in the hospital.

The lights in the operating room were quickly extinguished.

Hu Guang was directly transferred to the ICU ward for a new round of observation.

The wound was vertical and horizontal, deep and fierce.

The distance from the heart line will cause different degrees of damage to other organs.

If he hadn't stopped the bleeding and cooled down in time, his life would have been ruined on the road.

When Qiao Xiachu came over, the doctor asked them to stay on guard for three days, and after passing the next critical moment, they could be transferred to the general ward.

She slowly relaxed.

It's fine.

But at this moment, Rong Huaiyan and Erhei came in from the outside together. After learning the details from her, both of them breathed a sigh of relief. If it got serious, they would have the intention to kill someone.

Hu Guang saved his life from the gate of hell.

It was dangerous.

"How is your sister?" Er Hei asked.

Qiao Lin has a lot of good words.

Along the way, the little mouth kept babbling, and it never stopped.

As long as the team stopped to rest, she sang in front of everyone, and said without shyness that she would use her natural voice to cheer everyone up and boost morale.

She bought several suitcases of compressed biscuits from the base, and brought a dozen boxes of mineral water and instant noodles in a trailer. When it rained and everyone was unhappy, she took out the things and shared them.

Erhei prohibited everyone from taking her things several times, otherwise her food would be divided.

The little girl doesn't know how to take care of life at all.

Qiao Xiachu said: "It's all right now, she's sleeping soundly in the room, she won't wake up for a while."

After taking her to the hospital, the doctor gave her a CT scan and a full-body examination. There was no major problem, except that a large chunk of hair on her head was shaved off. The nurse also applied medicine and bandaged her with gauze.

"That's good, that's good." Erhei sighed.

He didn't expect that someone would sneak in. It seems that the security of the outer city needs to be strengthened, and the people who enter the base must be strictly examined. Such vicious people must not be allowed to enter the base.

Regardless of the cause of the disaster, it is extremely difficult to manage and affects the security of the base.

"Then you stay in the hospital for a while, and I will mobilize manpower and issue new documents." Erhei said.

"Uncle Hei, go and do your work. I'll be in the hospital and everything will be fine." Qiao Xiachu said.

Rong Huaiyan also urged him to leave quickly, and checked the people in the outer city to see if there were any other criminals sneaking in. The incident with Sun Minglin last time has not passed yet.

Erhei turned around in minutes and went out.

As soon as he left, Rong Huaiyan took her hand and asked, "When are you going back to the first base?"

But at this moment, Qiao Mobai ran in from outside anxiously.

After the meal, he was temporarily transferred away by the laboratory notice. When he returned, he found that his sister and brother-in-law were nowhere to be seen. He was very frightened. When he got the news from the security office, he rushed to the hospital immediately.

"Sister, why do you want to go back to the first base?" He worried.

It's dangerous over there.

Everything that happened in Tianding last time is vivid in my mind.

Triple fire, focus on them.

The wound has not healed, and if he returns to Zoucheng, it will be a narrow escape.

Knowing that he was worried, Qiao Xiachu patted his arm lightly and said, "Don't worry, this time Qiao Dongliu sent someone to assassinate me but failed. As long as he doesn't get any news for a day, he will not dare to act rashly for a day. I have already waited long enough."

Can't wait any longer.

She and Qiao Dongliu, either she died or he died.

There is no second ending.

That being the case, she must take the initiative to attack now.

When the poisonous snake turns over for the second time, they will only suffer more damage.

After hearing what happened, Qiao Mobai seemed to understand something, and said with a wry smile: "I know, my sister will definitely not take me there, right?"


Receiving an affirmative answer, he remained silent.

He can understand.

With his ability, going to Zoucheng will only drag down his sister. Since his strength is too low, he should stay in Liaocheng and continue to study the challenges he has to face.

My sister said that not only will there be drought and pests, but also plague and acid rain...

He tried his best to find ways for her to solve her problems.

"Brother-in-law, I know I can't persuade her, but you will accompany her to Zoucheng, right?" Qiao Mobai asked.

Rong Huaiyan was taken aback.

It was the first time he saw Mo Bai calling him brother-in-law so seriously.

"Of course," he said.

For the trip to Zoucheng, as Qiao Qiao's boyfriend, it was his duty to do so.

"Then you must protect her well. I only have one sister, which is also the greatest meaning of my life. I will practice marksmanship well, and one day, I will fight side by side with you." Qiao Mobai said vigorously.

"Don't say such things, you are also the most important relative in Qiao Qiao's life, protecting yourself is protecting her." Rong Huaiyan.

No one knows this better than him.

I'm afraid even Qiao Mobai himself doesn't understand.

The last touch of light in the midst of despair and defeat was what he gave to Qiao Qiao.

"I understand, I understand everything." Qiao Mobai.

He silently made up his mind that apart from research work, he would use all the time left to practice marksmanship, strengthen his physique, become stronger, become stronger...

"Mobai, go back and rest first. Linmei wakes up tomorrow. I'll take her back to 101 and let her stay at our house temporarily." Qiao Xiachu said.

Although she didn't know the details of what happened back then, she probably guessed everything from the fact that several people in Laochang mistook Qiao Linmei for herself.

Stocking is one way.

But strict teaching can also make people grow quickly.

Then keep her by your side.

"Okay." Qiao Mobai nodded.

He didn't refuse any more.

He absolutely obeyed his sister's decision.

Qiao Mobai went back silently. As soon as he returned to the house, he picked up his gun, took advantage of the dark night, and went to a deserted place to practice marksmanship.

Over and over again.

Every time he fired a shot, the recoil hit his arm hard, making him numb, but he didn't stop for a moment, and he didn't return to the house until he lost feeling in his arm.

Qiao Xiachu didn't know that he was training secretly at night. If he knew, he would definitely teach him well and not use brute force.

That night, she and Rong Huaiyan were guarding at the hospital, and they took turns to rest. At dawn, they were awakened by a scream.

"Ahhhhhh, I'm disfigured, I'm blind, woo woo woo, don't you guys have the heart to tell me the truth, I'm hopeless, don't you, otherwise why would you cover my head?"

Qiao Linmei's screams came from the ward.

When Qiao Xiachu rushed in, a figure rushed over in his arms instantly.

Qiao Linmei rushed over and hugged her tightly, tears streaming down her nose.

"Sister, I'm blind, will you dislike me, will I never find a partner, no one will love me anymore, woo woo woo..." She cried very sadly.

Crying and crying, she thought of Hu Guang, and said nervously: "Sister, Hu Guang was stabbed. Is he dead? I'm useless. If I didn't save him, I'm just a bastard. Boom."

Crying and crying, she knelt down and her voice changed.

"do not Cry."

Rong Huaiyan interrupted her mercilessly.

The people who cried so much that the whole corridor made a detour.

As miserable as a dead father.

Qiao Linmei immediately sobbed, her body twitched, she was too scared to cry, but she couldn't help it, tears flowed down her eyes and gauze.

Poor, like a wronged kitten with big eyes.

Qiao Xiachu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She lifted off Qiao Linmei's gauze and said, "You just had a layer of skin shaved on your head. Nothing happened at all. Hu Guang didn't die. His operation was successful."

Qiao Linmei felt her scalp go cold.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch it, and found that her eyes were in good condition, still crying.

Then, five fingers poked toward the forehead.

Quack cool.

She, she is bald...

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