In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 358 Heartbeat Zero Distance

Roland and Christine hid in Menette's carriage carrying rare treasures and set off for Tyrol in the caravan.

This was not Roland's first visit to Tyrol, but his last visit could not be spread, so he had to pretend to be curious about the place.

Menette was not very concerned about finding out the cause of death of old King Franz.

He had no ability, let alone motivation.

No matter how the old king died, his death was an established fact.

There were only a few people who could kill quietly in a concert.

He could probably guess that this matter was related to Sophia.

Queen Sissi sent someone to snipe Sophia, who was in a weak period, but was killed in return.

Given Sophia's revengeful character, it would be strange for Queen Sissi to be alive.

Menette just didn't expect Sophia to retaliate so fiercely, not only attacking Queen Sissi, but also letting their whole family go on the road in an orderly manner.

In this regard, Menette could only wipe away his tears and open the champagne.

His family was a branch of the royal family and had no chance to inherit the throne, but Sophia directly cancelled Franz's family, which made the originally weak legal basis harden.

There are several other branches of the family who also have the right of inheritance, but only he has both strength and legal basis.

After a brief internal struggle and several accidents, James, who was nominally his nephew but actually his own son, obtained the right to inherit the throne.

He had no reason to continue the investigation after gaining the greatest benefit.

He did not stop the investigation, but he did not support it either.

The old king was finished, and there were not many people willing to do justice for the dead, at least not here.

In short, the succession to the throne of the Kingdom of Tyrol was settled so calmly.

After obtaining the royal power, Menette still faced many challenges.

The disputes within the royal family were settled, but there were still many troubles.

The first was how to face Roland and Sophia.

This question is not difficult for the old fox Menette. As long as he does not admit that Sophia is the murderer, he does not need to avenge the old king.

But there must be an explanation for the death of the old king. It is impossible to say that the whole family caught a cold and died at the concert.

This absurd way of death will leave a stain in history.

After thinking about it, Menette finally found a good way to whitewash.

Find Roland.

Roland and Sophia killed the people, and they also need to cover up the facts.

The dark race is preparing to invade the Kingdom of Tyrol as a springboard. Once successful, it will be a disaster for the entire human race. Roland and Sophia also have the motivation to stop it.

The interests are the same and there are common enemies. This is the confidence of Menette to come to Roland.

He was not wrong. After learning that the dark barrier was loose and the dark race was eroding, Roland made a wise decision without hesitation.

In the face of the threat of the dark race, personal grudges are just a small matter.

Roland doesn't like Menette, but he did not refuse to cooperate.

Menette is not a good guy, but he did nothing wrong in the major issues.

If this guy is determined to join the Dark Elves and help cover up the truth, that would be a real disaster.

Compared with the Franz family and Field Marshal Matson who were bewitched by Queen Sissi, Menette at least did not fall to the bottom.

As for Menette's own moral corruption, greed for money and lust, and no bottom line in doing things, Roland selectively forgot it.

Personal morality is not the main indicator for evaluating politicians.

As long as the big things are done well, no matter how corrupt the private life is, it is a small matter.

Roland's plan is to sneak in with Christine, and through Christine's sensitivity to the dark attributes, select the human officials who have been corrupted by the Dark Elves, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

If possible, try to find out the principle of the Dark Elves' invasion and make remedial measures.

Roland does not have much hope of completely plugging the loophole. He just hopes that the crack will not become a big road, so that he can come and go as he pleases.

According to known intelligence, the Dark Elves are a general term for the branches of human races that failed in the competition in the Second Era.

In the Age of Gods, the winners ascended to the realm of God, and the losers either fell into reincarnation or were exiled to the most barren land of exile, that is, the dark side.

These dark side tribes also have a name, the demons.

They were once members of the human race, but they failed to compete for opportunities with the tribes of the three goddesses and became demons.

The dark side is poor in resources and the living environment is very harsh. The misery of the dark side survivors can be imagined.

If the harsh living environment cannot defeat a tribe, it will surely temper them into steel.

The average combat power of the dark race who can survive in such a ghost place is far superior to that of ordinary humans.

Once they invade, it will be like a nomadic people letting the horses go to the farming people who have been in peace for a long time. No matter whether they win or lose, it will be an unprecedented catastrophe.

Menette rode alone in a carriage, and Roland and Christine hid in another carriage.

The two did not say a few words along the way, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

They were in a bad mood when they thought that the music capital Tyrol might become a rift for the invasion of the dark race.

Perhaps because the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Christine tried to think of something happy and shared it with Roland with a smile.

"Roland, there is good news. In recent months, the promotion speed of the believers of light has increased."

Roland's smile froze on his lips, and he sighed in his heart.

What kind of good news is this?

Unless he chooses to betray Sophia, the conflict with the goddess of light is irreconcilable.

The strengthening of the believers of light is not good news for him.

Christine usually speaks in her original voice, but once she enters the state, her voice becomes particularly sacred, with a kind of inviolable awe.

Although he wanted to shut up Christine, when she started to tell, Roland couldn't bring himself to interrupt her at all.

This is the power of possession by the Holy Sound.

Christine introduced the breakthroughs of the Light Temple since the new era.

In the past years, it was considered a success if there were more than a dozen ordinary temples every year, and high-level temples were just left to chance.

But since the beginning of this year, hundreds of ordinary saints have been born in just three months. Even according to the strictest standards, seven people can be promoted to high-level saints.

There are not so many places for promotion in high-level temples every year, so Christine has no choice but to let them prepare for the temple and wait until the time is right for them to be promoted.

"Obviously, the will of the great goddess is increasing, and the power projected to her hometown is also increasing."

Christine's conclusion made Roland's heart beat faster.

Looking at Roland's troubled expression, Christine asked quietly: "Roland, are you still unable to make a decision? Sophia is hopeless, and eternal punishment as an angel is her inevitable outcome, but you can still be saved."

She lowered her voice and reminded: "Roland, the destruction of the body and soul is not the most severe divine punishment, it is even a merciful ending. The real divine punishment is to let the blasphemer live and endure the endless pain of the burning soul forever. end of the world."

The corners of Roland's lips trembled slightly.

Compared to this ending, annihilation is indeed a mercy.

If he fails, he must self-destruct in advance without giving Tia a chance.

If Christine knew what Roland was thinking, she would probably be mad. Fortunately, she didn't know.

Looking at Roland's expression, she was sure that Roland really listened.

She smiled and reminded: "The Lord of Light is benevolent and kind. As long as you perform enough meritorious deeds, even blasphemers can be redeemed."

Perhaps because she was afraid that Roland would think wrong, she quickly reminded: "Roland, redemption is a gift. The redeemed can escape the suffering of reincarnation in the material plane and enjoy themselves in the paradise world of the gods. Not everyone can be redeemed, at least. Sophia can’t.”

"Roland, even if you don't think about yourself, you still have a wife and children in the future. You have to think about them."

Facing Christine's sincere gaze, Roland's expression finally relaxed.

He understood more and more why the boss was afraid that his employees would not get married.

When you have concerns, you can't be careless.

On the final day of arrival, Sophia dared to bring the entire world to destruction, but he couldn't.

The most invincible thing about Sophia is not her strength, but the fact that she doesn't need to be tied down by anything.

Facing Christine's blazing expectant gaze, it was difficult for Roland to remain vague.

"If Sofia wanted to destroy everything, I would stand against her. But she is still my ally."

Kristine let out a long breath, and her eyes sparkled like never before.

She murmured softly: "I know, her power is too strong, we can't force it."

"Roland, don't have any psychological burden. As long as your heart is bright, even if you temporarily join other camps, it is not considered a betrayal."

This is a common whitewashing tactic used by religions.

If you want to save a person, then he/she is forced to compromise due to the situation.

If you want to kill someone, he/she is a bad embryo with pus oozing from head to toe.

There is no reason they can't make up if necessary.

Roland cast his gaze out the window and said softly: "The concert hall is here."

He didn't look at Christine, he was a little afraid of revealing his secret.

With Christine's devotion to the goddess, she shouldn't have made such a concession, but she still gave in.

It's obvious how much she values ​​him.

Roland knew Christine, and her likes and dislikes were extreme.

If Christine finally knew that he still chose to stand on the opposite side of Tia, she would probably become the most extreme enemy.

Roland's palms were sweating slightly.

The thought of having so many crazy enemies gave him a headache.

If they really became enemies, could he do it?

Just when Roland was thinking wildly, his somewhat cold hands were wrapped in soft light.

Christine held his hand, passing on warmth and light.

"Roland, I know it's hard for you, but please persist. As long as you face it bravely, the darkness before dawn will eventually dissipate, and we will eventually welcome the light."

Christine's voice has indescribable magic. Even though Roland is determined, he still begins to imagine the light after the darkness under her guidance.

He jolted out of his reverie.

Tia's light is completely different from the light that Christine thought. She just happened to reach the divine realm through the path of light.

She does not represent light.

Roland did not avoid this time. He looked at Christine firmly and said in a deep voice:

"Anyone who blocks the light is our enemy, and I will defend the light with you."

No one can stop Roland from defending the light, not even the goddess of light.

But Christine didn't know what Roland was thinking. She looked at him in surprise, and the smile on her lips could no longer be concealed.

She stretched out her hands forward and crossed them into a cross, her fiery gaze shining into Roland's heart.

Roland knew that this was the Oath of the Cross of Light.

Those who violate it will be trapped in darkness forever and will never be able to stand up.

He stepped forward without thinking, passed his arms under Christine's arms, and also crossed them into a cross.

Cross your hands and place them against each other's chest, feeling each other's heartbeats.

It's a bit messy.

They were all a little nervous.

Although his hands were pressed against Christine's chest, Roland didn't have any charming thoughts. He only felt heart-wrenching pain.

Although Christine was originally poor, she had something, but now she has nothing.

She was seriously injured, and she was lucky to survive.

Christine looked open-minded and said softly: "Don't be sad, at least you can touch my heartbeat at zero distance."

Her smile was pure, but Roland's smile was a little forced.

When exchanging heartbeats, he silently made a wish, and there was one more person he had to protect.

He wanted to awaken Christine from her false beliefs and let her live for him.

Just as they exchanged heartbeats, the carriage slowly drove into Schönbrunn Palace.

Roland and Christine did not get off the car and continued to hide.

Menette talked to a man in black with a dark face for a few words, and the man in black walked towards the carriage where Roland was.

He lifted the curtain and saw the stacked boxes.

Roland and Christine were behind the boxes.

They concentrated and held their breath, without any breath fluctuations.

Hiding is a compulsory course for the strong, and it is not difficult for them at all.

The man in black hesitated for a moment and lowered the curtains.

Queen Sissi died mysteriously, and the future ruler of the kingdom will be Menette.

Although he looked down on Menette, the man in black still gave him face.

He should suppress when necessary, and he should not be vague when he should appease. There are not many pure-blooded dark descendants who cross the gap, and many things still have to be done by these secondary dark descendants.

The essence of the dark descendants is still human, even if they are divided into four major branches: succubus, red devil, green devil, and blood devil, they are not reproductively isolated from humans.

Since they are of the same race, transformation is simple.

As long as you accept the dark sacrifice ceremony and produce dark seeds in your body, you are a member of the dark descendants.

Such members are called secondary dark descendants.

The guide party has always been despised by people, but they always exist.

After the man in black left, Roland and Christine breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't expect that the person who came to check the carriage was the shadow high-level councilor who besieged Sophia that day.

The power of the seven high-ranking shadow councillors when they formed a formation was comparable to the soul-blood connection formation, but they were unlucky and were broken by Christine's plan before the formation was formed.

After the failure of these seven people, five died and two escaped. The two who escaped were obviously stronger.

If exposed, Roland and Christine could only kill people and then run away.

With Sophia as a backup, Roland was not panicked.

He was just worried about Christine.

Who knows how many dark descendants there are in Tyrol, and Sophia probably doesn't want to protect her. It was really dangerous just now.

Looking at Roland's nervous expression, Christine was also a little scared.

With the protection of the power given by God, she herself doesn't need to panic.

She was just worried about Roland.

Who knows how many dark descendants there are in Tyrol, and the goddess probably doesn't want to protect him. It was really dangerous just now.

Menette didn't even look back at the carriage. Although the most dangerous level was over, he still couldn't relax.

He had made a choice, and it was up to Roland to perform next.

He believed not in Roland, but in the series of miracles created by Roland.

After all, Roland was a ruthless man who fought Sophia head-on and saved himself and his family.

He shuddered at the thought of the dark seed growing in his body.

Although the high-ranking councillor codenamed Nine told Menette that this was a holy mark with a pleasant face, Menette was only grateful on the surface, but in his heart he was greeting the high-ranking councillor's family.

He didn't want to be a slave of the Darkborn.

Cooperating with Roland would at most give up some benefits.

Making a deal with the devil would not even save his soul.

Of course, he could tell which was more important.

Looking up at the tallest building in Schönbrunn Palace, Menette frowned.

With the dark seed in his body, he could see the darkness under the light.

This magnificent palace has long been shrouded in darkness.

Roland, can you create another miracle?

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