Chapter 109 Re-entering the safe zone

 “Thank you very much.”

  After listening to assistant Xiao Liu’s evaluation, Xia Qing also inserted a bamboo stick into his mouth. Caution is advisable, but when it comes to delicious food, it's worth taking a little risk.

Xia Qing had a lot of these things in her territory, and she dug up a lot of them when clearing the farmland. However, she was too lazy to test them one by one, and she couldn't bear to fry the cicadas in oil, so she fed them all to fish, birds, and snakes.

At this moment, eating the fried golden cicada that was still hot and crispy, Xia Qing felt that she could put in some effort and oil for this delicious food.

After Xia Qing ate, Tang Huai glanced at Wei Chengdong proudly and distributed the fried golden cicadas to everyone in the car except Wei Chengdong, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Xia Qing understood that Tang Huai wanted to take this opportunity to reverse the unfavorable situation in which the lords of nearby territories were close to the Qinglong team and alienated the Tang family.

While everyone was busy asking Tang Huai for advice on his experience in digging up cicada monkeys, more lords got on the bus one after another.

 A total of sixteen lords have come to Territory No. 26 from 1st to 26th. It seems that all the lords who can come are here. Those who cannot come are either cut off from the outside world like Lord No. 8, or the territory is empty and deserted.

 The lords were naturally divided into three small groups according to the intercom communication channel. The representatives from Territory No. 12 crowded around Tang Huai, so the small group of Lords No. 1 to Ten had more people than the other two combined.

To protect the Lord's safety, testing is conducted in a partitioned area within the carriage. There was no verbal communication during the entire test, and those with hearing evolution abilities did not know what each lord or representative brought.

 It’s not possible, but it’s definitely the cry of a child. But the sound was so small that ordinary people in the car would not be able to hear it. The cry reminded Xia Qing of how Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui were injured when they were ambushed by a woman holding a child when they drove past the ruins half a month ago.

Xia Qing didn't move, but Tang Huai did. "Did you hear crying? There seemed to be children crying outside."

The tall Zhao Ze is still as fond of flattery as he was on the lord channel, "I didn't hear anything. Brother Huai's hearing is so good, no wonder he can hear the movement of insects in the soil."

 Agricultural products brought by lords can only be brought back to the safe zone for trade and exchange after passing official inspections.

  Ten years ago, this area used to be a prosperous and beautiful city, but now it is deserted. The howling sound of the wind passing through the ruins sounds particularly desolate.

 Suddenly, different sounds came from the wind. Xia Qing, who had been severely trained by Luo Pei for more than a month, had lost her concentration and remained motionless with her eyes closed.

Kuang Qingwei also answered, "There can't be children here. It's probably a wild cat that's barking."

After Tan Junjie and two other soldiers entered the back compartment, the car accelerated and rushed to areas 29 to 50, which were close to the safety zone. Tan Junjie and the other three began to inspect the types and quantities of the agricultural products brought by each lord according to the agricultural product fair procedures announced in advance, affixed labels from the Territory Management Department, sealed the bags and returned them to the lords.

Xia Qing came out of the detection area carrying her backpack and panniers. She returned to her original position and sat down. It looked like she was concentrating with her eyes closed, but in fact, her hearing was fully turned on, monitoring the movements inside and outside the car.

 “How could I hear it wrong?” Tang Huai felt that Kuang Qingwei was insulting his ability.

Based on the bumpiness of the road, the sound of wind, and the chirping of birds, Xia Qing judged that the car was passing through the ruins of the town.

After being glared at by Tang Huai, Kuang Qingwei immediately collapsed into a ball and laughed apologetically. Qi Fu quickly interrupted, "Maybe he is a child of a certain lord's family. There are many people who take the lead in farming."

Everyone became quiet again. Xia Qing silently thought about what would happen that would cause a woman to leave the safe zone and take risks with her children to survive in the ruins.

 After the military truck bumped for two hours, the speed of the truck slowed down, and the lords of areas 29 to 50 got on the truck one after another. When Sun Zhe, the lord of Land No. 48, came up, he immediately saw Xia Qing sitting in the innermost place. Although there were several women in the car, Xia Qing's red face was so recognizable.

Xia Qing also saw Sun Zhe and nodded to him.

When the military truck stopped outside the safe zone, Xia Qing took out his old mobile phone and looked at the time. She set off from the territory at six in the morning and arrived at the safe area at nine-thirty in the morning. Although the road was still very bumpy, the time was nearly doubled compared to when she left the safe zone to go to the territory.

 It seems that the base that was mentioned on the radio as “making great efforts” to build roads has really made such efforts.

Tan Junjie greeted everyone to get out of the car. Xia Qing followed the crowd and jumped out of the car easily, carrying a huge backpack.

Huisan Base has worked hard for this trade fair. Four military trucks from the east, west, north and south arrived at the main entrance of the safe zone at about the same time. The lords were either carrying big bags and baskets, or carrying big baskets and bags. They stood beside the cars and looked at each other. .

Xia Qing counted roughly one hundred people.

Huisan Base opened a total of 200 territories last year, but all were taken away in February. Five months later, only 100 people returned to the safe zone to participate in the agricultural products fair.

The remaining 100 pieces of territory are most likely to be empty. Faced with such a high casualty rate, it is understandable that ordinary residents in the safety zone are unwilling to come out to farm.

 The heavy iron door of the safe area has been opened, with an eye-catching red banner hanging on the door: Lords are welcome to go home.

Under the banner, there was a large group of security zone staff standing. Xia Qing actually saw someone with a camera on his shoulder recording video. Her calm eyes moved away from the banners, the crowd, and the cameras, and moved to the large areas of dark blood stains on the walls of the security zone.

 What stained this wall red was her father’s blood.

A bald middle-aged man in a black suit strode over with a smile on his face and shook hands with the lords cordially. "Welcome everyone to come back to participate in the agricultural products fair at our Huisan Base. I am Jiang Quan from the Territory Management Department. Please follow me." I'm in the safe zone."

Xia Qing held her backpack in front of her body to protect it. After showing her ID card to the guards in the safe area and accepting inspection, she followed the flow of people into the safe area.

Both sides of the road were crowded with sallow-looking residents. They stared at the lords like hooks, eager to grab the agricultural products they brought and swallow them.

Kuang Qingwei, who was holding his backpack, complained loudly as if no one was watching, "Why is the safe zone so smelly? It's incomparable to the territory."

“With so many people without showering or changing clothes crowded together, how can the smell be good?” Zhao Ze responded in a low voice, with pride in his voice, “We were like this before, I really don’t know how we could endure it.”

Not only the crowd, but also the entire safe area exudes a suffocating smell. After ten years of natural disasters, most human beings are extremely afraid of everything outside the safe zone. As long as they can survive in the safe zone, they dare not take this step.

Xia Qing said nothing and walked forward expressionlessly. She never stopped in the past ten years. Because after the natural disaster started, her parents told her countless times: No matter how hard the road ahead is, it is closer to happiness than standing still.

 They promised each other to work hard towards happiness.

 So even if Xia Qing is the only one left now, she will continue to run towards happiness according to the agreement with her parents.

 (End of this chapter)

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