birds were killed at Huiyi Base, the flock was divided into two parts. More than a thousand birds entered Huisan Base, and then were reduced to more than 200 by the defense line of Huisan Base, and they flew to 40. Above the territory at the foot of No. 9 Mountain. After being killed by the army and territorial personnel led by Tan Junjie, a dozen of them were left. The evolutionary bird flock fled to the evolutionary forest and was destroyed by the missile regiment.

If she had encountered a flock of 3,000 evolved raptors at the beginning, Xia Qing would definitely have given up resistance, hid in the cellar with her companions and important supplies, and waited for the birds to fly over before coming out to clean up the mess.

  No matter how important the crops in the territory are, life is not as important as life. When encountering serious danger, preserving life is the most important thing.

 The troops and teams at Huiyi and Huisan bases who faced the flock of evolutionary birds were all heroes. Xia Qing is not a hero, and does not enjoy the treatment and benefits of a hero. She used to be a coolie, but now she is a farmer. She just needs to take care of herself when encountering danger and not to hold back the heroes.

Xia Qing has always been very clear about his positioning.

 At present, the most important thing for her is to tidy up the cellar. Not only to store food, but also for safety. If a flock of evolved birds attacks again in the future, even if she stays outside to fight back, she still has to arrange a hiding place for the important supplies and animals in the territory.

Today’s farming knowledge broadcast introduces how the lords in the territory clean up bird carcasses and bird feathers, eliminate evolved bacteria, and resume production as soon as possible after being attacked by a flock of evolved birds.

 After finishing the farming knowledge, Xia Qing received a call from Luo Pei before she could turn on the intercom.

“Xia Qing, how are you now?”

 Luo Pei knew that Xia Qing's hearing had evolved, so he called to ask.

Xia Qing heard that it was very quiet on his side, and he could not hear the sound of people or wind. Xia Qing speculated that he should have returned to the headquarters of the Qinglong Team in the safe zone. He briefly answered, "I was wearing the best protective mask at the time, and I was able to resist part of it." Although the attack is a bit uncomfortable, it will be fine after two days of rest. Brother Luo, I just heard on the radio that you shot four evolved ape-eating eagles. That’s awesome!” The leader was the five evolved ape-eating eagles. If Luo Pei, the top sniper of Huisan Base, had not recovered his combat power and was able to rush to the front line, Huisan Base would not have known how much damage it would have suffered.

Luo Pei's voice was gentle, "I heard from Hu Feng that you killed seven evolutionary birds?"

Xia Qing grinned and was very satisfied with his results. But before she could say anything modest, Luo Pei added: "One of the seven was stabbed to death with a knife?"

 Xia Qing…

 It’s over, Luo Pei turned on the strict teacher mode, and she was going to be trained.

After listening to Luo Pei's training for ten minutes, Xia Qing was convinced, "You are right, I have too many loopholes in this battle, and I must work hard to improve."

Luo Pei's voice became gentler, "To make up for it, you have to work hard next."

"Yes." Xia Qing replied forcefully, and then asked in a low voice, "Brother Luo, are you with Captain Yang?"

Xia Qing just heard Yang Jin's voice arranging work.

 Luo Pei nodded, "Yes."

 Then, Yang Jin's voice rang on the phone, "Xia Qing, you suffered losses in the battle with the flock of birds. Do you need supplies?"

Different from Luo Pei's gentleness, Yang Jin's voice obviously didn't sound warm, but it was very comfortable to listen to. His voice was not the same as that of Tang Zhengbo, who had become calm and calm after years of baptism, but a kind of quietness, as quiet as the sky, which made people put down their guard involuntarily.

This is a great weapon for Yang Jin to become a hard-core man!

Xia Qing cheered up and said, "Captain Yang, the protective mask of the canine protective suit I exchanged with you in March this year was damaged. Can I exchange it with you for another one? In addition, I also want to exchange the mask from last time." A camouflage protective suit with two protective masks.”

Yang Jin flicked the ashes into the ashtray and replied calmly, "These are outdoor level three protective suits, and the price has increased."

Luo Pei…

Xia Qing used to wear first-level protective clothing. Level-3 protective clothing is two grades better. It is not sold publicly in safe areas, so the price increase is normal. Xia Qing asked, "Okay, do you think I have the supplies you need here?"

 There are, many.

Yang Jin simply replied, "Use Green Light Vegetables. I want to squeeze the juice and drink it next month."

Xia Qing understood: Yang Jin had an important combat mission next month and needed her spinach leaves to squeeze juice to make a special nutrient solution.

 This is possible.

Xia Qing straightened her waist and said, "Okay."

  After hanging up the phone, Luo Pei sighed, "I just said she would train hard, and then she turned around and started thinking about changing her sheep into protective masks."

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