In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 326 Emperor or clown?

"Welcome the great emperor!"

"Her Majesty Sylph is our sun!"

"Long live the queen!"

The excited crowd crowded at the city gate to welcome Sylph's triumphant return after destroying the Kingdom of Oden. The fanatical shouts echoed over the city.

This is the grand scene that Sylph encountered when she led the army back to the country.

Sylph personally led 180,000 troops to the north to attack the Kingdom of Oden. In just 50 days, she destroyed an entire kingdom and expanded the territory. This feat is very glorious even in the glorious history of the empire.

This is not a colony opened up in the wild land of the New World and the South Continent. This is the fertile land of Rodinia.

The Kingdom of Oden may not be a first-class power, but it is also a medium-sized kingdom that has been established on the Rodinia continent for more than 500 years.

The last time the Sussex Empire annexed a kingdom of this level was more than a hundred years ago. Such an achievement is indeed worthy of praise.

The fall of the Franks Fortress made the people of Hansa City panic, and many people even planned to flee overseas and return to their homeland as soon as possible.

People urgently need a hearty victory to turn the situation around.

This victory came just in time.

When Sylph appeared in full dress with the spoils, the crowd cheered from the bottom of their hearts.

They are proud Sussex people, they need victory, one victory after another.

While Sylph was enjoying the glory, the Golden Kite Kingdom was also the same. The Weimar Federation occupied the fertile soil on the east bank of the Rodinia River. They had coveted it for a long time, but they never had the chance.

It’s not that they can’t win, but they have to consider the international outlook.

If they want to annex a medium-sized country, what will other big countries think, and whether friendly countries will be surprised, this is a more complicated consideration than winning or losing on the battlefield.

But now there is no need to consider it.

The enemy camp will be surprised anyway, and the friendly Sussex will support it anyway, so the Golden Kite Kingdom will not pretend.

They dispatched more than 300,000 troops, equipped with an astonishing number of artillery, and drew a line to completely annex the Weimar Federation.

Although this violent method of play caused a lot of losses, it was simple and crude and effective.

The new army is also gradually growing in the test of blood and fire.

Compared with the growth of the new army in blood and fire, the more important harvest is the people's hearts.

The glory of victory made the Golden Kite people accept the covenant between Alina and the Sussex Empire, and also made them accept the new allied commander Christine.

Although some extreme Golden Kiteists were unhappy about giving part of the spoils to the Sussex Empire, this discordant voice was wiped out before it could be heard.

Under the guidance of invisible public opinion, such remarks were suppressed as soon as they emerged, and they were severely criticized as haters of the country.

While celebrating the victory, several waves of bards set out from the capital and went to various parts of the country to start their performances.

These bards were trained by Adam himself, and the repertoires they performed were also high-quality scripts carefully compiled by Adam.

This set of scripts is divided into several repertoires.

The main content is to promote the traditional friendship between the Golden Kite Kingdom and the Sussex Kingdom, downplay the hatred of the two countries' repeated attacks on each other in history, and especially downplay the existence of the Golden Kite Kingdom heroine who was revered as the Red Lotus Saint.

Main content 2, publicize the traditional hatred between the Golden Kite Kingdom and the Odin Empire. What, you said the Odin Empire is gone? That doesn't matter, the Weimar Federation, the Kingdom of Tyrol and the Kingdom of Pruden all claim to be the successors of the Odin Empire. The hatred will not disappear, but it can be transferred.

Main content 3, Miss Alina is wise and brave, surpassing many monarchs in history.

Main content 4, publicize that Saint Christine is the real god of war, and the Red Lotus Saint in history is exaggerated, and the actual record is not good.

Main content 5, which is also the most important part, to celebrate the victory, Miss Alina announced that she would not collect taxes this year. Anyone who dared to collect taxes would be a traitor and could be killed on the spot with a hoe.

After this set of propaganda combination punches, the emotions of the grassroots people were quickly ignited.

They don't know any history or international situation, they believe whatever the bard says.

For them, having a full stomach is the most important thing.

Miss Alina will not collect taxes this year, so she is a good person.

Since Miss Alina is a good person, Christine who is with her is also a good person.

Who is the Red Lotus Saint? Not familiar.

Xidai Palace.

Alina stood at the window and looked at the excited crowd outside the window, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

These people cheered when her father overthrew the old empire, cheered when Marco launched a coup, cheered when she took back power, and cheered now.

They may just need a reason to cheer, and it doesn’t matter why they cheer.

After a moment, she was amused by her childish complaints and laughed "puff".

Uneducated people are like this. They just cheer, and the helmsman has more things to consider to ensure that the big ship of Golden Kite is heading in the right direction.

Alina put some worries behind her because she had heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

The crisp sound of leather boots, steady and powerful, the same step frequency, is a super master.

Needless to think, the person coming is Saint Christine.

Without waiting for Christine to knock on the door, Alina waved her hand and the door was already opened.

Christine was not surprised. Alina was not only a transcendent, but also an astrologer. It would be strange if she didn't even know about her arrival.

"Alina, there is something very important that you need to know."

Christine said softly.

"What's the matter?" Alina was a little surprised. All preparations for the expedition were complete. What else hadn't been considered?

Christine took out the crown that had been prepared long ago from under her robe like a magic trick, placed it on the plate and held it up with both hands. At the same time, a thick stack of documents was also raised.

"This is the voice of the people. Miss Alina, please follow the will of the people and ascend the throne to become the emperor."

Alina: "."

She looked at the crown in Christine's hand with a complicated look.

This crown is very cleverly designed, perfectly combining the golden iris and the family emblem, which not only indicates the nationality of the wearer, but also represents the family.

Not only that, on the side of this crown there are legal book decorations representing the civil code and swords and shields representing the expansion of territory and the encirclement of the country.

She wanted to laugh for some reason.

The progressive code representing civil rights and the crown representing despotism are put together. This sense of disharmony makes her feel like she is facing a guy who claims to be a virgin but can be slept with anyone.

Contradictory and absurd.

"This crown."

Christine thought she was asking about the origin of the crown, and calmly replied: "It was made by the top jewelers and artists in your country, and it has Mr. Victor's signature on it."

"That's not what I'm talking about. I can see the artistic taste of this crown."

Alina laughed at herself and teased softly: "But I always feel that it doesn't look like a crown on my head, but more like a pointed hat worn by a clown in a makeshift troupe."

Christine was not moved by Alina's nonsense. She just said lightly:

"You are right. This world is a huge makeshift troupe. You, me, or other strong people, everyone is the same, and in the eyes of the great goddess, they are no different from clowns."


Alina interrupted Christine vigilantly. She couldn't let her say anything more. This guy would infinitely belittle mortals whenever he talked about the goddess.

Believers must resolutely obey all the oracles given by the goddess; believers must accept all the teachings of the goddess without any doubt.

That's what charlatans are like, very stubborn.

Alina often discusses life and philosophy with Roland, and likes to look up at the stars and think about life at night. She has her own judgment and can't stand listening to these.

Christine didn't insist.

People with weak faith are like this, always looking for excuses for their own unconventionality. People with devout faith have to consider fewer things.

Belief is devout, it's that simple.

Although there are huge differences in faith, it does not affect their friendship.

In the process of Christine helping the Golden Kite Kingdom build a new army and leading the army to annex the Weimar Federation, they assisted each other, trusted each other, and established a deep friendship.

In addition to faith, they can find countless shining points in each other.

Facing Christine's crown, Alina did not rush to refuse. We are all foxes, so there is no need to pretend to be pure, but some things need to be made clear.

"Do the people really support it?"

"They support it very much. They generally believe that the chaos of the past twenty years is caused by the lack of a wise and capable emperor and the replacement of a group of irresponsible politicians."

Christine did not name them, but Alina knew very well that her father Carlo was also one of these irresponsible politicians.

Is it wronged?


What a wrong!

Only the common people who have been devastated by the chaos in the political arena are qualified to cry out for grievance. Although my father's starting point was good, he did not know how to judge people and made mistakes in employing people. He reused shady villains like Robert and did not control speculators like Marco, which led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.

He did make a mistake.

The masses may not need an emperor, but they do need a strong leader.

The atmosphere has come to this point, and it would be a bit rude for her to refuse again.

But Alina still had more thoughts and asked another question, "Do the nobles support it?"

This sentence is standard nonsense.

Of course the nobles support it. The emperor is the greatest noble. How can they feel at ease without the emperor?

Christine didn't say anything, just picked up a few letters, "These are handwritten letters from eleven dukes and seventy-three earls in the country, they all support you."

"What do the parliament and the cabinet say?" Alina continued to ask.

"All votes support, this is the minutes of the meeting." Christine picked up another document.

Alina smiled self-deprecatingly, showing a complicated expression, and said faintly: "So, if I don't accept it, it would be wrong? This is a historical reversal."

Christine shook her head slowly, "I don't know if it's a historical reversal, but the country needs an emperor now. If you don't think it's appropriate, then serve as a lifelong emperor, and your descendants will not inherit the throne."

She looked at Alina with a bit of mockery and ridicule, and Alina laughed along.

People can't go back at all.

The family that has been an emperor will either stay on top forever or step down and be exterminated. It's just a foolish dream to want to retire safely.

The Ruiz family, the royal family of the old empire, surrendered. Is it useful?

They were sent to the guillotine by the angry masses, and the whole family was tied to stones and thrown into the Xidai River to drown.

If Alina really asked her descendants to give up the throne, the end would not be much better.

In politics, it is not important to do what you want to do, but what you can do is important.

The descendants of the royal family are born with the right to claim the country, and they can't stay out of it.

Alina is a qualified politician, of course she will not make such a low-level mistake, and what she said just now was just hypocritical.

She sighed helplessly: "According to the usual practice, should I decline three times?"

"You already declined."

Christine said in a deep voice: "The first time you refuse, the masses express their wishes; the second time you refuse, the nobles make their voices heard; the third time you refuse, the parliament makes a resolution. Please don't refuse anymore."

Is this okay?

Alina knew it would work. In the history books of later generations, she repeatedly declined, but in the end she could not stand up to the public opinion and was forced to wear the crown. She herself was helpless.

Although this reason sounds absurd, history books will definitely write it this way.

People have to have face when they are alive. Even ordinary people cannot say "I want to sleep with you" when marrying their wives. They have to talk about love.

People who want to be emperor cannot say that they are greedy for power, they must say that they are in compliance with public opinion.

This world has always been so hypocritical.

Alina suddenly felt tired. After a moment of silence, she slowly said: "The code left by Emperor Bonaparte is the foundation for establishing the country. To commemorate him and adhere to his will, from now on my family name will be changed to Bonaparte." The Naba family.”

Emperor Bonaparte in history was an emperor in a republic.

There is a precedent for this, so it wouldn't be so out of the ordinary for her to be the second one.

The corners of Kristine's lips raised slightly, showing an approving look.

As expected of Alina, she was well-informed and found a good excuse for herself to ascend the throne so quickly.

The ancients before us could sit in this position of emperor, but I cannot?

As you can imagine, Mr. Adam has been busy again recently. He has to prepare the ground for Alina to ascend the throne.

It is best to publicize that the Bouwanaba family is the direct descendant of the Bonaparte family.

Who dares to question? Treason is directly dealt with.

After Christine and Alina discussed the preparations and details of ascending the throne, they said goodbye and left.

Looking at her retreating back, Alina felt that all the strength in her body had disappeared.

Sitting slumped in the thick leather chair, Alina remembered that this office was where her father and his comrades discussed the future of the country with high spirits after overthrowing the old empire.

At that time, they were full of rationalistic romance. From the written records they left behind, we can see those passionate years.

However, more than twenty years later, his daughter made the decision here to return to the imperial system.

If the old father could really see this scene, I wonder if he would be angry.

Alina was silent.

Of course she could argue that she was forced, but was she really forced?

Only a small part of the education she received since she was a child came from her father, and most of it came from a few teachers, so her ideas are different from those of her father.

But because of her admiration for her father, she did not dare to insist on herself until his death.

She finally realized that no matter it was an imperial system or any other system, it still had to be implemented by people.

Is the Jinyuan Kingdom under Marco's governance really better than the old empire?

Alina closed her eyes and leaned weakly against the back of the seat.

After an unknown amount of time, Roland's words flashed through her mind.

History spirals upward, and progressive social forms are destined to replace backwardness, but there are definitely repetitions.

Roland not only said this sentence, but also mentioned a sentence when he mentioned the Magic Empire.

Let five civilians and a magician vote together to select a suspicious person and kill him. It is almost certain that the selected suspicious person is a magician. The truth may not be in the hands of the majority of people.

Alina's face was pale. The books she had read, her father's disappointed face, Roland's seductive voice, and the records from the Magic Empire period were constantly impacting her consciousness.

She screamed suddenly and opened her eyes.

She staggered to the mirror and looked at the haggard appearance and red eyes of the person in the mirror. She simply couldn't recognize herself.

This is a critical moment that determines Jin Yuan's life and death. Only she can lead everyone.

How to leave the future to the future to worry about.

At least at this moment, she must wear the crown and carry the entire golden kite on her shoulders.

Hanseatic City, Triumph Square.

After the complete annexation of the Kingdom of Oden, the square was transformed into the Triumphal Square.

Athos originally proposed to build a triumphal arch, but Sif declined on the grounds of caring for the people.

In fact, Sif really wanted this Arc de Triomphe. She had seen the design drawings. The design of the Arc de Triomphe was elegant and noble, and it was a true work of art.

She wanted to pass under the Arc de Triomphe in her best attire and receive the homage of the crowd.

Unfortunately not.

The residents of Hansa City did not know that this city was not the location of the final battle, but a chess piece that could be abandoned depending on the situation.

If the Arc de Triomphe is built now, it will be built for Sophia.

Don't do stupid things that give your enemy a chance to kill someone.

With a little sadness hidden in her heart, Sif smiled and waved to the people around her, sharing the joy of victory with others.

Among the crowd, she caught a glimpse of Roland, who was standing in front of the square to greet the team.

Wearing a specially designed Caesar uniform and holding a golden scepter, he stood majestically, like a majestic building.

The corners of Sif's lips raised slightly, and her only regret disappeared.

Her Arc de Triomphe is standing there waiting for her, so why waste cement and steel to build it specially?

Siff tightened the reins, slowed down, and let the horse walk towards Roland step by step with a brisk "click, click, click" step.

She suddenly thought of the scene when she and Roland performed a stage play together.

The champion who roared in the mountains and the tsunami at that time is actually the same as the "Long Live the Queen" that resounds over the city now.

It is their affirmation of her, and it is also the result of her and Roland's hard work together.

As long as Roland is there, she is not afraid of anything.

Even if the sky collapses, the stars dim, and the divine punishment comes, she is fearless.

Roland raised the scepter, and his clear voice echoed over the square.

"Cheers for Her Majesty, cheers for victory, cheers for the invincible warriors!"

The cheers rang out again, this time even more passionately.

Among the crowd, the person who was responsible for guiding the order was the first to shout out the prepared slogans. Driven by the herd effect, others also shouted inspiring slogans.

Sif jumped lightly, walked towards Roland, took the scepter held by Roland, and raised it high.

As the scepter was raised, the atmosphere of the whole venue reached a climax.

The champagne cork jumped out of the bottle with a "pop", and the goblet filled with fine wine not only contained the joy of victory, but also the momentum of the empire as the world's number one power.

It's great, they are all back.

Walder, who was standing behind Roland, suddenly felt his eyes go dark.

He barely stood up, not wanting to expose his weakness to the public, and not wanting his students to see his tired look.

Fortunately, his students were hugging their lovers and would not pay attention to him.

The young people have grown up, and the old guys should also leave.

Walder tried to force a smile, but there was a chill in his heart.

It was a hot summer day, but he felt a little cold inexplicably.

As expected, he was old. After this battle, he really wanted to retire and enjoy his old age.

Walder lowered his head to maintain a steady gait, mixed in the crowd and prepared to go to the Queen's Palace.

Just when he was a little dazed, his right arm was suddenly held by someone.

He was a little unhappy. Do I look so old?

Just as he was about to glare at the reckless guy who supported him, he saw Sif with a smile on his face.

"Teacher, I encountered a lot of things outside this time, and I want to share them with you. Are you interested in listening to some stories?"

Wald's anger disappeared, his lips opened, and a smile floated on his wrinkled face.

"That's great. I used to tell you stories, but I didn't expect that my good student could also tell you about what he saw and heard outside. Of course I am willing to listen."

He knew very well that Sif's storytelling was an excuse, and her real purpose was to support him.

No one noticed his weakness, but Sif did.

She is the queen, the perfect person admired by everyone, but she is still the simple student in front of him.

The long river of time seems to have never flowed.

Sif supported Wald's arm, walked slowly, and casually talked about the experience of attacking the Kingdom of Oden.

In fact, there is nothing much to say. Mr. Wald is knowledgeable and has seen everything.

Although he wanted to take the opportunity to support the teacher who was a little tired after waiting outside for a long time, he had to say something.

For example

"Teacher, do you know? When the sirens sing on the shore, their timbre is also different. Munina"

Song of the siren?

Walder raised his eyebrows, and was interested.

He only learned the general process of the war from the war report, and only Sif, who was on the front line, knew the specific progress.

Sif cleared her throat and started from the siege of King Oden's capital.

King Oden is worthy of being a super strong city that is known to never fall.

Although sufficient preparations have been made, and although the first and fourth huge fleets surrounded this isolated city from the open sea, they still encountered a lot of trouble when attacking the city.

In the end, it was the singing of Munina and Sif that opened the city gate.

"It was a very wonderful concert, and Munina and I cooperated perfectly."

Recalling the scene of singing in the midst of artillery fire, Sif still felt a little excited.

Walder listened with great interest, then sighed, "Unfortunately, this secret technique is only effective the first time. The capitals of the enemy countries will be on guard in the future."

As long as you know the power and range of the Siren Song, you can deal with it calmly.

Whether it is interference or other methods, one song cannot defeat two cities.

Sif just smiled slightly, her eyes drifted to the far east, the location of Fort St. Rurik.

She didn't expect the Siren Song to do much.

Is it trying to charm Sophia with this song?

There will be no siege next, only a battle to defend the city, and the enemy's defense is just a decoration.

Seeing that Sif didn't continue this topic, Walder didn't continue, but sighed softly:

"Sif, you have all grown up, and I should be relieved. After this battle, my old bones can't stand the tossing, and I really have to retire."

"Be sure to come to my estate to taste wine when you have time."

Walder smiled easily.

Sif looked at the teacher with complicated eyes, opened her mouth, and hesitated to speak.

Walder pretended to be angry and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "Why, don't you want me, an old man, to retire early?"

Sif nodded helplessly.

In fact, her words were already on her lips, but the teacher was faster.

Of course, she didn't want the teacher to be exhausted. The teacher's mental state just now made her really worried.

She wanted to let him enter semi-retirement early on the grounds of "asking the teacher to return to the homeland to take charge".

She was really worried that the teacher would die on the job and she couldn't explain to his wife.

Looking at the burning flames of passion in the teacher's eyes, Sif had to extinguish this idea.

The teacher's eyes were so firm that it was really impolite to refuse him, and he would even remember it.

Forget it, she and Roland will be more diligent next time and try not to leave the headache to the teacher.

The cheers were still there, and the bard's singing was melodious and beautiful, but Sif was no longer in the mood to appreciate it.

Three days later, an invitation letter from the government of the Golden Kite Republic was placed in front of Sif and Roland.

"Being emperor in the Republic, changing the name of the family to the Bonaparte family?"

Sif curled her lips, noncommittal, but in her heart she had a new understanding of Alina.

This guy knows how to assess situations and is quite shameless.

Even she would do things like being the emperor in the Republic.

Sif, who has been with Roland for many years, is no longer the innocent and idle earl she once was.

Politicians want to save face, but they can be shameless, and Sif is now an excellent politician.

She handed the invitation letter to Roland and said with a smile, "Thank you for coming."

Roland glanced at it and shook his head slowly.

"No need to avoid suspicion, I believe you." Sif thought that Roland was promising to avoid suspicion, and there was a smile on her lips.

As long as you have this intention, she believes that Roland will not break his promise.

A smart woman will never embarrass her man.

Roland was allowed to go last time, but not allowed to go this time. How would Alina think of him?

She didn't want Roland to be known as henpecked.

However, Roland still shook his head and said, "Let's go together."


"The chance of Sophia going may be small, but it is definitely not zero." Roland said with a smile.

"You mean, the monarchs of Rodinia's major countries will all go to Cité, and this is also the last chance to compromise?" Sif's eyes lit up.

"Although I am pessimistic about a quick peace, we have to give it a try. In addition to negotiations, we must be present if Sophia suddenly turns her back."

Sif didn't speak, just acquiesced with her eyes.

Indeed, if Sophia really doesn't follow martial ethics and sneaks up on Alina, the soul-blood link will backfire.

Beyond a certain range, the link effect is halved. They probably won't bury Alina with her, but they will definitely suffer irreversible damage.

Being seriously injured at this time is no different from death.

They have no choice.

No wonder the invitation letter didn't sound like a discussion at all, but directly informed them of where they would stay.

summer palace.

A blue ice spirit condensed behind Sophia who was watching the sea.

Bing Ling's voice was as cold as before, "Master, your human servant Angelina needs to see you in an emergency."

"Let her come here."

Sophia did not look back, but continued to watch the sea.

After a moment, some hasty footsteps sounded from behind.

"Angelina, your heart is beating a little fast, what happened?"

The heart rate was detected ten meters away, but Angelina was not surprised.

In her eyes, Sophia is synonymous with omnipotence.

She even firmly believed that with the arrival of the final day of return, Sophia would be able to become a god.

Is not it? Is there anyone in this world more qualified than Sophia?

Angelina dismissed her random thoughts and held the invitation in both hands.

"Your Majesty, this invitation letter from Jin Yuan Kingdom invites you to attend the coronation ceremony of the new emperor in fifteen days."

"The new emperor is Alina?"

Sophia was slightly stunned, and then showed a mixture of disdain and regret.

"It's a pity. Although Carlo is pedantic, he is also a guy with ideas. It's just that he never dreamed that his precious daughter would usurp the results of his battle."

"I didn't expect that his republic only lasted for more than 20 years and then disappeared. It's a pity."

Sophia's long hair was flying in the sea breeze, and the blue was a bit darker than it was a few months ago.

"I'm not going. You can go on my behalf and see how those little guys are doing now. I'm just curious about what the name of the new empire will be."

Angelina was silent for a few seconds and said quietly:

"Your Majesty, the Jin Yuan Kingdom. The Jin Yuan Kingdom has not changed its name. They are still a republic."


Sophia turned around slowly, a rare surprise flashing through her eyes as deep as the ocean.

She took the invitation from Angelina and her eyes lit up.

"It's a bit interesting that he is actually the emperor of the Republic. By the way, who will preside over her coronation ceremony, the Pope of the Holy Palace of Fertility or the Holy Palace of Light?"

"No, it's said to be Christine, the Saint of Light." Angelina said carefully.

"Is that the little butcher?" Sophia was stunned for a moment, with a smile on her lips.

"These little guys are really interesting. Make some arrangements for me and I'll go there myself."

Angelina breathed a sigh of relief and quickly accepted the order.

Before leaving, she couldn't help but remind Sophia, "Your Majesty, you are actually only a few years older than them."

Sophia smiled and patted Angelina's shoulder without saying a word.

She is indeed not that old, but has experienced so much that she always forgets her age.

After watching Angelina leave, Sophia once again stood on the cliff by the sea, looking at the slightly blue clear water.

It was obvious that Alina still wanted to make a last-ditch effort for peace.

She was a little curious as to what other trump cards this Miss Alina had. She wouldn't want to use her skillful debating skills to convince her, would she?

If it was just that, she would be very disappointed.

Anyway, go check it out.

Whether it's being the emperor in the Republic or persuading her to become a vegetarian, it's quite interesting.

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