In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 339 Behead!

This was a bloodthirsty and crazy night.

Ansu's death did not stop the overseas superhumans from their crazy steps. On the contrary, when Sophia killed Ansu, the Sword Saint drew his second sword.

This was a two-handed heavy sword, and he was going to fight to the death.

Roland raised his shield and went forward. Sif fought side by side with him. Her spear swam like a venomous snake, constantly emitting a "swoosh" scream, disrupting the rhythm of the Sword Saint.

She and Roland had reached the extreme tacit understanding, and they could cooperate perfectly without words or eyes.

In other battlefields outside the sea of ​​flowers, the battles were equally cruel and even bloodier.

There were too few places for survival.

Except for the two unlucky guys who were eliminated before the start of the game, the remaining 193 superhumans on the scene had to compete for the precious 60 tickets.

Almost one out of every three people could survive.

There was indeed a gap in strength between the superhumans, but they were all like superhumans in the eyes of ordinary people.

They are all outstanding people who are striding forward on the road to becoming strong. Who can not have a glorious past?

Since I am not dead, why do you say I have no chance?

Everyone is completely crazy with the belief that whoever is killed is the best.

In addition to the high-end game in the flower sea on the top of the mountain, the extraordinary people around also tacitly look for opponents of the same level and ranking to kill.

Screams, roars, and scoldings together play a hell elegy.

On the tragic battlefield, several referees stood on the observation deck of the floating palace, watching the tragic battlefield below with interest.

Looking at the melee of nearly two hundred extraordinary people, the only female referee in the referee group yawned and said impatiently:

"This is the audition with the least number of participants. It's so boring."

Her words made a young referee frown slightly, and also caused others to laugh.

Blind Oliver, who covered his eyes with a purple eye mask, smiled and explained:

"This is not surprising. This time we only called up qualified land superhumans. Those ocean superhumans, earth superhumans, magic beasts, fierce beasts, evil spirits and descendants of the magic empire did not participate. Although the number of people is not large, this selection is very exciting."

The blind man's words did not resonate with the female referee. She frowned, snorted, and a light green light surged on her fingertips. She said disdainfully:

"Exciting? Except for the performance of the Winter Queen, which was barely excellent, and the few people in the flower sea who were barely good enough, how exciting were the performances of others?"

Oliver did not argue with the female referee. He just sighed and said calmly:

"Look there, the opponent of the card player, their duel is very exciting."

The female referee looked at the blind man's point with some surprise. The two of them observed carefully for a moment, and couldn't help but look back at the blind man, "Are you serious?"

"Of course."

The female referee couldn't help laughing, "They are ranked 185 and 183 respectively. Unless a miracle happens, they will have no chance at all, and their fighting skills can only be rated as the poor one. I know you want to say that they are fighting for survival. This is the beautiful bloom of life, right?"

"Jenna, you are wrong."

The blind man did not argue with the female referee. He just said faintly: "As you said, only a miracle can save them, so they are fighting for a miracle."

Although Oliver said it seriously, Jenna couldn't understand it. She continued to refute, "Humans always like to believe in these illusory things. We are different from Suling. I only believe in strength and skills."

Oliver sighed lightly and said nothing.

There are also differences between Suling. He believed in abundance and was blessed by the Lord of Abundance. He could condense his flesh and blood body and had some thoughts of flesh and blood creatures. The other referees were different. The elements that made up their bodies were wind, earth, water, fire, light and darkness. They could not understand the splendor and diversity of flesh and blood life.

Oliver gave up the argument and silently looked at the battlefield, watching 183 and 185's curtain call performance like chickens pecking each other.

The miracle did not appear.

183 and 185 were evenly matched. Both sides fought to exhaustion and were harvested by 145 who passed by. 145 had no time to be ecstatic. He was soon taken away by No. 92 who had just killed 133.

Such battles continued to take place, and the number of people on the battlefield was also declining sharply.

Seeing 183 and 185 die one after another, the female referee Jenna couldn't help but laugh.

"Oliver, is this the miracle you are talking about? It's really interesting."

Jenna's ruthless ridicule caused the other referees to laugh.

Since Oliver had a flesh and blood form, there has been some estrangement between them and Oliver.

In their opinion, Oliver is already dirty and unclean.

How can the pure higher elements be polluted by the lowly lower flesh and blood?

The flesh and blood of mortals is very fragile, and only those who can reach the Holy Domain (Level 3) are qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

After ascending to the gods, the fragile flesh will become the body of God, which is another matter.

These humans below are just mortals of Level 7, and naturally they are despised by them.

Most of the referees are watching ants fight, and they all want to see blood flowing.

The more tragic the civil war among human superhumans, the happier they are.

Blind Oliver is completely an outlier in the referee group.

He even holds a crystal ball to record the situation on the battlefield.

The crystal ball in his hand is also a magical artifact, with a very large recording range, and can record a lot of video images.

He likes photography, and this crystal ball has recorded countless fierce battles, including the discussions within the referee team.

He would also often watch and review the game to help himself improve.

Seeing Oliver carefully recording the battle below, Jenna could not help but protest loudly: "Oliver, you still recorded my battle footage here, right? Delete it, I don't want to store it with the images of these lowly lives."

Oliver, who has always had a good temper, finally couldn't help but explode.

"Don't worry, I will delete your video record after the battle is over."

Jenna was choked and couldn't speak, but she couldn't find a reason to object.

After all, she just didn't want to store it with human images, and Oliver satisfied her.

If you don't want to store it together, you don't have to delete human images, you can also delete hers.

Oliver expressed his dissatisfaction in this way. Although Jenna was angry, she could only endure it.

After all, Oliver's strength is much stronger than hers.

The strength of the blind man is very close to the chief referee Hawkeye, a whole gear higher than her.

In the Suling clan, where strength is respected, the weak cannot speak loudly to the strong, otherwise they deserve to be beaten.

Before, she could show off only when Oliver gave in to her. Now that Oliver doesn't want to give in, she can only admit defeat.

Just when Jenna's eyes were glowing green with anger, the chief referee Hawkeye couldn't help but interrupt them.

"Stop arguing, watch carefully. If you want to see this kind of drama again, it will be the day when the Saint returns."

"Look, the Sword Saint has entered the sea of ​​flowers. The most interesting battle has begun!"

With Hawkeye's reminder, several referees cast their eyes on the sea of ​​flowers at the same time.

As Sophia burned everything to kill Ansu, her only physical strength was completely exhausted, and she could only retreat to the ginkgo tree to rest.

On the surface, she killed Ansu in one sword, handsome and unrestrained, like a god of war. If it were an ordinary person, she would definitely be scared and run away.

However, her enemies are not ordinary people, and they don't buy this at all.

If Sophia could kill Ansu with her remaining physical strength and continue to fight, she wouldn't have to hide under the ginkgo tree.

On the surface, it seems that Sophia killed the enemy alone, but from another perspective, it was Ansu's extreme one-for-one exchange, using his life to exchange for her leaving the battlefield early.

As long as Roland and others who protected her were killed, she would also die.

In order to prevent Sophia from being ambushed and killed, Roland had to send Christine, who was good at defense and treatment, to take care of Sophia.

It was equivalent to Ansu's one-for-two exchange.

In the eyes of the Sword Saint and others, although Ansu died, his death was worth it.

Although Ansu himself did not think so, he was already dead and no one cared about his opinion.

The current situation is that the Sword Saint, Shaman Koloko, Yoga Prince, and Psychic Master are against Roland, Sif, Lisa, and Alina.

Christine can only provide support from the back and dare not let go.

Sophia leaned against the golden ginkgo tree, holding the blue rage, and was as quiet as a statue.

The Sword Saint took out his trump card, the heavy sword without a blade.

As we all know, swordsmen are known for their strong comprehensive ability and flexible sword moves, but their ability to attack is far inferior to that of long-handled weapons.

This leads to the fact that duels between swordsmen are generally lance duels.

The more famous the swordsman is, the longer the lance he uses, and he would like to carry a seven-meter anti-cavalry lance.

Only pure swordsmen like Grosso who regard the sword as their second life will insist on using the sword.

However, ordinary long swords can't break Roland's shield at all, even the sword saint Grosso can't.

So he sacrificed a super heavy sword weighing hundreds of kilograms.

This is a meteorite iron heavy sword made of special iron ore collected from meteorites.

The biggest feature of meteorite iron is its weight.

Grosso raised the heavy sword above his head, his expression solemn and his tone pious, "Roland, Sif, I respect your strength, so I will use a real killer move."

Grosso is a very traditional warrior who attaches great importance to the honor of warriors, so he naturally won't make a surprise attack. He even planned to introduce the origin, weight and characteristics of this meteorite heavy sword to Roland, and then kill Roland openly.

In his opinion, it is also a warrior's honor to die under the opponent's ultimate move.

He believed that Roland also had the honor of a warrior.

Unfortunately, he was wrong. Roland did not have it.

Roland was a knight, how could he have the honor of a warrior.

Not only that, Sif and Lisa did not have it either.

The first one to take action was Lisa, and she did it before Grosso even finished reading the handsome lines.

Her eyes were burning with blazing flames, her whole body was covered with flames, and the whole person was as hot and dazzling as a red flame.

She was really angry. Is this human language?

What is respect for Roland and Sif, what about her? Is she a supporting role who doesn't even deserve a name?

Before, she was not a transcendent and did not learn magic, so it was fine to look down on her. Now she is a top-level super magician. If you look down on her again, her magic is not learned in vain.

The flame of anger burned in her heart. Lisa let out a long and clear cry, stepped on the flames and mist, and soared into the sky like a big bird.

"Look, that's Phoenix!"

The fire-attributed spirits in the sky exclaimed.

"How can a tiny human master the unique skills of the phoenix?" The flame spirit was stunned.

The Hawkeye referee narrowed his eyes, carefully identified it, and smiled and shook his head.

"You are wrong. That is just the shock wave of the fire bird that simulates the attack method of the phoenix. To be precise, the fire bird is also simulated. She uses the flame shock."

"If it is a simulation, it is too similar." The flame spirit murmured.

Although she was a little confused, she still accepted Hawkeye's statement.

The phoenix is ​​a powerful person in the divine domain who controls flames. Its strength is equal to that of the three goddesses. If the phoenix really appears on this battlefield, everyone present will die, and even half of the mountain will be burned and turned into a blazing hell.

Even the Fire Bird is a powerful person in the top five ranks.

Lisa only briefly transformed herself into an element, simulating the form of an elemental creature, a firebird, and releasing the purest flame impact.

Despite this, it has exceeded the flame soul's understanding of human extraordinary beings.

"Is this something a human super can do?"

Although Hawkeye has an arrogant and domineering attitude towards humans, his attitude towards his own people is quite gentle. He smiled and explained:

"Specialized extraordinary abilities combined with pure control of fire magic can create miracles."


This word made Oliver perk up, and also made Jenna look a little unnatural.

She didn't like this statement very much, and she didn't believe that Lisa could break through Grosso's offense and defense.

There were many confusions in the rankings announced by Teacher Hawkeye just now, including Thunder Sage and Sword Master.

The Sword Master in his normal state is indeed no match for the Thunder Sage, but when he raises the heavy sword in his hand and enters a state of integrated offense and defense, his strength will surpass Asu.

He and Ansu were Schrödinger's runners-up, and either one could win.

At this moment, the sword master is truly the second child.

The ultimate in swordsmanship is the integration of offense and defense, while the ultimate in flames is high temperature, a high temperature that surpasses defense.

"Zi la!"

Flying into the air, Lisa transformed into a fire bird and released a flame jet, hitting the Juggernaut accurately.

Grosso was surrounded by flames and his body was covered in flames, but he remained unmoved.

The swordsmanship that combines offense and defense is enough to withstand any damage.

Although he was in pain, he believed that Lisa would be unable to bear it faster.

His guess was correct. Even though his skin was burned in many places and even smelled a little burnt, he still resisted.

Gross looked at Lisa falling from the air, with a cruel smile on his lips.

Killing them all is the greatest respect.

Miss Lisa, please get on your way.

Just as he swung his sword to deflect the attacks of Roland and Sif, and waited for Lisa to land, unknown powder fell in the air.

He subconsciously held his breath, but the powder still irritated his nasal cavity and he sneezed suddenly.

Is it pepper, paprika and cumin?

Grosso, who was forced to suck in air, froze.

Before he could speak, Lisa let out a clear laugh in the air, "Sorry, the ingredients were sprinkled too late. The taste may not be very good. It was a waste of ingredients."

Everyone knew it was taunting and provoking, but Grosso still broke through.

His old face was swollen red, this damn woman actually used him as a barbecue? !

In the air, the flame Su Ling leaned forward and backward with a smile, and the flames flickered in his pupil-less eyes, just like his happy mood.

"It's so interesting, this human being actually treats his enemy as a meal."

"No, this is a clever provocation. Look, the man with the heavy sword rushed into the encirclement."

"The battle is almost over."

Hawkeye sighed softly and pointed at Alina, who was reciting a prophetic poem under the ginkgo tree.

"She is also very courageous, and she actually dares to make a loan prophecy."

"Teacher Eagle Eye, what is a loan prophecy?" A cute-looking young Su Ling asked softly with curious eyes.

Hawkeye did not answer immediately, but asked with a smile: "Do you know the ultimate killer move in astrology?"

"Yes, great prophecy." Young Su Ling replied instantly.

"The great prophecy is a loan prophecy. Predicting the enemy's death in advance, and then using the difference in strength to turn the prediction into reality, thereby avoiding backlash, is the great prophecy."

Hawkeye smiled and said: "The Great Prophecy is a very powerful skill, but it is also very dangerous. Once the prophecy cannot be fulfilled, the backlash can easily tear the prophet apart."

"The human astrologer made five loan predictions at the same time. Once it fails, it will be double death of body and soul."

"What if it succeeds?" Young Su Ling asked curiously.

"Success is success." Hawkeye replied disapprovingly.

"Is there no benefit?" Young Su Ling was a little disappointed.

"You don't have to pay back the interest on the loan. Isn't that a benefit?" Hawkeye was amused by the young Su Ling.

"Look, the battle is over."

Just when Hawkeye made his judgment, the battle came to an end.

After all, Sword Master Grosso's state of mind cultivation is still a little behind. Because it was treated as a barbecue to break the defense.

If it were Roland, he would smile and ask the other party to pay attention to the heat.

If it were Sophia, she would kill the enemy with one sword.

It's a pity that Sword Master Grosso has neither Roland's mentality nor Sophia's strength. Balanced ability in all aspects also means overall mediocrity.

Grosso was eventually killed under the ginkgo tree by Sif and Roland.

The ensuing battle is Alina and Sif's show-stopping moment.

Alina predicted Grosso's death at the moment he rushed into the sea of ​​flowers.

Grosso died before the power of the prophecy came back to bite her.

She continued to predict the death of great shamans, mediums and yoga princes.

Roland and Sif cooperated perfectly and killed each other one after another.

Roland is the wall of steel, and Sif is the piercing spear. Wherever they go, Alina's predictions come true one by one.

As the psychic master's heart was pierced, the battle in the sea of ​​flowers came to an end.

All members of Sophia's team survived, but Sophia and Lisa were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness, and everyone else was also injured.

Sophia's enemy team was completely wiped out.

The result was one-sided, but the process was dangerous.

If Grosso could cooperate with others tacitly, he would have a chance to break Roland's defense circle.

As long as Roland fell, Alina would predict the backlash of failure, Lisa would burn herself out, and Sif could only perform the elves' swan song under the ginkgo tree.

But he held on.

As the only male in the team, Roland stood in front like an iron wall, creating a stage for the perfect bloom of the flower sea elves.

The victory was theirs, and his as well.

Roland raised the shield and scepter in his hand, spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and teased in a pretentious and cool way:

"We are"


Sif took over Roland's words, she thought of the stage play of the Elf Queen's return home, and the encounter that started from the essay contest earlier.

The battle outside was still going on, but that was a bronze game, which had nothing to do with them.

Christine and others called the extraordinary people in their camp to enter the flower sea and wait for the results to be settled.

She did not rush out to kill the superhumans who were lucky enough to improve their ranking.

It is better to leave a way out for others than to have enemies all over the world.

Even if she kills more, she cannot guarantee that the others on her side will enter the top eleven, so it is better not to kill.

The battle outside is still going on, but no one dares to enter the sea of ​​flowers without permission.

The second and third ranked superhumans died in the sea of ​​flowers, and the small shrimps who came in would be killed for nothing.

When the midnight bell rang, there were still seventy-five superhumans on the battlefield.

The superhumans ranked 61-75 were still seizing the last moment to fight hard.

There was no time.

The Hawkeye referee and the referee team landed from the air.

Most of them could not fly independently, so they could only slowly descend to show off.

Hawkeye raised his hands and said with a smile: "Stop it."

"Thank you for letting me see a wonderful performance."

He read out the names of 61-75 in turn, bowed slightly, and said solemnly, "Your struggle has shown me the courage unique to humans. I applaud you."

The fifteen extraordinary people outside the killing line were originally desperate, but when they heard Hawkeye's words, a flame ignited in their hearts.

Could it be that...

Hawkeye raised his hands, his voice gradually became low, "Go on your way with peace of mind, I will remember your names and your curtain call performance."




Some people wailed, some were angry, and some people directly sprayed. Life has come to the last moment, can't they still curse a few words?

The anger, unwillingness and despair of the losers were all seen clearly by Hawkeye, but he still made a cold judgment.


The bodies of the fifteen losers fell softly, and no miracle happened.

The extraordinary person who happened to be ranked 60th covered his still bleeding wound, gasped heavily, and knelt on the ground with his legs softened.

He killed the previous 60th place at the last minute and got on the bus on time.

He created a miracle, at least it was a miracle for him.

The battle was over and the medals began.

Hawkeye started with the third prize, the bronze medal.

Those who got the medal quickly broke through the sixth level and achieved a qualitative change. They were either excited or calm, and some people felt bad.

This time they passed by luck, what about the next return day? However, their loss did not last too long. As long as they are still alive, who dares to say that they can't continue to create miracles?

The bronze medal was awarded, and the next one was the silver medal.

All five members passed the test, and Roland ranked second, becoming the runner-up below Sophia and above the four contract partners.

After the awarding of the medal, Hawkeye glanced at Roland, waved his hand, and said calmly:

"The side effects of the Soul Blood Link are too great, so don't use it."

Roland's face changed slightly, and he swallowed the curse back.

This is his trump card, so why not?

But he was relieved soon.

If you don't allow it, then don't use it. The Soul Blood Link that kills one person and the whole family is a little dangerous. The battle is over, so it doesn't matter if you don't want it.

Holding the runner-up medal, Roland closed his eyes slightly, and countless knowledge flooded into his mind. When he opened his eyes again, he skipped the sixth level [Iron Guardian] and jumped to the fifth level [Forward].

Both of these two levels of promotion came from the secondary profession Paladin.

After all, his highlights in this flower sea battle came from the Paladin profession, which had little to do with the main profession of the Knowledgeable.

The Forward can give the Paladin an offensive ability equal to its defensive power.

Roland's lips curled up slightly.

This advanced class is not bad. In future battles, she will not be a pure meat shield.

The last award was presented to Sophia.

She took the gold medal, opened her eyes and closed them, and she was already at the fourth level [Tyrant].

This advanced class made her frown slightly.

Compared with the judges in front of her who wiped out the life-long efforts of fifteen extraordinary people in a casual conversation, how could she be cruel?

Just when she wanted to protest, countless memories flooded into her mind, and her face was particularly pale.

She remembered everything. So that's why she got this advanced class.

Seeing that the judges were about to leave, she suddenly said, "Please wait."

Roland looked at Sophia in astonishment, and kept winking at her, signaling her not to be impulsive.

But Sophia was not a person who listened to advice?

Looking at the judges who turned back, she asked softly: "There is something I want to ask, what did you think when you killed those fifteen people just now?"

Although the words were gentle, the content was a bit aggressive.

Hawkeye frowned and said coldly: "Sofia, are you questioning me?"

He snorted coldly, clenched his fist lightly, and made an explosive sound in the air. The sound resounded throughout the White Mountain like a volcanic eruption.

"Since you want to know, I can tell you. If you crush a few ants, do you still need to consider the feelings of the ants? Sophia, you are an ant just like them."

After saying this, Hawkeye evaded his feet with all his strength, causing the entire White Mountain to shake.

Accompanied by the shaking of the earth and stomping his feet, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Sophia was silent and closed her eyes. Memories of the past came to her mind. She saw the backs of the three deserters and understood why she was called a tyrant.

She doesn't like these past events, and she wants to completely separate from the past.

Even if the price is forever losing the power you once had.

The path she had taken was not wrong, but she could not take it again. If she goes back to her old ways, the three deserters will definitely kill her when they come back.

She knew them all too well.

Sophia made an instant decision. If she doesn't break or build, how can she be reborn if she doesn't say goodbye to the past?

Seeing Sophia closing her eyes, Roland breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although Sophia is arrogant, she is not a fool. This Hawk-Eye referee's strength is even at level three, if not level two. A conflict between Sophia and him would be a dead end.

Just when Roland thought Sophia had given up, she opened her eyes.

Roland's blood froze.

It was a pair of eyes without the slightest trace of human emotion.

Nothingness and coldness, like a whirlpool leading straight to the end of the deep universe.

Roland's soul trembled.

Hawkeye turned around in shock and saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

The starry sky at midnight suddenly turned black, and the red moon in the sky also turned into dark brown.

In this desperate darkness, the blue sword light illuminates the night sky like sunlight.

The blue anger turned into blue light and disappeared into the sky.

The sword energy spanned the space and struck Yingyan and the others gently, as softly as a caress.

However, the moment the sword energy hit, Hawkeye's life and soul were shattered at the same time.

The referee team is destroyed.

The world returns to dark night, the starry sky twinkles, and the moon gradually rises into the sky, returning to its original position.

The tide recedes and the mountains and rivers calm down.

There is only a fissure hundreds of meters deep extending from the top of the White Mountain to the banks of the Rodinia River.

Everyone was confused.

Is this a power that humans can possess?

The corpses of the referee fell softly, the elemental heart exploded on the ground, and a crystal clear artifact crystal ball rolled down and floated towards Sophia.

She tipped her toes, held the crystal ball in her hand, and her sweet voice echoed through the sky.

"I don't like Annihilation. From now on, the name of the New Era will be changed to"

After a moment of pause, she said softly: "Rebirth."

(End of Volume 3) (End of Chapter)

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