In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 3: Inconsistency between subjective and objective factors, not guilty

The future literary giant with an anxious face rushed into the editorial office, pretending to be calm and asked the editor:

"Mr. Byron, I want to withdraw the immature manuscript."

The editor pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the wing of his nose and said with a smile:

"There are many submissions for the essay contest. Which manuscript are you talking about?"

"Yes, it's the one I wrote."

Roland lowered his voice and leaned in.

There is more than one editor in the office, and there is no need for a wall. They are all ears. He doesn't want to leak the title of the book.

"Oh, the one you wrote, let me find it."

Editor Byron pupated with his slightly fat body, took out the notebook from the table pocket with difficulty, flipped through it carefully for a long time, pushed his glasses that slipped off, and raised his voice a few decibels.

"Found it! It's the submission "Oh my God, the Queen is pregnant, who did it?"

Roland held his forehead, can't you speak more quietly?

The editors in the entire office put their eyes and ears close to him.

Being good at gossip is an editor's superpower, and liking gossip is an editor's occupational disease.

The Queen is pregnant? !

Oh my god, who wrote this? It's so exciting?

Byron patted his shoulder and smiled to comfort him:

"Roland, don't worry too much. Her Majesty has just inherited the throne and is busy with affairs. She probably has no time to take care of these trivial matters. The ranking should be decided by the Minister of the Interior."

"Go home and wait for news. Don't forget to treat me to a meal when you win the grand prize."

The other people in the editorial department also followed suit, "If I were you, I could go to Belfa Street to pick a house now."

"Don't make a fuss. Don't you see that Roland is depressed?"

"In fact, he doesn't need to worry at all. Her Majesty was still a princess when he submitted the article. It's not intentional."

"It's easy for you to say. If you were Her Majesty, what would you think when you saw this submission?"

"That's right, the Queen is a young girl after all, and it's easy to be emotional."

The editors discussed loudly, not even caring that Roland was right next to them.

Roland barely maintained a smile, said goodbye to Editor Byron and left.

Maybe he should really go see a place, but not a house, but a cemetery.

Walking on the road, Roland's mind was blank.

He didn't expect things to develop like this.

It doesn't make sense. Other people's journeys through time and space are to win the essay contest championship, get an invitation to the Royal Literary Salon, and meet fair and beautiful aristocratic girls. Why is it that he rebelled?

How could he know that the old emperor would suddenly die? Who can he blame?

In this feudal autocratic era that is worse than the evil capitalist society, it is a luxury to openly insult the newly enthroned young unmarried queen and die decently.


Where to run?

The continent under his feet is called the Sussex Continent. There is only one country in the tens of millions of square kilometers of land, the Sussex Empire.

The Empire Navy is the best in the world, and there is no way to go by sea.

The Empire Army is very powerful, and there is no way to go by land.

The Empire's magic has reached the pinnacle, and there is nowhere to hide.

The Empire's intelligence agency is indeed a bunch of good-for-nothings, far behind.

A glimmer of hope suddenly emerged in Roland's mind. Maybe he could seek political asylum in other countries?

The only countries that dared to accept political prisoners despite the pressure from Sussex were a few powerful countries on the other side of the sea.

Frowning slightly, Roland fell into deep thought. What kind of united front value could he have to seek political asylum?

A young liberal artist suppressed by a barbaric government? Brother, this version is too advanced.

Roland, who had no way to escape, came to the dock unknowingly.

Looking at the deep sea that was calm on the surface but actually surging undercurrents and rampant monsters, he rationally gave up the crazy escape plan of swimming across the strait for hundreds of miles.

He is a human, not a superman.

Sitting on the railing of the dock, his sword eyebrows slightly frowned, he did not notice that a girl who was painting had a light in her eyes when she looked at him.

"Your Majesty, this is the winning candidate for this essay."

The steady voice of the Minister of the Interior sounded.

"Lord Wald, I haven't officially ascended the throne yet. You should call me Her Highness Sylph."

Behind the translucent gauze curtain, a gentle voice with a bit of fatigue.

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

The Minister of the Interior responded respectfully.

Not being serious about the address, Sylph, who was aroused by curiosity, asked softly: "What is the essay contest you mentioned?"

"Before the late emperor went to sea, he held an essay contest. The champion prize was 500 pounds. The essay must revolve around the theme of 'God, the royal family, mystery, suspense and gender'. The shorter the better."

Sylph was silent for a moment, and sighed faintly: "Teacher, I am very busy now. You can decide on such trivial matters."

"Your Majesty, this is the last essay contest during the late emperor's reign. I think it is very important. You should not only decide the ranking yourself, but also publicize it with great fanfare."

After a moment of silence, the voice behind the gauze curtain gradually calmed down.

"Thank you for reminding me, teacher. You are right."

"Based on your professional opinion, which article should win the prize?"

"I cannot judge for His Majesty, but I personally think these three works are better."

The Minister of the Interior Wald handed the three selected entries to the maid, who then handed them to Sylph.

Sylph was his student and his master.

He must try to forget that he had taught her this.

After receiving the three candidate works, Sylph flipped through them casually. After a moment, she put the first one aside and picked up the second one.

The story was good, but Sylph was not in the mood at the moment. She simply took a look and did not even express her opinion.

If someone could see through the veil, they would find that the new queen had an indelible worry between her eyebrows.

The content of her education covered everything from astronomy and geography to literature and art and even military history, except how to govern the country.

Since she is not the crown prince, learning everything will only hurt herself.

Rather than having a quarrel with her brother, it is better to be knowledgeable and tactful.

She is very obedient and never appears in public, just because she does not want to compete with her brother.

However, now she especially hopes that she was not so obedient in the past.

Even if she reads "The Biography of Monarchs", "The Biography of Powerful Ministers" and "The War Records of Greene the Great" for a few more days, it is better than having a blank mind.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

The new queen sighed and picked up the third candidate work.

Just one glance, and her delicate eyelashes trembled.

She bit her lip and tightly grasped the manuscript that made her go crazy.

"Teacher, who wrote the manuscript "Oh my God, the Queen is pregnant, who did it?"? Help me find out!"

"Are you going to give him the championship?"


Hilfu's lips slightly raised, without a smile in her eyes, "He really deserves the championship, the champion of the Suicide Contest."

"The new emperor has just ascended the throne, and someone has challenged the dignity of the royal family. If he is not severely punished, I am afraid that many people will follow suit."

The Minister of the Interior asked softly: "How does your majesty plan to deal with him?"

"According to the imperial law, the death penalty."

This is the price of challenging the imperial power.

Faced with the "reasonable" request of the monarch and disciple, Minister of the Interior Wald did not agree, but said seriously:

"Your Majesty, please think twice."

"That's what the law stipulates. Did I remember it wrong?"

"Your Majesty did not remember it wrong, but I used it wrong."

Although she was very unhappy about being rejected, Sylph always admired the wisdom of her teacher, so she asked in a gentle tone:

"I don't quite understand, please give me some advice."

Since Sylph regarded herself as a student, Wald, as a teacher, could naturally give her some advice.

He smiled and asked: "Your Majesty has not yet married, but there are lunatics who say you are pregnant. This is a serious offense to you, so Your Majesty wants to bring the lunatics to justice, right?"

"Do you think it's wrong, teacher?"

"Both right and wrong."

Wald said calmly: "If the queen is in power, someone who slanders the royal family like this will naturally be sentenced to death."

"But this is an essay contest held by the previous emperor. You were not the queen when you submitted the essay, so..."

Wald didn't finish his words, but his meaning was very clear.

When submitting the article, Sylph was a princess, and the author has avoided mentioning it.

Ignorance is not a crime, so there is no offense.

Roland wrote such a ridiculous article, which objectively offended the dignity of the queen, but he was not at fault subjectively.

"The subjective and objective are inconsistent, and the guilt is not established. This is your teaching, teacher."

Wald said calmly: "Sylph, you can execute him. After all, you are the most powerful monarch in the world, and a word can decide the life and death of millions of people."

"But you must remember that he was not executed because of the law, but because of the king's anger."

Sylph murmured: "Can the king's anger kill people?"

As soon as the voice fell, she laughed first.

The king's anger can not only kill people, but even cause thousands of people to lose their lives, and countless families cry in sorrow.

After a long silence, Sylph slowly said:

"The royal dignity cannot be violated, and even unintentional violations can be sentenced to hanging."

Wald's expression did not change at all.

He did not intend to stop Sylph.

He just hoped that Sylph understood the weight of imperial power, and every word she said could change the fate of countless people.

The imperial power is like a prison, and must be used with caution.

If she insists, there is indeed a basis for the death penalty.

But pocket crimes can only hold people, not convince the public.

Just as he sighed secretly, Sylph's voice gradually softened.

"However, the right to life of Sussex citizens is higher than the dignity of the emperor."

"You said that the imperial power cannot override the country, let alone trample on the people."

"Since it is unintentional offense, I forgive him."

Wald looked up suddenly and looked at the new queen through the gauze curtain, but found that the delicate princess student was hazy and a little unclear.

He seemed to meet her for the first time.

"Who is the author of this article?"

"Roland, an employee of the Imperial Post Office." Wald added quickly.

Sylph hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Teacher, the essay champion will be invited to participate in the literary salon held by the royal family. If he does not have a solid literary foundation and is just a coincidence, I am afraid that he cannot be invited."

"I must meet him first."

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