In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 299 Just a gift?

"Mr. Molotov, the diplomatic documents protesting to the Sussex people have been prepared. Please take a look."

The strong diplomatic counselor stood in front of the Molotov envoy and handed over the prepared documents with both hands.

The man called Molotov is the foreign minister of the Vladimir Empire. He has been running around the countries of the Rodinia continent in recent years. Against the backdrop of the disappearance of the queen, he made major decisions independently within the framework set before the queen left.

His diplomatic style has both the fearlessness of a bear and the cunning and smoothness of a fox.

He rarely uses protests to vent his emotions.

However, Roland's behavior made him unbearable.

Expelling the garrison of Val City and detaining Angelina were normal fights between the two countries. He was not too angry and even considered ways to redeem Angelina.

But Roland took the queen's ring as a trophy, which was simply dancing in the face of the empire.

Not only that, he openly used Her Majesty Sophia's wedding ring as a token of marriage proposal to propose.

Roland's behavior ignited the anger of the hardliners in the Vladimir Empire, and they shouted that they would use war to teach Roland a lesson.

Molotov waved his hand to let the young diplomat leave, and he felt a little headache.

The voice of reason was drowned in the turbulent public sentiment. At this time, anyone who dared to oppose the war would be labeled a traitor without hesitation.

But he knew very well that this was exactly what Roland wanted.

The Queen is the soul of the empire. When she is there, the empire is invincible; when she is not there, the empire is just a relatively strong country.

Roland, this treacherous guy, just wants to take advantage of the Queen's absence to start a war, and he doesn't want to give up the advantage of fighting at home.

Although Molotov is a diplomat, he also knows a little about military affairs, and he will definitely not do such a disadvantageous business.

He plans to make a formal protest to Roland, and then redeem Angelina through a private transaction.

Although Angelina's brain is not very good, she is the fourth seat of the Shadow Temple after all. She is beautiful and has received guidance from the Queen. People in the country think of her as a little Sophia and are very popular.

She was imprisoned by the enemy for a long time, which was a great blow to the morale of the empire.

Molotov had been scolded by angry young people many times.

He didn't care about these scoldings, but he had to consider the morale of the people.

Angelina must be redeemed, and she must not show weakness in public. Although this is difficult, the old diplomat is confident about it.

He knows Roland very well. As long as enough price is paid, there are few things that cannot be traded.

Thinking of the price to be paid, Molotov snorted lightly, unable to hide his anger.

Let's keep it with the little fox for a while.

When the queen comes out, she will spit out what she eats.

Just as Molotov was about to arrange for his capable men to carry the protest documents to Hansa City, hurried footsteps came from the corridor.

He frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

Diplomacy is an art, and excellent diplomats are artists. How can they be flustered?

He doesn't like diplomats to lose manners at work.

He plans to give the young staff a little Molotov warning.

There was a knock on the door, but the foreign minister did not respond immediately.

He picked up the freshly ground coffee, sipped it elegantly, and waited for a minute before saying indifferently:

"Come in."

The young diplomat standing outside the door pushed the door open quickly, and even took up the envelope and box in his hands eagerly without even having time to salute Molotov.

"Yes, it's the handwritten letter of Her Majesty the Queen!"

"What?!" The coffee cup in Molotov's hand slipped to the ground and shattered.

He didn't care about his elegant manners at all, and blew in front of the young diplomat like a gust of wind.

"Are you sure?" He was a little unbelievable.

Her Majesty the Queen has never appeared since she left nearly two years ago, and some people with bad intentions even spread rumors that the Queen has disappeared.

The rumormongers naturally sent her to the Far East to grow potatoes, and she would never come back in this life, but the fact that these rumors were born is enough to show that many people are anxious about the absence of the Queen.

After confirming that it was correct, Molotov trembled with excitement.

He was really frustrated in diplomacy over the past year. If the Queen was here, why would he have to endure Roland's anger?

Holding the handwritten letter, his tone was already particularly tough before he opened it.

"Ivan, go and redraft a diplomatic document, demanding that the Sussex Empire immediately release our illegally detained official Angelina and make a public apology."

"Remember, the wording should be strong, and remind them that Her Majesty the Queen is paying attention to this matter."

The young diplomat called Ivan quickly stood at attention and saluted Molotov.

Seeing that Molotov had no intention of asking him to leave immediately, he stood respectfully beside him, his curiosity itching like a cat being scratched.

What did Her Majesty write?

Molotov opened the letter and saw the familiar handwriting, which made him feel more at ease.

This is indeed the Queen's handwriting and tone.

The Queen's letter got straight to the point, first affirming Molotov's work over the years, and then immediately mentioned the incident of Angelina's detention.

Her Majesty noticed this matter, and she must be very angry.

Roland, the little fox, is going to be unlucky this time!

Molotov thought with a smile.

With anticipation and curiosity, the Foreign Minister turned to the second page of the letter, his pupils seemed to be shaking.

"Sir Molotov, the box contains the wedding gift I prepared for Sylph and Roland. Please pass it on."

Wait, what does His Majesty mean? Is he going to bow to Roland?

Molotov was stunned.

He even suspected that the letter was forged, but after repeatedly checking the paper, handwriting and seal, he was very sure of the authenticity of the letter.

The Queen specifically reminded him not to open the box without permission, so he naturally didn't dare to open it.

However, this letter was just an order, and there was no explanation for the reason, which made him feel very suffocated.

Although depressed, Molotov quickly adjusted his mood and stopped struggling.

Unless necessary, the Queen rarely explained the reason for issuing orders.

She always made the wisest decision, and no one dared to doubt her decision.

Since this was the Queen's order, what else could he say?

He turned his head and glanced at the young diplomat who was waiting excitedly.

"Ivan, go and draft a diplomatic document to congratulate the Queen of the Sussex Empire and the Caesar on their upcoming wedding, and the tone should be more sincere."


The young diplomat's brain almost burned out.

Wait, this is completely different from the order a few minutes ago, right?

He stammered and asked, "What about the previous diplomatic documents?"

"Get out!"

Molotov couldn't hold back any longer and roared angrily.

Ivan knew that he had said the wrong thing when his brain was not clear, so he quickly covered his head and ran away.

Nonsense, I have already sent a gift, how can I say threatening words?

After Ivan left, Molotov saw the coffee cup that had been broken into several pieces on the ground. Thinking that this thing was a seabed jade bought from Nubia thousands of kilometers away, he felt distressed.

He squatted down, reached out and touched the largest fragment, and sighed sadly.

As soon as the sigh sounded, he was stunned.

What am I doing?

The fingertips of the old diplomat were trembling.

He had been a diplomat for more than 30 years. What storms and waves had he not seen? He was actually trembling with pain for a delicate coffee cup?

Molotov, Molotov, you really lived in vain! Don't cry for the broken coffee cup!

He laughed, grabbed the largest piece of the cup, and smashed it hard.

As the crisp sound of breaking sounded, he stroked his tufted beard and laughed very happily.

How could Her Majesty bow her head? She is truly invincible.

She is invincible in both personal combat power and governance.

The Queen must have her reasons for doing this, and he is not good enough to understand it. What he should do is to strengthen his study, not to question the Queen.

Molotov picked up the handwritten letter and the exquisite small box and walked towards the Prime Minister's office.

The Prime Minister is the person in charge when the Queen is away, and such a big thing must be discussed with him.

It can not only clear the responsibility, but also not offend people.

"Sif, guess what gift Sophia will give us?" Roland looked at the exquisite box on the table and was surprised.

Sif, who was reading the diplomatic letter, looked a little strange and didn't speak.

She didn't understand.

This diplomatic letter was written very politely and coldly, which was a standard diplomatic rhetoric.

It was to congratulate her and Roland, and at the same time tactfully proposed to take Angelina back to the country.

Her relationship with Roland has been officially announced, and other countries naturally have to send gifts. Although the relationship between the Vladimir Empire and Sussex is not good, there is no war after all.

It was normal for Saint Rurik Castle to send gifts.

Angelina was a senior official after all, and it was not a problem for her to stay abroad for a long time, so it was normal to want her to return home.

But these two things and Sophia's gift together were very strange.

Facing Roland's question, Sif shook her head blankly.

"Okay, stop guessing, open it and take a look."

With Sophia's status, any gift she gave would not be ordinary, and most likely have a deep meaning.

Roland was also very curious about what it was.

Sif looked at the keyhole of the box and was surprised to find that a ring could be inlaid. She tried to put the ice crystal blue ring in, and the size was exactly the same.

With a "click", the box was opened.

The ring inlaid with purple gems lay there quietly. Just looking at the texture of the gems, you can tell that it is not an ordinary item.

There was also a letter next to the ring. Judging from the emblem on the surface of the envelope, it was written by Sophia.


Sif could never have thought that it would be a ring.

She thought of many possibilities, but she never thought it was just a simple gift.

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