In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 127 The unexpected happened

The sea breeze was pleasant and the sun was bright.

For Sif, who was used to staying in the imperial capital, the vast blue sea had endless magic, which constantly aroused her curiosity.

Leaving the imperial prison and breathing the air of freedom, her mood was particularly bright.

After going out to sea, Earl Tyrone disappeared temporarily, and she became the queen again, while the magic mirror was quietly resting in the bedroom.

Her entourage was 230 knights of the White Rose Knights.

Before departure, Roland said frankly that this trip would take a long time and the risk factor was very high, and everyone's wishes must be consulted.

Those who didn't want to go would not be forced, anyway, the headquarters also needed someone to stay.

What surprised him was that almost all the knights took the initiative to ask to participate.

Some people smelled the opportunity to make achievements, some people ate royal meals and served the royal family, and some people just went with the flow.

There were a few who didn't want to come at all.

Roland selected a mature and steady silver knight as the captain of the remaining team, and all the others set off.

This also included Norton, who had just started to build a laboratory.

After learning about the sea voyage, Norton chose to follow without hesitation.

Roland had done him a favor, and it was his hope for revenge.

He brought his new daughter Nana, who was undergoing transformation, with him.

Roland's persuasion made him stop transforming himself, but his daughter's transformation could not be reversed, so he had to continue.

What surprised Roland was Raikkonen.

This kid was too young, and Roland had planned to let him stay in the imperial capital to build an intelligence network, closer to home, but he smiled and refused.

Roland saw in his eyes the desire to make achievements and the ambition to stand out.

In this case, let's go together.

Roland originally planned to build two intelligence networks, one in the open and the other in the dark.

Raikkonen was the intelligence network on the surface, and Alina was the existence hidden in the shadows.

After going to sea, most people were very happy, talking and laughing, with the exception of Roland.

His spirit was always tense, and he dared not relax at all.

The first day passed, and nothing happened.

When Bridges was teaching him and Sif, he also specifically mentioned how safe the Dovol Strait was.

"This strait is far from the deep sea, there are many ships coming and going, the weather conditions are good, and there are no sea monsters. Your Majesty does not need to worry too much."

Sif praised Bridges' professionalism, but Roland chose to remain silent.

The next day, the wind was calm.

The crew used crab nets to catch a lot of crabs and seafood.

The pure natural seafood without additives tasted delicious and original, and everyone liked it.

Roland had no appetite, even if Lisa cooked it herself.

His brows furrowed even tighter.

Not many people noticed his abnormality, and even if someone noticed, they just thought he was worried.

There was only one exception.

After dinner, in the captain's room, Sif looked at Roland curiously and asked softly:

"Did you find anything?"

"I didn't find anything, and Bridges said there was nothing unusual, but I still feel something is wrong."

Sif was speechless. She tapped the table with her fingertips and said teasingly with a smile: "If it exists, it exists, and if it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. This is what you taught me."

"I know it's a bit unreasonable to say this, but I always feel that the silence around me is scary."

It's a wonder for a dignified time traveler to go out safely.

If Sif is born with a trouble-making physique, it would be an accident if nothing unexpected happened.

Sif didn't know what Roland was worried about, but her confidence in Roland was even greater than Roland himself.

Roland suspected that there was something wrong, so there must be something wrong.

She stood up suddenly, her voice a little low, "Now let all ships take roll call and check the people to see if there is any problem. If there is no problem, we can sleep well."

She hinted to Roland that if there is really something wrong, it should be discovered and solved early.

If there is nothing wrong, then don't be suspicious and sleep well.

Sif smiled and said, "It will take about fifteen hours to reach Emre Port. There are still many things to do after landing. I have to have a good sleep."

Not wanting to ruin Sif's good mood, Roland also laughed.

Sif was right. There was no point in being suspicious.

It was even more inappropriate to be suspicious with the absurd reason that time travelers are prone to accidents when they go out.

Then check it again.

After receiving the order, Bridges frowned slightly. He wanted to say something, but he still raised his right hand and saluted skillfully.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Anyway, we will arrive at the port tomorrow, so just treat it as an emergency exercise.

There is no need to make a big deal about this and have a conflict with the Queen's number one favorite.

Although the Queen did not mention Roland, Bridges had long believed that it was Roland who was making trouble.

How could the kind and great Queen make things difficult for everyone?

It must be the instigation of the pretty boy!

Although he had some complaints in his heart, the Queen's order must be carried out.

Bridges executed orders very efficiently.

He ordered all ships to take roll call immediately and report the situation of the ships.

The captains of all ships were somewhat helpless.

The ships had already dropped anchor and the sailors had all gone to sleep. It would be a hassle to take roll call on the entire ship at this time.

They quickly thought of the source of the disaster.

First, General Bridges was ruled out. He loved his soldiers like his own sons and would not do such a thing.

Secondly, Her Majesty the Queen was ruled out. She was kind-hearted and would not do such a thing.

It must have been done by Roland, the shameless pretty boy!

Amid everyone's complaints, the roll call of the entire fleet began.

Fortunately, all the ships had already anchored, so the roll call only affected the rest of the sailors, not the voyage.

After some trouble, all the ships fired flares, indicating that there was no problem with their ships.

The intelligence was gathered to the flagship, and Bridges hurried to the captain's room to report the situation to the Queen.

He was very respectful to the Queen, but not so polite to Roland.

Although he didn't confront her directly, he said a lot of things like "the navy and the army are completely different" and "please don't point fingers at navy affairs if you are an army layman."

But he still underestimated Roland's thickness of face. Facing Bridges's implicit sarcasm, Roland just thought it was the sea breeze blowing past his ears.

As long as he didn't point fingers at him, it had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that Roland was unmoved, Bridges' stereotype of him as a shameless pretty boy deepened a little.

Just as Bridges was about to leave, Roland suddenly said something shocking.

"Let the fleet set sail."

This made Bridges stunned.

Sailing in a large fleet at night, is this crazy?

In the sailing age with extremely poor lighting conditions and low observation capabilities, sailing at night is very risky.

If it is a single ship, it is understandable, but so many ships sailing at night together is crazy, isn't it?

Bridges couldn't stand it anymore and complained directly to the Queen.

"Your Majesty, if you think the head of the Knights knows more about naval warfare than the rear admiral, I can resign."

This sentence was directed at Roland without hesitation, expressing Bridges' anger.

Although Sif believed in Roland, she knew that she could not control the fleet without Bridges, so she winked at Roland and signaled Roland to explain.

"Roland, there must be a reason for your sudden whim, why don't you tell me."

Bridges almost fainted.

Her Majesty was really fascinated by this pretty boy, and her brain was almost gone.

It's heartbreaking.

Facing Bridges's distressed expression, Roland said calmly:

"General Bridges, don't you think it's too quiet outside?"


He pointed out the window and said in a deep voice: "General Bridges, you are also an old sailor. Apart from the famous doldrums, which sea area is so quiet at night?"

Hearing Roland's words, Bridges's face became even uglier.

"There is wind, didn't you hear it? The wind is obviously strong."

Roland said nothing and walked directly out of the door.

He casually raised a handful of shredded paper.

The shredded paper flew into the sky, was blown away by the wind, and slowly fell to the ground.

There was wind, but it was not strong, far less than the sound of the wind.

Bridges' face was as ugly as a dead man, and he thought of something terrible.

He pulled out a musket from his waist, tremblingly stuffed the flare into the barrel, gritted his teeth and fired a red flare at the dark night sky.

The red track cut through the night sky, issuing an urgent order to all ships.

Weigh anchor and sail immediately.

The captains of each ship were a little confused. While executing the order, they kept using light signals to ask the flagship if the order was wrong.

They soon got a clear answer.

The order is correct, execute!

The Sovereign moved the fastest, and the first ship rushed into the darkness to open up a forward passage for the fleet.

Bridges roared and issued orders, asking them to act quickly.

The Sovereign took the lead, and other battleships and cruisers set sail quickly in a temporary formation.

All lights that could be turned on on all ships were turned on to avoid collisions.

They had a clear goal, Emre Port.

No matter what happened, being able to dock safely was a small matter.

Although the Sovereign moved quickly, Bridges didn't smile at all.

He was careless.

When I was sleeping in the cabin just now, I heard the sound of wind outside the window, and I felt very at ease, but I didn't notice that the size of the wind didn't match the sound of the wind.

Damn, why was it Roland who discovered the problem?

Bridges was very upset.

He was so energetic that he taught others every day, which was simply a joke.

The people who listened to his class taught him a lesson today.

The name of this lesson is to be vigilant at all times.

He could only pray silently in his heart that trouble would run slower than the Sovereign.

However, good things don't work, bad things work. Not long after the fleet set out, an accident still happened.

When Bridges was feeling uneasy due to anxiety, a beautiful and graceful song came from the sea, as if a girl in the deep sea was showing her singing voice.


Bridges's face became particularly ugly.

He roared hoarsely: "It's the Siren! Quick, plug your ears!"

It's useless to plug your ears, because the Siren's song has the magic to penetrate the soul.


A sailor on a ship couldn't resist the temptation and jumped into the sea.

In the dark night, jumping from a deck nearly ten meters high into the winter ocean, the result can be imagined.

Bridges kept giving orders, asking the sailors to quickly enter the cabin and quickly tie the seduced companions to the mast and railings to prevent them from jumping into the sea.

His orders were very timely, and the crews of each ship hid in the cabin and locked the cabin door.

Although the singing was full of temptation, most of the crew survived.

But there were also problems with this.

The crew hid in the cabin, and the ship was unmanned and could only drift with the current.

In the chaos, a destroyer collided with the cruiser next to it, causing serious damage to the destroyer.

Bridges looked as pale as death and kept giving orders.

Each of his orders was timely and very professional, minimizing the losses of the fleet.

But the ships could not be effectively manipulated, and the Sirens could surround the fleet wantonly and attack crazily.

Bridges painfully discovered that this was not an ordinary siren singing to seduce sailors, but a premeditated large-scale action.

There were at least dozens of Sirens participating in the action. They acted in unison and surrounded the fleet on all sides, aiming to wipe out the Fourth Fleet.

Bridges suddenly thought of the ending of His Majesty Edward and Planck, and his face became even darker.

Thinking that Her Majesty the Queen was also on the ship, he regretted and wanted to commit suicide.

He looked at the dark night sky with a dull look and cursed loudly.

Damn sunrise, why hasn't it come yet!

Sirens are monsters from the night and the deep sea, and rarely act during the day.

As long as they can hold on until daytime, the fleet will be saved!

Although a large number of sailors are bound to be lost, who can care so much now?

As long as Her Majesty the Queen is fine, the loss of any number of people is a small loss.

Even if he loses his own life, it's okay.

As long as the Queen is fine, the generous pension is enough for his family to live a rich life. He is only a major general now. According to convention, he will be awarded the first-class rank after his death. If the Queen appreciates his contribution, it is possible that his son will inherit the posthumous title.

Thinking of this, Bridges' dull eyes suddenly light up.

He pulled out the fluff in his fur hat, blocked his ears, and ran quickly to the captain's room.

He must guard the Queen.

While running, he was a little worried. Is Her Majesty the Queen okay now? What is she doing? Can that damned pretty boy protect the Queen?

Of course, he could not have imagined that Her Majesty, who was highly expected by everyone, was clearing her throat and preparing to have a singing duel with the Siren.

The ability of the extraordinary to resist the charming singing is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Although the singing is full of temptation, Roland and Sif are not greatly affected.

Roland did not rush to rescue a distressed sailor, but carefully observed the action pattern of the Siren.

After observing for a while, he said softly: "The singing of these guys is indeed beautiful, but I don't know how it compares with the elves."

"Not as good as me." Sif said calmly.

Roland thought of the Glory Day Celebration, when Sif's singing resonated with the 90,000 people in the square and even more people outside the square.

Her singing has soul, and can convey the true voice of the heart to the people.

She would never encourage people to jump into the water, but she can reach the depths of people's hearts.

The half-donkeys, the raven clan, and the deep-sea sirens are races that are as good at singing as the elves, and Sif's singing is not inferior to the extinct elf royal family.

Roland had an idea and said loudly: "Okay, let them know who is the real queen."

He took out the magic scroll from his lapel, put it on the ground, and a super-amplified magic circle was generated on the spot.

Sif understood, stood in the center of the magic circle, cleared her throat, and began to sing.

She sang the heart-clearing requiem from the ancient memory of the elves.

The peaceful song flowed through everyone's heart like a spring.

The sailor who was so frantic just now that he wanted to jump into the sea gradually calmed down.

Bridges rushed to the top deck just in time.

He stared at this scene in amazement.

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