In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 165 Let’s go and burn the trees!

Maybe one day, human science and technology will be advanced enough to solve the mystery of the changes in golden ginkgo and red pine, but not now.

Maybe one day, human beings will be sufficiently civilized to have effective and friendly communication with intelligent life, but not now.

Faced with an incomprehensible event, Sif's answer was to shoot me.

The tip of the spear pierced the air and emitted a piercing scream, which showed how fast it was.

The high speed beyond the limit and the instantaneous explosion of all the strength of the whole body make the impact of this gun powerful enough to penetrate a small city wall.

Roland, who stood behind Sif, silently watched the unparalleled impact.

He is worthy of being the genius who once unlocked the hidden combat profession of the uniformed princess.

Sif's political abilities swing back and forth between genius and idiot, and no one knows how she will perform next time, but she is a genius when it comes to combat.

God is fair. While giving Sif power and beauty, it also deprived her of the weakness of being jealous but unable to protect herself.

The spear pierced the night sky with the momentum of a train hitting a tree.


An old voice sounded.

Sif's expression changed slightly and she accelerated again.

Of course, if the enemy doesn't want her to do it, she should intensify her efforts.


The spear tip pierced the tree trunk and made a loud noise, as if it had penetrated a thick mountain wall, with most of the force being absorbed and rebounded.

Blood splashed all over Sif.

Sif's mouth was bleeding from the shock, but she didn't care. She drew her spear and took a few steps back to prepare to charge again.

"Human, why do you want to hurt me?"

The painful voice was a little labored, and it was clearly the lingua franca of the third era.

Others would definitely not be able to understand it, but Roland and Sif both knew some Elvish and understood Golden Ginkgo's words.

"You have the ability to threaten my city!" Sif said without hesitation, the tip of her gun continued to be pointed at the tall and thick tree trunk.

"To neutralize the threat, I must resort to force."

Sif threatened, but had no intention of taking action.

With just the spear in her hand, she couldn't possibly knock down this giant ginkgo tree that had evolved intelligence and was tens of meters tall.

The next communication is left to Roland.

Roland took a deep breath and crossed Sif to the front.

"This is my territory, tell me your identity and intentions, tree demon!"

"Your territory? It's ridiculous. I have lived here for countless years, but you say this is your territory. After so many years, you are as shameless as those pointy-eared humans!"

Pointy-eared humans?

Isn't it just an elf?

Roland's eyes lit up.

He signaled Sif to step back and not to anger the golden ginkgo, and said with a smile:

"Don't fight over who's territory. Maybe we can find a way to live in peace."

"Are the pointed-eared humans you are talking about handsome in men and beautiful in women, particularly good at using magic, able to use the power of nature, and live in harmony with nature?"

"Harmony? What you mean by harmony is killing my compatriots on a large scale, building houses with their trunks, and eating their organs for breeding offspring?"

Roland was silent.

From the perspective of humans or elves, trees are resources and can be used casually. After all, they cannot speak.

Looking at this talking and angry tree, Roland suddenly thought of the endless arguments in another world.

Why eat animals? They are wailing, they are crying!

Now that it's fine, the plants will also wail and cry. What should I do?

Roland pressed his hands down, trying to calm Dashu's irritable mood.

As we all know, dryads are stupid and very stubborn.

Ginkgo is an old antique among trees, naturally taller than ordinary trees.

As an old antique of the Ginkgo family, the golden ginkgo is naturally the central axis.

Normal negotiation methods are mostly useless.

Then change your thinking and ask the other person what they want first.

"Mr. Dashu, don't be too angry just yet. Look carefully, am I an elf? What does your hatred with the elf have to do with our human race?"

"My companion did accidentally hurt you, but the talking tree itself is very strange. We just acted in self-defense."

"Self-defense?" The golden ginkgo tree was a little shocked.

"Yes, it's self-defense. Look, since we knew you were intelligent, have we stopped attacking?"

"That's because you don't have the ability to kill me!" The golden ginkgo tree demon let out a roar that shook the whole valley.

It's a blockhead, but not an idiot.

The rough and thick voice made Roland want to cover his ears.

He assessed the damage and strength of the golden ginkgo tree and quickly came to a conclusion.

With his and Sif's current strength and equipment, they could only break through the bark of the tree, but could not break through the defense, let alone kill.

Then get more information and then retreat.

It is difficult to evolve the golden ginkgo tree. The evolution of this tree demon is incomplete, at least it cannot walk.

"Mr. Dryad, you can't imagine the development of human technology. Even if I can't break the defense, I can burn this valley. Do you understand fire?"

After hearing these words, the grumpy old tree suddenly stopped talking.

Roland knew that he was subdued and said with a smile: "Let's not dwell on this topic that is not conducive to unity. I want to know the conditions for you to live in harmony with us."

"Humans get out of the valley and never come near again!"

The dryad's thinking is so simple, in line with Roland's stereotype.

Roland spread his hands and said with a smile: "You have a loud voice, so I will listen to you. Let's leave first. I hope we can live in peace in the future."

He winked at Sif and prepared to leave.

The moment they turned around, the tree demon let out an unpleasant laugh.

"Want to leave? Stay here! I am also defending myself!"

The tree demon waved its branches, and the branches and leaves turned into flying feathers all over the sky, pouring down.

Sif rushed forward, trying to protect Roland with her armor.


How dare Roland let her use armor to pick it off, God knows if these damn branches and leaves are poisonous.

He hugged Sif and rolled quickly without any image, avoiding the torrential rain of branches and leaves.

A strong wind rose, and as the golden ginkgo tree demon swayed the tree crown, the surrounding trees also danced, setting off gusts of strange wind, covering Roland and Sif in the middle.

The ring worn on Roland's index finger shattered with a bang, and a light green protective shield was formed in place to protect Roland and Sif.

His expression changed slightly.

This is a freebie when shopping at the Magic Guild.

Shopkeeper Sura's smile seemed like yesterday, "This ring itself has no offensive power. It will automatically break into pieces when you receive fatal damage, forming a protective shield to withstand some of the damage."

In other words, could the injury just now kill him?

How could Roland dare to delay? He grabbed Sif's hand and ran out of the valley as fast as he could in his life.

Perhaps because he did not expect Roland to escape this fatal blow, all subsequent attacks of the golden ginkgo tree demon failed.

The other tree demons who danced with them were far less powerful than the golden ginkgo tree demon and could not stop Roland and Sif at all.

Roland and Sif threw explosive bombs randomly and took the opportunity to escape.

The flames caused by the explosive bombs made the dryads scream in fear.

They sprayed juice in a panic, and finally put out the flames, but the two damn humans were long gone.

The golden ginkgo tree demon looked at Roland and Sif who had escaped, and sighed, unable to hide his pain.

Humans are nowhere near as powerful as the elves in my memory, but they have legs.

As Roland said, they may not be able to defeat the trees, but they can destroy the forest.

The raging fire can burn this valley to the ground.

The Golden Ginkgo Dryad judged through observation that it could easily kill humans and dispose of the bodies, so it chose to take action.

Humanity has become suspicious and will be eaten away even if they don't take action.

It has to take action to have a chance of survival.

However, it miscalculated the opponent's strength, and the result of miscalculation was death.

In the valley, trees, flowers and plants swayed their branches and leaves, communicating silently.

They have ways of transmitting ideas to each other.

The golden ginkgo tree demon was particularly painful, "Children, it's my fault, I hurt you."

"No, chief, this is not your fault, this is our life!"

Flowers and trees mourn silently.

"Leader, release the essence of your life immediately and hide it in the earth. There is still a chance of recovery!"

"I have been resuscitated three times, but each time the outcome was destruction. Resurrection will not make any difference."

The golden ginkgo tree demon's old voice was filled with sadness, which was then replaced by anger.

"Children, time is running out. This time I decided to face death with you. Even if I die, I can't bring any benefit to mankind!"

"Chief, we will always be with you!" The flowers, plants and trees roared silently.

Under the moonlight, Roland and Sif helped him climb onto the horse's back and whipped the riding whip hard.

"Damn tree demon!" Roland's face was watery and he had murderous intent.

Ordinary fire cannot burn the golden ginkgo tree demon to death, he needs help.

Communication across species makes no sense.

Only iron, blood and fire can fight for survival space.

Sif lay quietly on the horse, as if sleeping.

From the corner of her eye, Laura saw her slender body lying limply, calling out repeatedly.

Sif's voice was as light as a gnat, "Don't make any noise, don't make any noise, I'm fine, I'm just poisoned."

You've been poisoned and you still say you're fine?

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Roland jumped over to catch Sif who fell from her horse.

He lit the match and a small halo of light came out.

Sif's face was as green as a tree, full of life, and she squeezed out a smile that was painful and beautiful.

"Would you be sad if I died?"

"Shut the hell up!" Roland hugged her and took out all the medicine stored in the silver armor, but he couldn't find the medicine to detoxify the tree demon at all.

No matter how abnormal a person is, they would not carry around a potion to protect against non-existent creatures.

In the flash of lightning, Roland thought of the elves in the sea of ​​flowers.

He comforted Sif and whispered: "I'm going to sleep to find the antidote. Please be quiet and don't disturb me."


Sif tried to open her eyes wide and saw Roland sitting like this, sleeping with her in his arms.

At this time, you didn't say goodbye to her, and you actually fell asleep?

Sif, who was about to die, was very angry and decided not to die yet.

Even if he is going to die, he still has to wait for this bastard to wake up.

Sif bit her wrist viciously and watched the green blood surging outward.

This can delay death, but the cost is that the body will be damaged after death and the appearance of death will be ugly.

I wanted to die in the most beautiful way, but I failed.

Sif did not shake Roland crazily and call out his name like an idiot, but watched him fall asleep on the spot.

Her trust in Roland was unreserved. No matter how outrageous the request was, she would listen to it as long as it came from Roland.

Hold on a little longer, Sif!

The most important thing is yet to be said.

Dreamland, sea of ​​flowers.

The man's running speed made the cheetah stunned and the antelope dumbfounded.

"Help, help!" he shouted as he ran.

Sif, the elf, who was shocked by Roland's crazy look, stood up suddenly from the sea of ​​flowers, not even noticing that the hem of her skirt was rolled up, and her slender feet were completely exposed in front of Roland.

Flawless feet.

Roland couldn't see it at all, his vision was a little blurry, and only consciousness remained.

"It's too late to explain, is there any way to detoxify the golden ginkgo tree demon?"

"The poison of the golden ginkgo tree demon? The golden ginkgo tree demon has no toxicity, only unparalleled detoxification ability."

"Detoxification ability?"

Roland's feet stopped where they were, and he asked in disbelief: "But my companion was hit by the golden ginkgo tree demon, his face turned green, and he was about to die."

"That's not poisoning, but over-detoxification. Oh, that's right, over-detoxification itself is also a kind of poison, Roland, Roland?"

Sif, the elf, just put down the hem of her skirt and looked up, and there was no one in front of her.

Roland opened his eyes.

He understood.

The Golden Tree Demon's detoxification ability was too strong, and Sif was not poisoned, so the special substance used for detoxification began to indiscriminately destroy the closest thing to poison in her body.

He took out a highly toxic pill without hesitation and pressed it against Sif's lips.


There was no time to explain, every second was a race against death. By the time he finished explaining, Sif's normal body functions had been completely destroyed and there was no hope.

Of course Sif knew it was poison.

The poison Roland fed her took effect very quickly, and she would die in five seconds.

Five seconds was enough.

She would say that sentence to see if Roland, the bastard, would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

Without a moment's hesitation, she opened her mouth and swallowed the pill that would kill her in five seconds.

The poison quickly spread throughout her body, and her face turned black in an instant.

"Roland, I..."

"Don't talk, you're alive!" Roland held her mouth to prevent her from wasting energy.

Sif, with a half-black and half-green face, twisted her body in pain, curled up like a shrimp ball, hot sweat kept flowing, wetting her hair and soaking her clothes.

But she didn't scream.

In the last few seconds of her life, she didn't want to leave an ugly memory.

She bit Roland's hand hard.

This time she showed no mercy, biting Roland's wrist directly into a bloody mess, and the fine teeth marks were left on Roland's right wrist like a seal.


Teeth are the hardest organs in the human body.

This is an attack from the strongest organ in the body of an eight-level strong man!

Roland certainly couldn't bear it, and blood spurted out instantly.

"Roland, I..."

"Hahahaha, you're really alive!"

"Huh? I'm alive?" Sif looked at Roland in astonishment, stunned in place.

"Yeah, stand up and move around?"

Sif tried to stand up, moving her arms, stretching as if she had never been poisoned.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly became nervous, "Am I really embarrassed and ugly now? Turn away and don't look at me!"

"Of course not, you will always be the most beautiful girl in the world. If you don't believe me, you can ask the magic mirror."

Yes, you can go home and ask the mirror.

Sif breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes turned to the south.

"Don't worry, there is something else to do."

"What is it?"

"Call your sister and burn the tree."

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