In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 63 A Fire in Winter

"Roland, let's move as soon as possible. Miss Sif's workers are working overtime these days. The new house has been packed up and the furniture is complete."

When Lisa happily announced the good news, Roland, who had just picked up his knife and fork, was stunned for a long time before he realized that she was talking about the house on Belfa Street.

These days he was busy attending banquets, killing people, grabbing treasures, and scheming, and he almost forgot that he had such a small house under his name.

Seeing Sister Lisa's happy expression, Roland felt a little complicated.

He wanted to remind Lisa that this house would be out to sea soon, but the words disappeared without a trace before he reached his lips.

Instead of trusting Lisa to keep the secret, start with him.

Lisa's mood was written all over her face.

She moved to a new house but was not happy. Everyone knew that she had something on her mind. By scratching the surface, we might be able to dig out their secret plan.

Just because the Military Intelligence Bureau is a loser does not mean that the intelligence system of the ministers is useless.

Fortunately, there is still some time.

At least they have to wait until the knights are reorganized before they can go to sea.

No matter what, it will take three or four months.

Winters in Sussex are not cold, but can be somewhat wet.

The new home's huge fireplace is just the thing to beat the winter chill.

With such an atmosphere, why use cold reality to crush Lisa's dream.

He smiled softly, chewed the steak in his mouth, and swallowed it.

"Okay, but there's something to do before we move."

"What?" Lisa was a little curious. Is there anything more important than moving?

"Go to the post office and resign. Say goodbye to M. Troyes."

Lisa's smile froze at the corners of her lips.

Moving to a new home would be too far from the post office.

Moreover, Roland is already the leader of the Knights and cannot continue to stay at the post office.

A month ago, he was an unknown author, but now he has become a well-known writer in the literary world of the "Megatron" empire.

Not only that, he often visited the palace and chatted and laughed with the countess.

She had long been unable to understand the ambition flowing in Roland's eyes.

Although she successfully embarked on the path of transcendence, Lisa knew very well that the distance between her and Roland had not shortened, but was even widening.

She put away her sigh and covered it up with laughter, "When you leave the post office, I and other colleagues will miss you very much."

"Why do you want me? You also resign." Roland said calmly.

The spoon in Lisa's hand trembled suddenly, and the rich fish soup accidentally fell on the table.

She quickly stood up and looked for the rag, not daring to look at Roland at all.

"I, I'm used to staying at the post office. Besides, I also need a salary. I can't live and eat at your house all the time."

"I'll introduce you to a new job."

Roland smiled and extended the invitation, "You have studied accounting and are also very good at mathematics. The Knights need a logistics officer, and I feel relieved if you can do it."

"But I am not a knight at all, and I have no qualifications. Others will not be convinced. If you appoint people around you like this, it will definitely arouse criticism, which will damage your reputation."

Roland finished his second bite of steak, his knife and fork stopped in the air, and he teased softly:

"Damage your reputation? Could it be worse than 'the pretty boy kept by Her Majesty the Queen'?"

Lisa: "."

That's right, Roland's reputation is already so bad that it's hard to get any worse.

Nepotism is nothing compared to the scandal of getting up the Queen's skirt.

So it turns out that having a bad reputation has positive effects?

Lisa couldn't be happy at all and even felt sorry for Roland.

"It's so unfair! You didn't do anything, why are you slandering your innocence like this!"

Roland smiled and shook his head, "Isn't it fair? Then it is even more unfair for me to become the leader of the Knights. Besides, this slander is not directed at me, but at the Queen."

"Sister, take it apart and see what's fair."

"Just ice?" Lisa seemed to understand something.

"Yes, fairness is like an ice cube, crystal clear and frozen in beauty. However, as long as you are passionate about it, you will find that it will quickly turn into a puddle of water and disappear."

Roland finished his lunch quickly and stood up calmly.

"Let's go, sister. Put on beautiful clothes and say goodbye to your friends happily."

Although Roland was a bit domineering in taking the decision without authorization, Lisa was not angry at all and could not even hide the smile on her lips.

After the meal, Roland changed his clothes and waited for Lisa downstairs.

This wait lasted forty minutes.

Roland was not impatient at all, he just looked quietly at the gray sky.

The time a girl takes to go downstairs is directly proportional to her appearance.

In ancient and modern times, it is like this.

My sister's beauty is incomparable to that of Sif, but she is still a beauty in the slums. Even if she joins a noble salon, she is still in the upper class. It makes sense to wait a little longer.

Looking at the gray sky, half of Roland's good mood disappeared. Although he had lived in Sussex for eighteen years, he could never get used to this damn fog.

I heard that Brook and Hansa are good places with sunny weather and moist sea breeze.

I really want to go early.

Just after Roland completed the "Overseas Adventures" in his mind, Lisa finally came out.

Hearing the sound of high heels colliding with the stairs, Roland turned back casually and his eyes quickly fell into Lisa's slightly red dimples.

She wore a skirt that she rarely wore, her red lip gloss was particularly dazzling, and her long flaxen hair was tied up and neatly combed.

Paired with a dainty satchel and translucent crystal pumps, it doesn't feel like quitting your job at all.

It's more like going to a party.

Roland glanced at Lisa's ankle, paused for a moment, and teased softly:

"It's very beautiful. Are you going to just walk over there?"

In this era of road conditions, the chance of spraining your ankle when walking on the road in high heels is very high.

Lisa pinched the hem of her skirt and turned around in a chic way, smiling and saying, "Of course not, I just want you to take a look first, how about that?"

With the light rotation, the crimson long skirt burned like a flame in the winter noon.

Roland did not speak, but there was a flame dancing in the depths of his pupils.

If you are not good at speaking, focusing your eyes is also a sincere compliment.

Perhaps it is because they have been together for too long and have witnessed Lisa's growth process with their own eyes. In Roland's impression, Lisa is indeed a beauty, but he has no idea how beautiful she is.

Now he knows.

Lisa lowered her head slightly and bit her lip to remind her, "Hold me, I need to change my shoes."

Her heartbeat was a little fast.

Exercising in high heels is indeed tiring, even if she is already a transcendent.

She never asked who is more beautiful than Sif.

She doesn't want either the lies of praise or the hurtful truth.

She quickly put on her small leather boots and carefully wrapped her crystal high heels and put them in her bag.

This was a gift from Her Majesty the Queen, and she would not wear them normally.

But today was different.

Resigning from the post office was the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with every step.

Wearing dazzling crystal shoes, her scarlet dress turned into flames, and she made a brilliant appearance, turning around gracefully in the envious eyes of the general manager and colleagues.

It was like a dream.

But it was about to come true.

Walking side by side with Roland, Lisa's mind reappeared the scene of the dinner.

When would she be able to stand in the center of the stage like Her Majesty the Queen and become the brightest star?

But she knew it was a fantasy.

The ugly duckling would never become a white swan.

The only thing that could become a white swan was the little swan that looked like an ugly duckling.

The stories Roland brought were always so real.

So cruel.

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