In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 238 The Sky of Xidai

Port If surrendered?

Upon hearing this bad news, Marco was stunned for five seconds before he recovered.

After a moment of silence, his expression became more gloomy and his voice was a little low.

"You mean, Port If, which has 30,000 elite garrisons, hundreds of large-caliber artillery and three permanent artillery positions, and mines to prevent the navy from landing, surrendered?"

The intelligence director felt cold on his back and his throat was dry, which was indescribably uncomfortable.

If he had a choice, he would turn around and run away now.

He saw Marco's pupils shrinking.

According to his understanding of President Marco, this was a sign of wanting to kill.

Despite his inner panic, Intelligence Director Allen still bit the bullet and murmured in response like a dying person sighing: "Yes."

Marco fell silent again.

Surprisingly, he did not get angry, nor did he order anyone to be killed, but stared at the sky outside the window without any sunlight, as if thinking about something.

After an unknown amount of time, a lonely voice slowly sounded, "Alan, I need detailed information. What is Surt doing, what is the Port Authority doing, tell me everything."

The intelligence chief wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his body trembled even more.

If Marco exploded immediately when he heard the bad news, it often meant that the situation was not too serious. If he was particularly calm, it could only mean that he was thinking about who to kill.

Although he was very frightened, Director Allen still maintained a good professional standard, sorted out the information from Alina's landing to the fall of Port If, and reported it truthfully.

There was no subjective factor in his report, it was a completely objective statement of facts.

This is also the reason why Marco stood firm while several ministers around him were guillotined.

Talk less and do more, Marco doesn't like his subordinates to have too many ideas.

After listening to Allen's report, Marco pondered for a long time and slowly said: "You go and arrange to execute the former ambassador to Sussex, Dilas."

Intelligence chief Allen stood there, not knowing what to say for a while.

Just as he was dumbfounded, Marco frowned and stared at him with dissatisfaction, "Don't ask so many questions, just do it!"

"Mr. President, Dilas was executed three days ago."

Three days ago was the day when we learned that Alina had miraculously "resurrected". Marco, who was always vigorous and resolute, certainly would not allow the scum who had neglected his duties to live too long, and the former ambassador Dilas was sent to the guillotine.

The corners of Marco's lips twitched imperceptibly.

He didn't even notice that the documents on his hand were grasped into a ball of wrinkled waste paper.

"It's not just Dilas who neglected his duties, but also the counselor in charge of the inspection, what's his name? Send her to the guillotine too!"

Alan lowered his head and sighed in his heart.

It can be seen that President Marco's heart is a little confused.

He even forgot that Counselor Lina was also on the guillotine.

There are too many things happening during this period. There are rebellious people in the capital and traitors returning in the south. If he were the president, he would not be able to sleep well.


If a relatively mild policy is adopted, these things will not happen at all.

Allen couldn't help but want to remind Marco, but when he saw the madness burning in Marco's eyes, he chose to shut up instantly.

He had a vague illusion that Marco, who was always omnipotent, was panicking.

On the eve of the conspiracy to take down Carlo, Marco was calm and composed. He not only encouraged his companions to calm down, but also went to bed and slept soundly at night.

Where did the calm and composed Marco who vowed to sweep the old world into the garbage dump go?

The path they insisted on was correct, but why did they slide in the wrong direction?

Just as Allen was about to leave, Marco's hoarse voice floated over.

"Alan, our choice is correct, and our reform will definitely win. This is just a setback before victory. Have a good rest. I need you."

"I am." Allen stood up and saluted Marco, then turned and left.

Walking out of the Palace of Cité and walking across the stone bridge, Allen was still a little depressed.

He and Marco have been friends for many years, and he knows Marco too well.

Marco was not really confident, he was more like hypnotizing himself.

Is their choice really correct?

Allen thought of Mr. Carlo's proposition.

Any change cannot be achieved overnight, and facts must be respected and gradual.

Carlo believes that although the monarchy has ended, the power of the old nobles and feudal lords still exists. The top priority is not to liquidate the old forces, but to pull them into the framework of the new world.

In the world constructed by Carlo, as the Golden Kite Kingdom continues to grow, the locked-in old noble forces will be gradually diluted.

As power and strength continue to dilute, they will either take the initiative to join the new class or be completely marginalized and become old people who are immersed in the glory of the past.

Carlo's proposition is very moderate, and there is also a bit of helplessness in compromise.

He believes that too much blood has been shed in this grand change, and some fire must be left for the country.

Although the old nobles are arrogant and paranoid, they control land, wealth, knowledge and power.

If they fully support the last emperor, the change will never succeed.

The old nobles also contributed to the struggle to eliminate the emperor and deprive him of his power.

Some people did not contribute, but their neutrality was also a kind gesture.

The emperor was just sent to the guillotine, so he was going to extend the butcher knife to his comrades who had fought side by side with him? Carlo thought that was not possible.

Carlo's political views are somewhat compromised, but they respect the reality of the Golden Kite.

In fact, the old nobles in the Golden Kite are still more powerful than the reformers.

If they are pushed to the edge, their backlash will be difficult to deal with.

If an old noble with strong appeal appears, the whole country may fall into endless civil war or even split.

Mr. Carlo is an old noble, but his proposal is absolutely on the side of the whole country.

In order to show his position, Carlo even handed over most of the territory left by his ancestors to the country, retaining less than one-fiftieth.

However, all his efforts are betrayal in Marco's eyes.

Marco's words "incomplete revolution is equal to no revolution" are not just a joke, he did it.

Facing his former comrades, he was as hard as iron and raised the butcher knife.

Carlo is an old noble and a double-faced person who broke into the revolutionary team.

Carlo must die!

Marco privately linked up with the radicals among the reformers and launched a coup in the capital, killing Carlo and his followers overnight.

Carlo knew that Marco and he had different political views, so he never reused Marco and was wary of this ambitious guy.

However, he still underestimated the anger of the frustrated.

Allen sighed and looked up at the sky.

This is how Xidai is in winter. Although there is sunshine, it is more gloomy most of the time, just like his current mood.

He didn't want to judge who was right or wrong between Carlo and Marco.

But he always felt that there should be a better solution for different political views. After all, everyone was a comrade-in-arms who fought side by side to overthrow the old dynasty and should not kill each other.

He did not agree with Carlo's political propositions, but he also did not agree with Marco's black-and-white attitude and the hat he put on Carlo.

Carlo was just born in an aristocratic family, and he was definitely not a part of the corrupt old forces.

If Carlo was loyal to the old aristocracy, why didn't he become emperor himself, but instead drafted a series of laws such as the Civil Rights Code to give the Golden Kite people the basis of freedom and equality from a legal level?

This doesn't make sense at all.

Marco said Carlo was greedy for power, but Carlo retreated to the second line. On the contrary, Marco kept attacking dissidents after he came to power and held power firmly in his hands.

Thinking of this, Allen felt a little headache.

If there was a choice, he would rather choose Carlo than Marco, but unfortunately he had no chance.

He had long been branded as Marco's diehard, and it was impossible to get rid of it.

He did too many things against his will for Marco, and he could not wash it off at all.

Although it was uncomfortable, he could only be tied to Marco's big ship and advance and retreat together.

Compared with Marco, he didn't understand what Alina wanted to do.

She didn't really think that she could take back Xidai City with those tens of thousands of rebels, right?

Times have really changed.

During the time when Carlo was killed and Alina was in hiding, Marco continued to erode the territory of the old forces and found various reasons to send the old nobles to the guillotine.

Although the resistance of the old forces was fierce, President Marco was really talented in struggle.

He used various means to divide the old nobles, making many nobles believe that he was really just eliminating the scum of the country instead of clearing the nobles.

When the old nobles reacted, the most powerful dukes were already dead.

Although the remaining nobles were strong, they had lost their backbone and could not unite at all.

They either fled overseas or hid in the castle of the territory and waited for death.

The defeat of the old nobles was only a matter of time.

In Allen's view, as long as President Marco eradicated the old forces step by step and gave visible benefits to civilians and businessmen, he could unite the majority of people and reshape the new order.

Although this road is full of thorns and blood, it will definitely succeed.

If nothing unexpected happens.

No, as long as he is still there, accidents must not be allowed to happen!

Allen thought fiercely.

He was too focused on thinking and didn't pay much attention to the few people walking over.

These people were wearing hoods and couldn't see their faces clearly. Although they were a little unfamiliar, Allen's professional qualities made him feel that these people had good combat effectiveness.

They must be people recruited by President Marco to perform special tasks.

Allen shrugged his shoulders, without thinking too much, and continued to move forward.

Until he felt a chill on his back.

The sense of crisis developed from years of intelligence work allowed him to avoid the fatal blow.

However, the enemy was well prepared, and he did not avoid the fatal second and third blows.

Allen wanted to shout loudly, but a handkerchief covered his mouth.

He struggled desperately, but the killer was surprisingly strong.

The throat that was strangled tightly could not make any sound at all.

He was carried by two killers, and the three of them staggered side by side, looking like drunkards who had just left together after being drunk.

Allen's eyes gradually became blurred, and he used up his last strength to look up at the sky.

It was still cloudy and gray, but there were a few more rays of sunshine in the sky.

Allen disappeared.

The director of intelligence was kidnapped at the door of the presidential residence and disappeared in the vast crowd.

It sounds like a cold joke, but it really happened.

Marco was stunned for a long time after hearing the news before he decided who to kill.

He coldly issued an order to put a dozen people he thought might be involved in this incident in the queue for the guillotine this week.

The guillotine has been used too frequently recently and has been severely worn out. It needs regular maintenance and the number of uses per day is limited.

The guillotine has been chopped to the point of bending the blade, which shows how many people have died during this period.

Marco's face was twisted, and this time his anger was indeed sincere.

After the coup, many of his partners betrayed him, and even many of them were sent to the guillotine by him.

He had no friends at all, but Allen was an exception.

Allen might not be his friend, but he was one of the few people who could talk to him in a friendly tone.

At least that was the case in the early days of the reform.

In recent months, Allen has gradually become silent and dared not talk to him much.

He knew what his old friend was thinking, but he didn't know how to break it all.

He wanted to have a good chat with Allen recently.

Unfortunately, there was no chance.

Thinking of letting the waste Deputy Minister of Intelligence take over Allen's move, Marco's head hurt a little.

Just when he was holding on to a glimmer of fantasy that the people who kidnapped Allen were just asking for money and waiting for the kidnappers to send threatening letters and conditions, bad news came again.

Allen's body was found in a stinking ditch.

The enemy left a line of small words on Allen's body.

"He is not the last one."

This is a naked provocation.

Marco looked at Allen's body with a calm face and no expression.

He suddenly calmed down.

Who did this? There is no answer for the time being. But what the enemy wants is to make him lose his mind.

Things have not gone well during this period, and he has been on the verge of dementia. If he continues to be dominated by anger, he will definitely make wrong decisions.

He pondered for a long time, summoned the Secretary of State, and said in a deep voice:

"Notify the ministers of all departments that I will hold an emergency meeting."

Just as Marco held the meeting, Alina held a meeting almost at the same time.

Although Port d'If and Xidai City are more than 2,300 kilometers apart from north to south, they happen to be in the same time zone, so the meeting time will naturally not be too far apart.

Unlike the depressing atmosphere of Marco's meeting like a cemetery, Alina's meeting was full of laughter.

The first thing she did after taking over Port d'If was to publicly announce the list of sinners. Marco and his cronies were on the list, but officials from Port d'If and ordinary officials of the Jinyuan Provisional Government were not among them.

Only the main culprit is questioned, and the coerced ones are not investigated.

It's a very simple truth, but not many people can do it.

Humans are emotional creatures, and are easily affected by emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness.

But Alina is different.

She is equivalent to having died once, and has a deeper understanding of life and death.

Since becoming Miss Vengeance and returning to her original identity, she is no longer the same as before.

She calmly comforted the surrendered officials of Port If, and outlined a beautiful blueprint for everyone.

She made feasibility changes in the national construction concept left by her father.

She did not agree with many of her father's practices.

Mr. Carlo thought the world was too beautiful, and always hoped to influence the people with concepts such as ideals, beliefs, and common goals.

It's a pity that ordinary people in this era have a low level of education and can't understand such a profound topic at all.

Well-educated people can understand it, but they don't want to support it.

They have knowledge, wealth and power, how can they accept the concept of [equality of all beings].

Alina transformed her father's ideas and became more realistic and more utilitarian.

Utilitarianism is indeed not good, but those who are willing to follow her hope to live a better life, this is reality.

Alina is not just making empty promises. She needs the support of the old forces to implement her father's ideas.

Sitting in the conference hall, Alina addressed officials in Port d'If and people from all walks of life. She simplified the concept of absolute equality.

Alina's slogan is simple, "Defend freedom, enjoy freedom, and become freedom."

Everyone understood it.

Alina does not want to infringe on everyone's legal rights.

People from all walks of life had a heated discussion. After thinking about it, everyone was more willing to accept Alina's strategy.

Following Alina does have a high probability of being shot, but following Brother Marco can be guillotined at any time.

They are desperate, so of course they are willing to follow Alina to try again.

They are eager for progress, wealth, and beautiful opposite sex.

So they can only unite around Alina.

As for whether Alina can win?

They are too lazy to think about it. This is something Alina should worry about.

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