In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 141: How many melons grow from one vine?

Chapter 141 A vine grows several melons

Logically speaking, if there was something wrong with the first crop of potato seeds, the quality of this batch of seeds should be guaranteed.

Xia Qing knows that it is very difficult to cultivate edible crops after natural disasters, and also understands the reason why the germination rate of crops is very low.

 But Luo Pei said that the corn seeds he gave to each territory were grain seeds openly traded in the safety zone.

 The grain that the lords worked so hard to grow and trade from the safety zone management department has a germination rate that is ten percent lower than what is on the market. This is very unreasonable.

 After the natural disaster, the management of the base was in chaos, and most of the people in power were working hard for personal gain. If you have more power, you will be exploited to the extreme.

In this unreasonable grain incident, I don’t know how many layers of power and interest exchanges are involved.

Xia Qing, who is at the bottom of the base, has seen and experienced this kind of thing countless times in the past ten years.

 Xia Qing would fight back anyone who bullied her and could resist on the spot. If she couldn't resist, she would write it down in a small book and wait for the opportunity to resist.

If he really can't find the right time, Xia Qing will not let himself feel uncomfortable even if it makes him uncomfortable to throw a stone at two windows of his house.

 Honest people have been bullied to death long ago, and no good person can survive to the tenth year of the natural disaster. This time, the lords will definitely not let it go.

 Let's wait and see.

Xia Qing recorded the seed germination data in detail in a notebook, then took out a seedling transplanting shovel, moved the seedlings from areas with dense seedling emergence to areas without seedlings, and then poured water.

 Transplant the seedlings as early as possible. When the seedlings grow and have deep roots, they will easily die.

 After transplanting the corn seedlings, Xia Qing went around the mung bean field, cotton field and vegetable field one by one, and finally came to the sweet potato, potato and pumpkin fields.

Xia Qing and Tan Junjie traded a total of sixteen sweet potato seedlings. Six of them evolved during the second rain. Although four plants did not evolve, the content of the poisonous element in the plants increased and the light turned from green to yellow.

 So of the sixteen green sweet potato plants she planted in March, there are now only six green ones left.

Of the 200 sweet potato vines cut in mid-May, there are still 140 surviving, 60 green and 80 yellow.

The cut sweet potatoes have also entered the late growth stage. As long as the third rain does not cause long-term red-level showers, the proportion of sweet potatoes that will die will not be too high.

Even if there is a long-term red-level rain, Xia Qing is not afraid because she has Yishi. According to Luo Peiqi's data, her three Yi stones can protect a circular area about 45 meters in diameter. Although it is not enough to protect all farmland, key areas can still be protected.

 A good harvest is in sight.

Although the potato seedlings are more withered than the past few days, Xia Qing is not in a hurry to dig them because she has no place to put them. When the potatoes are fully mature, she will dig them out again and put them into the cave.

In the past few days after the cave was dug, Xia Qing has been monitoring the temperature and humidity in the cave. The temperature is between 13 and 16 degrees, and the humidity is still about the same as outside.

If the cave does not leak during the third rain, Xia Qing will start waterproofing and moisture-proofing, and then install rocks inside to store food.

She is now like a hard-working little squirrel, constantly making trouble in her nest and trying to store food for the winter.

 Xia Qing gets angry when talking about squirrels.

The six kilograms of tobacco she exchanged for mung beans was taken away by the red-haired evolved squirrel, and not a single bird was attracted.

Xia Qing didn't stuff the remaining half into the bird's nest, and simply put it into the cave to use as dehumidification material.

After passing the sweet potato field and the potato field, Xia Qing stopped at the pumpkin field. Looking at the pumpkins that were as big as a baby's fist, she remembered how many pumpkins should be left on a vine.

Xia Qing turned on the intercom and heard that Qi Fu was discussing with Shi Chong the feasibility of raising fish and shrimp in rice fields.

 Xia Qing is not interested in this.

Most fish have evolved teeth that can bite through barbed wire. Isn’t it a piece of cake to bite into rice roots? Even if you choose a fish that has not evolved teeth and put it in, it is possible for teeth to evolve in the rain. Xia Qing only had more than 500 rice plants and couldn't bear the trouble. After they finished chatting about this topic, Xia Qing asked, "Brother Qi, how many melons should be left on one pumpkin vine?"

Qi Fu patiently replied, "It's hard to say now. We will leave two or three melons on each vine first. We will decide how many to keep as they grow older and see how they grow. Try to keep as close to the roots as possible."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Qi." Xia Qing thanked him, picked up the machete and started to pack the pumpkins.

After cleaning up the ten yellow pumpkins in the farmland, Xia Qing rushed to the terraces with a knife. When he went to clean up the five green pumpkins in the terraces, he heard Zhao Ze say, "Xia Qing, you were not here last night, and the third brother asked Getting up for you."

Xia Qing pressed the button, "I was too tired yesterday and fell asleep after my work. Brother Zhao, does he know what the third brother wants from me?"

"Third brother didn't say anything." Zhao Ze asked curiously, "There is no heavy work in the fields now, what are you busy with?"

Zhao Ze's tone reminded Xia Qing of the people in Territory No. 4 climbing trees to peek into their territory. He replied coldly, "It's just because the work in the fields has not been heavy these two days, so I took the time to hit two knives. My strength It’s gotten bigger, and the original knife was too light to use.”

Zhao Ze…

 It’s scary, I can’t afford to offend him, I’ll hide.

Kuang Qingwei immediately asked, "I didn't expect Miss Xia Qing to have this ability. Do you want to sell the iron sword you made? How many points do you have for one?"

Xia Qing stopped in the pumpkin terraces on the hillside and pressed the intercom button. "I'm not good at my craft. I only made two knives in two days. I use them myself and don't sell them."

Shi Zhong also spoke, "You can save a lot of trouble by yourself. Three of the hatchets I brought out from the safe area have broken, and I have to take them back to the safe area for repair."

Xia Qing replied, "My machete is also broken. It costs too many points to take it to the iron shop, so I have no choice but to buy the materials to repair it myself."

Tang Huai, who was cleaning the gun, muttered in a low voice, "I asked why Territory No. 3 has been buzzing for the past two days. It turns out it's blacksmithing. She really knows everything."

Tang Zhengbo, who was reading a book, reminded his son, "Don't always focus on Territory No. 3. Xia Qing is here to farm. There is no problem."

Tang Huai complained in a low voice, "Dad, I really don't keep an eye on Territory No. 3. She makes too much noise, and I can hear it even if I don't want to."

"You have had good ears since you were a child. If your mother and I say something in the living room, you can hear it upstairs with the bedroom door closed."

Of Tang Zhengbo's three children, only Tang Huai has evolved hearing. This is their family's hope. "You are thirty this year, and it's time to think about getting married. Find a high-level evolved person to marry, and the next generation will be able to live happily ever after." Can be more relaxed."

"Dad, it's better to consider my sister first. It's best to find me a brain-evolved brother-in-law. They will have a child who is a brain-evolved child." Tang Huai didn't like hearing this and immediately turned the topic to his sister. , "My sister is thirty-five this year."

Tang Zhengbo really thought about this matter, "What do you think of Xie Yu?"

 Xie Yu, the second leader of the Qinglong team?

Tang Huai immediately shook his head, "Let's forget it. He has no hair. I don't want my little nephew to be bald before he grows up."

Tang Zhengbo laughed angrily, rolled up the book and hit his son on the head, "You brat, how old are you and you still care about your appearance?"

Tang Huai covered his head and laughed, "It depends on your appearance no matter what age you are. Otherwise, why would Yang Jin be so popular?"

Speaking of Yang Jin, Tang Zhengbo asked, "Yang Jin is popular mainly because he is a top evolver and has brains. Isn't Yang Jin in Territory No. 1 now? How come you still have time to come here?"

Speaking of this, Tang Huai groaned angrily, "He just returned to the base and ran over to the safe area. I thought there was something big, but there was no movement at all in Territory 1. I heard Wei Chengdong say, Yang Jin hasn’t had much rest these past few days and is sleeping with the door closed.”

"Yang Jin has a bad temper and cannot afford to be too early. He and Huo Fenghuang team up to go to Guicheng Base to explore the sea. They will definitely gain a lot." Tang Zhengbo turned his pen in his hand and thought.

Tang Heng continued, "Luo Pei is stationed in Territory No. 1 and led people to reclaim thousands of acres of farmland. Yang Jin did not return to the safe zone this time and went straight here. I think the Qinglong team really wants to focus on the team. , moved here from the safe zone. Dad, what secrets do you think hidden in Mountain 49 are worthy of such a huge investment by the Qinglong Team?"

 (End of this chapter)

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