In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 228 Is it a staff of wisdom?

The main material of the scepter comes from the pith of the ginkgo tree killed during the trip to Baishan.

The pith of ordinary trees is soft and not suitable for making weapons, but the ginkgo tree that produces spiritual intelligence is an exception.

This rare high-quality material must not be wasted.

Roland handed the task to the Magic Association without any hesitation.

In the Magic Empire back then, the most popular weapons were wands, staffs and scepters.

Which senior magician in the Magic Empire didn't have some skills in making staffs?

Roland handed the materials to the representative of the Magic Association in Hansa City and put forward the general requirements for the performance of the weapon.

He originally thought that he would have to wait for a while, but he didn't expect it to be done in half a month, and he didn't expect Sura to deliver it to his door in person.

Sura is a disciple of Master Anthony and married a girl from the Anthony family. He has a respected status in the Magic Association, not to mention that he came specifically to deliver equipment to him, so he naturally couldn't neglect it.

Roland personally went to the door to greet Sura.

As soon as he saw Sura, he felt a shock in his heart.

Roland was a little surprised, but Sura's shock was no less than his.

"Mr. Sura, you have made a breakthrough? Congratulations."

Sura looked at Roland carefully, and the complacency he had originally felt disappeared.

He whispered, "I have been learning magic from my teacher for twenty years, and it is nothing to break through to a formal magician."

"But you, you have only been a transcendent for a few years and have broken through to the seventh level. You are a true genius."

Sura paused for a moment and whispered, "But Miss Lisa's talent is not bad at all."

"She has made a breakthrough?"

"That's not the case. Although she has outstanding talent, she can only specialize in fire magic, and her foundation is not solid. She needs to improve through continuous practice."

Shortly after the battle against the Kingdom of Oden, Anthony took Lisa away on the grounds that "Lisa needs to settle down carefully, and it will be better to study magic in the Magic Association."

Roland did not stop him.

This is Lisa's opportunity to become stronger and surpass others, and he fully supports it.

From the tone of Sura's words, Lisa's progress is indeed very fast.

The three teamed up to kill the old warlord. Roland and Sif have already broken through to the seventh level. Lisa was a little slower, but now she is also fast.

Although he knew that Sura came with a scepter, Roland did not ask about the scepter in a hurry, but asked about Lisa's training in the Magic Association.

Sura smiled and explained: "Miss Lisa was arranged to study in the Magic Tower Library. She would occasionally come to me for a discussion. Her progress was amazing. But I don't know much about the specific training process."

Roland didn't care about Lisa's specific training process.

Everyone's path to becoming a strong person is different and cannot be copied. As long as Lisa is still improving, it's fine.

Lisa's superb cooking skills made Anthony very happy, and even Sura went to the teacher to have several sumptuous dinners.

Compared with the level of magic, Lisa may be more suitable to be a chef.

This is what Sura said in his heart, and he would only keep it in his heart and would not say it out loud.

After all, in Sura's heart, magicians are the supreme profession, and chefs are just ordinary professions. It is not a compliment to be more suitable to be a chef.

After chatting for a few words, Sura went straight to the point.

He took out the scepter and handed it to Roland.

Opening the box containing the scepter, a soft light bloomed from the box.

Roland's eyes lit up.

It's obvious that this is a top-quality weapon that can be used for a lifetime.

The top-grade ginkgo pith material even meets the standard for making artifacts, but the method of making artifacts was destroyed in the Second Era and no longer recorded.

The various existing artifacts are all relics of the Age of Gods.

When the three goddesses left the Theia plane, they could take very little with them, and most of the artifacts had to be left behind.

They distributed these artifacts to their loyal subordinates and asked them to protect their descendants.

However, after many years, these artifacts were scattered all over the world, and their descendants withdrew from the stage of history soon after.

Of course, the three goddesses would not bring down divine punishment on their descendants.

However, life will naturally be taken away if it exists for a long time.

Either divine punishment or heavenly punishment.

The water of destruction of the Sea of ​​Annihilation suddenly emerged from the ocean and the sky at the same time, turning the Theia plane upside down, and also allowing the iron rule that "descendants of gods cannot become gods" to continue.

The three goddesses left only thirty-six artifacts on the Theia plane.

Of course, the Magic Association is not capable of making artifacts, but they have drawn inspiration from the artifacts they have collected and found a way to improve the quality of magic equipment.

Through the condensation infusion method, they have made several super magic equipment with performance close to that of artifacts, and even surpassed some entertainment artifacts.

These magic equipment are called magic artifacts.

The method of making magic artifacts has not been lost, but it cannot be realized on the current return day.

What Sura gave Roland was neither an artifact nor a magic artifact, but a kind of.

"Teacher said that the ginkgo tree pith heart that opens the spiritual wisdom does not require too much additional processing, as long as the corresponding magic properties are infused and attached."

"The ginkgo pith heart has growth potential, and the various properties of this scepter will continue to evolve as your strength breaks through."

It is an evolutionary weapon, right?

Roland's lips curled up slightly.

People have inertia, and it is not easy to change a weapon that is used to them.

In history, many strong people have slowed down their growth after changing weapons.

Who has nothing to do to change weapons all day?

The weapon that can grow with you is naturally the best.

Roland took out the scepter from the box, marveled at the exquisite craftsmanship of the Magic Association, and asked softly:

"Does the scepter have a name?"

"The teacher said that the right to name belongs to you." Sura responded calmly.

Roland pretended to be deep in thought and quickly asked softly: "Mr. Sura, I'm not very good at naming. Do you have any suggestions?"

Sula thought for a moment and said slowly: "Weapons that can grow are called wisdom weapons. Since your weapon is a scepter and a wisdom weapon, I suggest calling it a wisdom staff."

Roland was speechless.

Although wisdom staff and retard are completely different words in the Magic Empire language and Sussex language, and there is no ambiguity, as long as these two words are translated into the language of the hometown, the situation changes.

In short

"Forget it, let's call it [Hidden Moon Scepter]."

Roland was also lazy and called the scepter made by Hidden Moon Ginkgo Hidden Moon Scepter. This level of naming was about the same as naming a dog Doug.

Sura wanted to complain about Roland's naming skills, but she still held back.

After briefly introducing the basic attributes and enchantment of the scepter, he reminded softly:

"It is very difficult to fully control the seven curses, so currently only three basic attributes of armor breaking, silence and slowness are attached. Demon breaking, crushing, stun and annihilation have not yet been infused."

Roland nodded to express understanding.

Now is the version of the Seventh Return Day, so it is normal that some attributes are not turned on.

Unexpectedly, making fake artifacts in another world must be unlocked in stages, and Roland was convinced.

After completing the delivery, Sura quickly said goodbye and left.

He didn't need Roland's help in arranging accommodation, he had a place to go here.

With Roland's permission, the Magic Association can set up an office on the ground and select a small number of students from Rodinian young people.

This is also part of cooperation.

The Magic Association has strength and foundation, but it just lacks people, and Roland happens to have no shortage of people.

It's a true win-win.

Just when Roland was in a daze because he had won money, Alina came.

Her expression was calm, but she couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes.

Under Roland's questioning eyes, she took a deep breath and said tremblingly:

"Something big has happened in Xidai City, and our opportunity has come!"

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