The two of them went back and forth several times. Seeing that Qiuhuahua really didn't want the money for the seeds, Yun reached into her pocket and took out a few toffees and stuffed them directly into her hand: "Mother, if you don't want the money for the seeds, , then hold this candy with your sweet mouth."

After saying that, he picked up the straw hat placed on the stone wall and ran away: "It's almost time to start work, I'll leave first."

 Qiu Huaihua looked at the toffee in her hand, and then saw that Yun Yi had run away, and she laughed: "She doesn't like to take advantage of others."

The lame Zhang Jiashu glanced at the candy in his wife's hand: "Those small packets of seeds are not worth anything. This candy is an expensive thing, but it gives us an advantage."

Qiu Huaihua looked at Yunyi running away, thinking of her daughter who drowned and lost her life: "This girl is a nice person. Let's take more care of her if something happens in the future."

Yunyi left the Zhang family and went to Carpenter Yin's house again, but this time she did not enter the yard. She saw the Yin family's taciturn aunt drying the quilt in the yard: Aunt, are you busy? "

Last time, I was negligent. I was wearing filial piety and entered someone's courtyard. Although I didn't enter the house, it was ultimately my fault.

Gao Xiuhua saw that it was a young educated youth who was buying furniture that day: "Chu educated youth, are you here for business?"

As soon as Yun saw that she didn't mean to say anything, she said directly: "Auntie, I want to buy some wicker drying trays. If not, wattle ones will do."

Before Gao Xiuhua could reply, Carpenter Yin walked out of the room: "Chu Zhiqing, there are only two wicker drying trays left, are they enough?"

Yun glanced at the shed at the edge of the courtyard: "Uncle Yin, how big is it?"

Carpenter Yin smiled and greeted Yun Yi: "They are all hanging in the shed. Come in and take a look."

Yun smiled and waved her hands and said, "Uncle Yin, I won't go in. Give me those two wicker drying trays, and get two more wattle ones."

Carpenter Yin quickly took it out: "The braided wattle is more durable, and the willow is smoother." After paying the money, Yun Yi quickly walked back with the drying tray. It was almost time to start work in the afternoon.


Educated Youth Point

Li Rongjuan looked at the vegetables piled on the ground: "I said Deng Xiaojie, you are also serious, how come you picked all these peppers, big and small, and those eggplants, do you plan to eat them three times a day?"

Deng Xiaojie didn't care what Li Rongjuan said, and just kept braiding her hair: "If we don't pick it, we will have to take advantage of Chu Yunyi."

Li Rongjuan really couldn't stand it: "That piece of private land is not ours, and we didn't grow the vegetables. Ever since Jiao Zhiqing and Yan Zhiqing returned to the city, we went there and watered it once, and then we didn't take care of it again. If you do this, what will Chu Zhiqing and Liu Zhiqing think of us?"

Deng Xiaojie said disapprovingly: "You also said that we didn't plant the seeds and didn't take care of them. Then they didn't plant the seeds and didn't take care of them either. Why should we let them eat the ready-made ones?"

Li Rongjuan has become an old man, and now everyone is a little angry: "If you do this, others will not say that we educated youths are bullying others. I really don't know what you think?"

Qiao Yuxiang thought they were noisy: "Okay, let's calm down. Everything has been done. What's the use now? The vegetables will be wasted if we can't eat them. Why don't we cut them and dry them early tomorrow morning."

Geng Erhong finally figured it out. Among these people, Li Rongjuan is a good person, Deng Xiaojie is a good person, Cui Aiju is a person who will not suffer losses, and Qiao Yuxiang is a quiet person, but he is probably the most thoughtful.

They all have small calculations, but they don’t know that Yun Yi doesn’t even bother to be on the same level as them, and is really self-righteous.

 (End of this chapter)

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