Chapter 132 Digging a Hole

 After sleeping until midnight, Xia Qing was woken up by the chicken.

Because the wolf lived in the sheep shed she prepared for the chickens, Xia Qing had to move the chickens into the house where she and the sheep boss lived, put a board on them and covered them with a rainproof cloth, and placed them in the tool shed on the first floor.

Although chickens that are more than one month old can't crow, seventeen of them are huddled together, chirping and pecking at the cage, which is very noisy even for people with evolved hearing.

Xia Qing, who was woken up, took out her mobile phone and squinted to see that it was only around four o'clock in the morning.

It’s not yet dawn, they are so busy! Xia Qing took a deep breath, pulled the quilt, turned over and covered her head, and continued to sleep.

But before she could fall asleep, the sound trap outside the courtyard started ringing again. No need to ask, it must be a wolf.

 No, aren’t you all sleepy?

Xia Qing got up, put on her clothes, went downstairs and opened the security door. Before he could speak, the alpha wolf jumped into the yard with his two men and four rabbits in his mouth.

 Three rabbits belong to the wolf, and one rabbit belongs to her.

Xia Qing lost all his temper. He mentioned the rabbit that had just died and twitched in a friendly manner, and thanked the alpha wolf, "Thank you Queen for sending me the rabbit. Thank you Queen for your hard work."

 The wolf looked at Xia Qing with golden eyes, seeming to be very satisfied with her attitude.

As expected of a friend of Mr. Sheep, they all like to hear good things. Xia Qing kept up her efforts, "The Queen will come over tomorrow to deliver food. Can you give me a live rabbit? Just..."

Xia Qing showed the bleeding wound on the rabbit's neck to the wolf, and explained softly, "There is no wound here, and it can still breathe and eat grass. Thank you, Queen, for your hard work."

The alpha wolf squinted at the rabbit, then turned around and entered the sheep shed. After a while, he grabbed the brain-evolved wolf by the neck, dragged it to the other two rabbits, and tore the rabbit's tail open. Then he licked the hair on its neck and head, and then looked at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing understood immediately, "Queen, don't worry, I will take good care of these two wounded people for you."

After the alpha wolf disappeared, Xia Qing first put the heavy rabbit into the house. While the two injured wolves were doing their work, she quickly cleaned the sheep shed, sprayed disinfectant and replaced the straw mats, making sure to let the two wolves live in her house. Gotta be comfortable.

After cleaning up the sheep shed, Xia Qing went back to the house and asked the sheep boss who was lying on the tatami, "Boss, you didn't even go out to see your friends when they came?"

Not only did the sheep boss’ head rest on the sheep ergonomic pillow not move, he didn’t even turn his half-lidded sheep eyes, as if he was dreaming.

Xia Qing ignored it, turned on the kitchen light, and began to deal with the rabbit.

 Bloodletting, testing, green light. This is the normal operation of the Wolf Queen, so there is nothing surprising.

This big rabbit is heavier than yesterday's egret, weighing fifteen kilograms. Xia Qing sliced ​​the meat and added the chili powder, bay leaf powder, pepper powder and salt, minced garlic, minced ginger, minced green onion...

 In short, she added all the existing seasonings, then added salt, poured in white wine and soy sauce and marinated it for two hours, and finally put it in a dryer to make dried meat.

Xia Qing dug out the recipes she had collected and found how to make braised rabbit steak. Although she lacked three ingredients listed in the recipe: star anise, cinnamon and grass fruit, she could still make it.

First wash the rabbit carcass and blanch it in a pot. Then put the Sichuan peppercorns, two dried chili peppers and four bay leaves into the pot and add water to boil. Then put the blanched rabbit carcass into the pot and add in Add salt, white wine, and soy sauce, cover the pot, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for two hours, then it's ready to eat.

 After turning the heat down, Xia Qing looked at the time and saw that it had just arrived at five o'clock. Although the sun has not come out yet, the sky in the east is already bright.

Xia Qing mixed chicken food with wheat bran and went out carrying the squeaking chicken cage. The sheep boss followed her out of the house.

"Boss, are you going to have breakfast? The dew hasn't receded yet." Xia Qing asked the sheep boss casually, then turned to say good morning to the two distinguished guests who had already eaten and returned to the sheep shed to rest. "Are you full? You guys have a rest first. I will put the chickens in the chicken coop first, and then come back to clean up the yard and inspect the territory. Don't forget to drink water. There are anti-inflammatory drugs in it, which is good for your health."

Although the wolf with broken legs did not have bared teeth, it still looked at Xia Qing with a vicious look; the brain-evolved wolf with broken waist calmly looked at Xia Qing, the sheep boss behind him, not knowing what it meant.

Xia Qing didn't expect them to respond. He put the chickens into the chicken pen, added food and water, went home, cleaned up the blood on the ground, and began to patrol the territory.

The sheep boss was actually still following her. Xia Qing smiled, "Boss, I really think you can understand what I'm saying. Otherwise, why did you follow me to patrol the territory today when I said I was disappointed yesterday?"

Seeing Xia Qing standing still, the sheep boss became impatient and pushed her head against her head to move quickly.

Xia Qing stopped asking and started to patrol happily.

The main task of patrolling the territory today is to catch insects, check traps and footprints everywhere, and determine whether humans or large animals have intruded. Xia Qing also has another important task, which is to visit the digging location he selected.

She chose a place in the south of the west protective forest because it was rocky and soilless, and there were no tall trees. Even if the trees died in the rain, their root systems would not damage the cave.

Secondly, it is far away from the spring, so digging holes will have the least impact on the spring.

Finally, dig a hole here, the entrance of which can be blocked by a large rock or shrub. Even if the people of Territory 4 climbed up the trees in their territory and used binoculars to peek at Territory 3, they would not be able to find a cave here.

 Just do it.

Xia Qing stuffed a piece of ration into the sheep boss and let it feed the fish with the worms in the basket. Then he cut down the bushes with a knife, cleaned up the soil and gravel, and started digging a cave.

 When we say digging, we actually mean to dig out stones and soil.

She didn't need to store much food, so she didn't need to dig a big hole. It took more than an hour for power evolution person Xia Qing to dig a cave that was two meters high and three meters deep, with the entrance facing east. The cave is slightly tilted upward, so water will not enter when it rains. If there is a leak and water accumulates inside, it can flow out.

More than three meters was not deep enough, but the meat was stewed. Xia Qing picked up the shovel and went home to eat the meat.

 The rabbit meat was very fresh, but there was too much salt and the taste was a bit strong, but Xia Qing still ate all the meat.

Green light food is low in elements and is good for body development and evolution, so it must not be wasted.

Xia Qing didn't throw away the bones either. He washed them and put them in bags and sealed them. After the rabbit meat was dried, he dried the bones and then pounded them into bone powder with a stone pestle to feed the chickens. She has a book on raising chickens, which says that chickens need to eat a variety of nutrients, and they also need to be protected from epidemics and disinfected to avoid getting sick.

Xia Qing can't do anything to prevent the epidemic, so he can only try to supplement nutrition to the chickens.

 After finishing the meal and cleaning up, Xia Qing said hello to the two injured wolves and continued to dig a cave.

 She did not dig straight into the cave, but followed the structure of the rocks and made a 7-shaped bend, with a total length of more than seven meters. Turning is helpful for temperature and humidity control.

 After digging the cave, Xia Qing went home, washed the soil off his body, and came back to measure the temperature and humidity in the cave.

   Thanks to Jewelmay, Shi Licao, 5828 and other book friends for their rewards, and thank you all for your subscription support.

Good morning.



 (End of this chapter)

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