In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 172: Peace of an Era

The meeting to divide the spoils progressed rapidly.

Tony, the representative of Val City-State, tearfully put forward two demands.

First, Val City-State needs peace.

Second, Val City-State must not be annexed by a certain country.

In addition, they are willing to make concessions, even at a huge cost.

It must be said that he is an excellent diplomat.

He has a clear understanding of the country's situation, and knows that it is impossible to fill the stomachs of hungry wolves without paying a huge price.

But he still misjudged the hunger of the hungry wolves.

Mr. Tony is an excellent orator. When he used his magnetic voice to awaken people's memories of the grand event a hundred years ago, the softest parts of the hearts of representatives of many countries were touched.

Even the always cold and ruthless Queen Sophia softened her eyes a little.

The cold and gentle voice echoed over the conference hall, and Sophia made the final judgment.

"Mr. Tony, your request can be met."

"The Val city-state will be divided into several parts, and will be occupied by our country, the Sussex Empire, the Wende Empire, the Golden Kite Republic and the Kingdom of Tyrol. In this way, your country will not be annexed by a certain country."

"Since your country no longer exists, there is naturally no survival crisis, and peace will come."

Sophia's eyes fell on Tony's dumbfounded face, and gently froze his tears.

Tony opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

This is not to discuss with him, but to inform him of the results.

Compared with a hundred years ago, he at least has the power to know the results in the hall at the first time.

There is progress, although not much.

A hundred years ago, it was the continental powers that stepped on the corpse of the Odin Empire to create many small countries, and the Val city-state was one of them.

Val city-state came from nothingness, how could it exist forever.

Tony choked, stared at Sophia, and asked in a deep voice: "Can I refuse?"

Sophia did not speak, but sat back in her seat.

She has a very serious aversion to stupidity, and talking to fools will make her tired quickly.

Whether or not to refuse is determined by national strength, not human will.

If the steak on the plate could speak, it would definitely not want to be eaten, but steak cannot be refused.

The whole audience was silent, and no one paid attention to the representative of the Val city-state, but some countries also felt the same humiliation as the Val city-state.

Frank, the representative of the Weimar Federation, stood up and took a deep breath.

He did not intend to defend the Val city-state.

Since Sophia said that, the dismemberment of the Val city-state was an inevitable event.

What made him angry was that the Weimar Federation was excluded from the list of diners.

Although the Weimar Federation is not as powerful as the above-mentioned countries, it is still a big country and one of the successors of the Odin Empire. Why can the Kingdom of Tyrol be on the table, but they can't?

"Your Majesty Sophia, have you forgotten my country?"

Sophia looked up at him, her voice was particularly soft, but what she said almost froze Frank's blood on the spot.

"Mr. Frank, don't worry. Your country has some strength and the order is stable. It will not be destroyed for the time being."

"But I still kindly remind you that if your country cannot concentrate power and continues to allow unscrupulous businessmen to embezzle state property and private wealth, your country will be on the plate at the next meeting."

Frank was stunned.

The representatives of other countries also felt a chill.

Everyone knew that Frank wanted the right to eat at the table, but Sophia's answer was very simple. She didn't have the qualifications to eat at the table, but she would soon be qualified to be a dish on the table.

Frank's fat face flushed red, and he was not as calm as when he met Roland that day.

What diplomatic skills and language art are just jokes in the face of absolute strength.

Although this was said bluntly, no one thought Sophia was arrogant.

The Continental Convention ended, the shackles that bound the Sussex Empire were opened, and the super giant bear in the cage was released.

The representatives of the participating countries were secretly shocked. In addition to Sussex, who else could resist Sophia?

If the Odin Empire is resurrected and all resources are integrated, of course it can be done.

But the complete Odin Empire itself is a joke.

The electoral system has never made them united internally, and the hatred of the electors for each other far exceeds that of foreign countries.

Even now, the sequelae of Odin still exist.

The Pruden Kingdom, the Tyrol Kingdom and the Weimar Federation, which claim to inherit the legal principles of the Odin Empire, are all eager to tear each other apart.

These three countries can certainly unite to fight against the Vladimir Empire, but can they unite?

Everyone is a little panicked.

Representatives of many countries did not even dare to look into Sophia's beautiful blue eyes.

Only Tony clenched his fists and couldn't help laughing.

The Weimar Federation deserves it!

As a neighboring country, it doesn't matter if they don't stand up to help them, but they also want to join the ranks of division.

They dare to jump out and clamor without even looking at their own strength.

Tony laughed heartily and said loudly: "Today, the city-state of Val is being divided, tomorrow it will be the Weimar Federation, and who will be next? Think about it for yourself!"

His meaning was very clear. The Vladimir Empire under Sophia's rule had broken free from the shackles. Their ambition was by no means limited to a piece of enclave in the city-state of Val, but a wider land.

Tony's words were indeed useful. Representatives of many countries began to seriously think about the international situation after the end of the Continental Convention.

The representative of the Wend Empire stood up quickly and shouted loudly: "Dear representatives, someone dares to openly threaten other countries at an international conference now. I dare not imagine what he will dare to do in a while!"

"If we don't unite again, we will be the next victims."

Facing the loud appeal of the Wend Empire representative, Sophia smiled and teased: "It might be more accurate if you remove the word 'we'."

"The weak are devoured by the strong. This is the rule that everyone has followed for many years. Why didn't you jump out to oppose the division of the Val city-state?"

Sophia ruthlessly mocked: "When you bully weak countries with your strength, you hit hard, and when you are threatened by a stronger country, you have to shout and scream? Mr. Boniek, you really disappoint me."

The Wend Empire representative was stared at casually by Sophia, as if a frog was stared at by a poisonous snake. In an instant, he sweated profusely and his face flushed.

Sophia's words were impolite, but they were true.

When the division of the Val city-state was proposed just now, Mr. Boniek did not object at all, and even smiled happily.

Can't he bear it when it's his turn to be beaten?

Boniek was speechless after being confronted by Sophia, but this was a diplomatic occasion, so he had to find something to say.

"Okay, okay. I really want to know, what would happen if the respected Majesty Sophia met an enemy stronger than you?"

"First of all, such a person does not exist."

Sophia said lightly: "Secondly, if such a person really exists, I would be very happy."

"Either sublimate in battle or die in battle, this is the glory of the strong."

When she said this, her eyes burst into shining light, and then slowly extinguished.

Obviously, there was no opponent she wanted here, and no one was even worthy of her drawing her sword.

Perhaps she felt bored, Sophia stood up and walked out.

What should be said has been said, and staying here is just a waste of time, so let the deputy take over.

Seeing her walk towards the door lonely, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Sif grabbed Roland's hand and drew a thumbs-up symbol.

Roland drew a question mark with his backhand.

Sif leaned close to Roland's ear and whispered softly, "She's really cool."

"Really cool?"

This time it was Roland's turn to be surprised.

That's your mortal enemy that you can't avoid, aren't you afraid?

"Of course I'm afraid, but that doesn't conflict with my admiration for her."

"Did you notice the disappointment in her eyes when she left?"

Roland nodded, he could understand Sophia's mentality.

She is an invincible existence. But before the day of her return, she can only be stuck in the same realm as mediocre people.

She despises these people from the bottom of her heart, especially those who pretend to be dead and live in seclusion to avoid fighting.

Sophia is not only strong in strength, but also in an invincible mentality.

If you dare to draw your sword, she will dare to bury you.

Sif's potential is not bad, but she has never had such a strong mentality.

When her Schrodinger confidence turns into mysterious confidence, she does feel that she is no worse than Sophia.

But Roland knows that this is almost like being drunk, not really confident.

Most of the time, she could only be submissive and depressed, and her heart would beat faster whenever she heard Sophia's name.

But it's different now.

Sif truly put herself in the position of a challenger to challenge Sophia.

Her eyes fell calmly on Sophia's slender back, without joy or sorrow, only admiration.

One day, I will become such a strong person.

Sif thought silently.

When she was about to leave the hall, Sophia stopped and looked back.

Her calm eyes swept across the audience, but no one dared to look at her

Very good, now there is.

Sif raised the corners of her lips and waved to her quietly, as if saying goodbye to a friend.

There was no trace of cowardice in her eyes, and she was as quiet as a lake that never freezes.

Sophia rarely smiled.

Sif is still very immature, but it is worth looking forward to.

The sixth return day is getting closer and closer, at least there are still three to five years, she will give Sif time to grow.

Sophia and Sif's eyes met in the air, and they instantly understood each other's determination.

They will not renew the continental treaty.

Rodinia is the stage for them to decide the outcome.

Sophia turned and left, and the temperature in the hall returned to normal.

It was difficult to find an opponent, so she did not intend to kill Sif by a one-on-one duel.

After all, Sif's personal combat power was still a little weak, and blocking one more sword or one less sword could not change the outcome of being killed by her, and it might not even force her to open the extreme cold field.

But the struggle between countries was different.

As long as she did not personally carry out the decapitation operation, Sussex's comprehensive national strength would still be in an advantageous position.

It was interesting to defeat a strong enemy.

There were two ways to be promoted. The right way was to become a monarch with an undisputed advantage and become the emperor in the history books.

This was the sixth rank [Emperor].

The evil way was to wait for Sif to become a real queen, kill this most qualified competitor, and smear the crown of monarchy with her blood.

This was not the result Sophia wanted.

Walking out of the hall, the smile on her lips became more free and easy.

Everyone knows that Sophia needs a stepping stone to cross the mundane level, and Sif must know it too.

But Sif still accepts the challenge.

How could she not cherish such a lovely opponent.

Thinking that such a beautiful girl would die on the day of return, even with Sophia's indifference and ruthlessness, she felt a little disappointed.

She sighed and walked towards the residence of the Vladimir Empire's envoys.

As soon as she set foot on the long street, someone recognized her.

After all, there aren't many people as special as her.

Someone asked her tentatively: "Your Majesty the Queen, are you willing to give us the peace that Vaal City-State has longed for?"

"Your country's Tony executive made two demands. First, the Vaal City State needs peace. Second, the Vaal City State cannot be annexed by a certain country."

Sophia paused for a moment and said slowly: "I agreed."

After saying this, she left without looking back.

Behind her, officials and merchants from the Vaal city-state delegation cheered.

They didn't know that Sophia was indeed telling the truth, but it was different from what they thought.

Of course Sophia won't tell them the truth.

I'm tired of talking to idiots so much.

Could it be that their brains are all selective and they cannot see the international situation clearly?

Letting them cheer one last time was her last act of kindness.

Soon, the closed-door meeting ended.

Special envoys from various countries walked toward their delegations.

Members of the delegation who had been waiting for a long time gathered around to ask about the results.

The representatives of the Golden Kite Republic looked at the Prime Minister. Mr. Edward raised his right hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said slowly:

"Through negotiations, our country has expanded its territory, defended its interests, and brought peace for an entire era."

Cheers echoed throughout the square.

Representatives of Jin Yuan Kingdom threw their hats into the sky and reveled in joy.

But they did not notice the flash of sadness in the Prime Minister's eyes.

He didn't lie, it was indeed an era of peace.

The last peace of the Continental Convention era.

But the era of the Continental Convention is coming to an end soon.

Just now, through fierce bargaining, the representatives at the meeting decided on the decision to carve up the city-state of Vaal among the five countries, and the three major religions to collectively move into the holy city.

At the same time they unanimously passed, seven days later the Continental Convention expired.

Whether it is war or peace, it has nothing to do with the Continental Convention.

He didn't tell a lie, but he deceived everyone.

Edward felt a little tired. He just wanted to go home and take a good bath.

Sussex Imperial Delegation, Prime Minister William announced to everyone with a smile.

"God bless the Queen, God bless Sussex, our fleet has once again brought great benefits to the Empire."

The cheers came to mind.

The most pessimistic people don’t think the empire will suffer. Everyone is just curious about how much money it will make.

William was mysterious and refused to say anything, but looking at his rosy face, he must have made money with blood.

Representatives from the Wende Empire and other countries also returned to their delegations to announce the good news.

Leave tomorrow's worries to tomorrow, at least they will make money today.

The representatives of the Weimar Federation returned to the delegation calmly, without saying a word, and just left in a hurry.

His subordinates knew very well that they must have suffered a loss, but they didn't know how much.

Tony, the executive officer of Val City State, walked with heavy steps under the sunset, and the setting sun stretched his figure longer and longer.

Looking at the delegates who were still cheering, his throat felt dry.

The tears that need to be shed have been shed and dried long ago.

He is not a fool, and of course he knows that strength is the basis for determining the fate of a country.

But he still took it as a lucky break.

What if the countries do not intend to completely break up their skin and intend to continue peace for another hundred years?

It is a pity that fate abandoned the city-state of Vaal.

When the representatives saw Tony, their expressions of ecstasy were gradually replaced by confusion.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Executor, Queen Sophia said that peace has come, is it true?"

"She didn't lie, peace did come. It's just..."

Tony closed his eyes, a trembling voice forced out of his throat.

"It's just that the city-state of Vaal has died."

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