In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 27 The power to distribute power is also power

Friends who often kill people know that it is easy to kill but difficult to deal with the aftermath.

In a country governed by the rule of law, it is even more difficult to escape legal sanctions.

Sussex is a country under the rule of law, a country under the rule of law expressly stipulated in the constitution.

Killing someone in Sussex means facing the iron fist of the law, unless there is power beyond the law.

Such as imperial power.

The king's law is the royal law.

The emperor has the final right of interpretation and decision.

Now Her Majesty Sylph will exercise her power.

"Mr. Alban, I received a report letter this morning. How do you think we should handle it?"

Queen Sylph's soft and majestic voice came from the throne.

The maid held the crystal ball in front of the Minister of Justice and Supreme Court Justice Francis Alban.

Alban took the crystal ball with a serious face, and with a slight exertion, the image recorded by the crystal ball appeared in front of his eyes, recreating the tragic battle in the Dragon-Slaying Valley.

Although he didn't quite understand the cause and effect, Alban recognized the unlucky guy who was killed.

He didn't understand the Queen's position, so he could only tentatively say:

"Your Majesty, it is truly appalling that such a large-scale murder occurred under your rule, leading to the murder of important figures in our country's literary world. I will investigate the case as soon as possible!"

According to the constitution, Sylph cannot be in charge temporarily, but that does not mean that she has no power.

The power of the cabinet is taken away from her, and she still has a say in who it is given to.

Even if she cannot personally govern, she is still the head of state. She does have the power to summon cabinet ministers to listen to work reports and give some instructions.

Not only does it exist, it’s also very useful.

After all, it was the honeymoon period when the new king came to power. The ministers gained power and their attitude towards the new king was quite friendly.

Unless it violates fundamental interests, cabinet ministers will not get angry with her over trivial matters.

Her Majesty the Queen is young, it would be great if everyone divided her power and enshrined her to make her happy.

This is the consensus of cabinet ministers.

Except for Walder, who is loyal, others are somewhat selfish.

Seeing that Alban did not understand his intention, Sylph bit her lip and reminded:

"Sir Alban, the champion of the royal essay competition was lured outside the city to be murdered. He had to stand up and resist."

Alban suddenly understood.

It turns out that the Queen wants to protect not the unlucky guy like Lori, but Roland.

He coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I did not misunderstand. The important figure in the literary world I am talking about is Roland, the champion of the essay contest. Don't worry, I will find out the truth as soon as possible."

After listening to Alban's words, Sylph almost nodded happily, suddenly remembering Roland's instructions last night.

Don't be fooled by nice words, you must be clear about the disposal time.

There are procedures for investigation and trial.

As long as the Minister of Justice delays it a little, it will take at least a few months for this case to be concluded.

As a person involved in the case, Roland must be investigated.

While under investigation, he was not allowed to participate in public social activities, and naturally was unable to attend the Royal Art Salon.

Once he is unable to attend, and coupled with the propaganda of well-intentioned people, public opinion will easily turn to a very unfavorable situation for Roland.

At that time, forcibly giving the championship to Roland would be detrimental to the dignity of the royal family.

If the championship is canceled, the dignity of the royal family will also be damaged.

The stereotype that Her Majesty the Queen is illiterate will also form.

"It doesn't matter whether I want the championship or not, but His Majesty's dignity cannot be violated!"

Last night, Roland waved his arms righteously and made an impassioned speech to Count Sif.

Roland didn't lie. He had already received three times the championship reward. It really didn't matter whether he wanted this title or not.

Queen Sylph is Sif's long-term meal ticket, and Sif is his long-term meal ticket, which means that he indirectly relies on the Queen for food. They are both prosperous, and maintaining the Queen's interests is to protect his own interests.

Sif's insight clearly revealed Roland's sincerity, and she was deeply moved.

Even though she was wearing a heavy crown and holding a cold scepter, Roland's "loyalty" still made her feel a little sweet in late autumn.

In this political arena where everyone has selfish interests, only the teacher and Roland are good to her.

The Minister of Justice's words were exactly what Roland expected.

Sylph knew what to say next.

She hummed rather dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Alban, I only give you one week."

Without waiting for Alban to complain, she raised the scepter in her hand.

"We must handle special matters quickly."

Speaking of which, unless Alban confronts the imperial power now, he has no choice but to obey.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will give you the results within three days, not within a week."

Since you can't delay, show your ability and efficiency.

Albon's attitude changed very quickly.

Seeing Alban obediently obeying the order and leaving, Sylph felt relieved and wished she could immediately reward Roland with a large manor and a few maids so that he could share the happiness.

But when she thought of her father's squandered inner treasury, which was already stretched thin, she could only sigh in her heart and write it down for Roland first, and then make up for it when she had more money.

She was a little nervous at first, but she didn't expect the Minister of Justice to be so cooperative.

She has already had the consciousness of being a puppet.

However, Roland never thought so.

She had raised objections after Roland's suggestion last night.

“What if Minister Alban firmly disagrees and sticks to his principles?”

At that time Roland smiled and said:

"Although the Queen must hand over legal powers to the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Justice does not necessarily have to be Alban."

"If Mr. Alban doesn't want to be the Minister of Justice, there are many people out there who want to make progress."

"The law serves His Majesty, not the other way around, Mr. Alban will surely figure it out."

Roland made it clear.

Don't treat a puppet as an emperor. The noble duke almost made a name for himself. Moreover, Sylph is a powerful monarch, but she is not old enough to use her power.

There is more than one cabinet minister. The imperial power is shared by many people. There is a long queue of people outside who want to make progress.

These guys must be dealt with before they form a small group.

Before Alben accepted the order, Sylph was very panicked, but now she is more at ease.

Teacher Wald never mentioned Roland's idea, but it makes sense when you think about it carefully.

That is my power, just temporarily lent to you!

After Alben left, Sylph yawned and got up with gritted teeth.

Last night, she and Roland, Alina and others tossed for most of the night, and then listened to Teacher Luo's private customized class on how to deal with cabinet ministers. It was late at night when she returned to the palace.

She was tired.

As soon as she got up, she frowned.

The battle last night was indeed a one-sided massacre, but she rushed too hard. Although she was not injured, she was sweating profusely.

Rubbing her sore arms, Sylph frowned and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

The Queen's work was over.

Her best friend, Count Tyrone, would go out to celebrate the victory with Roland later.

These traitors, who were eyeing her power all day, wanted to fool her and undermine her. They really deserve to be killed!

Fortunately, I have Roland to help me. I will deal with you sooner or later!

By then, my power

Sylph, who had just walked out of the room, suddenly froze in place.

Questions that she had never thought of lingered in her mind and could not be shaken off.

She had to rely on Roland to regain power.

To defeat these traitors, she had to have a stronger power than them.

Will such a powerful power backfire in the future?

Her hands trembled slightly.

Roland, Teacher Wald will eventually grow old, and you are the only one I can trust.

Will you bully me like them?

The young Queen's eyes were empty, and there was only confusion in front of her.

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