In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 116: Planting a second crop of vegetables


Xia Qing stopped and looked at the two large bird nests on the metasequoia tree, "Boss, where are the egrets and night herons in our territory?"

The sheep boss ignored Xia Qing and continued walking with the bucket on his back.

Xia Qing followed the sheep boss back while searching for traces of the bird with his eyes. There are none in the nearby trees; there are none beside the reservoir; there are none beside the two fish ponds...

So, after the egrets and night herons hatched their eggs, they moved with their babies?

 It’s also a good idea to move, you’ll save money. She could put shredded tobacco in the heron's nest and attract the pest-killing magpies to live there, killing two birds with one stone.

Xia Qing went home and took two lumps of red lamp tobacco and stuffed them into the nests of egrets and night herons. Then she went home and soaked the roots of rice seedlings, passion fruit and pepper saplings with spring water. These seedlings are not good if soaked in water for a long time, so after dinner, Xia Qing put on night vision goggles and listened to the radio to plant rice seedlings and trees in the fields. Although he couldn't see clearly at night, the sheep boss was still following behind Xia Qing.

The rice field was prepared before going there, and Xia Qing quickly inserted 400 rice seedlings into it. Then, she took two kinds of saplings up the hillside and planted them at the edge of the planting zone.

It stands to reason that Huisan Base is not suitable for growing passion fruits that like warm and humid climates, but some plants have evolved to become very adaptable. If they can grow in the territory of the lord who trades passion fruits, they will definitely be able to grow them. Grow on land nourished by pollution-free spring water.

After planting a good tree, Xia Qing put the sheep boss, who was stumbling because of the darkening of the sky, on his shoulders and took him home.

Possibly because he hadn’t seen Xia Qing for two days and one night, Mr. Yang was particularly clinging to her tonight. He actually gave up the comfortable tatami on the first floor and slept on the straw mat next to Xia Qing’s bed.

Xia Qing, who was lying on the bed, listened to the breathing of the sheep boss and slept very soundly.

The next day, the sheep boss woke up and shook his head. Xia Qing opened his eyes when he heard the noise and greeted warmly, "Good morning, boss."

 The sheep boss squinted at Xia Qing for two seconds, then got up and went downstairs. Although the sheep boss couldn't speak, Xia Qing accurately captured the meaning of its facial expression:

 This place to sleep is not comfortable!

Xia Qing turned over, lying on the bed and laughing for a while, then got up and changed clothes. He went downstairs to cook green light rice porridge, then went to inspect the territory, picked some fresh vegetables and came back to make a simple cold dish. Bake two large pancakes. Although there is only oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar at home, and although Xia Qing's cooking skills are average, she just feels that the food she cooks is better than the ones in the safe zone's canteen, and is even better than the restaurant she and Xu Juan went to.

If she uses enough ingredients, the food will definitely taste better than the food in the restaurant. She already has this ability, so why does she need a cook? Having multiple people in a territory is much more complicated than having one simple-minded sheep. Xia Qing has spent ten years fighting in the safe zone, and now she just wants to live a comfortable life.

 After a hearty meal, Xia Qing went to see the seeds he had soaked in spring water last night. "Planting Encyclopedia" said that corn needs to be soaked for 24 hours. She soaked it after coming back yesterday afternoon, so it can be planted this afternoon; radish seeds and sunflower seeds can be planted after being soaked for two hours, and cabbage will have to be planted next month. , the seeds were first put together with those exchanged from the idols, and kept well.

Xia Qing brought fertilizer and tools to clean up the terraces where radishes and sunflowers were planted.

Since the terraces were sufficient, Xia Qing did not pull out the cucumbers, eggplants, beans and tomatoes that were past their peak fruiting period, but instead cleared out two more terraces that had not been planted. The fertilizers she can use now include vermicompost, crab shell fertilizer, fermented leaf rot, plant ash and sheep manure. Sheep manure is the least and must be reserved for the green light spinach. Xia Qing applies other fertilizers in sufficient amounts according to the fertilizer proportions in the "Mung Bean Cultivation Guide" given by Li Si.

 After planting a crop of land, Xia Qing has a deep understanding of the importance of fertilizer. Only when there is enough fertilizer can the crops grow well; only when the crops grow well can they have strong resistance and will not cause large-scale deforestation when the rain comes, so the yield will be high.

 What is the purpose of farming? Of course it is to harvest more food, so you must be willing to put in the effort.

After spreading fertilizer, Xia Qing picked up a shovel and was about to turn over the soil, when the sheep boss rushed over.


Xia Qing stopped, "Boss, what's wrong?" "Hey." Boss Yang stood in front of Xia Qing and looked at her with squinted eyes.

At this time, the sheep boss should not be thirsty or hungry. What is going on? Xia Qing was confused for a moment, "Is your wolf friend here?"

Seeing that the sheep boss didn't move, Xia Qing knew that her guess was wrong. The seeds were almost soaked. Xia Qing didn't have time to play riddles with it. She turned around to continue turning over the soil, but was pushed hard by the sheep boss, which made her lie on the ground and nibble on it. A mouth full of dirt.

"I..." Xia Qing staggered two steps forward and stopped. She rolled up her sleeves and turned around to beat the sheep. However, she saw the sheep boss put the shovel aside and looked up at her again. Xia Qing suddenly understood, "You don't want to pull a plow to plow the land, do you?"


The sound of the clipping made by the sheep boss made Xia Qing speechless, "Boss, our terraced field is only five meters wide and ten meters long. It's really hard for you to hang up the plow stick. You are not needed for this job. I can do it myself." ”

Xia Qing tried to persuade him in a soft voice, but Mr. Yang became stubborn. Xia Qing had no choice but to go home and bring the three-share plow stick and hang it on Mr. Yang.

Unexpectedly, after hanging up the plow stick, the sheep boss still refused to leave. Xia Qing was speechless. He went to the high **** to break off some young toon buds and dropped them in front of the sheep boss. Then the sheep boss started to pull the plow stick excitedly.

With the guidance of toon buds, the sheep boss helped Xia Qing quickly finish plowing the two terraces without hitting the insect-proof net. The old sheep who had unloaded the plow lay down next to him to rest, and Xia Qing began to sow seeds.

The area of ​​a terraced field is about fifty square meters. According to the 60% germination rate of Huangdeng seeds after soaking in spring water, if one hundred and fifty sunflower seeds are planted, there will be only two sunflowers per square meter. This density is just right. Plant sparsely so that when the plant evolves in the rain, it can be removed promptly and completely to prevent the surrounding plants from being affected.

There are one hundred and fifty green radish and white radish seeds in total, and Xia Qing planted them in the same terraced field.

After planting, Xia Qing put a plow stick on the sheep boss and plowed the ground to plant cucumbers, eggplants, and tomatoes. These are seeds produced by vegetables in her field.

Although Qi Fu said that now is not the time to plant eggplants and tomatoes, and the "Planting Encyclopedia" did not mention it, the planting technical information Luo Pei gave Xia Qing said that they could be planted, so Xia Qing decided to soak the seeds and plant another batch. The evolutionary seeds are highly adaptable. Her field is moistened by spring water and has sufficient fertility. The Qinglong team can successfully plant it, and Xia Qing feels that she can too. If it works, she won't have to worry about running out of fresh vegetables for the next few months.

If they don’t bear fruit, they will only lose some green seeds and fertilizer. She has saved a lot of green seeds for these vegetables, and she can use some of them for planting experiments.

 Three types of vegetables, namely peppers, long beans and spring onions, Xia Qing has no green light, so they can only continue to grow yellow light vegetables. And the forty onion seeds she exchanged were also planted.

In order to keep his secret, Xia Qing opened a vegetable garden four meters wide and 160 meters long near the yellow-lantern pumpkin shed not far from the reservoir, and planted some of each vegetable. The vegetables grown here are used in exchange with other lords, and there is no need to water the mountain spring water.

After planting, Xia Qing sat on a bamboo chair under the shade of a tree to rest. Even as an advanced power evolved person, she was a little tired after planting more than two acres of vegetables all morning, but she felt more satisfied.

Nibbling on a strange-looking, bright red tomato, Xia Qing leaned on the back of his chair and looked at the two empty heron nests on the metasequoia, chatting with the sheep boss who was lying next to him and munching on old cucumbers, "Those four fish stealers It doesn’t matter if the birds are moved away, the fish we raise in the fish pond are either yellow lantern fish or green lantern fish, but we can’t let them work hard for a long time and get rid of them in vain. Birds that like to eat insects are better.”

The sheep boss, who doesn’t eat fish, squinted his eyes and chewed the cud, ignoring Xia Qing.

Xia Qing didn’t care and continued to eat tomatoes. Suddenly, she found a fiery red squirrel with a big fluffy tail climbing up the metasequoia tree and jumping into the egret's nest.

Isn't this the evolved squirrel that stole her wheat grains last time? Why was it in the egret's nest? Aren't squirrels supposed to live in tree holes?

 (End of this chapter)

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