In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 113 You Can Have It All

"You can have them all."

Dreamland, sea of ​​flowers.

Elf Sif quietly listened to Roland's ramble, confusion and even incoherence as he talked about recent events, speaking softly but firmly.

Roland raised his head in astonishment and looked at Elf Sif in disbelief.

"Want them all?"

"Since you can't let go, this is the only way."

Elf Sif said gently:

"I don't understand why you are so entangled. In our elves, there is never any bondage by the marriage system, only the bondage of partners. People who love each other and live together are partners."

"If you can cherish them with all your heart, and they don't mind, is there any problem?"

Elf Sif looked at Roland with an idiotic look.

"The elves have a long life, and the lifespan of the upper class elves is more than three thousand years. In such a long life, no matter how good the relationship is, it cannot withstand the erosion of time."

"As long as they accept each other, multiple partners can lead to more fun in a long life."

"But they are not elves after all." The excitement in Roland's eyes swept away, and he became a little frustrated.

"They are all extraordinary beings. As long as they break through to the sixth level, they will have a long life. The idea of ​​an intelligent race with a long life is probably the same."

Roland understood Elf Sif's hint and breathed a sigh of relief, but his mind was still a little messy.

In the face of ferocious enemies, he can do whatever it takes.

Facing his gentle lover, he was a little helpless.

Looking at Roland's blank gaze, Elf Sif said softly:

"In my memory, there is a guy who is somewhat similar to you. He has several partners, but they get along well. His experience may give you some inspiration."

Roland's eyes shone.

Although the future described by the elf Sif is beautiful, it is like a castle in the air. He longs for it but finds it difficult to believe it.

After all, no matter how you look at her, she looks like a blank piece of paper, not a mature woman full of emotional experiences.

Since we have the ready-made experience of our seniors, we can naturally learn from it.

Elf Sif thought for a long time and said slowly: "He is the great sage of our clan and a good friend of mine. He has many partners, and his choice is to admit his inner lust and face it honestly."

"The Great Sage never conceals his love for the woman he likes. After gaining the admiration of a certain girl, he generously admits that he has more than one person in his heart, and then pursues other girls with the encouragement of his first partner."

Ah, so simple? Isn’t there any palace fighting scenes like Thirty-Six Strategies?

As if seeing through Roland's thoughts, Elf Sif said softly:

"Of course there are people who use tricks and tricks to defraud their partners, but their final outcome is not good."

"A multi-person relationship based on compromise, deception and coercion will eventually explode due to the accumulation of conflicts. Either the relationship will collapse, or it will be entangled in bad relationships."

"So your first target should be able to accommodate the other girls."

Roland was a little surprised and murmured: "You mean, the first target is Lisa?"

"Not really."

Elf Sif said calmly: "I don't care what you do, but if you don't give priority to the girl named Sif, you will lose her forever."


"There is no reason, just think of it as intuition." Elf Sif said calmly.

Women's intuition sounds unreliable, but the ancient wisdom spanning hundreds of millions of years that women follow their inner guidance sounds quite reliable.

Roland chose to believe in the elf Sif without hesitation.

She is a woman and a wise person, she definitely knows better than him.

He could probably understand Elf Sif's persistence.

Sif looks so much like her.

If the elf Sif hadn't experienced triple death and died completely, he even suspected that Count Sif was her reincarnated form.

In short, they have many similarities, and she definitely understands Sif.

Just do it.

Although it was cruel to put his dear sister Lisa at a later date, he had no choice.

Sharing half a heart is indeed painful, so is cutting a heart in half.

Seeing Roland's troubled expression, Elf Sif said softly: "The Great Sage once said that he is not a playboy and cannot love every partner equally, but there is one thing he can guarantee."

"He will try to let these girls live separately. No matter which partner he is with, he can be undistracted and give her the most passionate love."

Elf Sif snorted softly, her eyes filled with contempt for her old friend who had passed away for countless years.

"I don't agree with this outrageous argument, but his partner seems to accept it."

"Is it really acceptable?" Roland murmured.

"I don't know, that's their business."

Elf Sif frowned slightly, obviously not wanting to continue this topic, "Okay, you haven't finished telling today's story yet. What song did Sif sing to win the championship? Sing it to me now."

Roland's smile froze.

"Do you really want to listen? I don't sing very well."

"The best singers of humans are eclipsed by the elves. I have only seen half-donkeys, raven clans and deep sea sirens whose singing skills can compare with the elves."


Roland can accept that the deep-sea siren sings beautifully, but what about the half-donkey and the raven clan?

Since the elf Sif insisted on listening, Roland couldn't be pretentious.

She is his promotion mentor and even psychiatrist.

She didn't care, what was he afraid of.

As soon as Roland opened his mouth, Elf Sif was shocked.

She had never imagined that someone could sing so hard.

Each note was in tune, but it was so bad that I wanted to lose my hearing.

"Roland, shut up!"

The elf Sif couldn't help it and interrupted Roland rudely.

"No singing in the future."

Roland shrugged. It wasn't him who insisted on singing. It was you who ordered the song.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Roland suddenly had an idea and changed the subject.

"By the way, I have met the conditions for promotion, but I don't know how to get promoted. Do you..."

"Relax, let me see your soul card." The elf Sif reminded Roland softly.

Two soul cards appeared above Roland's head.

The [Writer] card has turned into a dazzling gold, and the [Knight] card has turned into a purple.

Elf Sif thought for a moment and said slowly: "Roland, you can be promoted to the knowledgeable star career [Literary Master] normally, or you can be promoted to the guardian career [Guardian Knight] reluctantly, and you can also open the hidden career [Inheritor], which is a special career of knowledgeable people."

"Are there any benefits?"

"Yes, you can learn the fighting skills of the elves, the dominant race of the Third Age, and inherit some of the memories of the elves."

Roland almost asked who he would learn from, but he quickly reacted when the words came to his lips.

Who else could it be? Of course, it was the great wise elf Sif.

"I would like to become [Inheritor]." Roland made the choice without hesitation.

"Very good, close your eyes." Elf Sif's voice was like a lullaby, lulling people to sleep.

He fell asleep quietly.

Looking at Roland's peaceful sleeping face, Elf Sif sighed softly:

"Who is willing to share love, it's just that her love for you is better than anything else."

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