“You two, wait a minute.”

Something was wrong with Princess Cat. Ji Li took out her phone and shook her head, "Yanlong, come to the North Buffer Forest. Yes, right away."

Yanlong? Hu Xiu Feng turned his head in surprise and looked down the hillside.

When he saw a slim, short-haired woman in camouflage approaching, her beard stood at attention and saluted, "Company Commander Yan."

Xia Qing followed Hu Feng and saluted the young soldier who was as beautiful as an unsheathed sword.

Yanlong returned the greeting with a clean and crisp voice, "I'm retired."

“Yes.” Hu Feng still stood upright.

Ji Li explained the situation to Yanlong, "This is Miss Xia, the lord of land No. 3. The third brother asked her to come over to choose a cat, but the princess is very hostile to her. Do you think there is anything wrong with Miss Xia?"

Yanlong replied, "Miss Xia has the aura of an evolved wolf, very strong."

What an injustice! She hadn't seen a single wolf hair in the past half month.

Xia Qing was about to explain when Yanlong pointed out more clearly, "The smell is concentrated on your right hand and waist. In addition to the evolved wolf, there is also the smell of sheep."

"I smoothed the wool of my evolved sheep when I came out. It's not surprising that it has the smell of sheep. But I haven't encountered a wolf for half a month..." Xia Qing suddenly stopped, with an expression as if struck by lightning.

Looking at her expression, you can tell that she understands where the wolf's aura comes from. Ji Li explained to Xia Qing, "My princess has had several conflicts with the evolved wolf, so she had such a big reaction. Miss Xia, you can't take the kitten away."

Xia Qing struggled, "Should I go back and clean up before visiting again?"

Ji Li shook his head, "Even if you take it away, the princess will go over and take the kitten back."

With the cute kitten so close in front of her eyes, Xia Qing couldn't bear to give up and continued to struggle, "Third brother even accepted the materials I exchanged for the cat..."

Ji Li was very sorry, "I will report this matter to the third brother when he is done."

 “Thank you.” Xia Qing took one last look at the little Lao Wu who was angry at her, and followed Hu Feng out of the No. 7 territory.

With Xia Qing in such a miserable state, Hu Xi Feng was of course embarrassed to choose a cat today and discussed with Xia Qing in a low voice, "Captain Yan is a ninth-level olfactory evolution person. Her judgment must be correct. Let Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng check No. 3 Territory and District Three, searching for evolved wolves?”

The Qinglong Team divided Mountain No. 49 into ten areas. Area Three refers to the non-leased area north of the isolation zone of No. 1, 3, and 4 on Mountain 49. It is Xia Qing’s unique evolution. Forest.

After Xia Qing nodded, Hu Xiufeng immediately called and waited for Xia Qing to return to the territory. The two brothers Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng have begun to use their sense of smell to check the territory. Dajiang, who is guarding the territory for Xia Qing, is weeding in the shed.

Seeing Xia Qing and the captain coming back, Dajiang rushed up and asked anxiously, "Brother Feng, Sister Qing, what does the kitten look like, have you taken pictures, and when will you bring it back?"

Hush Feng glared at Dajiang with a dark look on his face as he refused to open any pot and said, "Pull out your grass!"

As soon as Dajiang saw that something was wrong, he immediately retreated and continued to pull weeds.

Xia Qing walked straight to the sheep boss who was lying under the tree. The sheep boss stared at Xia Qing with squinted eyes, and started fighting each other with his eyes.

Hushi Feng also retreated silently, squatting with Da Jiang and pulling weeds.

Chen Zheng, who inspected Territory No. 3, came over and reported the inspection results, "Sister Qing, in the entire territory, only under the grapevine and on the sheep boss have the aura of the evolved wolf, and the two places have the same aura. It should be the same evolved wolf left last night. Yes, it must have used something to mask its smell, so we can’t smell where it entered territory three.”

Hushi Feng came over and asked Xia Qing, "Do you want to ask Company Commander Yan to come over and help with the inspection?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "No need. There's no need to go to the third district. I'm troubling you today."

Xia Qing will set up more than thirty traps with sound-making devices in the territory every night, including two under the grapevines. In order to make it easier for Wei Chengdong to get water, Xia Qing did not set a trap near the big stone blocking the spring.

 No one knows the location of the trap except Husband Feng’s team and Wei Chengdong who was collecting water.

 Last night, a wolf entered his territory, got into the net shed and stayed under the grapevines for a long time, but did not touch the thread of the trap. Xia Qing didn't find anything unusual when he inspected the territory in the morning.

How could such a smart wolf leave its presence in the third area of ​​Mountain No. 49, allowing people to track its origins and whereabouts?

After Hu Feng led his team to withdraw from Territory No. 3, Xia Qing hung the bag containing dried fish and roasted snake meat on the tree, nodded to the sheep boss, "You, get up!"

 Seeing that Xia Qing wanted to fight, Mr. Yang stood up and used his spiral horn to dig his hooves, getting into full swing.

Xia Qing asked angrily, "When the **** did you hook up with an evolved wolf? Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing?"

The sheep boss narrowed his eyes and continued to dig into the soil with his hooves. No matter how he looked at it, he deserved a beating. "How dare you scratch your hooves!" Xia Qing held in his anger all morning until he burst out and rushed forward. The sheep boss also faced the challenge without showing any signs of weakness.


The advanced power evolved man and the power evolved sheep collided with all their strength, causing the surrounding air to tremble.

The Bearded Feng team, who had not yet left the buffer forest of Territory 3, turned around and saw Xia Qing, who had been knocked away by the sheep boss, turning over in the air and kicking the sheep boss's horns.

"Moo!" The sheep boss was kicked back several steps by Xia Qing, and then rushed forward again.


Dajiang felt his body hurt when he heard it, and asked in a low voice, "Captain, what's wrong with Sister Qing?"

Behind the beard, "The boss of the sheep has a wide range of friends."

 In addition to the wild boar in the breeding center, it is also friends with evolved wolves...

This is not a sheep, this is a cow, a real cow.

 “Bang!” Xia Qing kicked the sheep boss several meters away, and there was another loud noise.

Chen Zheng took the opportunity to teach his younger brother, "You see, don't always laugh and talk in front of Sister Qing. If you make Sister Qing angry, she will beat you like a sheep boss. Can you handle it?"

Chen Cheng and Da Jiang, who had been educated by chance, shook their heads at the same time. They couldn't bear it. They really couldn't bear it.

After shaking his head, Dajiang turned around and asked Hu Feng, "Is the Captain Yan mentioned by the captain just now Captain Yanlong?"

Husband Feng glared at him, "Want to see if you can withstand my fist?"

 Ojiang shrinks his head, he doesn’t want to...

 After returning to the territory, Hu Hufeng reported to Luo Pei that he went to territory No. 7 to collect the cat.

Luo Pei couldn't help laughing after hearing this. Although Xia Qing couldn't get the kitten, it was probably not a loss to have an extra wolf trade partner.

What Hui Feng cares most about is not whether Xia Qing can get the cat, or even whether he can get it himself, but Yanlong who appears in Zhang San's territory, "Brother Luo, Captain Yan actually followed Zhang San and left Hui Yi Base. She said she retired. How is this possible?"

Luo Pei was very calm, "Isn't Zhang San worthy of the military sending Yanlong to protect him?"

Hushi Feng…

 It’s worth it, of course it’s worth it.

Luo Pei poured a cup of tea and said, "Ji Li, who runs errands every day to deliver supplies to various territories, do you know what level of ability he is?"

Hushi Feng guessed: "Level 5?"

“Level 7. Level 7 speed evolution.”

Hushi Feng…

 How can a level 7 speed evolved person not be able to stand alone? But running errands and raising cats in Zhang San's territory...


The phone vibrates.

Xia Qing, who was lying on the ground, weakly ordered, "You idiot, answer the phone."

 The mobile phone answered cheerfully, "Okay Master, the call has been connected for you."

"Xia Qing, I, your third brother." The calm voice of idol Zhang San came over the phone, and Xia Qing immediately sat up.

 The lying sheep boss noticed that Xia Qing sat up, and jumped up too, getting ready to continue fighting.

“I heard from Ji Li that there are wolves in your territory?”

“Well, it’s Mr. Sheep’s friend who came to visit her. I just found out about it. Third brother, is the cat princess okay?” Don’t have a stress reaction. The cat princess is still nursing two kittens.

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