In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 146 Roland also has a pure land that cannot be defiled

Talent recruitment continues.

After all, the Queen is the legitimate monarch of the empire and has a strong appeal.

The timid people are still worried about the outcome of the power struggle between the Queen and the cabinet, while the radical people have turned into iron-blooded royalists.

What kind of cabinet, brother, I don’t recognize it.

Without the authorization of the Queen, the Cabinet is nothing.

Half a month later, the first phase of the talent recruitment fair ended. Except for some positions that continued long-term recruitment, most positions had unsatisfactory (correct) candidates.

Although in Roland's eyes most people are useful.

It’s not that no one wants to be loyal to the emperor, but that’s the general level in this era.

Those who are truly capable are nobles and elites.

They don't take sides easily.

Compared with cabinet ministers who have been in business for many years, Sif is very immature and has a weak foundation.

The team formed by Sif looked like a grassroots team in the eyes of these people.

The young man who was the clerk of the Imperial Post Office half a year ago has suddenly become a powerful governor in charge of three provinces.

Most of the officials in the Governor's Office are frustrated and marginalized people.

This kind of grass-roots team is not something that a distinguished man would even bother to join.

Roland didn't care at all if they didn't come, and was even grateful.

His Government House needed young men of action.

It doesn’t matter if your ability is a little bit low, you can practice it, but your attitude must be correct.

The treatment he offers to these people is not low, and the requirements are not low either. He does not welcome gentlemen who are rich and have a lot of troubles.

With him and Sif as the core, close confidants as the team, officials from the three provinces as the backbone, and young and promising defectors as the grassroots, the team of the Governor's Mansion was quickly formed.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Queen is young, impetuous, and has no authority. But in Roland's opinion, the queen is smart, studious and grows up very quickly.

To outsiders, he was a pretty boy who rose to power through the Queen's nepotism. But in Roland's own opinion, he is the chosen one whose fate cannot be observed.

In the eyes of outsiders, officials in the three provinces are greedy and incompetent. But in Roland's view, these are all people who, although they have made mistakes, can save their faults.

Whether it is a Caotai team or a team with a promising future, the Governor's Mansion is running like this.

Just when Roland was busy establishing order, an unexpected person appeared.

"Miss Revenge, it's really rare for you to come to me in broad daylight."

"I have something to do." Alina whispered.

"I know you have something to do, and you won't come to me if you don't."

Roland personally poured tea for Alina, smiled and praised: "This mask is good today, it looks so pitiful."

"Most of my father's disciples and followers were killed in the coup, but a few escaped. They are wandering around and their current situation is miserable. Can you accept them?"

"Follower of your father?"

Roland's eyes lit up.

Alina's father retired from the scene after becoming famous, but he did not give up his control over the political arena.

His disciples are all carefully cultivated talents.

Roland patted the table and said with a smile: "Since it is the talent you introduced, I am not ready to welcome you, so why not accept it?"

Although Roland agreed very simply, Alina didn't have much joy on her face. She sighed softly and said helplessly:

"Not only my father's disciples, but also the families of many followers. They are now stranded in the country near Vaal Lake. The situation is very bad."

"How many people are there in total?"

"About 30,000 to 40,000 people, most of whom are old, weak, women and children."

Roland was slightly startled and understood the reason for Alina's difficulty.

There are so many people, most of whom are old, weak, women and children who have little value in the eyes of the ruler. Just bringing these people here is troublesome.

Vaal Lake is almost two hundred kilometers away from Hanseatic Province. Fortunately, it is connected by rivers and can be traveled by water. Otherwise, many people would definitely die if so many people migrated by land.

Even if we take the water route, there will probably be people who will remain on the journey forever.

Accepting these people will further strain the finances of the already not wealthy general government district.

Even worse is the diplomatic pressure that comes with it.

The Jin Yuan Kingdom's strength is slightly inferior to the Sussex Empire, but the main difference lies in the navy. Only considering the army, it is not worse than the Sussex Empire.

If a diplomatic conflict breaks out, the strength of the three overseas provinces will not be able to stop the armed intervention of the Jin Yuan Kingdom.

Whether it is diplomacy, politics or economics, accepting these tens of thousands of people seems to be a loss-making deal.

Alina bit her lip and said softly: "Roland, I know this is very difficult, and I have no right to ask you for anything, but they are in this situation because of my father, and I"

Halfway through her words, she couldn't speak any more and could only sigh.

Transactions must be of equal value.

She simply couldn't bring up enough chips.

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes a little hollow, and finally made up her mind.

Her slender right hand reached for the first button of her coat, trembling slightly as she tried to unbutton it, but her hand was shaking violently.

She never dreamed that the proud Alina would use herself as a bargaining chip.

Fortunately, her appearance and figure are enough for trading.

Just when Alina couldn't unbutton the first button with her trembling hands, Roland tapped the table and said loudly:

"Miss Revenge, this matter is of great importance and we must arrange it carefully. We must ensure that everyone can reach Hansa safely."

He looked up at Alina and saw that she was struggling with the button, and couldn't help but smile.

"What are you doing? Is the room so hot?"

Alina: "."

Her hands were frozen in the air, her voice was choked, and her eyes were slightly red, "Thank you, thank you. I will never forget your kindness."

Roland walked up to Alina, patted her shoulder familiarly, and teased softly:

"Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you for this."

"Although most of these tens of thousands of people are old, weak, women and children, they are not a burden."

"The elderly have rich experience, women can reproduce the population, and children are the hope for the future. They are all useful people."

Roland did not comfort Alina.

At any time, population is the most valuable resource.

Although some resources cannot be realized immediately, they can be invested in the long term.

Even if it just requires Alina to do her best, he will accept these people.

What's more, there are many disciples of the old gentleman among these people.

These are all scarce talents.

As for the surprise of the allies, Roland didn't care at all.

When he gets a foothold, he has to escort Alina to the free city of Avestra to regain her power.

He was definitely offended by this Jin Yuan Kingdom.

He did not think that the Golden Kite would go to war with Sussex over this trivial matter.

The most important thing after seizing power is of course consolidating power, not going to war with the world's most powerful country.

They may condemn, protest, and issue diplomatic notes, but they will not go to war.

A diplomatic note from an unfriendly country?

Just throw it in the trash can.

Roland can comfort himself, but Alina knows that only Roland can accept these poor people, and they are not welcome anywhere else.

The city-state of Vaal has issued an ultimatum to these people, requiring them to leave the country within ten days, otherwise they will be forcibly expelled.

The city-state of Vaal is a small country with less than 8,000 troops in the country. They dare not offend the Jin Yuan Kingdom.

As a buffer zone between major powers, remaining neutral is the best way to stay alive.

But even for such a small country, it was enough to drive away his father's followers.

The matter was so urgent that Alina couldn't care less about avoiding suspicion.

She fantasized about Roland helping her, but considering that Roland was now the governor and had to worry about many factors, she didn't have high hopes.

In her opinion, it was good that Roland could accept young and middle-aged men and women, but most of the old, weak and children were unwilling to accept him. Even accepting it reluctantly will force her to accept more demanding compromises.

Like making these people his slaves forever.

However, Roland gave her a surprise.

Roland is willing to take in the distressed without any strings attached.

Alina couldn't hold it in anymore, tears rolled down her cheeks.

Roland approached her, put his right hand on her shoulder, and said softly:

"Alina, we are friends. If you think about what you are willing to do for me, I would be equally willing to help you."

"Don't do stupid things that tarnish friendships."

When he passed by and was about to leave the office, Roland stopped and said softly:

"Even I have a pure land in my heart that cannot be stained."

"Get ready, we'll leave tomorrow."

Alina didn't have to prepare much, just don't cry too hard and lose energy the next day, but Roland was very busy.

The first step is to assemble a mobile force in good condition.

This matter is simple, just leave it to Brigadier General Dai Long.

Secondly, hundreds of transport ships and escort inland gunboats must be prepared.

This is also simple.

The light destroyers of the Fourth Fleet can go up the river for hundreds of kilometers and just pass by the city-state of Vaal.

Although light destroyers are not very good in naval battles, they can still walk sideways in inland rivers.

To ensure safety, Roland mobilized more than 3,000 troops, hundreds of transport ships and four warships.

These people are in a state of combat readiness and are available at any time.

Hearing that the governor was hiring people, General Dai Long volunteered to lead the team himself, his eyes shining with the desire to perform meritorious service.

According to common practice, leading troops to enter the territory of other countries requires advance communication and request for military rights of passage, but it is too late.

Fortunately, the city-state of Vaal is very weak, and naval guns, muskets and bayonets are the best passes.

The situation was urgent, so Roland had no choice but to use troops as a courtesy.

He is helping the other party solve the problem, hoping that the other party will not be ignorant.

If the city-state of Vaal is really ignorant, then we can only teach them to be sensible.

To ensure nothing went wrong, subsequent reinforcements from Hansa and other places continued to gather towards the border to put pressure on the Var city-state.

Because we don’t want to fight, we must prepare according to war standards.

In addition, he also had to prepare camps to receive these people, various logistical support materials, etc. All kinds of tedious work required his decision-making.

It was not until late in the night that he was finally able to calm down for a while, but he had no sleep at all. He could only go to the balcony to enjoy the sea breeze to calm himself down.

Just when he closed his eyes and faced the wind, there was the sound of undetectable footsteps behind him.

Roland didn't look back, but he knew who it was.

"Sister Lisa, are you still up so late?"

"You're the one who's not sleeping. I've had a nap and just woke up."

Lisa came to Roland, stood side by side with him, and sighed softly: "I know you are busy, but you have to eat and rest. I just went to the restaurant to take a look, and the dinner I prepared for you is cold."

"Really? I thought I had eaten it."

Roland shrugged and teased with a smile.

"I'm not kidding you. You are the backbone of everyone and cannot fail. You are young now. If you don't eat and rest well, it will be too late to regret it when you get older and suffer from many problems."

Facing Lisa's concerned gaze, Roland raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay, it's my fault. Eat and rest now."

"That's more like it." Lisa wanted to keep a serious expression, but she couldn't help laughing.

She took Roland's hand and walked side by side with him.

"You've prepared so much, are you going to fight? Be careful."

"No, I'm just going to pick someone up."

Roland said concisely: "Alina's followers are trapped in the Val City-State, I have to pick them up."

"Can't I leave this to my subordinates?" Lisa was a little confused.

"This matter involves the Val City-State and the Golden Kite Kingdom. The situation is very complicated. I really don't feel at ease if other people go."

Roland didn't say a word.

His luck is sometimes good and sometimes bad, but he always encounters something.

This is probably the wolf-attracting physique of the time traveler.

If the Golden Kite Kingdom interferes, his subordinates may not be able to withstand the pressure.

These tens of thousands of people are crucial.

They are the team that Alina will use to seize power in the future. With them as the backbone, they can even establish an exiled government when necessary.

This matter cannot afford any mistakes, he must do it himself.

Lisa didn't say much, just smiled, "Okay, you know more about this than me. But you have to listen to me about what to eat."

In the restaurant, Roland saw the steaming hot food on the table and instantly realized that this was not the leftovers from last night that were heated up and served, but freshly made.

Lisa was also very busy during the day, and just now she accompanied Roland to work overtime.

She was busy preparing supplies and didn't even have time to ask who she was going to fight.

She just made an excuse to go to rest, but ran to cook for him.

Roland sighed and said softly: "Sister, you are also a senior official now, let the chef do such trivial things as cooking."

"Okay, but I am a [chef]."

She is not only a chef, but also an extraordinary professional chef.

"If you feel happy after eating, my cooking skills will soar, and this is also a way to become stronger."

Ah, this works too?

In this case, Roland no longer insisted. He picked up the knife and fork, picked up the plump prawns and put them into his mouth.

It was sweet and refreshing, except for a few fragrances, it was the original taste of the shrimp.

"I thought it would be hard to find a side dish for this dish, but I didn't expect to get an unexpected harvest."

"Coriander?" Roland asked in surprise.

"Well, it's in a valley 20 kilometers south of Hansa City. I wanted to find some pine nuts, but I didn't expect there would be green vegetables in the winter." Lisa said with a smile.

There is this kind of dish used as a seasoning on the recipe, and it is clearly drawn. She also found it occasionally, which can perfectly reproduce the essence of this dish.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

"Ten points, perfect." Roland picked up the second shrimp with a fork, chewed and swallowed quickly, and used actual actions to prove the score.

He was a little curious. According to the encyclopedia, coriander never appeared in the Magic Age and had long been extinct after the Third Age.

I didn't expect it to still exist.

This valley is nice, and I must go and see it if I have the chance.

After enjoying dinner, Roland obediently returned to the bedroom to catch up on sleep under Lisa's urging.

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