In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 291 Your Majesty, save me!

Although several major countries protested to the Sussex Empire and even threatened war, they chose to keep silent when the army approached.

Roland mobilized more than 100,000 elite troops and hundreds of warships to go upstream and forcibly occupy the city-state of Val.

The Kingdom of Tyrol is now unable to take care of itself and is unwilling to be the first to do so, so it had to choose to withdraw gracefully after the protest.

They only have a few thousand troops stationed in Val City. They can maintain order and protect the interests of their expatriates and merchants at ordinary times. Facing the 100,000 troops of the Sussex Empire, they are simply powerless to resist.

They burned the camp, plundered the wealth of the occupied area, and left.

The Wende Empire is now deeply mired in the quagmire of war and is already in a mess. The city-state of Val has long wanted to give up, but there is no excuse.

Roland's ultimatum gave him a way out. Although they cursed, they still left Val City quickly, without even burning the camp or plundering the territory, and ran away directly.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Wende Empire is an ancient empire after all, and it leaves room for maneuver, unlike some newly emerged upstarts.

But only they know that this is not to save face, but because the parliament did not reach a conclusion, the military generals felt that it was not worth offending Roland.

Saint Christine, who was born in the Wende Empire, has a good relationship with Roland. Even if it is just for the saint's face, there is no need to offend Roland for such a small matter.

There were five major countries that occupied the Val city-state in the past. Sussex and Golden Kite were Roland's supporters. The Wende Empire and the Kingdom of Tyrol retreated decently, and in a blink of an eye, only the Vladimir Empire was left.

The fifth seat of the Shadow Temple, Frost Grip Angelina, was stationed in the Val city-state.

After receiving Roland's ultimatum, she couldn't believe her eyes at all.

How could someone so blatantly oppose the empire and the queen?

Although angry, Angelina remained calm.

She had 17,000 troops, and Val City was undefensible. Sussex sent more than 100,000 troops to take over the city, and there were also fleets to support it.

Even without thinking, you knew the result.

Angelina was not afraid of death, but she didn't want these loyal and brave soldiers to die in vain.

Holding on and not retreating would not only lead to death, but also add another record of defeat to the empire's record.

She didn't want to retreat, but she couldn't fight, so she had to pick up a pen and make a request to Roland.

Her request was simple. In order to avoid fearless casualties of soldiers, the commanders of both sides would fight to decide the victory.

If Roland won, she would retreat immediately and leave the intact camp, and would not plunder when she left.

If she won, she would retain the rights and interests of the Vladimir Empire.

Roland's reply was quick, and he gave her an answer in less than half a day.

"In view of your food supply support, I agree to a duel to decide the victory, but if you lose, you must leave your weapons, armor and flags."

Roland's conditions were very harsh.

Abandoning weapons and armors in defeat can be explained, but the seizure of the military flag means the end of the military organization.

Although it is harsh, he knows that Angelina will definitely accept it.

If they resist to the end, the 17,000-man army will not be able to hold on until the reinforcements arrive, and the military flag will be seized.

Roland's meaning is very clear.

The reorganized 19th Division of the Vladimir Empire stationed in Val City will definitely be finished, and this cannot be compromised.

He can allow the soldiers who surrender and disarm to go back as civilians, this is his bottom line.

We are all decent people and have face. Not abolishing the organization after the military flag is seized will only make people laugh.

What Roland wants is to completely annihilate the reorganized 19th Division, whether it is captured or killed is not important.

As he expected, after receiving the reply, Angelina angrily threw the desk and all the documents on the desk.

But after being angry, she had no choice but to accept the conditions.

Sitting calmly in the office, Angelina stroked the ring given to her by the Queen, which contained energy equivalent to one-tenth of the power of the Queen's full-strength attack.

This was the generous gift she prepared for Roland.

Although killing Roland would have serious consequences, she had no choice.

The Queen had disappeared for too long, which had caused panic within the empire and given the enemy an opportunity to come.

She had to kill Roland with a thunderbolt to save the face of the empire.

Although she and Roland maintained a certain cooperative relationship, that was all in the past.

In the face of national interests, personal gains and losses were nothing.

The battle site agreed by both parties was on a flat-topped peak inside Baishan.

Both parties in the duel must go to the duel site alone, without entourage, and personnel from both countries are not allowed to enter the Baishan area on the day of the duel.

There is no limit to the duel method and the use of weapons, until one party dies or surrenders.

These conditions were quickly confirmed by both parties.

After explaining the aftermath, Angelina breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Baishan without looking back.

Of course, she knew that Roland was quite powerful now, and had a record of killing a rank 7 warrior alone. She was still one step away from rank 7, and she was definitely not his opponent in a one-on-one fight.

But she had the ring given by the Queen.

This was her biggest trump card.

She believed that Roland also had a card, but could it be bigger than the Queen's ring?

Just as Angelina was leaving, a hot air balloon was slowly floating towards Baishan.

Roland was on the hot air balloon, accompanied by Lisa and Christine.

Lisa looked nervous, and kept rubbing the corners of her clothes with her hands.

After all, this was a life-and-death duel. Although she believed that Roland would win, she was always inexplicably flustered.

But the duel was imminent, and she didn't dare to disturb Roland's confidence, so she had to hide her worries.

Seeing her tangled look, Roland smiled and patted the moonlight silver armor, and then touched the white wolf skin armor on the outside.

"Don't worry, I have double armor to protect my body, a magic source ring that can prevent damage, and a divine blessing to save my life. This is a quadruple protection. Even if Sophia comes in person, it's not easy to kill me, let alone a little Angelina."

"Of course, I will never underestimate the enemy. I will go all out at the beginning."

Christine didn't say anything, but just approached Roland silently and put her hands on his shoulders.

The milky white holy light poured into Roland's body.

Although most of it was rejected, a small part of it was still integrated into his body.

"Thank you."

Roland's gratitude came from the heart.

The Saint Lady was recognized by the Goddess of Light and could infuse divine energy into teammates to improve various attributes.

Although he was a person despised by the goddess, these divine energies did not recognize people.

His physical strength and power were greatly enhanced, and his life recovery ability was greatly optimized.

"Don't thank me, we are allies."

After adding the BUFF, Christine stepped back a few steps and returned to the cabin.

At this time, no matter what you say, it will weaken Roland's momentum, so it's better not to say it.

After accepting the BUFF of the saint, Roland was more confident and jumped down from a height of 500 meters.

He waved goodbye to Lisa while opening the parachute.

Just as Angelina walked to the duel field, Roland landed.

Watching Roland fall from the sky, Angelina was silent for a while, looked up at the sky, and asked softly:

"Roland, you said that neither party should step into the White Mountain, is this what you mean?"

Flying in the sky certainly does not count as stepping in.

Roland played a word game again.

Angelina thought about the past battles between the Shadow Temple and Roland, and felt a little headache.

The Shadow Temple has been defeated by Roland twice. If it loses again, it will be a huge blow to the organization.

She sighed lightly, and did not continue to protest, but drew her blade.

"Frost Grip Angelina, the fourth seat of the Shadow Temple, please."

With Camille Yang's defeat and removal, Angelina's ranking in the Shadow Temple moved up to the fourth seat.

With her strength very close to the seventh rank, she could even compete for the first place a few years ago.

As the return day approaches, the strength of the strong men of various forces is also expanding at an accelerated rate.

Her progress is very fast, but it is still far behind Roland's promotion to the third rank in three years.

She gathered her mind, dispelled all distractions, and prepared for battle.

"The Sussex Empire Caesar, who is also the Governor of Northern Rodinia, the head of the White Rose Knights, and the Count of Suwig, Roland Lundbell, please."

Angelina was silent, and the corners of her lips trembled slightly.

She had already lost the title, and she couldn't lose the next battle again.

She didn't waste words, she tiptoed, and the whole person turned into a blue light and pounced on it.

Since it is a life-and-death duel, why waste time talking? Just do it.

The White Mountain in spring is still covered with snow, and the place where the two duel is the snow-capped peaks of the snow-capped mountains that are covered with snow all year round.

Although there is flat land, it is also covered with snow.

The terrain here is Angelina's home court.

With the power of ice and snow, she uses her killing moves.

A blue afterimage appears, and her speed continues to rise until it reaches the peak.

Two blue daggers shine with cold light, piercing Roland's throat.

Angelina came to Roland in the blink of an eye, and the cold air from her whole body rushed to Roland's face, causing goose bumps on his skin.

Roland casually raised the scepter and hit the dagger accurately. At the same time, he raised the light shield in his left hand to block the other dagger.

"Well done, it's my turn now!"

Roland let Angelina take the initiative to thank her for helping to raise food.

But this is the limit.

He would never pretend to be a master, and let Angelina use the strongest moves while he tied half of his hands and feet to fight.

Using the strongest killing move to tear the opponent into pieces is the greatest respect.


A violent collision sounded.

Roland easily pushed away Angelina's dagger, followed without hesitation, swung the scepter and smashed Angelina's head.

Since it was a life-and-death duel, it was natural that the enemy died and I lived.

Since Angelina refused to surrender, she had to die.

Although it was very ugly for such a beautiful girl to die with her head smashed, Roland was not in the mood to pity her.

Angelina was not a weak person, and any form of holding back was suicide.

But after all, they had met, and Roland was willing to give her a way to live.

"Surrender, or die!"

There were still two blinks before the scepter fell, and she had to make a choice.

Angelina felt that her whole body was enveloped by the sharp killing intent.

Roland made a fatal move.

This was a crushing defeat between a rank 7 and a rank 8, and she had no power to fight back.

She had to choose between death and surrender.

If she didn't have the Queen's Ring.

Angelina didn't hesitate at all and fiercely pinched the ice crystal blue ring.

Your Majesty, save me!

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