In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 138: Making a Yishi protective case

The first step in making a Yishi protective case is to cast a mold.

This technical requirement is too high and Xia Qing really doesn't know how to do it, so she called Uncle Huo who runs an iron shop in the safe zone.

After being scolded until his ears were ringing, Uncle Huo agreed to help her create two spherical molds, one large and one small. The big ones are about the same as eggs, and the small ones are about the same as walnuts.

 In fact, it can be smaller, but no matter how small the mold is, it requires high craftsmanship, and Uncle Huo's price is also high. Xia Qingkari doesn't have enough points, and there are few materials that can be traded publicly in the territory, so he can't afford it.

Of course, Xia Qing did not say that he made such a mold to hold rocks, only to raise crickets.

Evolution Crickets have very sharp teeth, and wooden or bamboo cages cannot contain them at all.

According to the instructions given by Luo Pei for making protective cases and using the mold made by Uncle Huo, Xia Qing worked hard for two days and finally made fifteen Yishi protective cases of each size.

Although the protective case she made was much rougher than the one worn by Luo Pei, Xia Qing was still extremely happy.

 She put the three stones into a large protective case and shared her joy with the sheep boss, "Boss, look, this is a good thing. When it rains, hang one up and you won't need to wear a protective mask."

 The sheep boss lying on the tatami glanced at the black lump in Xia Qing's hand and continued to chew the cud with an expressionless face.

 “I don’t know the goods.” Xia Qing played with his works one by one, “This one is good, this one has an even thickness, I will use it myself after polishing.”

Xia Qing really wanted to have a companion to share her joy with. The sheep boss didn’t know what he was good at. She went to the sheep shed to show off to the very smart wolf?


Before she could go out, Xia Qing's cell phone rang. It was a message from Yang Jin, the boss of the Qinglong team. Yang Jin wanted to discuss a deal with her.

When did this guy come back? Xia Qing simply replied in two words: Yes.

Yang Jin quickly replied: Are you in the territory now? I'll be there in half an hour?


 So anxious?

All right.

Xia Qing replied: Yes, meet at the hut next to the rain shelter south of the No. 3 Territory Reservoir at 4:10.

 After receiving the news, Yang Jin stared at the location for a few seconds before replying with the word "OK".

Negotiating a deal with Tie Gong Ji is a very brain-consuming task. Xia Qing took out a pen and paper and listed the supplies he needed and the supplies that could be exchanged on the paper. He also listed the minimum price of each supply before packing up and rushing to negotiate. Place.

As the owner of the territory, she arrived five minutes early, tidied up the hut briefly, and placed the teapot, fresh Dimin fruit and Dipaozi she had brought with her on the small wooden table.

As soon as Xia Qing had tidied up the hut to look like a reception room, she heard footsteps and turned her head to look north, finding Yang Jin coming over wearing camouflage protective clothing and a protective mask.

When Yang Jin entered the house and took off his protective mask, Xia Qing discovered that he had tanned two shades after not seeing him for more than two months.

It seems that when he went out this time, he either went up the mountain or went to the sea, because only the ultraviolet rays from the mountains and the seaside can make it so hot.

Yang Jin looked at the hut and smiled, "Your hut is built well and is practical."

After tanning, Yang Jin smiled, and his neat white teeth were particularly eye-catching. He looked so bright and sunny that it made people confused.

Xia Qing returned humbly, "It's just for the convenience of taking care of the crops. I can make do with it. Captain Yang, please sit down."

Yang Jin sat down, looked at the fruits and teapot on the table, and replied seriously, "It's already very good."

good? Which one is better than that?

Xia Qing thought for a while, and suddenly thought of the reference point for Yang Jin's evaluation: the abandoned house in the deserted village where they traded for the first time.

 Compared with that shabby house, this place is indeed much better. But why did she feel that there was something wrong with Yang Jin's tone?

Xia Qing poured a cup of hot tea for Yang Jin and explained, "There are wolves recuperating in my yard. I was afraid that the wolves would react too violently when you passed, so I asked you to come here. I heard that your throat was uncomfortable. Drink some tea to moisten your throat."

  "Thank you."    Yang Jin, who had just returned from the seaside, had a hoarse voice and red bloodshot eyes. However, it doesn’t matter if you are not seriously injured, poisoned, or infected with deadly evolutionary bacteria during the natural disaster years.

 But Xia Qing could tell that his throat was uncomfortable, which still made Yang Jin very happy.

Last time she came here by herself, she was afraid of scaring her sheep, so she took herself to a broken house; this time she came by herself, she was afraid of scaring the injured wolf, so she took herself to this small house.

 Next time I come by myself, what will be blocked?

Yang Jin began to look forward to the next meeting, "I heard Brother Luo say that one of the two wolves has a brain evolution and is injured in the waist?"

“Well, it’s the one that attacked the wild boar breeding center for the second time. It’s very close to the wolf that came here the first time. Lord No. 7 personally performed the surgery on it, and it can recover after a while.”

After Xia Qing finished speaking, he invited Yang Jin to eat fruit, "Captain Yang, try the wild fruits in my territory. The purple ones are green lantern fruits, the black ones are dampaozi, and the yellow lantern ones are."

Yang Jin picked up the ground pickled fruit and ate a few. Judging from his expression, he knew he liked it very much. "I ate this when I was playing in the mountains when I was a child. It's called wild grapes over there. The yellow light ones taste so good, and the green light ones are definitely better." tasty."

Xia Qing also believes that the green light will taste better, but, "If it were the green light, Team Yang wouldn't be able to eat it today, because the one with the green light can exchange for chickens."

“It took a lot of points to ask Zhang San to perform surgery on Evolved Wolf, right?” Yang Jin looked at Xia Qing’s skin, which was much better than before, with a gentle smile.

Yang Jin’s smile is very contagious, and it can instantly bring people back to the peaceful and nostalgic days before the natural disaster.

But Xia Qing didn't feel that the years were peaceful. She only felt that this iron rooster was using a honey trap before the business negotiations started.

It doesn’t matter how pretty you smile, I won’t accept this!

Xia Qing lowered her head and took a sip of tea to calm down her shock, then said, "Well, one hundred and fifty thousand."

Yang Jin liked Dipaozi very much and took another small bunch and ate it slowly, "Brother Luo said you didn't tell Zhang San about Yi Shi, so you paid with spinach seeds?"

Xia Qing nodded and said his base price, "Yes, one hundred points for one spinach seed."

No matter how beautiful your smile is, it cannot be lower than this price.

Yang Jin understood and his smile became more dazzling, "The green light spinach seeds with a Yi element content of 60% are very reasonable for one hundred points. Can Team Qinglong exchange them with you at the same price?"

Get on the road!

Xia Qing nodded seriously, "Okay. But I have planted all the spinach seeds now, and I have to wait three months before I can exchange them. How many do Captain Yang want?"

Yang Jin answered very boldly, "I will take whatever you pay."

Xia Qing nodded again and offered his terms of exchange, "I want gasoline, diesel, bullets, grenades and a diesel generator."

These materials cannot be exchanged outside, or even if they can be exchanged, the quality is not as good as that of the Qinglong Team, so Xia Qing chose to trade with the Qinglong Team.

The No. 9 Ksitigarbha poisoning incident and the influx of refugees from the south made Xia Qing feel uneasy. She wanted to have more weapons.

Yang Jin was also very straightforward, "Okay, how much do you want for each item?"

Xia Qing reported the planned figures, "Four barrels of gasoline, four barrels of diesel, one generator, one thousand submachine pistol bullets, five hundred sniper bullets, and twenty grenades?"

In March this year, Xia Qing exchanged spring water for three guns and 900 rounds of ammunition with Yang Jin. At that time, she thought that nine hundred rounds of bullets was an astronomical number. Unexpectedly, after practicing shooting for more than two months, she had almost used up the bullets.

Xia Qing once asked Luo Pei how many bullets he needed to fire to practice.

Luo Pei said that before natural disasters, it would take three years and 50,000 to 90,000 rounds of ammunition for the army to train a qualified sharpshooter. However, Xia Qing is a third-series advanced evolved person, and her aptitude is naturally much stronger than that of humans before the natural disaster. As long as she is willing to work hard, she should be able to practice it in one year and 10,000 rounds of bullets.

Ten thousand bullets. If Xia Qing didn't have high-value materials—polluted spring water and green spinach with a content of 60% of the element Yi, she would give up when she heard this number.

  Thanks to the two book friends 4084 and Xin Shi Ru Lian for their tips, thank you all for your subscriptions, and have a happy weekend.

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