In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 138 Sister or younger sister?

"Hiss, it hurts, it hurts so much."

It was pitch black in front of her eyes, and she didn't know where she was. She could only feel endless pain all over her body.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Am I dead?

Munina opened her eyes with difficulty, looking at the dome painting of countless little angels flying around the gods, and her mind went blank in an instant.

After an unknown amount of time, her memory before she fell into a coma gradually awakened.

She knew who she was.

She was the youngest daughter of the chief of the Gram Siren tribe. She was captured while carrying out the mission of attacking the fleet and was tortured by humans as a captive.

Last night, her tribe finally came to rescue her.

It was a pity that the rescue failed and she was ambushed by humans.

The tribe didn't want her to fall into the hands of humans and cause greater losses, so they ended her life with a poisoned arrow.

The development of the matter here was within her understanding.

Although it was painful, she would not resent anyone.

However, the person who took action was her sister, the biological sister who grew up with her.

At the moment when her sister took action, lightning flashed across the sky, and she clearly saw her sister's eyes.

There was no mercy, only disgust and disgust.

As if she was looking at garbage, she determined that her sister was the calamity that caused the operation to fail.

Perhaps because her sister was doomed to die, her sister did not hide her disgust.

Munina's mentality collapsed instantly.

Her sister was too cruel.

She aimed an arrow at her heart.

Her sister killed not only her body, but also her soul.

Unfortunately, her sister did not know that her heart had grown crooked since she was a child, which directly led to her being judged by the elders of the tribe as a good seedling with higher potential, but her growth rate was not as fast as her sister.

After the age of ten, the tribe's training resources completely tilted towards her sister.

She often fantasized about what her fish life would be like if her heart had not grown crooked?

Now there is no need to think about it.

Because she is dead.

She knew what kind of poison arrow her sister used, and the arrowhead was coated with a special poison for the physique of the sea monster.

It was a fatal blow.

She was a little curious. She heard that after death, people would be judged by the cold and fair Holy Inquisitor, and then sent to the endless purgatory and the land given by God.

The former must atone for their sins, and the latter can enjoy the peace given by God.

Is this the endless purgatory or the land given by God?

I didn't smell the terrible smell of sulfur, so it shouldn't be purgatory.

Munina felt relieved. She smelled the faint smell of blood and potion.

Although it was not strong, her nose was very sensitive.

How could the land given by God have such a smell?

She struggled to stand up but had no strength at all. She wanted to shout but her throat hurt so much that she could only make a hoarse sound.

Hearing her wailing, footsteps came.

Someone came, a young and beautiful girl.

Munina was very happy.

It seems that this is probably the land given by God.

"Are you awake?"

The beautiful female face gradually became clear in Munina's sight, and she introduced herself softly.

"You can call me Nana."

Although she could only lie down, Munina still saw the girl's appearance clearly.

Somewhat like humans, but definitely not.

It is impossible for humans to have so many mechanical devices.

Got it, it must be a mechanical angel!

Miss Siren's mind flashed with the legend mentioned by the tribe elders, and her whole body trembled with excitement.

"Angel sister, I, my name is Munina."

The cyborg girl called Angel sister switched to a smiling expression and asked softly:

"Miss Munina, this is the time of reckoning. All your actions in the human world will be weighed on the scales of judgment to judge your sins and contributions and decide where you will go."

"The Holy Inquisitor will come to see you tomorrow. Before that, I want to confirm whether you have any unfulfilled wishes in the human world?"

Facing the gentle questioning of the "mechanical angel", Munina's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

"I have no regrets, I just want to kill one person!"

Nana thought calmly, it must be Governor Roland.

Her father, who claimed to be a great alchemist, highly praised Governor Roland and called him a person who could change the world situation.

Although she didn't understand what her father was saying, she chose to believe it.

She didn't have a good impression of Roland.

She has extremely high intelligence and rigorous logic, but her mind is only equivalent to that of an eleven or twelve-year-old. She instinctively thinks that Governor Roland is very scary.

She knows what kind of trap Roland set for the Siren.

As someone who helped her father refine special alchemical potions, she knows very well how vicious these potions are.

She is naturally a little afraid of Governor Roland who uses this potion.

She has heard some things from her father, and she also knows what happened to Miss Munina.

Miss Siren tried to seduce and kill the sailor, which is at least attempted murder, and she is not innocent.

She is guilty, but she is indeed pitiful.

Not only did she become the enemy of the devil Roland, but she was also shot to death by her own sister with a poisoned arrow.

If her father hadn't taken action, she would have died.

Fortunately, her father is an excellent alchemist and an excellent doctor.

Her father said that she had also stepped into the underworld, but was rescued.

Her father did not lie, because he rescued Miss Siren who was doomed to die.

Not only Munina, but also another Siren Miss Munia.

Swallowing the hidden poison did not kill Miss Munia, but only made her suffer the repeated torture of vomiting and gastric lavage.

Cyborg Nana looked at Munia curiously. Her father consumed the Arcanite-level puppet core to give her super high IQ and logical judgment ability.

Except for her immaturity, she is quite smart.

After calmly judging Munina's mentality, Nana smiled and said:

"Ms. Munina, the trial between reckonings is fair and the last opportunity to reflect. Be honest about your past. Remember, the sin of lies is not necessarily lower than other crimes."

Nana's beautiful appearance and cold temperament made Munina dare not have any doubts.

At the moment of waking up, she did think about whether Nana was a despicable human, but after seeing that half of Nana's body was mechanical, she was relieved.

But she never thought that this reckoning room was an interrogation room specially prepared by Roland for her.

This is the operating room attached to Norton Laboratory. After being requisitioned by Roland, it was simply transformed according to his understanding of religious trials.

Mainly psychological suggestion and intimidation.

First let Nana play the role of a mechanical angel to let Munina relax her defenses, and then let her rest for a night.

Of course, Roland would not be kind enough to let her recover her spirit.

That night she would hear soft but clear wailing and prayers, which would make her have continuous hallucinations and strengthen psychological suggestion.

Tomorrow, when Miss Munina doubts her life, the Holy Judge played by [Faceless] Alina will appear at the right time and start the trial.

Roland is very sure that Miss Munina can't bear it at all.

This is all designed.

Miss Siren has a very bad habit of talking in her sleep.

During her coma after the operation, Norton used drugs to induce her to increase the intensity of her sleep talking, revealing many secrets.

With Alina's ability, it was easy and pleasant to take down the simple Siren.

The trial of another Siren was not so warm.

Roland will speak in person.

Start a solo concert for her.

Munia definitely knows more than Munina, and her strength is better. She even masters the chanting method of Chaos Movement. No matter how you look at it, her value is higher.

But Roland is not sure about conquering the Siren Princess.

Lightning is a good thing. It can not only light up the rainy night, but also expose people's hearts.

When Munia raised the giant crossbow and shot at her sister, the lightning just lit up.

Roland saw her eyes.

This was a vicious and unruly wild cat, which could be used but was extremely difficult to tame.

No one could resolve the hatred between her and her sister, and only one of them could survive.

Another moment flashed through Roland's mind.

When all the guards at the camp gate had withdrawn, Munina came to the camp gate, but stopped at the camp gate.

That was the absolute red line Roland set for the siren.

Whoever touched it would die.

If Munina had crossed the red line last night, Roland would have given up on her without hesitation and chosen to tame her sister.

The sister was more difficult to tame and more valuable.

It was reasonable that valuable things required more investment.

But Munina stopped.

Whether she was making a rational judgment or simply cowardly, she followed Roland's rules.

Roland liked obedient subordinates, but he did not reject capable and unruly subordinates.

Sister or younger sister?

This was a difficult question.

Roland did not rush to make a decision, but decided to see the results of the interrogation.

Now, the elder sister and the younger sister have the same score, 0 points.

The interrogation of Munia and Munina began at the same time.

Interrogator Roland and Inquisitor Alina walked into the interrogation room at the same time.

Looking at Alina in a white robe and a mysterious mask, Munina was trembling with excitement.

The Inquisitor is here.

Endless Purgatory or God's Land, there will finally be a result.

She had been hearing hallucinations last night and was almost driven crazy.

"Are you the Inquisitor?"

Munina was very weak, and the hideous wound on her chest would hurt if she moved a little, but she still gritted her teeth and bowed to Alina.

Alina had a blank expression on her face, and recorded silently in her heart.

"Munina Gram, the one being liquidated, welcome to the liquidation room. As the Inquisitor, I will announce the rules to you before the liquidation begins."

"First, you are not allowed to speak without permission, otherwise you will be deducted points."

"I understand." Munina said respectfully.

"Munina, your current score is -1. Can you understand negative numbers? Simply put, your current score is one point lower than zero."

Munina looked stunned, trembling with grievance, almost crying, but dared not speak again.

Alina calmly announced and continued, calmly asking: "Munina, the one being liquidated, do you think you should go to the land given by God or the endless purgatory?"

Munina was silent.

In the introduction of the rules just now, she had roughly understood who the Holy Judge was.

Cold and ruthless.

She knew even more clearly that the next words would determine her future. She was nervous and dared not speak.

After a long time, she slowly said: "I don't know, my life is ridiculous and short, but I ask myself that I have never actively harmed anyone."

She whispered: "I once participated in the attack on the human fleet, but I was just following orders. This sin should be borne by the person who gave the order."

She carefully explained the process of the attack on the fleet that day, with more details than what she confessed to Roland.

The Holy Judge listened silently, as if listening to a trivial matter.

While listening to Munina's explanation, the Inquisitor kept taking notes but said nothing.

After breaking through the psychological barrier, Munina's words gradually became fluent.

Perhaps this was the last time she could speak freely, and she spoke eloquently.

Including the fact that her heart was crooked, which led to a sharp decline in her status in the tribe.

It also includes all the times she violated the interests of others.

Most of them are unintentional, and some are intentional.

She did not excuse her actions.

But she believed the Inquisitor would understand.

Survival often comes at the expense of other lives.

You have to eat to live.

Food that is eaten, whether animal or plant, is life.

If we deprive other living beings of their right to survive because of survival, there is no good or evil, it is just a natural phenomenon.

The same goes for infringing on other people's interests.

The survival and development of any life will more or less invade the interest space of other life.

She didn't think it was a sin as long as it was within a certain framework.

The Holy Inquisitor said nothing.

It wasn't until Munina's mouth went dry that the Holy Inquisitor slowly asked:

"Last question, if you pay enough to send Muniya into endless purgatory, would you do it?"

"Yes, of course!"

Munina, who had been calm just now, suddenly became ferocious.

Anger made her cheeks bulge, and her inner cheeks were as red as blood.

"I'm talking about any price."

The Holy Inquisitor reminded slowly.

Munina gritted her teeth and said: "Of course I know, I don't care. Even if the cost is that I enter endless purgatory with her, I will do it."

"I understand. The questioning ends here. You can rest first."

The Holy Inquisitor packed up his things and left the room for reckoning.

Munina's whole body went limp.

She, who had just widened her eyes to express her feelings, now seemed to have been drained of all her strength, and she no longer even had the strength to cry.

She lay blankly, looking up at the dome painting, her eyes filled with confusion.

Unlike Alina who completed it quickly, Roland's interrogation did not go smoothly.

Munia quickly collapsed under his noise offensive and expressed that she wanted to confess, but during the interrogation she secretly played tricks on Roland.

Her words are always true and false, and full of misleading.

These skills did not escape Roland's eyes.

He was watching Munia carefully.

When people lie, they always make subtle body movements, which can be identified by careful observation.

What Muniya said was very difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Since it was difficult to tell, Roland didn't bother to tell.

Munia has more information than Munina, but the extra information is not enough to change Roland's decision.

Munina knew that the group was forced to migrate, and Munia knew more. She knew that there was a command from a certain marine general behind the group's migration, but she didn't know which general.

Munina knew that the group's attack on humans was instigated by others. Munina knew even more. She could even describe the general appearance of the messenger, but that was all.

Compared with this additional information, Roland spent a lot longer with her just to distinguish whether it was true or false.

Uninterrupted fatigue interrogation, occasional noise attacks, and repeated bombardment of questions finally broke through Muniya's stubborn psychological defense.

She had to confess to Roland.

After Roland announced that the interrogation was over, she glided in front of Roland, hugged Roland's legs and begged.

"I can do anything, please spare me, I'm really useful."

She tried to commit suicide twice, but after escaping from death, she cherished life very much.

Her identity, her beauty, her singing voice, she can offer them all.

As long as you live, you have a chance.

"Have you ever felt guilty when you killed your sister?"

Facing Roland's question, Munia's eyes were a little distracted. She murmured, and after a long time she said quietly:

"That's my biological sister. The pain in my heart when I did it was no less than hers. You don't understand the feelings of sisters at all!"

Roland continued to ask: "The last question is, would you be willing to exchange your sister for going to the God-given land at the cost of going to endless purgatory?"

"I do!" Munia replied without hesitation.

Roland stood up and left the interrogation room without saying a word.

Sister or sister, he already has the answer.

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