In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 415 I am the price

This message automatically plays in the minds of every rank five and rank four extraordinary person.

To be precise, the official name of the second return day is the return day of the Holy Domain.

Rank three and rank two correspond to the early and late stages of the Holy Domain respectively, and there is no essential difference. It is reasonable for the universe rules to consider them to be the same level of realm.

The biggest difference between this return day and the previous ones is that the coverage rate is extremely high.

Friends in the mountains, waters, and plains must participate.

Any strong person who does not participate in the final battle of the return day will be instantly torn apart by the universe rules, just like the annihilation of positive and negative electrons.

In short, everyone has to come, and most of them will be eliminated.

The final date of the return day of the Holy Domain is December 31, 144th year of the seventh era.

There are still 24 years to this day.

This is the final preparation period, and it is also the last madness of many people.

The rank five extraordinary people have become the most embarrassing existence.

Those who are weaker than them are considered to be insignificant little characters, and they don’t have to go up the mountain, so they can do whatever they want.

Any of the four-level extraordinary people can easily crush them, and their fate is doomed to be bad.

The extraordinary people who have the opportunity to break through retreat to practice and prepare for the final sprint.

The extraordinary people who feel that they have no chance take another path and enjoy themselves.

They have great power. In this world, great power can be exchanged for power and wealth. Naturally, they can enjoy a happy life beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

They will not refuse low-level enjoyment such as wine pools and meat forests, and they like the deep enjoyment that touches the soul even more.

This group of people even set up a special organization, the afterglow of the end of the world.

They are very honest and will not provoke major countries and mainstream organizations. They even take the initiative to show goodwill to Roland. They also do not participate in any struggles, just to enjoy the ultimate in the last stage of their lives.

It is useless for these people to unite, but it will definitely be troublesome to offend them.

If the extraordinary organization is determined to cause destruction, it is indeed difficult to guard against.

Since all they want is a few decades of pleasure, who will take the initiative to go against them?

Roland reached an agreement with the Afterglow of Doom. As long as they did not hinder him, they could do whatever they wanted. They could also come to the Rodinia continent to enjoy their old age. These people had strong spending power, so he certainly would not object.

After the broadcast of the Return Day, everyone's mentality was quietly changing.

The most complicated mood was the Dark Ethnic Group.

Others had their own pursuits, but they could only wait.

The Demon King never came, and lost contact at a critical moment, which made them panic.

Most of the Dark Ethnic Group's combat power was concentrated on the Demon King.

If the Demon King could not come, they would only become fish meat in the final battle.

The leaders of the Dark Ethnic Group gathered in the new center of the southern continent, the Dark Night City Darkness. They held a high-level meeting, but could only look at each other silently and could not think of any solution.

Finally, facing the almost suffocating atmosphere, Milones couldn't help but raise his head and break the deadlock.

"How many tribesmen haven't come yet?"

"Not many, only the follow-up team led by Miss Irelia and a few tribesmen are left."


The name made Milones' lips twitch slightly, and then he sat back in his chair dejectedly.

Because he came early, Milones enjoyed many advance bonuses, maintained a good relationship with Roland, obtained many resources through trade, and was lucky enough to obtain a top-level dark attribute artifact from the underground ruins, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

In the Darkin tribe, no one dared to touch porcelain except the Demon King, and he almost ignored others.

But there was still a name in the tribe that he had to respect, and this name even made him tremble.


Succubus, female.

In the traditional cognition of the Darkin, succubus is the branch with the least combat potential among all tribes.

But this prejudice was broken after Irelia appeared.

She did not use her racial advantages to seduce males to absorb energy, but took a thorny road.

When she was seventeen, she sacrificed her beauty and figure. Since then, her appearance has been plain and her figure has no highlights. She can only be considered six or seven points in the crowd.

This kind of appearance is considered above average among humans, but it is a shame in the succubus clan.

The succubus clan even wanted to expel her.

No one knew what she wanted to do, but the Demon Emperor made an exception and allowed her to enter the Demon Emperor Palace to read the classics and receive training guidance.

The Demon Emperor rarely accepted disciples, and this treatment was equivalent to a disguised disciple.

The original doubts disappeared in an instant, and no one dared to question the Demon Emperor's decision.

Stereotypes are sometimes facts, and the Demon Emperor's judgment is very accurate.

After adulthood, although Irelia rarely showed up, she always crushed her peers in the competition among young talents within the clan.

Not only her peers, she often defeated opponents who were stronger than her on paper.

She constantly refreshed the training records of the younger generation of the demon clan.

Just when people thought she would enter the Theia plane and fight for the Darkborn, she chose to enter the Lost Demon Realm to find her own way to break through.

She entered the Lost Demon Realm and there was no news for fifty years.

Just when everyone thought she had died in there and would not appear again, she appeared again with a somewhat exhausted look.

This time she no longer challenged her peers, but challenged the patriarchs and elders of various ethnic groups.

Everyone thought she was a little confused and tried to challenge hundreds or even thousands of years of accumulation with decades of cultivation.

She is indeed a genius, but the world never lacks geniuses.

Who wasn't a genius when they were young?

However, Alleria's performance once again shocked everyone.

She beat everyone.

Become the first person under the Demon Emperor.

Although there were more and more criticisms and vitriolic words accompanying it, she didn't care.

The last instruction given by the Demon King before his disappearance was that if a major decision could not be made during his absence, Alleria would make the decision.

This is equivalent to appointing her as the dark descendant deputy commander.

Although everyone has envy, jealousy and hatred, no one dares to question the Demon Emperor's decision.

In this way, the leaders of various dark descendant groups were looking forward to Alleria coming to the plane of Theia, but she still stayed in the dark side where resources were gradually drying up, patiently arranging the evacuation of her tribe.

In short, no one can understand her decision.

But since she is the deputy commander-in-chief appointed by the Demon Emperor, everyone has no idea now, and she really needs to make the decision.

Irelia didn't come for a long time. At first, everyone thought she was aloof, but now everyone is a little surprised.

Is this guy trying to evade responsibility?

After all, she now plays the role of acting Demon Emperor.

Since a decision could not be made, there was naturally a lot of discussion in the venue.

"Isn't Miss Alleria afraid to come?" Someone complained softly.

As soon as he said this, someone retorted, "That's nonsense, maybe she's already here."

Mirones's heart trembled slightly, and he glanced around the venue in a panic.

Over the years, he has worked hard for the clan, but he is also running his own team.

At least one-third of the people in this venue supported him as the talker, but they didn't dare to make any mistakes because of the Demon King's face and Alleria's strength.

After all, dark descendants are a group whose right to speak is determined by the size of their fists.

Although Mirones' strength has improved by leaps and bounds, he is a little discouraged when he thinks of Irelia.

He only defeated the eight-year-old Irelia when he was ten years old, and from then on it was a duel where he would lose every battle.

After a total of nineteen defeats, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, crossed the space rift, and pioneered the way for the tribe.

Even if he was beaten to death outside, it would be better than facing Irelia's disappointed eyes every time he was defeated.

That kind of disappointment that "the opponent is too weak to have fun" hurts more than any contempt.

Mirones couldn't stand it.

After realizing that there was no sign of Alleria, he took a deep breath and said slowly: "Everyone, please listen to me. We must have two considerations when formulating countermeasures."

"One of the countermeasures is based on the premise that His Majesty the Demon Emperor fails to return in time."

"How dare you curse His Majesty the Demon Emperor!" A middle-aged young demon stood up, his green face turning red.

He was Mirones' rival for power, Carlo, and was at a disadvantage because he arrived late.

Carlo's strength was originally slightly stronger than Mirones, but because he arrived late, he was disadvantaged in the competition for resources, and his strength was gradually overtaken by Mirones.

He is the person who is most dissatisfied with Mirones.

But precisely because of this dissatisfaction, his structure is getting smaller and smaller, and his strength progress is getting slower and slower.

Mirones stared at the strong men in this plane and worked hard to benefit the dark descendants from the plane of Theia, surrounded by wolves. Although he also had his own private interests, he could always balance collective and personal interests well. Excellent leader.

Carlo is different. He stares at Mirones and is willing to do anything as long as he can hinder the opponent.

There are not many people within the tribe who want to support him, but there are many who oppose Mirones, so there is still a large group gathering around him.

This also gave him the confidence to stand up and challenge Mirones.

Facing his doubts, Mirones only felt a little tired.

How long has it been since the fuck, are you still engaging in low-level internal fighting like this, for fear that the tribe will be wiped out quickly enough?

Although I am tired, I still have to respond to what I need to respond to.

He stared at Carlo coldly and said calmly: "Of course His Majesty will come back, but the date of his return has not been determined. As policy makers, we must consider all possibilities."

Carlo's old face was slightly red. He knew that Mirones was right, but he still couldn't help but objected:

"If His Majesty cannot return, what can we do?"

"What does Mr. Carlo think we can do?" Mirones heard something in the other party's words and simply asked calmly.

"If His Majesty cannot return in time, we must find strong allies to protect ourselves." Carlo said solemnly.

Although he has a small structure and a small spirit, he is not incompetent after all, and he can still come up with a feasible strategy.

His words made the supporters nod frequently, but some also sneered disdainfully.

Nonsense, who doesn’t know that the weak must hug their thighs? The question is whose thighs should they hug?

Mirones had a good personal relationship with Roland, so of course he proposed to hug Roland's thigh, which was what Carlo objected to.

"Mirones, you used the interests of the group to make deals with Roland, that greedy vampire. Although we took advantage in some areas, overall"

Carlo held up a thick stack of ledgers and said coldly: "My clan has suffered a lot."

"Is there anyone who has conspired with foreign clans to betray our clan's interests? Is there anyone who has enriched himself in the transaction? I think there is."

He didn't mention Mirones by name, but he never left Mirones.

As a senior official presiding over work, only Mirones has this ability.

Faced with the accusation, Milones sneered and calmly retorted: "I admit that my clan is generally at a disadvantage in the transaction, but I want to remind you that Roland's power is unshakable, and the combined strength of my clan is less than one-fifth of the Rodinia Alliance and the New Magic Empire."

"With one-fifth of the other party's national strength, we only suffered less than 20% in the transaction. Is this a stain?"

"Carlo, you yourself said that Roland is an out-and-out vampire. Can you do better than me in trading with vampires?"

His rhetorical question was resounding, and it was all true.

It is not realistic for the weaker party to gain greater benefits in the transaction in the long run, not to mention that the other party is Roland who is not good at face and only focuses on practical benefits?

It is not easy to do what Milones did.

As for the accusation that he may embezzle, it is just used to strengthen the tone.

Everyone present has received benefits. If they bite each other, everyone will have to go in and get a stable job.

Facing Milones' counterattack, Carlo was well prepared. He snorted coldly and said calmly: "Since you know that the other party is a vampire, why do you want to make a deal with him?"

Raising his hand to block Milones's question, Carlo said calmly: "We can change to another company to make a deal."

"Change to another company?" This time it was the turn of others to be surprised.

"Yes, such as Lisenburg." Carlo's expression was calm.

His words were like a heavy bomb, blowing everyone dizzy.

"Carlo, are you fucking joking? Lisenburg is the headquarters of the God's Punishment Legion. Are you going to make a deal with them?"

"Yes, there is a rare super genius in the God's Punishment Legion. She broke up and reorganized the remaining three legions, eliminated the barriers, and the strength of the legion has increased by leaps and bounds."

"They need an ally to act as an ally to go to Rodinia through the southern continent."

Carlo's whole body was trembling with excitement. "I, I heard the voice of the goddess of nature. She said that nature is tolerant, all-encompassing, and can accommodate darkness."

"Everyone, is the promise of the great goddess not as good as that of Roland, the vampire?"

His words caused a commotion in the meeting room.

Many people already had complaints about Roland, and now with a thicker thigh, they naturally had evil thoughts.

Soon, someone began to ask for details, such as the tone of the goddess's words, whether she made any specific promises, etc.

Carlo was about to answer when the heavy door of the conference hall slowly opened.

Everyone looked at the door and saw a plain but exceptionally fair face.

Alelia is here.

She glanced at Carlo, raised her slender fingers, and a dark ray flew out, hitting Carlo's wrinkled forehead accurately.

The ray penetrated his forehead and killed Carlo instantly.

The participants were shocked and speechless.

When did Irelia become so powerful? And why is she so domineering?

Facing everyone's doubts, Irelia just said lightly: "His Majesty the Demon King and these three false gods are mortal enemies. Anyone who wants to make a deal with them can stand up."

At this point, even a fool would not dare to respond.

Her eyes slowly swept across the audience, and everyone who made eye contact with Irelia felt a chill on their backs, as if they were being stared at by a terrible beast.

Her eyes finally fell on Milones, and she said softly: "Milo, you've worked hard."

"You've worked harder." Milones smiled reluctantly.

"Your decision is my decision. We must board Roland's warship and stand in the front row." Irelia said softly.

"Then what extra price should we pay?" someone asked.

Irelia smiled sweetly, "I."

She is a succubus, it is reasonable for her to seduce men at her own expense.

Wait, seduce men? Is she okay with this?

Everyone was dumbfounded. (End of this chapter)

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