In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 202 Abandoned?


As the town of Oro and other places were lost one after another, this place became the front line of the three overseas provinces against the army of the Kingdom of Oden.

From the Suwig Hills to the Hansa City, there is no place to defend, and it is a vast plain.

Helenzburg is not a strong fortress, but it is backed by the Gill Canal and can obtain supplies from the waterway. It is the last barrier to the Hansa City.

Standing on the top of Helenzburg, Jebacs, who had just been promoted to lieutenant colonel and golden knight, looked solemnly at the enemy troops who were camping outside the city one after another, and the haze in his heart became heavier.

The order he received was to hold on for a week and then wait for an opportunity to evacuate.

This order seemed difficult but it was not easy in fact. He did not dare to neglect it at all.

Just yesterday, the infantry of the Kingdom of Oden launched an attack under the cover of a small number of artillery. This should have been a tentative attack. However, as the number of casualties increased, the blood of the Oden warriors was aroused. They launched an attack without regard for their lives and actually climbed the city wall twice.

The defenders paid a heavy price to drive all the enemies down.

In yesterday's offensive and defensive battle, the defenders lost more than 200 people, and the attackers lost 700 to 800 people.

Looking at the casualties alone, the defenders have an overall advantage, but the KDA number has never determined the outcome of a war. If the flag of the Kingdom of Oden is planted above the City Hall of Helensburg, what is the meaning of the casualty ratio?

Jebacs knows very well that Hansa City needs time, and Governor Roland needs time.

Helensburg is a wedge to buy time.

There is no fortress to stop the enemy except here in the entire northern plains, and he must hold on.

Thinking of this order, Jebacs couldn't help but look back in the direction of Hansa City.

More than 100 kilometers of plains, a large army can arrive in three days.

The governor asked him to hold on for a week, and with the speed of the Kingdom of Oden's army, he could only buy ten days at most.

Is it really enough?

Jebacs is not optimistic.

He admires Governor Roland very much. In the past six months, the governor has won the foundation for the Queen's overseas development through various plans, and has also united the three overseas provinces, bursting out with amazing cohesion.

However, the time left for them is still too short.

As long as they are given another half year, the new army will form combat effectiveness, and they will not be afraid even if the Kingdom of Oden goes all out.

Jebacs fully understands Roland's determination to disband the old army and form a new army. He also admires Roland's courage to start over, and believes that Roland's idea of ​​building an army is completely correct.

Those old soldiers in the three overseas provinces should be cleared out.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Governor will definitely be able to build a strong army within a year.

However, the accident happened as expected.

Jebacs sighed in his heart. He didn't understand high-level politics, nor did he want to understand. He just wanted to complete the task assigned by the Governor.

He couldn't help it if Governor Roland needed half a year, but a week was too short.

He wanted to try to stop the Kingdom of Oden's army here for at least half a month, or even a month!

If the war could be dragged here until the rainy season, the muddy road would greatly slow down the Kingdom of Oden's pace and eventually force the enemy back.

This is probably the only way to achieve the greatest victory at the lowest cost.

Jebacs looked down at the two silver stars on the collar badge, and his blood was a little hot.

This uniform is really beautiful, much better than the knight's uniform.

The two silver-plated stars represent his rank of lieutenant colonel.

Thinking of his father who worked hard in the Imperial Army and only got to the rank of major before being discharged due to injury, he smiled a little more.

If his father could see the two silver stars on his collar, he would definitely be grinning from ear to ear.

No, it should be three silver stars.

According to the rules set by Governor Roland, soldiers who died for performing difficult tasks will be posthumously awarded a higher rank and enjoy a higher level of pension benefits.

Jebacs smiled self-deprecatingly.

Unfortunately, he can't get a gold star representing brigadier general.

He must stick to the front line to boost the morale of the soldiers and make them believe that there will be reinforcements to save them in this battle.

He can vaguely guess that there may be reinforcements, but not too many.

Helensburg is a discarded pawn no matter how you look at it.

This is not a blind guess, but it was mentioned in the personal letter from the Governor to him.

Governor Roland told him very clearly that Helensburg should hold on as long as possible to buy time for the construction of Hansa City's defense system, and the final battle would be in Hansa City.

The governor asked him to hold on for a longer time while reducing sacrifices as much as possible, and finally wait for an opportunity to break out.

This is a very idealistic task.

Reducing sacrifices and holding on longer are like the two sides of a coin. It is not realistic to see them at the same time.

He knew that the governor's real idea was to let him hold on, but he couldn't ask him to die openly, so he revealed some of his strategic intentions to him and let him make his own decision.

The Queen's decision was to accumulate strength and consolidate power in the three overseas provinces.

The governor's decision was to fight the final battle in Hansa City and the Kingdom of Oden.

And his decision was to fight for time at the cost of his life.

If no one told him the significance and difficulty of this battle, and just used vague words to coax him to hold on, he would abandon the city and retreat on the seventh day.

But the governor was very frank and did not force him to sacrifice.

He could only repay this sincerity with his life and loyalty.

As long as he fights well enough, the Governor and the Queen will not only posthumously confer him the rank of Colonel, but also give him the title of Royal Knight.

He probably won't need it, but his children can inherit it.

This way, his sacrifice will not be in vain.

Just as Jay Bacchus was observing the enemy's position with a calm face, a relaxed voice came from behind.

"Captain, the eastern city wall has been reinforced."

You don't need to look back to know that this is the youngest Captain Tom.

During the Oro Town defense battle, this kid actually found Jace's light cavalry unit and led the troops in a counterattack. He made great contributions to the victory in Oro Town and was promoted to captain as an exception.

He was promoted to captain before he was seventeen years old and was praised by the entire army. His future was bright.

Jay Backus switched to a smiling face, and when he turned around, he saw not only Tom, but also the young officer Jerry, who was now a major and the deputy commander of the temporary Helenzburg Garrison Regiment.

Jerry didn't take any credit, just gave Jay Bucks a "well done" gesture.

Looking at Tom's cheerful smile and Jerry's calm expression with a hint of worry, Jay Backus smiled and asked:

"What's the matter? If you just report that the task is completed, there is no need to come together."

Tom chuckled and asked softly: "Captain, when we win this battle, do you think I can get a silver star?"

"You kid is really good at dreaming. No matter how many meritorious services you perform, the Governor cannot raise you two levels in just one month. Others will be dissatisfied."

Jay Bucks smiled and teased: "Why, are you in a hurry to go home and show off to the girl you like?"


Tom blushed, but he couldn't help but muttered: "But the silver star looks so handsome with the uniform of a senior officer."

Jay Bucks laughed and patted the young man on the shoulder, "Okay, then live well. As long as you live, you can continue to make meritorious deeds."

Encouraged by Jay Bucks, Tom jumped up happily, and after asking for a few more instructions, the young captain disappeared around the corner like a gust of wind.

Jerry didn't leave. He hesitated and didn't know what to say.

Jay Bacchus also put away his smile and asked calmly: "Are you not optimistic about this mission?"

"Captain, I always have the misconception that we are abandoners used to delay time." Jerry couldn't help complaining after enduring it for a long time.

"Why do you say that?" Jay Bacchus narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"If we really want to hold on, we should at least be equipped with artillery and sufficient ammunition, but these are very few."

Jerry lowered his voice and said: "Helenzburg is not a strong fortress at all, unless..."

"Jerry, shut up!"

Jay Bacchus interrupted Jerry's words and said in a deep voice: "The strategic deployment of Her Majesty the Queen and the Governor is not something you should consider, but I guarantee that we are not abandoners."

"If we were abandoners, Colonel Jace's cavalry troops would not support Oro Town. If we were abandoners, there would not be three thousand regular troops and five hundred temple warriors here. The defending army is nominally one The actual strength is two regiments. The reason for the small number of artillery is that we won’t be able to take them with us when we break out.”

Jay Bacchus paused for a moment and said slowly: "The Governor's order is very clear. As long as we hold on for a week, we can find an opportunity to evacuate."

"A week? It's too difficult." Jerry looked a little depressed.

"Don't you even have the courage and confidence to hold on for a week?"

Jay Bucks was a little surprised and pointed to the canal behind the city.

"The Gir Canal is our lifeline. As long as the canal is there, the enemy will not be able to completely surround the city, and we will have a chance to hold on or even resist."


Jerry sighed softly and said slowly: "Captain, have you noticed that the water flow in the canal has been gradually decreasing in the past few days."


Jay Bucks frowned.

It was summer, and the water was relatively plentiful. It was indeed strange that the water level in the canal dropped, but he didn't know much about water conservancy, so he simply said nothing and waited for Jerry to explain.

"The enemy is storing water."

Jerry's expression was a bit bitter, "The Gill Canal is an artificial river with a gentle flow. It is easy to build a dam upstream of the canal to intercept the flow. As long as we accumulate a few more days and wait for the gates to be released on a heavy rain day, Helenzburg will be flooded. We support will be completely cut off.”

"What should we do?" Jay Bacchus's face changed instantly.

"There is no solution unless we evacuate in advance." Jerry said softly.

"Absolutely impossible, the governor's order is to hold on for seven days!"

Jay Bacchus interrupted Jerry's words a little irritably. When Jerry lowered his head and said nothing, he knew that he was a little rude, so his tone softened a lot.

"Jerry, the inner city of Helenzburg is on a higher ground. Even if the outer city is flooded, you can continue to hold on. Since you understand water conservancy, lead two battalions to station outside the city to protect the canal. Once the enemy releases water, take people to evacuate. Don't A useless sacrifice.”

Jerry's body trembled and he looked at Jay Bucks in disbelief.

"Captain, the inner city is too small and the enemy cannot defend it with artillery bombardment!"

"Who said that? As long as we dig tunnels and hide the soldiers in them, we can avoid most of the artillery shells. When the enemy charges and we come out, we can still hold on for a long time."

It is true that we can hold on for a long time, but the hope of breaking out is completely gone.

The leader is planning to use his life to build a wall of flesh and blood to delay time.

Jerry wanted to persuade, but nothing came out. He just asked softly:

"does it worth?"

"Jerry, we are soldiers, there is nothing worthwhile or not. Don't worry about me, fewer people will help break out."

Jay Bucks pointed to the other side of Helenzburg's defense line and said in a deep voice: "Be sure to take Tom with you when you leave. This is an order."

Jerry's words were all stuck in his throat, and he could only salute Jebacs's back.

He knew very well that just now, the captain made a decision and he had to complete the task at all costs.

After making the decision, the defenders acted quickly. They were divided into three shifts, digging tunnels day and night, and filling the excavated soil in the lower part of the inner city to strengthen the inner city defense.

Although many people didn't know what the use of doing this was, they still dug desperately.

Only one unit did not participate in the tunnel digging.

The combat effectiveness of the temple warriors is extremely strong, and they are the main force in street fighting. They must conserve their physical strength to cope with the next fierce battle.

The leader of the temple warriors is a young Templar named Joseph.

He is thin and taciturn. He likes to hold his silver double blades and observe indifferently, but his strength is extremely strong.

Jebacs observed him and concluded that only a combat-type extraordinary person could defeat him.

Jebacs didn't know that Joseph was not an ordinary Templar, but a high-level Templar of the same level as Christine.

With the desperate efforts of all the soldiers and citizens of Helensburg, a simple tunnel of nearly eight kilometers was dug in just three days.

Joseph always watched coldly, but the speed of digging the tunnel still surprised him.

He found an opportunity when no one was paying attention, came to Jebacs, lowered his voice and asked:

"Lieutenant Colonel, how did you mobilize them to dig the tunnel desperately?"

Jebacs was stunned for a few seconds, and slowly said: "The citizens pay three times the reward. Soldiers don't need to pay more money. After all, digging tunnels means more survival opportunities, and they won't be lazy."

"Joseph, take them away when the inner city can't be defended."

"Reason?" Joseph raised his eyebrows and asked softly.

"You are not an imperial soldier, there is no need to shed the last drop of blood for the empire."

Joseph was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "I understand."

After saying this, he turned and left.

Looking at Joseph's thin shoulders, Jebacs smiled and shook his head, without saying much.

Although Joseph seemed indifferent, he always stood at the forefront in the battles in the past few days, filling the gaps in the defense line.

Without his bravery, the last exploratory attack would have caused more serious consequences.

With Mr. Temple here, it is not a big deal to hold on for a week

Jebacs raised his head suddenly and saw thick dark clouds above his head.

The rainstorm Jerry mentioned is finally here.

The most difficult moment to hold on to Helensburg is coming.

It will take at least three days to complete the governor's order, but the rainstorm came too early and the luck was too bad.

He walked quickly towards the city hall.

The damn weather doesn't give him time, so he has to take it back with his own ability!

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