Chapter 67 This brainless person

Sun's father raised his hands and rubbed his face: "With so many things happening in the family recently, someone must have deliberately targeted them. Your third brother's incident was just used as a reason."

Sun Aiming was silent for a long time: "That girl from the Chu family used to obey the third child's words. I don't think it could be her."

Father Sun's face was heavy: "You can call your second grandfather later and ask him to find out if Chu Yunyi has been assigned to other villages in the commune."

Sun Aiming felt a little resistant: "Dad, it's better not to make any calls. I'll go to the Educated Youth Office later to inquire about the situation. You also know that Grandpa Second is not likely to get anything done if he doesn't benefit.

I also need to restrain my mother. The family can no longer withstand any turmoil. Tell her not to talk nonsense outside. I have been marginalized in the department and I don’t want to make any mistakes again. "

 Grandmother was getting more and more angry as she thought about it in the kitchen. She originally thought that as long as Chu Yun went to her hometown to go to the countryside and had relatives in the family to help, it would not be difficult to control her as a little girl, but now she got such news.

I thought that if the daughter of the Su family had not been shameless and kept pestering the third child, how could their family have ended up like this, and my daughter would not have gone to the countryside.

Thinking again that the Su family had come to the house to ask for explanations, the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't hold my breath, so I took the rolling pin in my hand and rushed straight to the Su family.

 Half an hour later, someone ran into Sun's house: "Uncle Sun, it's bad, Aunt Sun injured Su Aiyu's mother."

Sun’s father stood up suddenly: “What did you say?”

The visitor was startled: "I just saw my aunt being pulled out of Su's house by the police at the street corner."

Sun’s father’s head buzzed: “This guy is brainless.”

 After cursing, he didn’t care about anything else. He didn’t even bother to change his shoes: “Aiming, let’s go, hurry up and see what’s going on?”

When they arrived at the police station, they found out that Su Aiyu’s mother had smashed a **** hole in her head with a rolling pin, and she was still in the hospital.

Come on, the feud between the two families has escalated. The Su family has spoken harshly and refuses to accept reconciliation.


Yun Yi looked at the house she had decorated by herself, and a smile appeared on her lips. From now on, this would be her own nest.

If she hadn't been signed up to go to the countryside when she came, she really wouldn't have chosen to go to the countryside. With her ability, she could make a good living working in any unit.

However, it’s not bad to survive in the green mountains until the college entrance examination is resumed.

 At least after returning to Beijing, there is no need to worry about changes in personality and arousing suspicion from neighbors. Going to the countryside is the ultimate explanation.

 Furthermore, the Northeast can enrich its space. Although there is no fertile land in the space, at least there are gaps that can be used. We look forward to its changes.

 After putting everything away, my stomach growled. It was time to finish the big porridge I had been cooking. I took out two buns from the space. This is tonight’s dinner.

She received the bowl of stewed rabbit with beans and rabbit meat that the party secretary gave her at noon. She thought that she would wait until Mr. Chu would have it for seventy-seven forty-nine days before eating meat.

If you occupy the body of the original owner, you have to do what you should do. You can't go to the grave to worship. At least you can still observe the filial piety.

 While eating, I boiled half a pot of water and prepared to pour it into the thermos later.

Just as she finished her meal and packed up to go back to the house, she heard movement from the yard next door.

Yunyi always feels that this Liu Chenglin is a bit elusive and doesn’t like to deal with people, but his behavior is okay

 Seeing that there was no movement there again, I carried the thermos back to the house, closed the doors and windows and entered the space.

 (End of this chapter)

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