In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 418 Looking down at the sky

When one thousand one hundred and seventy-five soul boxes were neatly placed in front of Roland, his pupils suddenly narrowed, and the fingertips that touched the soul boxes trembled involuntarily.

This is what humans are.

They are weak, but precisely because they are weak, they are extremely powerful.

The strength of human beings never comes from a certain person, but from inheritance.

This is not a kind of inheritance.

Reinhard took the lead, and all the extraordinary people of Pruden Kingdom were sacrificed except for a few who were powerful and had extraordinary potential.

Looking at the long list, Roland was in awe.

Is this Iron-Blooded Pruden?

Since there is no chance to reach the top, burn out your last energy and become the most dazzling shooting star in the night sky.

They are just like Alemanni and Odin, the iron-blooded kingdoms in history, who would rather die than surrender.

Reinhardt's feat shocked not only Roland, but also many extraordinary people from other countries. Even members of the Doomsday Afterglow organization who came after hearing the news also followed suit.

People will always die when they are alive, and they are tired of low-level enjoyment. Now they have the opportunity to face enemies who deprive the entire plane of survival opportunities, and they finally find the meaning of life.

Brilliant bloom.

The night of Darkness is lit up by the holy light.

The atmosphere has been heightened to the extreme, and it would be a waste of time to say even one more word.

Roland gave the order for a general attack without hesitation.

Take no prisoners, save no cities, destroy everything in sight.

The temporary commander-in-chief of the God's Punishment Legion's advance army, Rock Adar, was stunned by this scene.

He is not afraid of death.

The Divine Punishment Legion under his command also has many strong men who are not afraid of death.

But not being afraid of death and taking the initiative to die are two different things.

No matter how unafraid of death it is, it will be difficult for people to take the initiative to give up their lives, or even use their own lives to pave the way forward.

After all, the desire to live is the first of the three natural desires, even above appetite and sexual desire.

There is no one who doesn’t want to live.

But tonight he saw it.

He could clearly feel the anger and murderous intent.

He didn't understand, what on earth were these blasphemers thinking? Why do they have such firm faith?

Of course he didn't understand. After all, he had been imprinted with the mind of absolute loyalty since his birth in the elemental pool. Blasphemy was a felony that he could not imagine.

He could never understand the energy that burst out when a rehabilitated human being found that there was no way to retreat.

A berserker charges.

"For the glory of Pruden"

Before he could finish his words, he was only halfway through his charge when his body was pierced by a sharp protruding rock on the road he was running on, killing him instantly.

The thick armor was as brittle as paper in front of the pure rock spikes.

The rock spikes are far stronger than steel and are indestructible.

But any power has a price. The disadvantage of rock spikes is that they are activated quickly and recovered slowly.

The spikes slowly sank, and the caster tried to retract the rock spikes, but couldn't do it at all.

The second Berserker charged, his target was not the God's Punishment Legion, but the precious rock thorns.

He held the rock thorn tightly to prevent it from returning to the earth.

Blood spattered, and the huge power recovered from the rock thorn made the Berserker's hands bloody and bloody, but he was not afraid at all, and even let out a hearty laugh, opening his arms and hugging the rock thorn like a giant bear.

The rock thorn caster became anxious and stuck his head out to see what was going on.

This one glance is a lifetime.

The sharp arrow penetrated his head, and it was not until he died that he heard the scream that fell behind the arrow.

Elf archery is the best in the world, and it is indeed well-deserved.

The rock thorn that can best delay the buffer front fell staggering on the roadside, and the berserker who fell with it also smiled and walked away.

“Have a safe journey, Black Forest Warrior Hansen.”

Roland took a deep breath and murmured the Berserker's name.

Above his head, several crystal balls overlooked the battlefield, recording the last glorious moments of each victim.

This is what he has to do.

Hansen's strength is not outstanding, and it is very difficult to break through to level five. Unless there is a miracle, he will definitely fall on the day of return to the sanctuary and become a stepping stone for a strong person to be promoted.

If he appeared in front of Roland on the day of his return, he would probably be killed casually and die quietly, like a puddle of mud.

"The trajectory of his destiny has disappeared."

Alina, who was standing next to Roland watching the battle, widened her eyes in surprise and her voice trembled slightly.

This incredible phenomenon shocked her.

"It's not surprising. He sacrificed his life and only kept the mark of his soul, which is tantamount to giving up everything. How can you predict the fate of a desperate person?"

Alina shook her head and sighed, "No, you don't understand destiny. In the long river of destiny, the vast majority of people don't even have a trajectory, they are just part of the trajectory of destiny's favorite."

"Like those who died during your rise, their destiny is to be a part of your larger story."

Roland nodded. There was an old saying in his hometown that once a general succeeds, thousands of bones will wither. This is what Alina meant.

Alina is right.

Although the river of destiny is broad, it can only carry the most dazzling stars.

Countless dusts make up the material plane, and many planes make up galaxies.

But does anyone remember where this dust comes from?

Hansen's status in the long river of destiny was originally such dust, but now he is no longer.

Although he couldn't change anything, he at least changed his own destiny.

He is like a pebble thrown into the river of destiny as vast as the sea of ​​stars, causing a ripple.

No one will notice an extra ripple in the sea.

But what if everyone could make a ripple?

A little bit of sand makes a tower, and a little bit of it makes a lot. Can the sea bear the anger of countless people?

Roland didn't know whether the sea could bear it, but the advance army of the God's Punishment Legion was obviously unable to hold on.

As Duke Reinhard rushed into the city hall, the defense line of the God's Punishment Legion was broken.

Adar and others had to move out in advance.

The confrontation between the two armies was like playing cards. Whoever was forced to use the trump card first would basically go far in the game.

The core of the God's Punishment Legion was composed of the descendants of the legion composed of various pure elements.

Because of the lack of elemental energy, the leader of the God's Punishment Legion had to settle for the second best and could only try every possible way to expand the army.

The first was to create polluted descendants with less pure elemental energy.

The combat effectiveness of these elemental lives was slightly inferior to that of pure elements, and they were in the middle of the contempt chain within the God's Punishment Legion.

The pure descendants were kind to them, but they could not hide their contempt.

The largest army in the God's Punishment Legion was the legion composed of believers.

Some of these people were inspired by their firm belief in the goddess and joined the God Punishment Corps, while others were descendants of former believers.

The difference between followers who actively believe and descendants of believers who passively accept the faith is too great.

Facing the self-sacrificing charge of the human coalition, the descendants of the legion, the secondary descendants and the pure believers were shocked, but they would not show mercy when they attacked, and even attacked more severely.

But the descendants of the old believers are different.

They were born in Lisenburg since childhood, and the education they received after birth was to believe in the goddess and be loyal to the goddess.

To ensure their loyalty, the education they received since childhood was brainwashing education, and the goddess believers were the redeemed with firm faith.

Blasphemers have weak wills and can never be compared with believers.

Of course, some of them raised questions, but these people were dealt with.

The wailing from the stake can shut up the onlookers, but it cannot stop the doubts in their hearts.

Looking at the coalition soldiers who smiled when they died, the descendants of believers were shaken.

These people are their compatriots.

The elementals of the God's Punishment Legion had no flesh and blood, no soul, and treated them coldly and mercilessly. They lived in fear every day, fearing that they would say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing and offend the elemental master.

They had never thought that their fellow human beings could show such a strong and firm side.

I don't know who took the lead, someone retreated cautiously and made way.

Duke Reinhardt, who was at the forefront, immediately changed his combat strategy upon seeing this.

His hearty voice echoed over the city, "My deceived compatriots, if you dare not resist, at least don't help the false gods and swing the butcher knife at your compatriots!"

"Theia plane is the home of the Theians, and these damn stone people are the invaders!"

The home of the Theians?

This sentence made the soul of the person who heard it tremble fiercely.

No one had ever claimed to be a Theian before.

You are a human, I am an elf, and he is a land spirit. The distinction is very clear.

But in retrospect, although these races have their own characteristics, they are all flesh and blood, souls, and their own joys and sorrows.

If we use the Theia people to summarize, it is not wrong.

Facing the fiery and determined eyes of the old duke with gray hair and beard, the young descendants of believers lowered their heads.

They made way, put down their weapons, and stayed away from the battlefield.

Just as they were about to leave, rocks flew and flames raged behind them.

The betrayal of the believers made the elemental life of the God's Punishment Legion furious, and they wanted to clean up the door.

However, their brutal killing only accelerated the betrayal of the descendants of believers, and even some fanatics who took the initiative to go to the island to pursue progress were shaken.

It is difficult for them to stand on the side of the elementals and wield the knife against their compatriots.

Is this also part of the goddess' will?

Just as they hesitated, Christine, who came to the battlefield, made the last knife.

"God loves the world, God is kind and bright, how can he support believers killing each other?"

The soft voice resounded throughout the city.

As Roland summoned a huge holy light column, Christine spread her wings of light and slowly descended from the holy light column, looking down at all living beings with a smile on her face.

Some people didn't care that this was a battlefield and knelt down on the spot in excitement.

They had seen this scene before.

The dome painting in the Holy Punishment Temple of Lisenburg recorded the glorious deeds of the Goddess of Light when she was still in the world.

One of the scenes was that the Goddess of Light descended on the battlefield, dissolving the hostility and persuading the killing with her glorious divine power.

Christine at this moment was exactly the same as the Goddess of Light who was still in the world.

Seeing Christine descend, Adar's solid rock head was about to explode.

He was different from ordinary elementals. He came from the God's Realm and was the core of the legion chosen by the goddess herself.

He understood the goddess and had seen Tia persuade people to stop fighting.

He knew the difference between propaganda and reality.

In fact, Tia had never used light to persuade people to stop the war. She persuaded people with her fists.

The dome painting was beautified.

The prototype of that war did not end well, and Tia was even reprimanded by the master for it.

But Christine was different. By chance, she really conquered both sides of the war with the holy light strengthened by Roland.

Only for humans.

Christine was not a saint. Her kindness was only effective for her compatriots.

Facing the cruel and stubborn elementals, her attitude was very firm.

Kill them.

As more and more servants turned against them, the God's Punishment Legion retreated step by step after paying a heavy price, and was finally surrounded in the Dark Night Square in the inner city.

They fought, prayed, and welcomed their final fate.

The seriously injured Adar activated the Holy Light Field, and the dazzling Holy Light column was no less than the one summoned by Roland.

"Everyone, we are not dead, we just return to the embrace of light."

"Return to the embrace of light?"

Roland and Christine looked at each other, and the corners of their lips rose at the same time.

Light is just a kind of power, without additional attributes such as good and evil, and it does not belong to Tia.

Even if it is the master of light, it cannot dominate all light.

The sun burned in the form of a nuclear explosion, giving light to Theia.

These people can't even burn themselves, so why enjoy the light?

Roland took Christine's hand and strode towards the opponent's Holy Light column.

Their actions made Alina and others nervous.

We have already won, why take the risk, is it worth it?

Of course it is worth it.

Roland wants to record this scene and use iron facts to announce to the world that light is not in the hands of gods.

As long as you are willing to burn, everyone can be the source of light.

This light does not belong to you, take it!

Roland and Christine opened their unclasped hands, and holy light poured down like water.

They had far more control over light than the elementals.

The holy light that had originally protected the God's Punishment Legion quickly moved toward Roland and Christine.

The thick holy light column was crooked.

It fell from the sky and shone obliquely toward Roland.

There was no light above the heads of Adar and other elementals.

Without light, darkness quickly engulfed the Dark Night Square. Only Roland and the human camp had light above their heads, and the elemental camp fell into a deathly silence.

Am I really abandoned?

This was Adar's last consciousness.

When the holy light shone on him again, he was shocked to find that the rock skin that had been nourished by the light was being corroded by the rich light.

His hard skin began to crack.

"No, this is impossible!"

Nothing is impossible. You don't understand light at all.

Roland showed no mercy and exerted more strength.

The holy light dissolved Adar, who was no longer able to fight.

The huge body of General Rock fell down with a bang, and the stone skin that was originally as hard as a rock was corroded and riddled with holes.

Other elementals were even worse, and some were even vaporized on the spot by the scorching light.

The crystal ball faithfully recorded this scene.

This scene will be widely spread and become the best propaganda film to build momentum for Christine.

As for the God's Punishment Army?

They are just invaders who pretend to be the goddess.

If they are really messengers sent by the goddess to cleanse the sins of the world, why are they abandoned by the light?

Roland can imagine the attitude of the God's Punishment Army and human believers when they see this scene.

The offensive and defensive situation is about to change.

As long as everyone firmly believes that Christine is the spokesperson of light, and other so-called goddess spokespersons are fake, this war of faith will be won.

Even if Tia herself comes, it is fake.

How can she prove her identity?

At least she can't crush instantly with the advantage of Xinyang.

This dispute will eventually end with the purest means of force.

Roland slowly raised his head.

But this time, he was not looking up, but looking down at the sky. (End of this chapter)

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