In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 132 Do you want to make progress?

Alina's father once established a social experiment protection zone in the southern coastal area of ​​Jinyuan Country, and conducted experiments with more than 500 sea monsters and thousands of fishmen.

He collected a lot of data and compiled relevant works.

"It's a pity that these materials are highly confidential and I haven't come into contact with them."

Seeing Alina's regretful expression, Roland decided to skip this topic that would easily make her have bad associations.

"Since you know a little about these seafood, spend some time managing them after you get ashore."

"Do you want to observe them too?"

Alina was slightly surprised, but still showed a regretful expression after understanding Roland's intention.

"It's a pity that there are too few samples."

"It doesn't matter, we can go fishing." Roland shared the [Fishing Plan] with Alina and asked her about the feasibility of the plan.

Alina looked at Roland with complicated eyes, and after a long time, she slowly said:

"Is this really your first time to come into contact with sea monsters? Your understanding of them is unique. Don't worry, the second time fishing may not be successful, but the first time will definitely be successful."

Alina's understanding of sea monsters and fishmen is far less than her father's, but she knows more than Roland.

She sorted out her thoughts and shared what she knew with Roland.

The information Roland got from Munina was generally correct, but he underestimated Munina's self-praise filter.

According to Alina, the total population of sirens and fishmen is about three million, of which slave owners and free people are about 300,000, and the rest are low-level fishmen and slaves.

"Your judgment is already very accurate, but the little siren's brain is not very clear. I will go and have a good chat with her later, hoping to learn something new."

Seeing that Alina finally found something to do and was not too empty, Roland naturally would not object.

"Alina, you can act completely freely without asking for instructions for everything."

"Please call me Miss Revenge."

"Okay, Miss Revenge."

Watching Roland leave, Alina sighed lightly, her expression becoming more and more complicated.

It can be seen that Roland does not like the name of revenge.

In fact, she doesn't like it either.

Roland called her by her real name instead of a code name, just to remind her that life cannot be only about hatred.

If there is only hatred, the whole person will feel particularly empty after revenge.

She certainly understands this truth.

But before she returns to her real name Alina, she will not have any thoughts except revenge.

Let the future Alina worry about her future life.

She is now codenamed Revenge, a faceless person hiding in the shadows.

Alina stood up, and thought of Roland's second fishing plan, and her back felt slightly cold.

Although Roland always kept a kind smile in front of his friends, his methods against his enemies were particularly sharp and even cruel.

Fortunately, he is a friend.

With a light touch of her white palm on her face, Alina changed her face again.

Today's Miss Revenge also has a brand new look and a brand new mood.

She strode out.

It was indeed a bit stuffy to stay at the bottom of the cabin, and she was going to chat with the seafood.

These guys were still not honest even when they were at the pot.

She didn't believe that Munina, the daughter of the patriarch, couldn't even count.

If Munina didn't understand mathematics, she would teach her seriously from the beginning.

For some reason, thinking of Roland's second fishing plan and his confident smile, Alina inexplicably had an illusion that her revenge was not a fantasy, but was really possible?

She smiled self-deprecatingly and extinguished her fantasy.

Stop fantasizing, Miss Revenge.

Roland was willing to help Sif because he could gain huge benefits from her.

What's the benefit of helping her?

Sif is the orthodox emperor with good appeal, so it's not difficult to help her consolidate power.

But she is a traitor wanted by the Golden Kite Country. Even if Roland is willing to help her, it may take a long time to complete revenge.

Carefully observe Roland's fate, advance to level seven as soon as possible, and return to the Free City to kill all enemies. Perhaps it is a more feasible solution.

Killing is easy, but it is a bit rude to want to get away with it.

But she doesn't care.

She doesn't owe this world anything, she only owes Roland two boat tickets and a train ticket.

Before she flies into the fire, she has to repay the favor.

She came to this world cleanly, and she doesn't want to owe anything when she leaves.

Alina showed Roland's token and took over the cell where the seafood was held from the guards.

The truth or dare game officially began.

At noon, the fleet docked.

The Emre Port dock was very lively.

The military and political leaders of the three overseas provinces all arrived to welcome the queen.

Sif and the cabinet reached a tacit understanding, and in exchange for the right to move freely overseas, they formally authorized the royal family members to stay as regents.

The cabinet reciprocated and notified the three overseas provinces with a formal document to fully cooperate with the queen's inspection tour. The specific time limit depends on the queen's mood.

The three provinces of Hansa and others are isolated overseas. Although each province has a large area and a large population, the order is very chaotic, and even basic taxation cannot be guaranteed.

The greatest significance of the existence of the three provinces is existence.

With these three provinces, Sussex has the position to continue to interfere in the affairs of the Rodinia continent.

The province of Brooke, with an area of ​​about 310,000 square kilometers and a population of more than 3.3 million, is a famous coal and iron ore producing area, with its capital in Brookeberg.

The Province of Serin covers an area of ​​about 160,000 square kilometers and has a population of over 1.9 million. Its economy is mainly based on international trade, and its capital is Serinx.

Hansa Province has the largest area, about 390,000 square kilometers, and a population of nearly six million. Its economy is mainly based on textile industry, processing industry and shipbuilding industry. It is a famous industrial zone in Rodinia. The capital Hamburg is a famous industrial and commercial city in the central and western part of Rodinia.

Hamburg is also the center of the three overseas provinces.

In order to maintain these three overseas provinces, the empire has to spend huge military and stability maintenance costs every year, which leads many conservatives to think that this is an abscess on the empire and they want to cut their losses.

Fortunately, there are more knowledgeable people in the empire, and this stupid suggestion was shot dead on the spot.

But the emergence of this suggestion also means that isolationism is still very popular in Sussex.

There is a deep gap between the old Sussex people and the new Sussex people overseas.

The last emperor Edward went to sea to tour the overseas colonies of the empire, and the last stop before returning to the mainland was the three overseas provinces.

As a result, there was a problem on this last section of the road.

Sif's first stop at sea was her father's last stop, which was a political signal in the eyes of those who were interested.

The fleet will stop at Emre Port and enter Hamburg after landing.

During the overseas period, this is the temporary palace of the Queen.

At the port dock, all the military and political officials of the three provinces are present.

The Queen's tour is a big event.

The last time the three overseas provinces welcomed the emperor's carriage was the last time.

They were not there at that time.

In their opinion, being sent to the overseas provinces is no different from being demoted.

The Queen's arrival brings not only pressure, but also opportunities.

The officials of the three overseas provinces also want to make progress, but they just suffer from the lack of opportunities.

Now that the opportunity has come, they must seize it.

The officials waited at the dock early.

The ships of this era have never been on time, and when they arrive is completely up to fate.

No one wants the Queen to not see them when she sets foot on Emre Port.

At this time, being present may not be remembered by the Queen, but not being present will definitely be remembered.

No one wants such a deep memory.

In the eager anticipation of the officials, the non-commissioned officer standing at the lighthouse in charge of lookout suddenly raised the flag and sent a signal to the dock that the fleet had arrived.

The officials who had been waiting for a long time were all excited and stood up straight, wanting to leave a perfect first impression on Her Majesty.

In addition to showing their demeanor, they also wanted to witness the Queen's peerless elegance.

There was no photography or video technology in this era, and the magic crystal ball used to record the impression was expensive and a disposable product. They had never seen the Queen's appearance.

Although they heard that her beauty was unparalleled in the world, they had to see it with their own eyes.

The appearance of noble women is often magnified by the filter of their status, especially the royal family.

Average appearance is beautiful, and the remaining charm can be boasted as unparalleled in the world.

Whether the Queen is really as stunning as the overseas edition of the Sussex Sun boasts remains to be seen.

Of course, as long as the Queen does not look too sorry, they dare to boast that she is the best in the world.

As the officials waited anxiously, the white rose flag hanging from the main mast of the Sovereign appeared in their field of vision, and the battleship slowed down and slowly moored at the largest berth.

Officials from the three provinces lined up separately, wishing they could tiptoe to take another look.

The salute sounded, the music started, and the full set of welcoming ceremonies was necessary.

Twenty-one salutes were the standard for welcoming the emperor, and also represented the attitude of overseas officials.

When the last salute exploded in the sky, the Queen's leading guard of honor lined up on the deck and played music to welcome the Queen.

After all, it was the head of the empire who was traveling, so the proper pomp and ceremony must be there.

The Queen played by the Magic Mirror slowly walked down the dock, and the entourage followed one by one.

Roland and Sif followed behind the Magic Mirror, showing their special status in the Queen's heart.

The moment the Queen stood on the dock, the souls of overseas officials froze, the band that was playing music was also stunned, and the etiquette officials in charge of leading were dumbfounded.

They had seen the Queen's portrait in the newspaper and imagined the Queen's true appearance, but no matter how rich their imagination was, they still couldn't imagine the Queen's spirit.

If beauty had levels, her beauty could dominate the world.

The whole world was the only one in color, and everyone else became black and white.

The Magic Mirror didn't feel strange.

Sif is the most beautiful girl in the world, and she is ahead of the second place by a large margin.

She raised her head and enjoyed the stunned gaze of the crowd. After Sif's reminder, she reluctantly said softly to all officials and citizens:

"Everyone, I already know your enthusiasm, no need to be polite."

Her voice pulled the ignorant overseas officials back from the fairy tale world, and the officials from the three provinces rushed to the Queen, trying to seize the favorable terrain of kissing boots.

It is an honor to meet the Queen and get the opportunity to kiss gloves or boots.

Their hope for progress lies in the Queen, so naturally they dare not neglect it.

Seeing the anxious and eager eyes of the officials from the three provinces, the magic mirror smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand according to Sif's instructions, and said softly:

"I know all the contributions you have made to safeguard the overseas interests of the empire."

She named the names of the senior officials and garrison generals of the three provinces one after another, simply and clearly mentioned their achievements over the years, and gave them the honor of kissing their hands.

Although there was still a layer of lace gloves between them, it was enough to make these officials excited.

What excited these officials was not the glory of being in close contact with the Queen, but the fact that Her Majesty knew their achievements so clearly.

In addition to being excited, they were also a little shocked.

Since Her Majesty knew the good things they did, she naturally also knew the "good things" they did.

Just because she didn't say anything doesn't mean nothing happened.

After the officials were ecstatic, they also began to worry.

They didn't know if the queen was a perfectionist who couldn't tolerate any flaws.

If she was serious, not many officials present would be able to pass the test smoothly.

Nothing could be seen from the queen's fair and calm face.

The officials were even more flustered.

With three parts of joy and seven parts of trepidation, they surrounded the queen and entered the reception hall of the Port Authority.

This is the best reception hall in Emre Port.

But the highest level of reception before was only ministers and provincial officials.

This is the first time to receive the emperor here.

This is an important event that needs to be recorded.

The queen's face was almost expressionless, which made the officials' hearts beat wildly.

After the initial joy, the officials who were dominated by uneasiness were a little flustered. This welcome dinner, which was so rich that it was almost luxurious, didn't taste good.

The huge lobster lay quietly on the plate, maintaining a posture of baring its teeth and claws, and opening its claws towards the officials.

In front of the Queen was a giant lobster nearly one meter long, steamed red, and the meat was extremely delicious.

However, the Queen only took a few bites symbolically.

The lobsters in front of the officials were much smaller than the Queen's, but they were also rare treasures.

Such large lobsters are rarely seen at ordinary times, but few people are in the mood to eat them now.

Only Roland, who was accompanying the Queen, had a good appetite and ate slowly.

Just when everyone had no taste for food, the magic mirror finally received the order forwarded by Sif from Roland.

Her face was calm and she said calmly:

"Everyone, I only come here to do three things. First, find relevant clues about the disappearance of my father and the Fourth Fleet; second, visit everyone; third, select loyal and capable officials to accompany me back to the imperial capital."

The officials were stunned for a full five seconds before they recovered.

The Queen's meaning was very clear. She wanted to find clues about the disappearance of the previous emperor (cause of death), and she also wanted to select a group of officials to promote her direct line.

The officials were so excited that they almost burst into tears.

They thought that being thrown overseas was destined to be far away from the center of power.

After all, the emperor didn't know what they did overseas.

But now the situation has changed.

The queen is here, watching them.

If you don't work hard at this time, do you still want to make progress?

The queen's words gave all officials a reassurance.

When the queen raised her glass and invited everyone to work together for the prosperity and strength of the three provinces, everyone stood up excitedly to respond.

Including the generals who were a little disappointed just now.

Did you hear it?

We must work hard for the strength of the three provinces!

What is strong? That must be to build a stronger army!

No one knows how to be strong better than the generals.

They smelled the smell of gunpowder and blood, and also smelled the temptation of making achievements.

The wine in the glass was drunk.

Everyone's face flushed.

Not drunk, but intoxicated by the beautiful blueprint outlined by the queen.

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