
Abelardo fell to the ground, holding the blade that Lothar had stabbed with both hands.

The blade of Lothar's armed sword was stuck in the armor of the chain-mail glove, preventing it from moving forward even an inch.

"Okay, great, you succeeded in irritating me!"

The spectators in the stands thought that the situation was about to reverse and Lothar was about to turn defeat into victory.

Abelardo exerted force suddenly, his muscles swelled and became as hard as granite, and he forcibly overturned Lothar who was riding on him.

He immediately stood up and wanted to retrieve the half-sword he had stuck in the mud.

But how could Lothar give him this chance? His strong physical strength made him quickly get up from the ground, slam into him, and knock Abelardo aside.

He grasped the hilt and tip of the armed sword with both hands, trying to penetrate the gap in Abelardo's barrel helmet.

But this man moved faster. He protected his chest with his arms. After resisting the sword, he twisted his hands, grasped Lothar's sword blade, and twisted it into two pieces.

"Get out of my way!"

A hoarse roar came from his mouth.


Lothar was kicked out by Abelardo again.

Both of them were now bare-handed.

The breathing under the barrel helmet sounded like bellows.

Lothar noticed that Abelardo had grown taller than before.

The originally loose burqa was now bulging, and he was a little stooped, still looking like a little giant.

"What the hell are you?"

Lothar's tone was a little solemn.

Abelardo sneered: "What do you think?"

Due to the noise from the outside world, the conversation on the field was not heard by others.

Lothar didn't raise his arms to reveal the opponent's true identity. He just had a glimpse, and he couldn't be sure what kind of monster the opponent really was.

Even if he was 100% sure that the other party was not a normal human being, without evidence, he could not do anything to Abelardo, and instead made himself look like a clown.

What's more, the field is so chaotic now that even if he shouts, others can't hear him clearly.

"What if I give in?"

Abelardo chuckled softly: "It's too late. You won't have this chance. As long as you dare to raise your hand and make a move, I will kill you immediately!"

He raised his hand to indicate defeat.

This is usually a simple action.

But when facing an opponent like Abelardo, it is tantamount to taking the initiative to expose his flaws. At that time, Abelardo can shirk himself as a conditioned reflex and subconscious behavior.

In the arena, life and death depended on fate, and no one would blame him for it.

"That's really bad."

Lothar spoke perfunctorily, but the next moment, his body suddenly relaxed like a taut bow string, and he rushed directly towards Abelardo's half-sword that he had just lost.

"This cunning little boy."

Abelardo cursed secretly in his heart and pounced out. The heavy armor did not affect his agility in the slightest.

Just when Lothar was about to grasp the hilt of the sword, Abelardo grabbed his calf and staggered him to the ground.

When Lothar fell to the ground, he directly raised his fist and hit Lothar's leg hard. The severe pain instantly occupied Lothar's mind.

He gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out.

When he kicked the opponent on the head and kicked him away, Lothar also successfully got the half-sword in his hand, but Abelardo was obviously not panicked at all.

He stood opposite Lothar and said in a gentle tone: "I'm lame on one leg, how are you going to fight me next?"


There was a wry smile on Lothar's face.

He held his broken leg with half a sword.

Then he looked at Prajna outside the court.

"This time, my fate is tied to you, Prajna."

He murmured silently.

If he had known that Abelardo had such terrifying power, he would not have fought hard at all.

All he got was the title of a champion knight and a sum of money... He had no intention of becoming a vassal under Count Leopold.

Just when Abelardo thought Lothar was distracted and planned to go around behind him and attack.

Prajna, who was fighting outside the fence, looked like she had a layer of frost on her face. The people around her subconsciously moved away from her, separated by more than ten meters.

In Lothar's ears, the system prompt sounded like the sound of nature.

Your intimacy with the Legendary Servant Prajna increases to Friendly.

Unlock the first bond shared talent: Solid Stone (Immune to all physical damage for the next three seconds.)

You will share with your followers: Prajna, one of your own talents.

Since you only have one talent, this talent defaults to: Being a Human Being for Two Lifetimes (the fusion of two souls, you are born with twice as much mental power as an ordinary person, and the upper limit of your mental power is permanently +5).

Lothar stopped paying attention to the system prompts and decisively chose to activate the "Solid Rock" talent.

Abelardo's heavy punch hit Lothar's body, but it did not cause him any pain. He just staggered due to the huge force and stood firm again.

"Fall down!"

Abelardo rushed forward, knocked the half-sword in his hand away, and pushed Lothar to the ground.

Bang bang bang——

The sound of iron fists hitting the body was endless.

Lothar seemed to have completely lost the ability to resist, letting Abelardo's powerful and heavy iron fists keep hitting him.

Some of the ladies in the stands were flushed and excited, but most of them quickly covered their faces with expressions of intolerance.

"Abelardo is so strong, but I wonder if he is also capable in bed?"

"The knight named Lothar is also very powerful, but it's a pity that Abelardo is stronger."

"My heavenly father, this is so cruel. I never imagined that the gentle and gentle Knight Abelardo could be so cruel on the battlefield."

Suddenly, Abelardo's body froze.

He saw a broken sword tip in Lothar's hand, and he pierced it from behind into the chain armor neck guard that was stretched thin because he lowered his head.

"Oh my God, what has he done?"

"It's the tip of his armed sword. When did he hold it in his hand?"

"This is a dishonorable act. He actually killed Abelardo with trickery!"

In the stands, people started making noises.


Lothar knocked the heavy man to the ground.

He could feel that Abelardo's originally bulging body was quickly becoming dry, as if it had leaked air.


A terrifying, scalp-numbing laughter rang out.

A large group of black blood foam overflowed from the gap in Abelardo's helmet.

Abelardo's intermittent and weak voice sounded: "It turns out that you are not fucking human either. Just wait, sooner or later, you will be like me."

"Heavenly Father will not favor people like us."

Lothar ignored the arguments ringing in his ears.

He looked at Prajna not far away. His eyes above his veil were still as cold as the moon.

It seemed that he had never been worried about his safety from beginning to end.


Lothar opened the mask under Abelardo's helmet, revealing a terrifying head covered with gray hair, like a wolf.

The noise in the stands fell silent.

What followed was even more noisy discussion.

"Oh my God, Abelardo. Is that Abelardo?"

"Father, what did I just see? Abelardo's head is actually a wolf's head!"

"It turns out that Abelardo is actually an evil werewolf, and none of us discovered it. No wonder he has so much physical strength!"

"This Lothar actually killed a werewolf. This is a legendary monster!"

Count Leopold looked at the witch consultant beside him, with some doubts and confusion in his expression.

The red-robed witch smiled and said: "Abelardo is indeed a werewolf, but his blood is not strong, and he is not haunted by the spirit of injustice. This proves that he is not a murderer indiscriminately."

Leopold said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

The smile on the face of the red-robed witch remained: "Why do I have to tell you? Is there any harm in recruiting a powerful werewolf as your subordinate?"

Leopold was silent.

No one noticed this brief conversation.

At this time, the terrifying noise in the competition arena was almost shaking the sky.

The focus of their discussion, Lothar, stumbled and fell to the ground. The fierce battle with Abelardo had exhausted all his energy.


In the bathhouse in Lienz.

Lothar let his body float on the water. He recovered very quickly. His physical strength exceeded ten points, making his endurance far beyond that of ordinary people.

Most of the bruises on his body have disappeared.

Even the worst bruises on his calves were not that obvious now.

Fortunately, he also wore chain armor leggings on his calves. If he were a poor knight wearing leggings, his leg bones would probably be broken directly.

This bathhouse is said to have been renovated from a relic left over from the ancient empire. It looks extremely spacious and atmospheric.

Incense was burning on the side, and the maid was waiting respectfully, her graceful figure looming behind the tulle, ready for him to enjoy at any time.

This once belonged to the province of Noricum in the ancient empire.

Although the empire died, people are still full of longing and yearning for the country buried in the ruins of history.

To this day, the Eastern Empire remains the light of civilization.

The lords of Lienz throughout the generations preserved and repaired the bathhouse on this basis.

Unfortunately, it has been transformed from a public bath into the private property of the lord.

The habit of people not bathing in the Middle Ages came about after the Black Death, because some priests believed that bathing would open the pores and make it easier for viruses to invade.

Before that, people in the Middle Ages also loved bathhouses, which were places for socializing and leisure.

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