In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 318 Returning Home

The luxurious carriage leisurely galloped on the forest road.

Roland and Lisa in the carriage were not in a hurry.

They had walked this road more than once, but each time they passed by in a hurry and had no mood to appreciate the scenery along the road.

"I want to listen to the singing of the nightingale in the Black Forest and watch the sunset on the banks of the Rodinia River."

Roland would naturally not refuse Lisa's request.

He sent someone to send a letter to Sif to report his safety, and he accompanied Lisa on the return journey in the carriage of the last queen of the Golden Kite.

This carriage is top-notch in terms of artistic taste and materials, and it is out of print and has no market. Even if someone offers tens of thousands of livres, there is no channel to buy it.

The old royal carriage can only be kept in the museum for collection in the Golden Kite Kingdom. It can be given to Roland as a means of transportation, so it is not a waste.

Alina gave the carriage to Roland and Sif in the name of a wedding gift. At the same time, she also wrote a letter to Sif, implicitly explaining the process of the letter being robbed.

The union of the two countries is the general trend. Sif may not be able to forgive, but she will definitely not pursue it.

After careful consideration, Alina deprived Elaine of all her positions, let her retire early, and placed her under house arrest in the manor where her father lived before his death. She was not allowed to leave without permission.

No matter how many reasons Elaine had, she had committed a taboo for intelligence personnel.

Acting on one's own.

Once the intelligence chief has his own ideas, he is no longer suitable for this job.

Based on Alina's understanding of Sylph, if Elaine is not punished, Sylph will definitely bear a grudge.

Rather than arguing in the future, it is better for her to deal with it in advance.

This may still save Elaine.

After sending Roland and Lisa away, Alina devoted herself to work without distraction and began to prepare for the final battle.

Although Roland has already drawn up the framework, many affairs need her to make decisions. There is no time to be sad about the chaotic night. She has to get to work immediately.

Roland left her a trump card, which is said to come from the revised version of the Civil Code of the Star Emperor.

When domestic conflicts are about to break out, the introduction of this code can temporarily postpone the conflicts and transfer domestic conflicts to foreign countries.

She must decide when to play the trump card.

While Alina was busy, Roland was enjoying the quiet before the storm.

He rarely had the opportunity to travel alone with Lisa.

In the past, he had time but no money; now he has money but no time.

On the way home, slow down, relax, and watch the sunset, which is a different experience.

He just used this short journey to calm his emotions and forget what happened in the Kingdom of Golden Kite.

On February 27, 1795, the snow around Hansa City was gradually melting in early spring, and the water level of the river across the northern plains began to rise.

Queen Sylph did not enjoy a luxurious and comfortable life in the palace. She was wearing a noble military uniform and sitting at her desk reviewing documents.

After finally reviewing the last document, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking up at the red clouds on the horizon and the setting sun, she realized that it was almost dark.

Walking to the window, with both hands on the windowsill, Sif looked towards the distant west.

This is the main road leading to the Kingdom of Golden Kite. Although it is evening, there are still many carriages busy on the road.

Among the bustling carriages, there are several huge and heavy iron guys that emit black smoke and make harsh noises.

These iron lumps are equipped with three or four wheels. The driving speed is not fast, but the cargo capacity exceeds that of carriages and ox carts.

Their name is car.

This is Roland's naming. The reason is very simple, because the working principle of the car is to use coal to burn hot water to generate steam to drive the wheels, so it is called a car.

It is a very interesting name, Sif fully agrees.

Even if Roland calls them cars, Sif will definitely agree.

Come back soon, dear, I am really tired without you.

Sif muttered silently in her heart.

She is really tired these days.

When Roland is here, he looks like he is lazy. Only when he leaves can you know his role.

His existence is like fresh water, you can't feel it, and you only know how important it is when you lose it.

When she was most desperate, Sif almost even thought of asking her father to come back to help. Fortunately, this stupid idea was only a flash.

Her father might be a qualified politician, but he was not suitable to come back.

At least not now.

Fortunately, there were still people who were willing to pity her. Teacher Walder couldn't bear to see her suffer, and he took the initiative to give up his leisurely retirement life and come overseas to help her.

The teacher found many reasons, such as wanting to come overseas to enjoy the sunshine, wanting to come and see her, etc.

But she knew very well that the teacher was not idle, but just didn't want to stay out of the decisive battle and let her support alone.

Mr. Walder did not intervene in specific affairs, but only gave guidance from a high-level perspective.

His experience and experience in the imperial political arena for decades made up for Sif's immaturity.

Time seemed to go back to a few years ago, Sif was still the well-behaved student, and Walder was still the strict but gentle teacher.

But people have changed.

Sif is no longer the fool who often makes Walder angry to the point of being bedridden, and Walder is no longer the spirited old man who can charge into battle.

She has grown up.

He has grown old.

Since Sif has grown up, Walder doesn't have to work too hard.

He does not play the role of overseas prime minister, but serves as a senior advisor. The burden of overseas prime minister is given to Athos.

This new member of the imperial cabinet not only knows the four overseas provinces very well, but is also a rare golden kite passerby, and soon became an important minister that Sif relied on.

Sif could feel that Athos was a man with secrets, but she didn't want to ask about it.

Everyone has secrets, as long as there is no malice, let him be.

The other two of the three overseas heroes were also entrusted with important tasks.

Aramis is now the special assistant to the Queen, helping her deal with various affairs. He and Athos are the left and right ministers overseas.

Although Porthos likes to brag and has not received formal military education, his military talent is quite good.

Sif boldly appointed him as the commander of the overseas legion to cooperate with Christine in commanding the army.

Porthos never dreamed that he, who had a not-so-smooth career, would become a rising star in the military.

If it weren't for the Queen and Governor Roland's appointment, he would probably only be a senior official in Serin Province until retirement.

There must be a lot of money, but the future is limited.

In just a few years, he went from being an official who was always trying to make money to becoming a lieutenant general of the Imperial Army, and even had the hope of becoming the future Minister of the Army.

Thinking of the bright future, Porthos was so excited that his whole body trembled.

Although there was a high mountain called the Vladimir Empire between him and the bright future, he was fearless and just wanted to climb over it.

This was also an important reason why Sif chose him.

There were many generals who understood military affairs, but there were not many generals who understood military affairs and were loyal and not afraid of powerful enemies.

The local generals changed their faces when they heard Sophia's name, and they could not use her even if she was outstanding.

Roland didn't know that in the more than two months since he left, Sif had formed a team that seemed strange but was actually efficient.

If he knew, he would definitely smile with relief.

The best gift for a teacher is growth.

He was half of Sif's teacher after all, so of course he hoped that she would grow up as soon as possible.

Just as Sif was staring at the setting sun in a daze, a dull bell rang from the square.

She turned her head sharply and looked at the center of the square.

A signalman covered in blood climbed up the bell stand and rang the alarm bell in the center of the square.

This bell cannot be rung casually.

It can only be rung when the head of state dies unexpectedly or when the country is invaded by foreign enemies.

Ringing the alarm bell without a legitimate reason is a capital crime.

Sif stroked her cheek and confirmed that she was not dead, so it could only be the latter.

The signalman who rang the alarm bell seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden and fainted in the square with a sense of relief.

The patrolling soldiers rushed over quickly and carried the signalman away with all their might.

Although she was praying silently in her heart, Sif knew that the life of this respectable soldier was probably coming to an end.

He came here with his last breath.

If he still had the strength to speak, he would definitely not ring the alarm bell rashly to cause panic, but would submit intelligence step by step.

There is only one explanation.

The situation was very urgent, and he knew he could not hold on any longer, so he was forced to ring the bell.

Sif sighed. Although she knew that the chances of saving the man were slim, she still called the royal doctor and asked him to help save him.

After assigning the task to the royal doctor, Sif did not have more information and could not give orders, so she sat at her desk and waited for further news.

Although Raikkonen was young, he was also a veteran who had followed Roland for many years and had experienced many battles. He knew how to deal with such things.

Sif did not hurriedly ring the bell to call the minister.

It is very likely that a decision will be wrong without accurate information, and a mistake in the first order will only shake the morale of the army.

At this time, you must stay calm.

The more unclear the situation is, the calmer you should be as a leader.

As she expected, Athos came not long after.

He looked solemn and reported the situation to Sif.

"The signalman has gone into shock, and the doctors are rescuing him. The identity card found on him determined that this person was a squadron leader of the Seventh Army stationed in Franks, with the rank of second lieutenant. Judging from his personal equipment and horseshoe style, the identity card is true."

Sif nodded with satisfaction.

Athos has outstanding observation skills and can always find the truth of the problem from the subtle details.

"Let Lekkonen collect intelligence as soon as possible, and notify Christine, Bordeaux and senior officers above the rank of major general in non-frontline war zones to report to Hansa City."

"Be prepared for full mobilization and the factory's conversion to military production."

Sif issued several orders in a row. Although there was not much intelligence, she was well prepared and did not panic.

Her calmness made Athos secretly admire her.

As expected of Her Majesty the Queen, she remained calm in the face of danger. Only by following such a master can you have a future.

Athos thought again and again before leaving, and still couldn't help asking, "Should I notify Governor Roland as soon as possible?"

"He will be back in a few days, no need to notify him specifically." Sif said lightly.

Athos said nothing and left without receiving the order.

It is early spring now, which is not suitable for launching large-scale military operations. Even if it is launched, it will most likely be a tentative attack of tens of thousands of people, and more likely harassment.

Her Majesty the Queen was not panicking, so there was no need for him to panic.

Sif's calmness was passed on to every panicked minister, allowing them to gradually calm down.

In order to calm the people, she wanted to rest early and changed into casual clothes to go to the square to appease the people.

Just as she worried, the alarm bell did make many people panic.

With the implementation of the low-tariff trade policy, the four overseas provinces have gradually become the overseas trade hub of the Sussex Empire, and Emre Port has a tendency to replace Sussex Port as the largest trade center.

Businessmen are most afraid of war.

War will make the investment environment worse, and investment will be lost, or even their lives.

If handled improperly, the alarm bell that was accidentally sounded this time will become the death knell of overseas trade.

This is absolutely not okay.

Sussex has absolute control of the sea, and overseas trade is an important channel for her to recover.

If the continuous supply of materials from overseas is lost, it will be difficult for the Sussex Empire and the Golden Kite Kingdom to compete with the Holy Alliance alone.

Seeing Her Majesty the Queen come out in person, the square that was originally in chaos finally restored order.

But the confused and helpless eyes of these people still betrayed their true thoughts.

They are willing to be loyal to the Queen, but they hope to live more.

Their loyalty has a price.

The strategic depth of the four overseas provinces is not enough. Once the war starts, Hansa City will soon become a front line. Who dares to do business?

Sif sang the siren song, which gradually calmed the restless hearts of the people.

Many people who originally planned to retreat calmed down and found that they had no way to retreat.

Hansa City seemed unsafe, but the Queen was here, which was the safest place.

The Empire would never let the Queen fall into the hands of the enemy.

Sif's singing soothed most people, but there were still discordant noises.

The four overseas provinces are not the mainland, and the people here do not have much sense of belonging to the Sussex Empire and the York family.

They respect facts more.

"Your Majesty, what happened to the bell just now? I heard that the alarm bell was sounded, is it true?"

Sif's eyes turned to the questioner.

Although the questioner was not tall, his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. Under her gaze, he did not avoid it with guilt, but looked at her calmly.

This guy is

Sif did not remember his name, but had some impression that he seemed to be an important member of the Talia Merchants' Association.

Seeing that Sif did not recognize him, the merchant who asked the question did not feel embarrassed, but introduced his name.

"Your Majesty, I am the merchant Nonis of Talia. The question I asked just now was just out of curiosity, not to question you."

Sif narrowed her eyes slightly, her voice was sonorous and gentle.

"Yes, the alarm bell did ring just now. The identity of the signalman has been confirmed. He came from the Franks front, where our country borders the Kingdom of Pruden. According to speculation, there should be a military conflict with the Kingdom of Pruden."

"Don't worry, everyone. Our country has signed an alliance with the Kingdom of Golden Kite, and more than one million free coalition forces have been formed. Whether it is the Kingdom of Pruden or other countries, the invasion of our country will surely fail."

"We have the famous general Christine from the Holy Temple of Light, and the invincible Caesar Roland. I will also be with you to overcome the difficulties together!"

Sif never intended to hide it.

There are so many people in the square, and at least hundreds of eyes saw the bell ringing just now. Denying it would only expose her guilty conscience.

Roland said that if you don't tell a lie that is destined to be exposed, you will lose your credibility sooner or later.

What she said was basically the truth, except for Roland's infinitely exaggerated military capabilities.

Sif's words reassured the merchants who were originally hesitant.

Although they were still a little hesitant, at least they would not flee on the spot.

"Your Majesty is wise, our army will win!"

Sif turned back suddenly and looked at the entrance of the square.

The curtain of the gorgeous carriage was lifted, and the person who slowly walked out of the carriage was noble and elegant, with a somewhat unruly smile on the corner of his lips. It was Roland.

He finally came back when he was needed most.

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