In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 90 Prisoner's Dilemma

Shanina is dead.

She died completely.

The puppet created by merging with her body was not Shanina at all, but a being named "Nana" with a completely different soul.

Norton was a true master. He transformed his daughter who had lost her life into a puppet and gave her new intelligence according to the image of his well-behaved daughter in his memory.

This transformation used up the last treasured Arcanite-level puppet core.

Norton was not stupid, nor was he crazy. He was very sober.

Of course he knew that his daughter named Shanina was dead.

Resurrection was a more taboo field than forbidden alchemy. Only those who were infused with divine power could touch the threshold slightly.

He had no ability to resurrect his daughter.

But he was not frustrated.

Although he lost Shanina, he got a new daughter named Nana.

Nana's intelligence level was only about seven or eight years old, very naive.

But he had plenty of time. He wanted to grow up with his little daughter Nana.

Norton's behavior made those who knew him stay away from him.

Both Sif and Lisa thought he was crazy.

Only Roland understood him.

People always have obsessions.

Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, Shanina is a stupid girl who is harmed by love, a poor girl whose mind does not match her age.

But in the eyes of her father, a daughter is always a daughter.

This is family love.

Norton's behavior is indeed against the will of heaven, but it is easy to understand.

It doesn't matter whether Nana is Shanina or not, it is enough for his daughter to be around.

In line with the principle of never interfering in the private lives of subordinates, Roland did not talk to Norton about this matter.

He just silently provided funds and materials for Norton to build a new laboratory.

But he reminded Norton not to rush to build a large laboratory, just build one first.

Norton did not ask why, just followed the order.

His life was saved by Roland.

He can reunite with his daughter in another way, and even have the opportunity for complete revenge in the future, all of which are given by Roland.

If you still ask this and that when executing orders, it would be a bit rude.

If it were a few months ago, as a master of alchemy, he would not give Roland such a good face for interfering in experiments.

But now it's different.

His life is left with only the flames of revenge and the fatherly love of taking care of his daughter.

Looking at Norton's departing back, Sif felt a chill and asked in confusion:

"I always feel that Mr. Norton is a little strange."

"Oh, nothing, he is transforming his body."

A real ruthless person dares to use himself as an experimental material.

Norton is such a ruthless person.

He deeply felt the lack of power. Although he surrendered to Roland, he was also trying to strengthen his power.

His choice was to transform himself.

Through the transformation of flesh and bones, he became a half-human, half-mechanical fighting machine.

Sif was stunned by Roland's words.

This is nothing?

Who would take their daughter as a transformation target, and who would take themselves?

But it was difficult for her to criticize Norton.

After learning about Norton's experience, Sif was full of sympathy for the unfortunate alchemist.

She bit her lip, and her cold voice was filled with icy coldness, "Smith, the traitor, deserves to die!"

"He does deserve to die."

Roland nodded and said calmly: "But Smith has never been alone. When one Smith falls, countless Smiths stand up."

"Is there no way to deal with them?" Sif frowned slightly.

Roland wanted to use some modern words, but the words changed when they came to his lips, "Of course there is, but I have to wait until you ascend the throne."

"We will leave the imperial capital soon, and let the Smiths deal with this place."

Sif knew Roland's plan.

Leave the imperial capital, set up a team overseas, let the powerful officials toss the imperial capital hard, give the people of the imperial capital a strong strength, and then come back to clean up the mess.

The plan is perfect.

It's just a little cruel to the people of the imperial capital.

Seeing Sif's reluctant expression, Roland reminded her in a deep voice: "Sif, kindness is an excellent quality, but in politics it is a luxury that requires a huge price to enjoy."

"Change always comes at a price, there is no painless change."

"The residents of the imperial capital are the price."

Sif sighed lightly: "I know, although I am a little reluctant, I don't know the word you said called 'female kindness', right?"

"Yes, woman's kindness. Including but not limited to women."

Sif was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "By the way, although Wharton and Stanley were executed, they said nothing. According to your request, the interrogator did not use torture, and the interrogation progressed very slowly. What should I do?"

"What should I do? There are ways. Let's go and see them."

Roland's mouth corners rose slightly, and it was time for on-site teaching again.

Wharton and Stanley were both people who had made contributions to the country. Torture during interrogation was certainly useful, but it did not meet the requirements of the "Knight Management Law".

Of course, he could openly trample on the law, but what would other knights think?

Not using torture is not to treat Wharton and Stanley well, but to make the knights return to their hearts.

Can't you pry open their mouths without torture?

Roland didn't believe it.

Coming to the interrogation room where Wharton and Stanley were imprisoned, Roland asked the jailer to bring them out.

Soon, the two former vice-captains of the Knights came out wearing heavy shackles and handcuffs.

They are extraordinary people, very dangerous, and ordinary soldiers can't control them at all.

In order to prevent accidents, they can only be equipped with weapons and then half-starved every day.

Seeing Roland and Sif, Wharton and Stanley's faces changed instantly.

Wharton bit his lip and pleaded softly: "Captain Roland, Count Sif, I know I have committed a serious sin, but please give me a quick death and let my family go."

Stanley did not speak, but looked at Wharton with contempt.

Is it useful to beg for mercy even at this point?

What a waste.

Hearing Walton's plea for mercy, Roland smiled and said, "Wharton, you have made meritorious deeds, so I will give you a chance to redeem yourself."

"From now on, you and Stanley will expose each other's crimes. Whoever reveals more can get a reduced sentence."

"If neither of you says anything, you will both be imprisoned for ten years. If one confesses and the other does not, the one who confesses will be sentenced to three years in prison, and the one who does not confess will be sentenced to death."

"If both confess, the one who confesses more will be sentenced to five years in prison, and the one who confesses less will be sentenced to life imprisonment."

"You can consider for yourself whether you believe your good relative will stick to the end."

"Take him away!"

Wharton and Stanley looked at each other, both a little stunned.

They did not speak, but lowered their heads at the same time, fearing that the other would see their eyes.

After the interrogator took the two away, Roland waved his hand to call the torturer over.

"Interrogator, go get dozens of thick candles and light them in a poorly lit interrogation room. Don't let them sleep. The interrogation will end when they confess."

"Remember, don't let them sleep, not even for a second. If they fall asleep, you know what to do, right?"

The interrogator patted his chest hard and promised loudly: "Don't worry. Even if he is a piece of stone, I will find a way to make him talk!"

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