In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 160 Explain what an honorary knight is.

"Miracle, this is the greatest miracle!"

"Praise the light, praise the goddess!"

Heitingsen howled hysterically, and his voice echoed over the holy spring for a long time.

His voice awakened the people who were still in a daze.

Exhausted, Christine and Irene looked at each other, and their nerves that were tense to the extreme suddenly relaxed. They could no longer support themselves and fell down softly.

Enya and [Crow] looked at the holy spring silently, and then cast their eyes on Sif and Roland, thinking.

Herman looked at Sif and Roland with a particularly complicated look.

The earl and governor of the faith of abundance actually helped to complete the ritual of reviving the holy spring of light, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Of course, he knew that this was to save the surrounding millions of square kilometers of land from being rejected by the gods, but he still felt uncomfortable.

How he wished that this was the holy spring of abundance.

But this discomfort was soon replaced by relief.

He had visited the God-forsaken Land of the Southern Continent, where monsters were rampant, demons were rampant, and humans lived in dire straits, a hell on earth.

Roland and Sif helped save thousands of ordinary people from displacement, saved the surrounding countries from huge losses, and saved three overseas provinces.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Roland was a clergyman, even if he could not be canonized on the spot, he would at least be the undisputed next Pope.

In short, this is an achievement worthy of congratulations.

Archbishop Herman's mind turned very quickly.

Things have already happened, and regret is useless. The important thing is how to turn bad things into good things.

While Heitingsen was still immersed in joy, he came to Roland and Sif.

"Governor, Earl, as the people of Fengyu, you selflessly helped the completely out-of-control Light Holy Spring Resurrection Ceremony. This righteous act will go down in history!"

"On my behalf, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you and invite you to visit the Cathedral at an appropriate time to receive worship from believers."

Hermann looked honest and looked like a kind uncle next door, but Roland couldn't help but admire his wisdom in his heart.

The words he said in public will spread throughout the continent with dignitaries and envoys from various countries.

It is foreseeable that Archbishop Hermann will definitely start the propaganda tool to spread today's grand occasion to the whole world.

Christine and Irene's embarrassment will also be mercilessly displayed in front of everyone, and Roland and Sif's kindness, bravery, and compassion will also be vigorously publicized.

In short, without the help of the Fengyu believers, you damned light asses will completely mess things up, and even ruin the lives of tens of millions of people and harm neighboring countries.

He would probably also exaggerate the horror of the God-forsaken Land.

With the right to speak that Sussex now has, he can do it.

The rebuttal of the Court of Light would also be very weak.

After all, the Wend Empire, Tyrol, and Pruden are all cultural depressions, far inferior to Sussex and Golden Kite, who have rich faith.

Their propaganda is clumsy and weak.

It won't be long before people will only remember Roland who completed the final blow, and at most his beautiful companion Sif, and will not remember Heitingsen who discovered the traces of the Holy Spring's revival, and Christine and Irene who fought to exhaustion.

This is the power of public opinion weapons.

Faced with Herman's kindness, Roland would certainly not refuse.

He has offended the Goddess of Light to death, and he can't offend the Goddess of Plenty again.

Just based on his pious behavior of daring to offend the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Plenty must pay more attention to him.

He maintained a grateful expression, and his voice even trembled a little.

"I am honored by your invitation. I will visit the cathedral as soon as I return to the imperial capital."

There were many people watching around, and Sif could not use her eyes to affirm Roland, so she gently touched Roland's boots with her toes to express her appreciation.

Roland's acting skills are getting better and better, and Sif, as a royal actor, naturally will not be stingy with praise.

The touch of the boots was only a slight touch, but it was like a stone thrown into Roland's heart lake, causing ripples.

Sif is worthy of expressing her feelings so lightly in public.

This made Roland feel like passing a note to the girl behind him when the teacher turned around in his school days.

Hellman, the head teacher, did not notice that the two young people secretly used small movements to convey their feelings.

When he heard that Roland accepted the invitation, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

So what if the holy spring is revived? As long as Roland and Sif have firm faith, the loss can be minimized.

In the divine court, his ability to deal with emergencies will be supported by more hermits, and his hope of becoming the next pope will increase greatly.

Although the Holy Spring is good, most of the areas that are nourished are areas of firm belief in abundance.

As long as the propaganda work is done well, the loss of believers will not be too serious. It is even possible that Roland and Sif will win over many believers of light and freedom because of their activeness.

Think about it, half of the areas nourished by the Holy Spring of Light are in the parish of abundance, and even the revival of the Holy Spring itself is the result of the most efforts of the believers of abundance. Is there any need to say who is more powerful?

Heitingsen woke up from ecstasy, his face turned black in an instant, and the joy of the revival of the Holy Spring also disappeared.

Thinking of the powerful propaganda tool of the Sussex Empire, his heart trembled.

After Roland and Sif accepted Herman's invitation, his heart trembled violently.

After all, Roland and Sif are both believers of abundance. When the goddess appeared and opened her eyes just now, everyone knelt down, and only these two people stood proudly with their heads held high.

If this scene were to be spread, the merits of the revival of the Holy Spring would be greatly reduced.

There is no doubt that this damn bastard Herman will do this.

If you don't do something now, it will be too late to regret.

In the flash of lightning, Hettingson thought of the only way to save the situation.

He quickly switched from a black face to a smiling face.

The speed at which she changes her face makes Sif, a royal drama queen, an expert.

He expressed his gratitude to Roland and Sif with a smile, and then got down to business.

"Mr. Roland, on behalf of myself and the Holy Palace of Light, I would like to express my gratitude for your righteous deeds. Your kindness and generosity transcend the barriers of different sects and break through the barriers of countries."

All kinds of disgusting compliments made Roland unable to hold back.

If he continues to boast like this, he will almost become a saint on earth.

He didn't want to bear this false reputation.

Although the title of a saint can make fanatical believers support him without thinking, it can also seriously restrict his words and deeds.

Moreover, people of the sage generation have an indissoluble bond with fire, and they often become beautiful scenery at the stake.

Considering that he did not have Phoenix bloodline, Roland did not want to get involved with the saint generation.

He quickly stopped Hettingson and said humbly from the bottom of his heart: "Mr. Bishop, I am really not humble. I am just a passing spectator. I witnessed all this by chance. Everyone present participated in the rescue, and their beliefs are stronger than I’m religious and I just happened to make a small contribution.”

"The goddess is kind and merciful. Even if I don't take action, the holy spring will definitely recover."

Hettingson looked at Roland with a slightly weird look.

If he hadn't been blackmailed by Roland a few days ago, he might have really believed it.

But he would never forget Roland's greedy face at that time.

Stop fucking pretending.

He complained silently in his heart.

If Roland was so kind, he would be a saint on earth!

It doesn't matter what you think on the inside, you still have to do the superficial work.

All things are done without regard to the heart. No matter what Roland thought, he did save Hettingson and Christine.

Thinking of Roland's desire for money, Hettingson quickly lowered his voice and added in a voice that only they could hear:

"Sir Governor, we will pay all the resettlement funds for the more than 30,000 refugees!"

Roland smiled with satisfaction.

This is only right, don’t deal with the fictitious things. If you know you are short of money and don’t give him financial compensation quickly, what are you thinking?

After accepting Hettingson's kindness, Roland's attitude softened a lot, and he very humbly told a little story from his hometown.

"Archbishop Hettingson, I heard a story about digging a well. There was a place where there was a water shortage, and the well had to be dug a hundred yards before water could come out. Someone dug for ninety-nine yards without any water, and was so tired that he gave up. At this time his My friend helped dig the last yard and the water came.”

"This last yard is important, but aren't the ninety-nine yards dug in front of you important?"

The good news: Roland's words can leave people who don't know him in awe.

Bad news: Many of you here have heard of his glorious past.

Although the halo of a saint cannot be obtained, this persona of being humble and not greedy for merit has been established.

But the targets of Roland's performances are never people who have prejudices against him, but people who are neutral and can be fought for.

He never misses an opportunity to perform.

Sif's boots touched Roland's boots lightly again, her eyes looked at the sky, and the smile on her lips expressed the affirmation from the royal actor.

Roland was so humble, which made Hettingson feel much better. He smiled and threw out the biggest bait.

"Mr. Roland, no matter how humble you are, this achievement is enough to shine in the annals of history. In recognition of your achievements, I would like to award you with the title of Honorary Knight on behalf of the Holy Palace of Light."

"Knight of honor?" Roland was a little surprised.

"Mr. Roland, the honorary knights of the divine court are completely different from the secular honorary knights. This is the highest title awarded to non-believers. Honorary knights enjoy the same respect as a cardinal. Any believer in the light will treat you with the same respect as a cardinal. "

"Not only that, you can also seek help from the Holy Palace. We will try our best to provide help within our ability. Of course, this help is mainly in terms of manpower and faith. You know, the wealth of the Holy Palace must be used to worship the goddess. It’s not easy to protect believers.”

Hettingson thought of Roland's greed and quickly patched the honorary knight's authority.

Looking at his somewhat embarrassed expression, Roland felt that this old guy was quite practical and capable.

He really wanted to accept it, but he really didn't know much about honorary knights. The encyclopedia could only find information about secular honorary knights, and there was no detailed information about the honorary knights of the Holy Temple of Light.

He turned his attention to Sif.

However, Sif is only a believer, not a clergyman, so naturally she doesn't know.

On the contrary, Herman explained to Roland very honestly.

"Roland, an honorary knight is both an honorary title and a real power. If you don't care about the anger of the goddess of fertility, change your faith and run towards the light now, and you can even run for the Pope."

After Herman briefly explained the rights of honorary knights, he began to introduce the obligations.

"Roland, power and obligation are equal. Accepting the title of honorary knight is equivalent to acknowledging the close relationship between oneself and the Holy Court of Light. When they encounter difficulties, they will also ask you for help. Of course, how much you can help depends on your ability. This is not binding.”

Hettingson looked at Herman with some dissatisfaction.

The old guy is very bad. What do you want to do with such a clear explanation?

He was afraid that Roland would not accept it, so he quickly explained: "Mr. Roland, your contribution to the Holy Palace of Light far exceeds our reward. The Holy Palace will only give you more gifts in the future and will not ask for anything."

Hermann didn't like to hear this, and he pointed out Heitingsen's hypocrisy.

"Bishop Heitingsen, the people of the Holy Spring of Resurrection stand on your side, which is the greatest contribution."

His meaning is very clear, as long as you accept this honorary knight title, it means standing on the side and recognition.

With Roland's identity, isn't his public support worthwhile?

His words are suspected of sowing discord, but they are also true.

Heitingsen hurriedly said: "Mr. Roland, some things are beyond my authority, but the Holy Court will never let you down, and every effort should be rewarded, otherwise it is an insult to the effort."

Roland knew very well that the Holy Court of Light must strive for his approval to offset the embarrassment of the pagans completing the resurrection ceremony.

This offer will not be low.

After all, Heitingsen is only a diocesan bishop, not even a cardinal, and this offer is indeed beyond his authority.

He didn't pat his chest and brag, which means that he seriously considered how to fulfill his promise.

If Heitingsen offered a high price without hesitation, Roland would flatly refuse.

His hesitation made Roland curious about the offer.

He looked back at Herman and asked with a smile: "Archbishop Herman, can I accept the honorary title of the Court of Light?"

Herman was of course not happy, but he still had to say nice words.

"Of course, it's your freedom. The Goddess of Plenty is a tolerant and loving god, and she will be happy about it. As her servant, the Court of Plenty is the same."

"You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't betray your piety to the goddess in your heart."

That's easy.

Roland thought to himself, he never believed in that goddess, how could he betray her?

A good bird chooses a tree to roost in, tonight it's the Plenty Tree, tomorrow night it's the Light Tree, there's no problem.

He won't hang himself on a tree.

Since Herman did not object, he stopped being hypocritical and said with a smile:

"Bishop Heitingsen, I am flattered by this honor. I cannot give you an answer immediately. I will give you an answer after I have escorted the refugees to settle down."

Heitingsen breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I completely understand. It just so happens that I also need to report the situation in detail to the Pope and give you a reward that matches your merits."

Since it is a deal, it is easy to handle.

How much work you do, how much money you get, very reasonable.

It completely fits Heitingsen's stereotype of Roland.

He is very sure that Roland will accept the title of honorary knight.

The Holy Court will definitely offer enough price.

The crowd gradually dispersed, the holy spring gurgled, and the holy water mist was lingering above the holy spring.

From then on, Val City was a city of miracles.

All forces had to adjust their strategies to respond.

But they also knew very well.

There was no miracle, it was just a deal.

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