Chapter 156 The war begins

 The next morning, Xia Qing was awakened by the chirping of chickens and geese.

Xia Qing went downstairs and saw that the sheep boss was still sleeping, so he quietly went to the tool room to turn on the lights for the poultry and put away the fodder and water. Then he heard "thud" and "thud" sounds coming from outside the house. Something heavy fell to the ground. .

 The wolves are coming.

The wolves came with two little wild boars, one in front of the sheep shed and one in front of her security door.

Xia Qing was stunned. She walked out of the house and pointed at the little wild boar and asked the wolf, "Sister, are these all wild boars? If you continue to catch them like this, won't you wipe out the wild boars? We must maintain sustainable development, otherwise we will What to eat?”

 The wolf personally went to the sheep shed to take out the injured brain-evolved wolf, put it next to the wild boar, and then stared at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing understood and assured loudly, "Don't worry, sister, the top evolved raptors are here today, and I will try my best to protect your team members. If they want to hurt the wolf, they have to fly over my body!"

Xia Qing happily brought up the wild boar and went back to the house to test it, and found that the light was indeed green.

What skills do these wolves rely on to distinguish animals with green lights, and how can they catch them accurately?

 There is an important combat mission today and there is no time to process and store pork. Xia Qing immediately sent a message to Ji Li, asking if Territory No. 7 wanted a green light wild boar.

Ji Li quickly replied that they wanted the parts Xia Qing didn’t want. This saved Xia Qing's trouble, because she really didn't have time to clean up the pig's internal organs and pig's head today.

She quickly bled and skinned the wild boar, then divided it into two parts and sealed them in sealed bags. She took the code to the people in the northern isolation zone of Territory 3 and Territory 7 to exchange supplies.

The other party didn't say much. He just handed her a glass sealed box in a thermal insulation cotton cover and handed her an A4 paper. Xia Qing took it and said, "Thank you very much. I'll return the box to you next time."

Carrying the box home, Xia Qing looked at the handwritten instructions on the paper and learned that the box contained two injections that needed to be used within two hours. The intramuscular injection must be completed within fifteen minutes after opening the sealed box.

 The injection is accompanied by two anesthetic tablets that can be dissolved in water and taken without any side effects. In addition to the medicine for the wolf, there were also three bags of special hemostatic medicine and a tube of anti-swelling and analgesic spray for her.

  Not counting the things given to the wolf, these four pieces of medicine given to her are definitely more than the value of the green light wild boar. This is Zhang San who likes delicious food, and others are reluctant to make such an exchange.

Xia Qing happily put away her things and then went to clean the yard. I don’t know where the wolf took the remaining prey in its mouth, but there was only a large pool of blood left in the yard.

 After cleaning the ground and spraying deodorant, Xia Qing found the wolf resting in the sheep shed with his eyes closed, looking very tired. She said softly, "My Queen, you don't need to prepare green light prey for me every day. The stone you gave me is enough to pay for the two wolves."

Xia Qing pulled out the Yi stone hanging around his neck and showed it to the wolf, "As long as you give me another stone like this, you don't have to give me prey."

The wolf didn't even open its eyes, but Xia Qing saw that its furry ears with a piece missing moved, obviously hearing it. As for what it did, Xia Qing didn't know.

 The wolf paid a high "rent", so Xia Qing had to provide the best service to the two SVIP customers who were recovering from injuries. After cleaning the yard, she used a wooden stick to take out the water basin in the sheep shed. After cleaning and disinfecting it carefully, she poured in clean spring water, brought it to the sheep shed, and showed the anesthetic tablets to the wolf.

"My Queen, everyone, please raise your eyes. These are pills for the two injured wolves. After you drink them, you will not move. I have to give you an injection."

The injection will be painful. Xia Qing would not dare to inject the two wolves without giving them medicine to anesthetize them for fear of being bitten.

Xia Qing often feeds the wolves medicine, and the wolves all understand the purpose of the medicine. So after Xia Qing handed the water mixed with pills into the sheep shed, the brain-evolved wolf started drinking the water without her urging. Another healthy wolf in the sheep shed also wanted to drink, but was stopped by the alpha wolf and the brain-evolved wolf with an injured waist growling at the same time.

The brain-evolved wolf with a waist injury first began to lick the water to drink. After it was full, the wolf with a broken leg was patted by the alpha wolf, and then crawled over and drank a lot of water.

After the wolf had finished drinking, Xia Qing cleaned the water basin, filled it with clean water, and put it back into the sheep shed. "Your Majesty, this is clean water, you can drink it too."

 The wolf closed his eyes and remained motionless.

Xia Qing carefully observed the two injured wolves. When she saw that the wolf with a broken leg could not support its body with its forelimbs, it swayed a few times and fell, and the head of the injured brain evolution wolf also fell on the straw mat. She immediately went back to the house to put the box away. He brought it up and said, "My Lady Queen, please give way, I am going to treat the two wolves."

 Four wolves, none moved anywhere. The injection must be injected within two hours. Xia Qing still had to prepare for battle. He had no time to waste with them, so he immediately called his companions, "Boss, come out!"

 The sheep boss kicked open the door and walked out of the house.

Xia Qing raised the box and discussed with it, "Call your friend out. I need to treat two injured wolves. Get your friend out quickly."

The sheep boss stared at the box with squinted eyes for a while, smelled it and found that it was not edible, then went into the sheep shed and grabbed the neck of the wolf with a broken leg lying on the straw mat, and easily dragged it to Xia Qing. The alpha wolf also took out the other wounded wolf.

Xia Qing, who originally planned to go into the sheep shed for an injection...

 That's not what I meant, but it's okay.

 Injecting an injured wolf in front of two healthy wolves? Xia Qing didn't have the courage, fearing that the alpha wolf would tear her apart after seeing it.

 She carried the two injured wolves into the house and placed them on the tatami of the sheep boss. Then she opened the sealed box and took out the injections and injected them intramuscularly into the two injured wolves. It wasn't written in the instructions, and Ji Li didn't mention it, so Xia Qing didn't know what these two injections with a capacity of 30 ml were, but they were definitely good and active things.

 Otherwise, there would not be such high storage conditions and stringent time limits.

After the injection, Xia Qing took the two wolves out of the house and put them in the yard, telling the sheep boss, "Boss, okay, drag them in."

 The sheep boss stared at Xia Qing with squinted eyes, not moving.

Xia Qing was convinced, took out a piece of compressed ration from his pocket, and discussed in a soft voice, "Thank you for your hard work, boss. I'm sorry to wake you up so early. This is your reward."

The sheep boss immediately came out and signaled Xia Qing to stuff the compressed rations into its bag before dragging the injured wolf back to the sheep shed.

Realizing that the alpha wolf was also staring at her, Xia Qing immediately coaxed in the same tone, "Your Majesty, the Queen has to hunt and bring her here every day, which is even harder. I am really touched and admired. Your Majesty, the Queen is mighty, please bring your companion back." Recuperate in the sheep shed."

The wolf then slowly walked out and took the injured brain evolution wolf back in his mouth.

 After taking care of the wolf, Xia Qing went back to the house and took out the sprayer to spray deodorant when she heard the radio broadcast:

The group of evolved raptors that stayed in the evolutionary forest last night have encountered the first line of defense of Huiyi Base, and the war has begun.

 (End of this chapter)

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