A sharp and angry call of an eagle pierced the clouds and fell into the eardrums of everyone in the territory below. The birds then screamed one after another.

  The two wolves who were dragged into the living room opened their eyes wide at the same time and struggled to find the source of the sound.

"Hey—" The sheep boss immediately stopped chewing cud, picked up the brain-evolved wolf's neck, dragged it up to the attic, threw it next to Xia Qing, and then ran downstairs and dragged the wolf up with the broken leg. , and then ignored the two wolves. It lay beside Xia Qing's legs and continued to chew cud.

 The evolved raptors in the sky are circling and screaming.

Xia Qing could only put down the gun, drag the two wolves by their necks to the most hidden corner of the attic, then run back to the window and continue aiming.

 The altitude of the evolved raptors hovering high in the sky is gradually decreasing.

When they came within a thousand meters, Tan Junjie immediately ordered, "Use laser cannons to target the evolved ape-eating eagles in territory No. 7, and the others will defend the territory!"


"Da da da!"

 The sound of sniper rifles and machine guns immediately sounded, mixing with the chirping of birds. Xia Qing shot the evolved sea eagle that came toward her house and stretched out its claws in the neck, and pushed the sheep boss away with his feet, "Stay there, don't touch me, I'm busy!"


Xia Qing shot again, but this time she missed the key part of the bird. The evolved raptor lost a piece of its feathers and continued to show its claws towards Xia Qing's house.

These birds must have fought with humans many times and know where humans will hide. As long as the roof is lifted, human beings become a worm that can be manipulated at will.

Oh shit!

Xia Qing put down his sniper rifle and picked up his submachine pistol. He fired continuously, smashing the bird in the air into a sieve. He immediately raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the raptor hovering high above.


  "咩~"" The sheep boss obediently leaned against Xia Qing's legs, cheering her on.

The Bearded Front Team guarding the farmland of Territory 3 was also shooting at the evolved birds that were grabbing at the greenhouse.

Perhaps due to some order given by the evolved ape-eating eagle, Territory No. 7 and the surrounding area have become the main target of attack by the evolved raptors.

“Team Tan, the greenhouse in Territory No. 5 was attacked by Evolved Birds, please ask for help.” Yuan Yan from Territory No. 5 made the first call for help.

 "Received, enter immediately, people in the territory should take shelter." Tan Junjie's calm reply was very soothing.

“Team Tan, Territory No. 6 is under attack.”


"Territory No. 4 is under attack." Zhao Ze's voice was trembling, "Come quickly, Xia Qing, please save me."

Xia Qing, who was defending his territory, didn't even bother to press the intercom to answer such nonsense.

Territory No. 7 announced in the lord channel, "Territory No. 7 hit the left paw of the evolved ape-eating eagle again, causing no real damage."

The leading evolved ape-eating eagle was blocked by the laser cannon of Territory No. 7 and could only hide at high altitude. No matter how powerful the attack power of the remaining two hundred or so raptors was, they could not compete with the bullets.

Fifteen minutes later, humans gained the upper hand. Some of the more than two hundred evolved raptors were shot and killed, while others escaped. Only about forty of them were left circling the high school, daring not to go down.

“Whew—” The cry of the evolved ape-eating eagle came again from high in the sky. Xia Qing clearly heard the difference between this call and the previous call, but she was not a bird and could not understand the meaning of this call.


There were two more unusual bird calls. Xia Qing felt uneasy and asked his companion, "Boss, what are the birds singing?"

 The sheep boss, who was lying next to Xia Qing's legs, seemed to be unable to hear anything.

 Unexpectedly, Lord No. 8 Xin Yu reported in the Lord Channel, "Team Tan, the evolved ape-eating eagle should be calling its companions. The evolved sea eagle that is recovering from injuries in my territory has become irritable and spreads its wings to take off."

 Call a companion?

  There are evolved sea eagles recovering from injuries in territory No. 8?

The panicked lords were so confused that they couldn't tell which thing deserved more attention.

Territory No. 1 reported, "Team Tan, we observed at the top of No. 49 that at least hundreds of large birds took off in the northern evolutionary forest."

With the firepower of their territory, they simply cannot compete with a large number of evolved birds, and they cannot let the evolved ape-eating eagles call their companions!

Xia Qing frowned, quickly put a scope on the sniper rifle, and looked through the scope for the evolved ape-eating eagle hiding in the clouds. Looking at the flash of black shadow in the scope, Xia Qing gritted his teeth.

That is a distance that even a laser cannon cannot reach, let alone a sniper rifle with a maximum range of only 2,500 meters. This time, her territory may be captured by the evolutionary bird.

 Never give up until the last moment, which is the most important survival rule in natural disasters. Xia Qing immediately turned towards an evolutionary bird that was spiraling downwards and shot it down with a bang.

"Ugh... I quit. I don't want the territory, nor the food. I want to go back to the safe zone." Zhao Ze broke down emotionally and cried loudly in the lord channel.

"The situation has been reported to the safe area, reinforcements have been dispatched in the safe area, and no one is allowed to leave the bunker. Three minutes later, ultrasonic waves above 24,000 Hz will be used to interfere with the birds. The attack duration will be adjusted according to the battle situation. The initial plan is not less than ten minutes. Hearing Evolvers, please take personal protection immediately." No matter how the battle situation changes, Tan Junjie's voice remains as calm as ever.

three minutes!

Hearing Evolver Xia Qing immediately put down his gun, closed the window, and quickly went downstairs. When the sheep boss saw Xia Qing running away, he immediately bleated and followed.

Xia Qing rushed to the room where the chickens and geese were kept on the first floor, quickly tied the chicken coops and goose coops into the newly dug cellar with ropes, then closed the cellar door tightly, and pressed all the straw mats on the door, hoping that this would work. Reduce the impact of ultrasound on poultry.


The chasing sheep boss couldn't understand what Xia Qing was doing, but it sensed panic from Xia Qing's movements and opened its mouth to ask.

"It's okay, boss, follow me." Xia Qing moved quickly and spoke calmly, soothing Boss Yang's nervousness. She took the sheep boss to the storage room on the second floor and took out all the protective masks in the house.

There are three sets of protective clothing in the storage room, one for Mr. Yang and two for Xia Qing. Including the one worn by Xia Qing, there are a total of four sets of protective clothing at home. What she needs to wear now is not a protective suit, but a protective mask.

Xia Qing put on the protective mask on the sheep boss and quickly ran back to the attic with the remaining two. Protective masks can protect against physical attacks, filter the air, and reduce the intensity of sonic attacks.

After putting on the protective mask for the sheep boss, Xia Qing took off the protective mask on her head and put on the mask with the best protective effect, which was matched with the silver-white air-tight protective clothing. She is the main combat force in the family and must do it. The best protection.

The protective mask that Xia Qing just took off matched with the camouflage protective clothing exchanged by the Qinglong team. It was put on by the Brain Evolution Wolf and tied tightly. This wolf is smart and is also the most valued partner of the alpha wolf and must be protected.

The third protective mask was exchanged with Zhong Tao. It is a protective mask publicly traded in the safe zone. The sound insulation effect is relatively poor, but it is better than not wearing it at all. After putting the protective mask on the head of the wolf with broken legs, Xia Qing patted its back and said, "Brother, you are the strongest, you can definitely withstand it!"

 The two wolves had not worn protective masks, and after finding that their heads were covered, their eyes widened uneasily. But it was anesthetized and couldn't resist at all. At this moment, Xia Qing was extremely grateful that she had fed the two wolves anesthesia in the morning.

Tan Junjie's calm voice sounded from the intercom next to him, "There is still half a minute until the ultrasonic attack is launched." (End of this chapter)

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