Chapter 103 Little Egret hatches

 Can I ask Zhang San and Li Si?

no. Xia Qing didn't want to expose the native plants in her territory anymore, so she decided to use both hands together - organic fertilizer and insects.

Xia Qing first carefully fertilized the peanut field, and then irrigated it with a mixture of filtered water and spring water. Then he went to his private evolutionary forest to catch dozens of large and small evolved insects and a snake, and returned to the terraces to "feed" the peanuts.

 Insects are fed one by one to death, but the evolved snake that was thrown over actually knew how to dodge, twisting its body in incredible ways in the air to avoid the green light peanuts. Xia Qing held down the escaped snake and placed it on the peanut seedling.

 The snake, which was pierced by the veins of the peanut leaves, rolled over hard and escaped again.

Xia Qing simply killed the snake and threw it over for the third time. The peanut leaf vein needle immediately pierced the snake's body and sucked out the juice.

As the evolutionary snake "gets thinner", the green light peanut blooms one golden flower after another. When the sixtieth flower blooms, a white stem that is several times thicker than the leaf veins emerges from each flower and plunges downward into the soil.

 The reason why peanuts are called "ground peanuts" is because this plant blooms on the ground, and then the fruit needles protrude from the flowers and grow downward, piercing into the soil to grow fruits.

These white stems protruding from the flowers are the fruit needles of Green Lantern Peanut.

Xia Qing carefully dug open the soil with a wooden stick and saw that the top of the fruit needle that was first pierced into the soil had begun to swell.

Xia Qing, who has survived natural disasters for ten years, has seen many methods of plants hunting animals, but she was still shocked by the ability of Green Lantern Peanut.

If she feeds a few more snakes, will she be able to eat boiled peanuts today?

Xia Qing continued to feed the insects and found that the green light peanuts absorbed more "nutrients". After the top of each fruit needle swelled to the size of a soybean, it no longer continued to expand, but began to grow branches, leaves and roots.

Xia Qing used a dagger to scratch a peanut leaf, and found that the hardness and toughness of the peanut leaf had indeed improved compared to before it bloomed.

Such a ferocious plant cannot grow too big, otherwise not only the sheep boss, but also herself may be sucked to death by it.

 No wonder the safety zone planting center obviously planted peanuts, but did not distribute peanut seeds to the lords. This thing is so terrifying in its normal state. If it is killed, it will probably become a spirit. It will definitely be more powerful than the dancing potato seedlings, let alone the two jujube trees with long thorns planted on the top of the high slope.

 How do peanut plants protect themselves before they bloom? Xia Qing continued the experiment.

She pinched off a small section from a green light peanut seedling that had not bloomed and fed it to the sheep boss lying in the shade. "Boss, you have worked hard today. I will reward you with a few green light peanut leaves."

 The sheep boss turned his head away and his attitude was very clear.

So, it’s not that the terrace where the peanuts grow is too steep for the sheep to get up, it’s that it doesn’t eat the peanut leaves at all.

Xia Qing smelled the peanut juice, sat next to the sheep boss, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message to Luo Pei: Brother Luo, is the repellent we use added with peanut juice?

It took Luo Pei a few minutes to answer: Only the juice of edible peanuts has the effect of repelling insects. Are there edible peanuts in your territory?

As the security guards of Territory No. 3, the Husband Feng Team cannot disclose the situation in Territory No. 3 to the outside world according to regulations, so it is normal for Luo Pei not to know that there are peanuts in Territory No. 3.

Xia Qing replied to Luo Pei: There are some. Are the peanuts in Brother Luo’s territory blooming? I have found that green light peanuts can cause aggression when blooming, so be careful.

Luo Pei replied: Not yet, thank you very much.

After waiting for a while, Luo Pei sent another long message: I asked the members of the planting team that green light peanuts will release fragrance to attract insects when they bloom, and use veining needles that can paralyze animal nerves to absorb insect body fluids to supply the plant with continued growth. , you can feed insects to the peanuts until the plants continue to grow taller. Harvest after the peanut plants begin to wither and lose their ability to attack. Be careful of attacks from the peanut rhizomes.

It turns out that green light peanuts rely on the roots that are still viable after the plant wilts to protect the peanut seeds. When the roots of the peanuts die completely in the second spring, the peanuts sprout and grow leaves that have insect repellent properties.

Xia Qing sighed, "It's amazing. Green Lantern Peanut's ability to survive to this day is not due to luck, but to strength."

How did the green lantern perilla and toon, which were loved by the sheep boss, survive to the tenth year of the natural disaster?

 You will know when they bloom and bear fruit.

Xia Qing leaned on Boss Sheep, "Boss, will the toon tree bloom?"

Of course, the sheep boss ignored Xia Qing and continued to chew the cud with his eyes closed.

Thinking of blooming, Xia Qing's eyes turned to the pumpkin seedlings that were getting longer and crazier. It is the only crop left in one's own territory that should have bloomed but has not yet bloomed. In May, Xia Qing announced that the pumpkin vines would not bloom in June, so she would cut them to feed the sheep.

 It is now the end of June and the pumpkin vines have not yet bloomed. Not only was Xia Qing reluctant to do so, she also extended the insect-proof net shed by more than 20 meters to give the pumpkin vines room to grow.

What she hoped for was that the pumpkins would be covered with vines as soon as they bloomed, as Qi Fu and Shi Chong had said.

 “Gugu, gugu…”

The egret on the metasequoia tree beside the reservoir made a low and joyful call.

 Don’t ask her why she can hear happiness in the chirping of birds. Asking means listening a lot, and you will naturally hear it. The screams these two guys are making now are more joyful than having bird **** smeared on the windows of her house.

Xia Qing sat up and looked at the bird's nest on the metasequoia tree.

Two night herons and the egret became neighbors, and their nests were very close to each other. There is always one Night Heron sitting in the nest these days. Xia Qing guessed that the Night Heron couple were also incubating eggs.

Xia Qing, who is about to have a green rooster, no longer wants to eat the eggs of other birds, but she still observes two pairs of herons every day.

Even though the night heron and the egret are friendly and helpful neighbors, the two herons squatting in their nests and hatching eggs never waste time chatting, at least not to Xia Qing.

The Egret couple were so happy today that they even stood together by the nest. No need to ask, the little egret must be breaking out of its shell, or it must have already broken out of its shell.

 This is a happy event.

Xia Qing stood up and patted the dirt on his body, took out a homemade iron ring fishing net from the hut, and fished out a dozen palm-long and fierce evolved fish from the fish pond that clicked on the fishing net.

Qi Fu said that these evolved fish have slender bodies, black backs and golden bellies, and are local spring fish with high nutritional value. Xia Qing once caught a yellow lantern and grilled it. It tasted really good.

  Unfortunately, the proportion of edible fish in the fish pond is too low. Even if you catch a hundred fish, you won’t find even one edible fish. Therefore, in order to eat one fish, you have to catch a hundred fish for testing. Xia Qing didn't mind the trouble, but she had to keep the fish for the kitten.

Now that the cat is gone, what's the use of keeping the fish in the pond?

After Xia Qing landed the fish net, not only egrets, but also night herons, magpies, crows and other larger evolved birds came over and lined up to wait for the fish.

“Today the Egret family has a baby, and you all have a share.” Xia Qing happily took out the largest fish with rattling teeth from the net, held it down, knocked it out, and tested the content of the elements.

 Shows red light.

Throw it to the egret waiting for food, "The first one is yours, congratulations. Let's reconcile and be good neighbors again?"

Egret Xia Qing, holding the fish in her mouth, gracefully flapped her wings and flew back to the tree, fed the fish to the wife (or husband) who was guarding the nest, and flew back again.

Xia Qing happily gave another message, "Raise your children well from now on and don't harm the windows of my house anymore."

 A fish as big as a palm can be picked up and swallowed by an egret in just a second.

Xia Qing stunned another red lantern fish and gave it to the night heron with two long white hairs on its head. "Your family has a hard time squatting in the nest. Send one over."

The night heron quickly picked up the fish, swallowed it, and ate it himself.

Xia Qing threw another one to it, and it raised its neck and swallowed it again. Xia Qing swung the machete angrily, "Get out of the way."

 (End of this chapter)

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