Among the evolutionary birds Xia Qing killed, one destroyed the compost shed, and another covered her attic and roof with a layer of blood. More than twenty tiles on the roof were damaged, and the glass of the attic window was broken. Two pieces.

 The damage is not huge, but it is troublesome to clean up.

Xia Qing first shoveled the soil stained with bird blood into a piece, put branches on it, burned the soil to sterilize it, then repaired the damaged greenhouse supports and insect-proof netting, and then sprayed fungicides, insecticides and odor removers.

Xia Qing can't take care of the three crop seedlings that were knocked down by the dead body of the evolved bird. She has to repair and clean the house first.

 Back home, Xia Qing saw the sheep boss lying on his exclusive seat, a little depressed, and the two wolves were still lying still. When the three evolved animals saw Xia Qing come in, they all followed her with their eyes. It was obvious that they had not recovered from the shock, including the wolf with the broken leg, they all looked pitiful.

"I'm back. I'll put the chickens and geese in the pen first, and then clean the attic." Xia Qing endured the headache and chest tightness, said hello, and took the chicken coop, goose coop and basket outside.

Four females and two males of the green lantern chickens died, one green and one yellow gosling died, and the ones that were still alive were all limp and lacked energy.

  Humar caused by ultrasonic attack to poultry, especially young poultry, is really great. Xia Qing guessed that the situation of Zhao Ze and Qi Fu's chickens was not good, but now her head was really uncomfortable and she didn't want to turn on the intercom to listen to the situation in other territories.

Xia Qing put the living ones into the pen, added water, wheat bran and grass, then boiled the water and plucked the feathers of the chickens and goslings. Edible food should never be wasted.

But at this moment, Xia Qing missed the weasel that could pluck its hair very much. I don’t know where the wolves and weasels were when humans were fighting with the birds, and what happened to the little squirrels hiding in the tree holes.

 Hope they all survived the ultrasonic attack.

 After cleaning the chickens and goslings, Xia Qing directly put spring water and seasonings into the large pot and started stewing. Although except for one yellow-light gosling, the other birds were all green-light, but Xia Qing didn't have time to process them carefully, nor could he exchange them with other territories.

 Why can’t they be exchanged? Because she got the green light chicken in exchange with Zhang San, and now the chicken is raised to death, Xia Qing is embarrassed to ask if Territory No. 7 wants to eat meat.

   Regardless of Territory No. 7, the only people nearby who can afford to buy Green Lantern Chicken are the Tang family and his son and Territory No. 1. Territory No. 8 with a gold watch should also be able to afford it.

But now the investigation team is busy dealing with bird carcasses in the area under its jurisdiction, and has no time to help her deliver messages and deliver supplies; Lord No. 8 is probably busy taking care of the injured evolved sea eagle in her territory, and has no time to exchange.

 The people in Territory No. 1 have just helped themselves to protect the territory, and some team members are injured, so it is not suitable for exchange. As for the Tang family father and son, Xia Qing didn't want to trade with them, so he simply stewed everything in one pot.

After stewing the meat, Xia Qing divided the offal of the chicken and goose into three parts. One part was given to the edible snake in the snake box, one part was thrown into the fish pond to feed the fish, and the other part was kept for the two injured wolves.

When Xia Qing went to feed the snake, he found that the snake in the box was very active and seemed not to be affected. It seemed that the waveband of the ultrasonic attack was not within the hearing range of her snake.

 Snakes are not afraid, but fish are.

There were three white-bellied yellow lantern fish, two green lantern fish and many small fish in the fish pond. Fortunately, the ultrasonic waves scared away the nearby birds. Otherwise, these fish floating on the water would have been picked up and eaten by waterbirds.

The little fish was completely dead, but the big fish still had a heartbeat. It seemed that it was stunned by the ultrasound. I don’t know if it can recover. Xia Qing caught the big fish, soaked it in a bucket of spring water and took it home. If the fish can recover, continue to raise it. If it cannot recover, kill it and eat its meat.

 After returning home, Xia Qing greeted the poor two wolves and one sheep, and went to clean the attic with tools without stopping.

The small building where Xia Qing lives has a pointed roof, and there is a long and narrow attic on the top of the second floor for storage. Because there were many rooms in the small building and Xia Qing had few supplies, she did not store supplies in the attic except for solar batteries.

 Luckily she didn't store supplies in the attic, otherwise her losses would have been great this time.

A large piece of the resin tiles on the roof of the building was lifted by the evolutionary bird. The glass of the attic window was broken and the window frame was deformed. The floor was hit by the sheep boss with his head and there were five or six cracks. Fortunately, the floor was thick enough and the bird blood was gone. Follow the crack to flow downstairs.

Although he was wearing a protective mask, Xia Qing knew that the smell in the attic must be very unpleasant. Because during the ultrasonic attack, all three evolved animals vomited. Xia Qing seriously doubted that the ultrasonic-emitting instrument was deployed near her territory. Otherwise, how could it be so powerful and cause so much damage to the three evolved animals wearing protective masks.

Xia Qing held on and repaired the exterior of the house first, washing away the bird's blood on the roof and exterior walls. Then he found resin tiles, new window frames, and glass from the warehouse and replaced them.

 After tidying up the exterior, Xia Qing began to clean the interior. He shoveled away the blood-stained walls and threw them away. He swept away the dirt on the floor, then used a wet mop to clean it as much as possible, and sprayed insect repellent and deodorizing chemicals.

As for the cracked floor slabs and scraped walls, she will talk about it later when she has time.

Xia Qing has worked in the construction team for several years. Repairing houses damaged by battles is what she does most, and she is very familiar with it. Even so, after repairing and cleaning the house, Xia Qing was too tired to move.

Xia Qing went back to the bathroom on the first floor and took a quick shower. After changing clothes and lying on the chair, Xia Qing took a deep breath and took off the gloves on her right hand. When fighting the evolutionary bird that rushed down, the tiger's mouth of her right hand was cracked. After taking off the gloves, the entire palm was covered with blood. Xia Qing could even see the soft tissue connected to the bones through the cracked hole.

 Luckily her gloves were of good quality, so the wound was not directly contaminated with the blood of the evolutionary bird, otherwise she would have been lying down like Qi Fu.

Xia Qing has suffered this kind of injury many times and knows how to deal with it. Clean and disinfect first, then apply a hemostatic agent, and finally tie it with a bandage, and that's it.

When Xia Qing was treating the wound, the two wolves and the sheep were staring at her. The sheep boss walked over, still holding on to his uncomfortable body.

“It’s okay, just a minor injury.” Xia Qing’s words were not just to comfort the sheep boss. She was an advanced evolved person with strong body functions. As long as she was not infected with evolutionary bacteria, this injury would be recovered within a week. So after being injured, Xia Qing didn't deal with it immediately, because she had to be busy after treatment, which was a waste of medicine.

 After treating the wounds, Xia Qing found that the two wolves could move their forelimbs and heads, and knew that the anesthesia on them had worn off.

These two guys were both wild wolves who grew up in the evolutionary forest. Although they were injured, their presence in the house still made Xia Qing feel uneasy.

So, Xia Qing discussed with Boss Yang, "Boss, can you send your friend to the yard? I'm really out of energy and don't want to move anymore." (End of Chapter)

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