In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 47 The Minister's Decision

"What has White Rose been doing these days?"

A low voice came slowly from a corner where the sun could not reach.

The mist from the tea made the owner of the voice seem to be hidden in the shadows.

"On the surface, she is in the palace every day, but in fact, she is playing outside as the Earl of Tyrone."

"Oh? What is she playing?" The voice in the shadows rose slightly, as if it was aroused.

The reporter continued to report respectfully.

"She hangs out with the essay champion Roland every day, and even plans to make him the leader of the Royal Knights."

The person in the shadows slowly sat up and asked in a deep voice: "What happened next?"

"After that, they went to the Royal Knights' station and told stories to the children for an afternoon."

The person in the shadows was stunned.

What is this operation?

After continuing to learn other information, he waved his hand to signal the reporter to retreat, came to the window alone, looked at Sheffield Castle not far away, and fell into deep thought.

He couldn't understand Queen Sylph's operation.

Sometimes her magical operation surprised him as a veteran in the political arena, but more often she always had a clear and transparent stupidity.

This does not mean that Queen Sylph is a fool, but she certainly does not understand politics.

As the chief minister of the imperial cabinet, Mr. William has a heavy burden on his shoulders.

He has to serve the emperor, manage the entire country, and intrigue with other members of the cabinet.

He is very tired.

The old emperor Edward was ambitious but incompetent. He always wanted to take back all the power from the cabinet, but he did not have the political literacy to match the power.

He was a qualified emperor, but he wanted to be honored as the great emperor, which was the root of his tragedy.

What about Sylph?

William originally had no hope for Sylph, but she awarded the essay championship to Roland, letting him see her magnanimity.

Later, she solved the Lori death case through Alban, which made him look at her with new eyes.

However, she did not play by the rules afterwards, and tactfully rejected Alban's self-pollution, which made William completely confused.

He thought the Queen would arrange a title for her lover Roland, and even prepared to teach the young Queen a lesson here, but she directly bypassed the House of Representatives and appointed him as the head of the Royal Knights.

This series of operations made the experienced politician Mr. William sprain his back several times.

After a long silence, William came to the final conclusion.

Sylph may not be a foolish emperor, but she is definitely an emperor who can make the Prime Minister die of myocardial infarction.

No one can control her jumpiness.

In this case, let's keep the imperial power in the palace.

The crown is yours, the glory is yours, and the power beyond your ability is unnecessary.

This is responsible for the empire and for Her Majesty the Queen.

She only needs to be responsible for the peaceful years. The burden of the empire's thirty-four provinces and nearly 100 million people will be borne by me, William.

The Chief Minister sighed, and there was no confusion in his eyes, but determination instead.

It's time to make a decision!

The atmosphere in the cabinet during this period was very bad. There were wavering, taking sides, and forming cliques. However, few people focused on their work.

As the chief minister, he had to stand up and put an end to everything.

An incomprehensible queen is much more terrible than an incompetent queen.

William thought silently.

Beautiful white roses should be carefully cared for in the garden, not released to prick people with thorns.

Just as the chief minister of the empire made a decision, Roland also made a decision.

He must build the power in his own hands.

For him and for his good friend Sif.

Sif did not realize her dangerous situation.

She was the shadow of the queen. What if one day the queen no longer needed the shadow?

After meeting the queen, he made a decision.

The queen was indeed very beautiful. How could she not be beautiful if she looked so much like Sif?

But she looked lifeless and thoughtless.

She did not look like a monarch.

This was Roland's objective evaluation of the queen.

Mr. Kong Ming and Marshal Peng Ju both have masters that they cannot lead, not to mention that he is an ordinary time traveler.

Sif is different.

She is smart and growing.

Seeing the miserable situation of the Knights, she can think of selling jewelry and antiques to raise money, but Her Majesty the Queen would never think of it.

No more hesitation!

He must rebuild the Knights and make them the sharpest sword in his and Sif's hands.

After the matter is done, he will give Sif the right to choose.

If Sif is kind-hearted and can't bear to see her kill her own family, then she will be the Queen and let her be a vase. Sif will be the chief minister, and he will be the general and control the power.

If Sif is determined enough, then she will replace her.

She looks the same as the Queen, who can tell the difference?

After thinking it through, Roland took out a new piece of paper, wrote quickly, and began to build a framework for the reconstruction of the Knights.

Sif, who was sitting opposite him, held her cheek and smiled as she watched him write a book.

Everyone is very busy these days.

The cabinet ministers were busy scheming to divide power.

Teacher Walder was busy consolidating the power of the royalists.

Miss Lisa was busy learning the etiquette of court ladies.

Roland was even busier. Not only did he have to contribute to the Sun, write tutorials for the Queen, but he also had to draw up a reconstruction plan for the Knights.

She had to accompany Roland every day and urge him to submit his manuscripts on the spot.

She was not idle either.

Based on the principle of pragmatism, Roland mixed many military works from the two planes, added some of his own insights, and made a real stitched monster.

He was not sure what the monster he created was, but he believed that the new Knights would be very powerful.

Sif couldn't wait to take Roland's draft and was stunned after just one look.

Is this still the Knights?

"Roland, are you sure you want to rebuild the Knights in this way?"

"Of course."

Sif was silent for a long time, and said slowly: "A real knight would definitely not accept this."

"My father is a knight, a real knight."

Roland said slowly: "He follows the code of chivalry, covers the rear for his comrades on the battlefield, and charges at the enemy like a real knight."

After a pause, he said calmly:

"He was greeted by hundreds of twelve-pound shells. He will stay in the spring of Bitus forever, and even his body can't be pieced together, and he is still missing."

"No need to say sorry, he died like a knight, a real knight. He is a hero in the eyes of his comrades, but his family hopes that he will come back alive and sit there drunk and brag about his great achievements on the battlefield."

Roland concluded, "It is not easy to train a knight, and a knight who dies easily is not a good knight."

Sif was silent for a moment, put down the draft in her hand, sighed leisurely, and said nothing.

Sometimes silence means acquiescence, even though this is completely different from the knights she knew.

Roland's theory of building an army is very simple.

Since the infantry and artillery have embarked on the path of doing everything possible to achieve victory, the cavalry/knights must go further than them.

Cavalry/knights are not useless.

They are loyal, brave, obedient, and dare to sacrifice.

They dare to take cannonballs on their faces, why don't they dare to make changes?

Musketeers use guns, and cavalry also use them, and they must be equipped with new guns with greater power and longer range.

Infantry uses alchemical bombs, and cavalry also uses them, and they must master the skills of throwing bombs while advancing at high speed.

Artillery uses artillery, cavalry.

Cavalry can fully cooperate with artillery, tear the front line as soon as the artillery opens a gap, and continue to bleed the enemy.

In Roland's conception, cavalry should be hexagonal warriors with superior mobility, able to cooperate with artillery, use guns, and be invincible in hand-to-hand combat.

There is no need for too many such all-round warriors. They can just tear open the defense line at a critical moment and serve as the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Filling the line and mincing the meat? Leave it to the army without the royal title.

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