In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 16: The sheep boss is out of control

Chapter 16 The sheep boss loses control

The rain could make her feel irritable even before it fell. Xia Qing knew without taking a test that the content of the chlorine element in this rain must seriously exceed the standard.

As a precaution, she put on her new protective mask. Although protective masks cannot filter poisonous elements in the air, they can filter out more than 99% of toxic gases, preventing humans from being poisoned by poisonous gases emitted by creatures that suddenly evolve or go berserk in the rain.

 At this time, one of the major advantages of the safe area is reflected. Because the safe area has been repeatedly and deeply cleaned, there is no need to worry about large-scale attacks by poisonous gas or poisonous insects when it rains. Except for the personnel on duty outside, no one else needs to wear protective masks.

But if the level of the rain is raised to the highest level, there will be another fatal danger in the safe zone: excessive amounts of rain elements will make people with low resistance lose control of their emotions. The red level rain lasts for more than an hour. If people with low resistance do not take the soothing capsules in time, they may be injured or even die due to fights, self-mutilation. There are also many people who will pretend to be crazy through the rain, destroying and looting wantonly.

 In the summer of the eighth year of the natural disaster, a sudden red-level torrent rained for an hour and a half. At that time, more than 800 people died in fights and self-mutilation in Huisan Base, which still had 2 million and 200 thousand people.

 In that rain, Xia Qing killed two men who took advantage of her.

Thinking of this, Xia Qing couldn't help but feel a little irritated. She took two deep breaths to calm down her emotions, and after testing some rainwater, she found that the content of the chlorine element in this rain had indeed reached the highest dangerous level of red.

The base must be full of soldiers and everyone is in danger at this moment.

Fortunately, she doesn’t have to worry about anyone plotting against her in her territory. She only has to deal with attacks from suddenly evolved creatures.

Xia Qing held an umbrella to see the sheep boss and saw it lying comfortably on the hay. It seemed that the rain had little effect on it. The evolutionary level of the sheep boss is not lower than his own, and his resistance to the rain is definitely not bad, otherwise it would not be able to survive until now in the crisis-ridden evolutionary forest.

Xia Qing felt relieved and returned to the building to close the door and make a bamboo chair. Although she is an advanced evolved person with strong resistance and will not lose control due to rain, finding something to do can still make her feel more relaxed.

Time passed minute by minute. An hour and a half later, Xia Qing's chair had not been finished yet, and it was already dark. The rain that lasted for an hour and a half must have turned the safe area into a living hell.

Xia Qing threw a discarded stool leg into the fire. He remembered the person who sent him a text message. He took out his mobile phone and found that there were no new text messages, so he took out his night vision goggles to check the situation in the yard.

 In the yard she had cleaned, a dense layer of grass sprouts actually grew! Plants that grow violently in heavy rains contain excessive amounts of chemical elements and may develop some unexpected dangers. Three days later, she still doesn’t know what her yard will look like.

Xia Qing cursed, put on protective clothing and a mask, and wanted to see the situation of Mr. Yang.

As soon as she opened the door, she heard the sound of the sheep boss panting and pawing his hooves from the sheep shed.

Are you losing control of your emotions?

Xia Qing immediately turned around and went back to the house to get a plate of soothing capsules. When he came out again, he found that the sheep boss was already standing on the grass in the rain. His often squinted sheep eyes were wide and round, and his square pupils were faintly red under the firelight.

Xia Qing comforted Boss Yang in the calmest tone, "Boss, don't get excited, it's time for us to take medicine..."


Before Xia Qing could finish speaking, the sheep boss rushed over with a loud roar. Its head could definitely punch a hole in the building. Xia Qing couldn't hide and rushed forward.


 A man and a sheep collided with each other, causing water and mud to splash. Xia Qing took advantage of the situation and hugged the old sheep's neck and tried to trip him up, but the out-of-control sheep was more than twice as strong as usual. Xia Qing was thrown out by it and hit the newly grown grass.

Seeing Boss Yang rushing over, Xia Qing rolled on the spot to avoid it, only to realize that Boss Yang was not coming for her. It broke through the newly built courtyard wall and rushed outside the courtyard, banging and banging. If you let it hit like this, even if it is okay, the whole wall of the village will fall down.

Xia Qing went back to the house and got a thick rope, rushed out and tied the old sheep into a twist when it banged against the wall. Then when it opened its mouth wide and howled and struggled, he stuffed a soothing capsule into it and filled it with half a bottle of spring water. .

 Hong Kong Soothing Capsule is a special medicine for relieving emotional loss caused by methane. Its effect is similar to a powerful neuroleptic. You will soon feel sleepy and weak after taking it. It can relieve depression and anxiety and reduce the harm. However, if used improperly or taken too much, various adverse reactions, poisoning, and addiction may occur. Xia Qing would not want to use it on the sheep boss unless it was absolutely necessary.

 Five minutes later, the sheep boss collapsed on the muddy ground and became motionless. Xia Qing carried it back to the building and went out. While untying the rope, he muttered, "I don't know how you survived the rains before you met me. The houses and courtyard walls on the Chun Shu hillside were destroyed. If it's like that, it couldn't have been caused by you losing control, right?"

 The sheep boss closed his eyes and showed no reaction.

Xia Qing felt all over its bones and made sure there were no fractures before he felt relieved. He first brought a bucket of purified water to wash away the mud on the protective suit, and then boiled a large pot of water.

The old sheep, which was so dirty that it was almost impossible to tell the color of its coat, was now completely covered in mud. Xia Qing took advantage of it to wash it while it couldn't move.

What Xia Qing didn't notice was that the sheep boss lying on the ground had opened his eyes slightly, and his eyes followed her figure.

After mixing water in the large aluminum basin and adding disinfectant and insecticide, Xia Qing lifted the limp sheep into the bathroom and gently placed it into the basin.

As soon as he touched the water, the sheep opened his eyes, opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound, and his limbs twitched slightly, which was very pitiful.

Xia Qing saw that its eyes were bright, and she felt much more at ease. She put its head on the edge of the basin and started to wash the sheep. "Don't worry. I'm not boiling you. I'm washing you away from the rain and killing parasites."

Perhaps he felt Xia Qing's kindness, or maybe it was because taking a bath was very comfortable. Boss Yang's wide-eyed eyes slowly returned to their normal shape, and finally closed slowly.

Not only was the sheep boss dirty, Xia Qing also caught eight evolved soft-bodied ticks and two other common animal surface parasites from it. The evolved tick not only **** blood, but also secretes neurotoxins that paralyze the host's muscles, eventually leading to death from respiratory failure. It seems that these ticks stayed on the sheep boss for a period of time, which made him weak and unable to bear the rain.

 It's a good thing that the sheep boss made a big fuss today, otherwise Xia Qing wouldn't have discovered the parasites on it.

After using four large pots of hot water, Xia Qing thoroughly washed the sheep boss and took him back to the living room to wipe his hair. "I found this bath towel from the canteen. I didn't even want to use it. It's an advantage for you."

A large bath towel could only dry the sheep halfway. Xia Qing stuffed it with a deworming pill, threw two pieces of wood into the fire, and let it dry slowly by the fire.

  It was eight o'clock in the evening after a lot of trouble, and the rain outside had stopped at some point. Xia Qing put on protective gear and a night vision goggle and went out to check. After confirming that there were no huge dangers lurking around the house, she took the pot to cook.

 She made a fragrant pot of perilla soup with white flour and perilla. The hot soup dispelled the cold and dampness. Xia Qing sat by the fire and stroked the sheep whose fur was soft and elastic. She was so happy that she wanted to cry.

  Thanks to Da Yuer for the reward. Long time no see. Happy to see you again with a new book.

Thanks to Rourou’s Spinach and Qingshan, two book friends, for their monthly votes.

Today’s update is here.



 (End of this chapter)

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