In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 216 Is color rare?

Christine simply couldn't refuse Roland's offer.

He offered too much.

Although the losers of the Saint Selection also have the opportunity to marry into a wealthy family and become a noble lady, they will lose the opportunity to become the Pope and get closer to the goddess.

Being a Saint is very hard. You have to restrain your instinctive desires, maintain your own image, and compete with equally excellent candidates.

Because the gap between success and failure is so large, the Saint Selection is often a cruel contest of both victory and defeat and life and death, and more than once the victory and defeat are determined by physical means.

And the Temple Warriors under the command of the Saints are their trump cards.

If there is "unfairness" in the selection, the Saint who is treated unfairly will definitely not accept it. As long as she raises her arms, someone will naturally fight for her.

The number of Temple Warriors is directly related to the victory or defeat of the Saint Selection.

She can send Temple Warriors to help Roland fight, and the sacrifice is huge.

Roland certainly knows that the Saint Selection is very cruel, so he wants to help Christine make up for the loss.

Although he was merciless to his enemies, he was always generous to his friends.

In short, this was a win-win cooperation. Christine expanded the number of temple warriors under her control, adding another heavyweight weight to the victory of the Saint Selection.

Roland did not lose out either. According to the agreement, Christine would help him train the army and serve as his military commander before the Saint Selection began.

After a busy day of work, Roland returned to his bedroom and felt sleepy and entered the flower sea dream again.

Although he still had to rely on traditional sleep to replenish his energy every night, he had not been to the flower sea dream for some time.

Ever since the elf Sif fell asleep in the flower sea, he was blocked from the dream.

Roland walked on the lush green land with light steps and fast speed.

He could guess that the elf Sif was probably awake, and wanted to confirm it as soon as possible.

Soon, he came to the tallest tree in the flower sea and saw the elf Sif.

She lay quietly on her side under the tree, closing her eyes lightly, and her skirt spread out like a gorgeous flower, looking like she was taking a nap.

Roland knew that she was at least not asleep. This time, her position was different from the last time, and she had obviously woken up in the middle.

Roland stopped in front of her and sat down slowly.

Elf Sif didn't look very energetic, so he didn't want to disturb her, so he just waited quietly.

Roland looked at Elf Sif's slender toes exposed from her skirt thoughtfully, and suddenly thought that he had never seen her wearing shoes, which was a bit strange.

Not only had he never seen her wearing shoes, but he had only seen her complete feet for the first time.

In Roland's impression, Elf Sif always wore a long skirt with a long skirt.

Considering that she was once a general, this outfit did look a bit strange.

Just as Roland was thinking about it, Elf Sif slowly woke up. She supported herself and sat up, looking particularly weak.

Retracting her toes exposed from her skirt, Elf Sif's face became a little more ruddy, and she whispered softly:

"Long time no see, Roland."

Her voice was very light, and she had a bit of weakness of someone who had just recovered from a serious illness.

Roland looked at the Elf Sif in surprise, but swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Looking at his puzzled eyes, the Elf Sif whispered: "Is it strange to see me sick? It's not a life, but it can also get sick?"

Roland didn't say anything, which was regarded as tacitly agreeing with the Elf Sif's words.

"In fact, I don't understand my current state. I lost my body, and my soul was shattered. Only the last consciousness is attached to the fragments of the spirit body, and it fell on the bottom of the Sea of ​​Annihilation."

"It is an absolutely dead place, there is no life, no sunlight, and even no energy fluctuations."

The Elf Sif sighed softly: "I don't know why I appeared in your dream world. Fortunately, this dream flower sea can provide me with weak energy to maintain my consciousness, so that I can see you."

"But I always feel a little uneasy, maybe such a day is also..."

"I will find your spirit and help you reshape your body and soul." Roland interrupted the Elf Sif's dejected speech and said it decisively.

The Elf Sif didn't speak, but just smiled.

She admired Roland's confidence.

Although he is weak now, has little time, and is surrounded by powerful enemies, he seems to be fearless.

"Well, it's rare to meet, so let's not talk about these things. Long time no see, do you have any new stories?"

"Of course. I've been..."

Roland was afraid that the elf Sif would have wild thoughts, and since she wanted to hear stories, it would be simple.

He started from opening a university, setting up a factory, and developing business, and continued to the recent war.

The elf Sif was a very good listener. She did not interrupt from beginning to end, but just looked at Roland gently, with admiration in her eyes.

Her eyes made Roland's vanity very satisfied.

Everyone needs praise. With the improvement of status and strength, ordinary people's ordinary flattery can no longer touch Roland's heart, but the elf Sif is different.

She used to be a general of the Elf Empire and was knowledgeable. Her praise would make Roland happy.

After listening to Roland's story, Elf Sif smiled and said, "It seems that you have made a lot of progress during this period. Let me see your soul card."

Soul cards are the real secrets of extraordinary people. Even the closest people only know each other's star direction at most.

But Roland will not hide anything in front of Elf Sif.

A colorful card rises from the sea of ​​consciousness and floats in front of Elf Sif.

The Elf Sif, who was still very calm just now, stood up suddenly and looked at the soul card in disbelief.

"It's actually in color?" She couldn't hide her surprise.

"Are the colors rare?" Roland certainly knew that the soul cards with colored bottoms were rare. He just wanted to hear some more praise from Elf Sif.

Elf Sif touched the colored card with her fingertips.

The moment the fingertips touch it, the card emits dazzling light, and the seven colors gradually merge, bursting out with a brilliance as bright as the sun.

The elf Sif was even more surprised. The light shining on her face made her feel particularly comfortable, and her gradually blurred consciousness became much more stable.

Seeing the change in the elf Sif, Roland whispered: "How can I help you?"

Elf Sif didn't speak, just closed her eyes and enjoyed the golden light.

It's a pity that this is only an eighth-level soul card, and the continuous release time is very short. In less than a minute, the gold color gradually dissipates, and the background color of the card turns to color again.

Elf Sif slowly opened her eyes, her cheeks became a little more rosy, and she said softly:

"Thank you, Roland. I can hold on for a few more years."

"If I upgrade the soul card to a colored base again after my promotion, can I still help you replenish energy?" Roland's voice was obviously anxious.

The elf Sif is not only his half-mentor, but also his friend and best listener.

There are some troubles that cannot be shared with Sif and Lisa, but they can be told to the elves.

He could not accept the consequences of the disappearance of the elf Sif.

"Don't think too much. I can sleep normally and wake up when needed. This can minimize energy loss. Maybe I can keep up with your promotion."

Elf Sif smiled easily, but Roland's mood was extremely heavy.

She said it in a relaxed manner. Promotion is not that easy.

Who can guarantee that every promotion will be smooth sailing? If you are stuck at a certain stage for too long, the elf Sif may disappear completely.

There seemed to be a voice in the dark telling Roland that Huahai's state of consciousness was Elf Sif's last chance. If the conscious body disappears, it is completely annihilated.

The elf Sif cannot enter the underworld. She is a fugitive wanted by the underworld. Naturally, it is impossible for her to cross the River Styx and reincarnate again.

The arrival of the day of return made Roland feel urgent, and the countdown to Elf Sif's life made him feel suffocated.

The motivation to race against time is even stronger.

Elf Sif didn't think too much. She carefully observed Roland's soul card and muttered to herself in disbelief:

"The Age of Gods is over, how can there be perfect cards?"

"What is a perfect card?" Roland's curiosity was aroused.

Elf Sif motioned to Roland to sit down. This story will be very long.

She explained patiently: "You must have heard of the Age of the Gods, right?"

Roland nodded and said with some embarrassment: "I have only heard of this name. I know that the Era of the Gods is the second era, but I know nothing else."

Elf Sif's thoughts drifted to the distant past, and she pondered for a long time before speaking softly:

"This world is never equal, and the same is true between planes. The material plane relies on stars to exist in the endless starry sky. Depending on the stars it relies on, the levels of the planes are also different."

"You should know that the losers among stars are brown stars. They do not have enough mass to emit continuous light. Unless they are lucky enough to absorb enough mass, they will continue to sink."

"The energy of a white star with a huge mass is too violent and cannot support a plane with life. The main stars most suitable for the birth of life are often yellow or red. The star Alpha surrounding the plane of Theia is a yellow star, and ours The planet happens to be in a habitable zone, so life can be born.”

"There are many planets where life is born, but there are very few planets with suitable conditions for the evolution of advanced life. Such planets are called the plane of gods. The plane of Theia is the plane of gods."

Elf Sif paused for a moment and said softly: "I have found the classics left behind in the Age of Gods and read some anecdotes. They may not be correct. Just listen to them as stories."

"It is possible for a true god to be born in the plane of gods, but the price is huge. The three goddesses of fertility, light, and nature have successfully been promoted to true gods, but at the cost of consuming more than half of the resources of the entire plane."

"It is said that the Theia plane in the Age of Gods is very prosperous, with highly developed technology, and everyone has the opportunity to become a strong person. However, with the departure of the three goddesses, the plane of Theia has declined. Petrochemical energy has been in decline since the Age of Gods. It has been used up to achieve the divine status of the three goddesses.”

"However, they also blocked the way for other people in the plane of Theia to become gods. The three of them did not have a very good relationship with each other, but they were highly consistent in cutting off other people's access to the divine realm."

"The next natural era belongs to us and the earth spirits, but it will eventually be destroyed by divine punishment."

Roland's heart trembled slightly.

Not only the third era, but also the magic empire of the sixth era.

Although I don't understand the reason why the three goddesses cut off their careers, goddesses are goddesses after all, and they probably won't do meaningless things.

They certainly have a reason for doing so.

"They probably regard the plane of Theia as their own vegetable garden, and they just wait for the vegetables to mature and harvest."

Roland originally just said it casually, but he was stunned as soon as the words came out.

Elf Sif was also stunned.

Roland's idea is too crazy, but if you think about it carefully, it is the only reasonable explanation.

The true God cannot enter the material plane, and the power of the true God can easily destroy the material plane, but the Supreme Law does not allow the plane to be destroyed artificially, not by anyone.

The three goddesses are true gods, and they are also humans who are so powerful that ordinary people cannot imagine.

There must be some terrible secrets in the plane of Theia, which makes the three goddesses keep a close eye on it, for fear of falling into the hands of others.

On the final day of return, the three goddesses will definitely return to the human world to complete the final harvest.

The vegetables on this private plot are growing so well that they can't wait to harvest them. However, the Supreme Law has restrictions and cannot come before a certain time point.

The final day of return is the final showdown between humans and human traitors who claim to be gods.

Thinking of this, Roland's heart surged.

If the three goddesses could be buried in their hometown, the energy they took away would return to the material plane, and Theia would regain its glory.

They deserve this ending.

But before that, Roland must become stronger.

Elf Sif thought for a moment and said softly: "The soul card is the foundation for the three goddesses to embark on the road to becoming gods. Their becoming gods also blocked the three star paths of light, fertility, and nature."

Thinking of this, Elf Sif looked a little gloomy.

Because of the existence of the goddess of nature, the elves follow the path of nature very smoothly, but it is a dead end.

Unless the goddess of nature can be torn apart and her divinity is shattered and returned to the plane, there can be a second true god who reaches the pinnacle of nature.

Elf Sif dispelled the distracting thoughts in her mind and said softly: "Your soul card is a perfect card with the potential to become a god. Do you understand?"

Roland's pupils suddenly narrowed.

"Wouldn't it be difficult for me to be promoted?" Having the potential to become a god ≠ being able to become a true god would be even more difficult.

"It's neither difficult nor difficult."

Elf Sif said calmly: "The promotion of perfect cards is more difficult and the upper limit is higher. But perfect cards also have additional benefits."

"The background color of ordinary soul cards is white, and there are several levels above ordinary. As long as the background color of the soul card changes to gold, it can be promoted. After promotion, the background color of the card changes back to white and continues to accumulate. But The perfect card is different and will not be downgraded. Even if you advance to level seven, it will still be in color.”

"You are now eligible for promotion. Let me help you figure out how to get promoted."

Elf Sif touched the two soul cards and was even more amazed.

The secondary profession is affected by perfect cards, and the speed of experience accumulation is much faster than the average.

As long as he chooses the right direction, Roland's future will be smoother.

After thinking for a while, she found the optimal solution for Roland.

"When your main career is promoted to [Teacher], you can become stronger by spreading knowledge. This is your foundation. What do you think about your sub-career being promoted to [Pioneer]?"

Roland didn't ask why he could choose, nor did he ask what the other options were.

He chose to believe in the elf Sif.

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