In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 117 Want to make a deal, Alina?

Roland knew that Sif was insecure.

The late emperor passed away suddenly. One second she was enjoying the leisure life of a noble. Her biggest worry was which dress to wear to the next party. The next second she became the queen.

The enemy she had to face suddenly turned into a veteran politician who had been in politics for many years, and turned into the terrifying Queen Sophia.

Who else can feel safe?

Roland hopes to help her grow and establish a safe line of defense.

However, the answer given by Sif was somewhat surprising.

She is willing to learn, but she cannot feel safe without him.

In Sif's clear eyes, it was as if there was a villain clasping her hands together to beg him for help.

Roland was defeated.

He couldn't refuse, and he didn't want to refuse.

The convoy moved through the night.

Although traveling at night is a bit dangerous, we are now racing against time and don't care about that much.

Jace would not be too strict in carrying out the orders and would be more or less lax, and Sif could take advantage of the opportunity to meet with the people of the Fourth Fleet.

It would be inconvenient to wait for the War Minister's cronies to arrive.

Although it was unclear what Sif's purpose was in going to Port Dorval, Jace carried out the order very faithfully.

Facing the squadron leader who raised objections, Jess said coldly:

"Those who are unable to march at night can rest where they are. I don't care for idlers here."

Jace rarely gets angry, but he usually has a lot of authority.

Seeing him getting angry, several squadron leaders immediately changed their faces and patted their chests to express that they were definitely fine. This was all nonsense from their squad leaders, and they would restrain their troops to catch up.

While Sif was traveling overnight, the cabinet ministers who had just attended the royal dinner also held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

They thoughtfully did not notify Walder.

After all, the old gentleman is old, so don't bother him about working overtime late at night.

Albon was extremely active at this impromptu meeting.

He waved his cane and explained from a legal perspective how to legally restrain Sif's actions.

Seeing Alban's excited expression, those who originally suspected that he was secretly colluding with the Queen were relieved.

They nodded frequently, approving of Alban's profound knowledge.

Alban quoted from scriptures and described the dangers of the emperor's arbitrary actions.

William squinted his eyes and looked at Alban, his heart relieved a little, but there was a doubt that always lingered in his mind.

What are the benefits of Albon doing this?

When Wald retires or dies, will he move up the rankings in the cabinet?

He always felt that Albon's ambitions didn't stop there.

Albon's attitude was impeccable, but the more flawlessly he did it, the more uncomfortable William felt.

Just when William was tortured by suspicion, the moment Alban turned around, William saw the burning fire in the eyes of the Minister of Justice.

It was the fire of rage and vengeance.

He understood that Alban would become angry when he was rejected by the Queen and all his plans failed.

Mature politicians will not make this mistake unless they are really angry.

If you think about this, all of Albon's actions can be explained.

William's frown gradually relaxed.

Alban felt that there was no hope of progress, so he naturally vented his anger on the innocent queen who gave him hope of progress and then killed it with her own hands.

Very reasonable.

Seeing that Alban had finished venting, William smiled and said:

"Her Majesty the Queen is young after all, so it's normal that she can't stay in the palace. Instead of hindering her, it's better to guide her. We should take the initiative to arrange outings, hunting trips, and vacations for her."

"But she must be separated from ordinary people. I don't want to see this farce of the Glory Day celebration again."

After William completed his concluding remarks, other cabinet members nodded in agreement.

They only seek imperial power, not the throne.

If Her Majesty can behave herself, who would mind having a cute mascot?

It's a pity that Her Majesty the Queen did not recognize the situation clearly.

They, the ministers, could only coax her like a child.

After the meeting, the Minister of War and the General sent elite troops to strengthen the power to "protect" the Queen.

Although the order in Sussex is good, thieves will occasionally appear, and they don't want the Queen to sneak out and cause mischief alone.

It was a two-day journey, and it only took a little more than one day to arrive after the hard work of traveling day and night.

It was already night when we arrived at the port of Dorval.

The military port was still very busy at night.

The large port on the left side of Doval is a civilian port. Countless merchant ships depart from here every day to the countries of Rodinia mainland. There are also many privateers setting off from here carrying adventurers to seek wealth on the sea.

The main trading target of Dowall Port is the Golden Kite Kingdom.

More than 90% of the trade ships between the two countries dock here to unload their cargo.

This is the shortest distance across the strait.

The distance of three hundred nautical miles takes about two or three days.

Detouring other seaports will cause delays at sea for several days, and land transportation costs will increase sharply.

Unless goods are ordered from remote areas, all other trade between the two countries is completed here.

Sif received a welcome dinner organized by Dorwall City Council and the Port Authority.

She is a close minister of the Queen, a member of the royal family, and represents the authority of the Queen. How can local officials dare to neglect her?

Captain Jess also accepted the invitation as an accompanying official.

The dinner was held in a friendly, harmonious and harmonious atmosphere. Sif was very happy and had three drinks with the officials and naval officers present with a smile.

By the time the dinner ended, it was already late at night.

Sif took a nice hot bath, and then stayed temporarily in the most luxurious VIP suite of the Port Authority.

Her elegant and calm demeanor amazed everyone who attended the dinner.

As expected of a member of the White Rose family, this temperament is upper-class and authentic.

Jace also strictly followed the order of the Minister of War, and even sent people to arrange more than a dozen cavalrymen to stand guard around the room where she stayed, despite the objection of Sif's guards.

He followed the order very strictly, not less at all.

But not more at all.

The Minister of War ordered him to keep an eye on the earl and his entourage, so he arranged people to keep an eye on the people in the earl's mansion.

Only one person was missed.


According to his understanding, Roland is the head of the Royal Knights. Although he does not have a formal title, his official position is higher than Sif.

He is not part of Sif's entourage.

Strictly speaking, Sif is his entourage.

What does the Minister of War asking him to keep an eye on the earl's entourage have to do with the head of the Queen's Knights?

Soldiers have always been so meticulous in carrying out orders.

Jace is a soldier, an excellent soldier.

During the dinner, Roland left the Port Authority openly and blended into the Port of Dowall under the cover of night.

In just one night, it was simply a pipe dream to find someone in a port city with 50,000 permanent residents and more than 100,000 floating population.

Even if the Port Authority and the Municipal Government fully cooperated, it would not be possible.

Moreover, they would never cooperate.

But Roland had a way.

He took out the old ticket and wanted to get on the ship.

Standing in a hidden corner, putting the two halves of the ticket together, Roland muttered to himself:

"Hey, what's wrong with this ticket, can't it be put together?"

"Idiot, the lower half is taken upside down, how can you put it together!" A faint voice sounded from behind.

Roland smiled and turned around, and saw Alina, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Those who could approach him quietly were mostly extraordinary people of the same level or top intelligence personnel.

There were not many such people, and there was only Alina in the Port of Dowall.

Although she was disguised, Roland could recognize her at a glance.

"Alina, are you okay?" Although I know Alina is definitely not well, polite words are always an excellent choice to break the awkward situation.

Alina took off her black glasses and scarf, and said faintly: "I'm fine."

Her eyes were red and swollen, obviously she had been crying not long ago.

Her pupils were full of bloodshot, obviously she was seriously sleep deprived.

Her spirit was haggard and exhausted, obviously she was at a loss.

Can this be considered good?

Roland said calmly: "We are friends."

"You are now the Queen's favorite, and I am a dog who has lost my home."

Alina said calmly: "Thank you for remembering friends. If you can help me convince your government not to extradite me back to my country, I will be very grateful."

"Is the situation so serious?" Roland frowned.

He guessed that Alina was in trouble, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

Alina's expression was full of bitterness. "My father was murdered by political enemies. That night, a group of thugs broke into my house and killed all my family members. Including my mother, brother and sister."

"My father's students risked their lives to pass the news to me and told me to run, but I couldn't run away at all."

Looking at the boat ticket in Roland's hand, Alina laughed at herself, "It's ridiculous. I said I would take you to Jinyuan, but now I have become a wanted criminal in Jinyuan."

Roland frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Is the political struggle in your country so bloody? Even the elderly, weak, women and children are not spared?"

Political struggles killing whole families only happened in the early days of the Magic Empire. It is very rare in the major civilized countries on the Rodinia continent.

"At least on the surface they didn't do that. They just framed my father to kill him. It was a group of 'thugs' who killed my family."

Alina's eyes were empty, and she smiled bitterly:

"My family is an old noble family of the Golden Kite Kingdom, and it is also the main founder of the republican system. In order to avoid suspicion, my father took the initiative to give up the core power."

"He wanted to make generous concessions in exchange for the unity of all classes, but it turned out like this."

Roland was silent.

I thought Alina's father was a political idiot, but I didn't expect him to be a martyr who sacrificed his life for his ideals.

He was in awe.

Just in awe, he would never imitate.

Alina's father wrote an irreversible lesson with the blood of the whole family.

The military power, personnel and financial power must be firmly grasped in the hands.

Giving up power in exchange for unity seems great, but it is actually stupid.

This is no different from a hunter putting down his hunting rifle to embrace a lion and tiger.

Of course, Alina is already extremely sad and desperate, so it's better to save such words that are not conducive to unity.

Alina looked up at Roland and bit her lip and said, "Do you think my father is stupid?"

Roland didn't say anything.

You said it yourself, I didn't hint at it.

Alina said faintly, "My father had three close comrades-in-arms. They fought side by side with my father in the war against the emperor. They were comrades-in-arms for life and death."

"My father is not an idiot. When he gave up the presidency, he let these three people serve as speaker, defense minister and prime minister respectively."

"Many subordinates and students were also arranged to hold important positions in the government."

"He himself was beyond the core of power and compiled theoretical works on the operation of the republican system. He wanted to become the founding father of the republic and go down in history."

"He did this because of his extraordinary career. If everything goes well, he has a great chance of breaking through to rank seven."

"But he was betrayed."

Thinking of those traitors, Alina gnashed her teeth in hatred, and her lips became a little more rosy.

It was not to restore energy, but to bite the lip.

Roland listened to Alina's story very patiently and asked softly: "What are your plans?"

This sentence made Alina walk out of the flames of hatred. She was silent for a long time and slowly said:

"It doesn't matter what I want to do. What matters is that I can't do anything. I wanted to sneak back to the country and assassinate those traitors, but I couldn't even find a boat."

"Alina, have you contacted your former subordinates?" Roland asked in a deep voice.

"No, no. I don't dare to trust anyone now." Alina was a little frustrated.

"But you still came out to meet me."

"This is different. We have no conflict of interest." Alina sighed.

Roland half-jokingly teased, "Really? If I sell you out, how much do you think your government can give me?"

Alina was stunned. She laughed at herself, "I didn't think about it. Indeed, my head is very valuable, and I am worth double the bounty alive."

"Roland, kill me, and use my bounty to avenge me and my family."

"Why do you say that?" Roland looked at Alina in surprise.

Alina laughed at herself, "You never do anything that is not beneficial, but you also value friendship. This is the best solution. Go ahead, please avenge my family."

"Captain Alina, I need a boat." Roland held the old ticket in his hand, his voice calm.

Alina was a little angry. She cursed in Golden Kite language and said angrily:

"Roland, don't go too far. You can kill me, but you can't insult me! Where can I get you a boat now? I don't even have a boat myself!"

"Then you owe me another ticket, now two."

Roland said calmly: "You are right, I am a person who will not do anything without profit, but I don't think selling you for money is the best choice."

"The most beneficial option for me is to help you regain power."

Alina looked up in disbelief, a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes, and then quickly extinguished.

"Roland, don't joke. I believe you can help that girl with a brain as simple as a paramecium regain the imperial power. After all, she is the queen, and the power of orthodoxy is extremely strong."

"But I am different. My family was identified as traitors, a conservative hidden in the progressive forces, and an object that must be completely defeated. Even if you control the power of the entire Sussex, do you think you can completely defeat the Golden Kite Republic?"

"Even if you can completely defeat them, it will only confirm my identity as a traitor. The Golden Kite people cannot accept traitors."

Roland raised the ticket in his hand and said calmly: "Since you are desperate, why can't you bet on me?"

Alina was silent.

Yes, she was not qualified to come to the table. Roland gave her the chips. Why did she refuse?

"What's the price?"

"You owe me two tickets and a ticket to the romantic city. The price is naturally very high. You must fully support me in the future."

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