“Thanks to Jinzhu!”

On this day, Qi En was not a run in vain, and when he returned home, he did have a feeling of returning with a full load.

After resting at home, Qi En returned to the game world with the little fire dragon in the afternoon, and the little fire dragon ate a medium-grade energy cube at noon today, which is obviously much more delicious than cherry fruit.

So the little fire dragon at this time can also be described as scrappy!

“Let’s go, let’s continue to go, Road Two!”

“Whoosh!” Hearing Qi En’s words, the little fire dragon also jumped to Qi En’s car, just sat on the back seat of Qi En, one person and one elf, and rode a small battery car that Qi En had just bought and ran towards the outside of Tokiwa City.

Road 2, like Road 1, is actually a very peaceful road, and no trainer will stop Qi En, and Road 2 has a total of two, one is to Tokiwa Forest, and the other is to the gopher cave, obviously the current Qi En does not have the problem of leveling up in the gopher cave.

But that doesn’t mean he’ll give up looting the good stuff here.

There are four good things on Road 2, one is on the north side of the gopher cave, there are three super balls there, then there is a leaf stone at the first entrance to the east, there is a good wound medicine in the second card, and then there is a house here with Dr. Ohki’s assistant who can get the flash secret machine.

Qi En naturally will not give up any of them, no, after riding the little electric donkey to this side, Qi En collected these things one by one.

One of the most valuable is the Leaf Stone.

This game should be bought in the game world, it costs 2100 yuan, and if it is sold, it needs 1050.

But this thing is out there, but it’s two completely different prices.

In this world, the real precious gemstones are not diamonds, colored diamonds, jadeite or something, the real precious stones are evolutionary stones.

Some rich people will even polish the top evolution stones into jewelry to bring, which is indeed brilliant.

Among all the evolution stones, the Fire Stone, the Thunder Stone, the Light Stone and the Ice Stone are the most expensive, because these four stones are also the most transparent, followed by the Moon Stone, the Water Stone, the Awakening Stone, the Dark Stone, and again the Leaf Stone and the Sun Stone.

The prices of the same quality of Fire Stone, Water Stone and Leaf Stone can be described as very different.

Take this leaf stone in Qi En’s hand as an example, the leaf stone in the game is naturally the most excellent, and it is worth 2 million to sell it when it is in reality.

But the same quality of water stone is worth at least 5 million, while the fire stone is worth 12 million.

Well, in fact, researching and researching evolution stones is also a good business.

However, this is currently related to Qi En, because he is not very short of money now, and there are no elves who need the evolution of Ye Zhishi, so keep it first, and talk about it later when necessary.

In addition to looking for these treasures, Qi En has also been upgrading with the little fire dragon fighting monsters.

Road 2 is actually not much different from Road 1, the main elves have changed from four to six, and the extra two are just two worms, green caterpillars and unicorns.

Obviously, for the small fire dragon of the fire system, the insect is not a threat to it.

Qi En this afternoon, while walking, while fighting monsters, and when he was ready to go home to sleep at nine o’clock in the evening, he also walked to the end of the second road, the rest hall of Tokiwa Forest, and at this time, the little fire dragon also increased from level nine in the morning to level 11, not far from level twelve, according to this speed, when he passed the Tokiwa Forest and arrived in Nibi City, the little fire dragon reached level 16, and it was not a big problem to evolve into a fire dinosaur.

Of course, for many people, Xiao Gang of Nibi Daoist Hall is indeed the nemesis of the fire system, which is a little troublesome, but for Qi En, it doesn’t matter, firstly, because of the level suppression, he feels that there is no big problem, and secondly, because he can also add skills to the little fire dragon.

Now only one splitting tile has been added, if necessary, Qi En can also add grass or water skills to it, MH modifier is so exaggerated, that’s how to change too.

That is, this modifier does not have the exclusive skills of divine beasts, otherwise he will not be able to make a divine fire, time and space roar and the like!

With this thought in mind, Qi En also came to the entrance of Tokiwa Forest, ready to withdraw directly and go back to sleep at this point.

But just as Qi En was about to withdraw and go back to sleep, suddenly a green thing like a garlic head appeared in the grass of the Tokiwa forest in front of him.

Looking at this play, Qi En couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and then when he was stunned, the grass was also pushed away at this time, and then a frog with a big mouth, a patchy pattern on his face, and a garlic head appeared in front of him!

“Magic frog seed? Why is there a frog seed here? Looking at this elf, Qi En was stunned, he really didn’t know that Tokiwa Forest still had this play.

In his impression, isn’t there only one vein of green caterpillars in Tokiwa Forest, and then a vein of unicorns, bobos, walking grass, trumpet buds, at most can you touch a Pikachu?

Why, why do you see garlic king eight, uh, magic frog seeds here?

“Could it be that Xinxin is also counted? But no, even if it is the heart gold and silver soul version, there are only goo, ladybug, round silk spider, acorn, mushroom, dull fire camel, jumping pig, and shallow bud, there can be no magic frog seeds? Ay? Wrong! ”

When Qi En was thinking about it, suddenly he thought of a possibility, rare Pokémon!

This is a new way to appear elves in later generations, only one rare Pokémon will appear on a map, and the rare Pokémon of Pikachu and Ibrahimo’s version of Tokiwa Forest are the seeds of the magic frog, the little fire dragon will appear in the 3rd and 4th roads and the Iwaiyama tunnel, and the Jeni turtle will appear on the 24th and 25th roads and the twin islands!

Laplace will appear on Roads 19 and 20, and Kabi will appear in the Hualan Cave.

And when riding a flying Pokémon, you have the opportunity to encounter Charizard, Freeze Bird, Lightning Bird, Flame Bird and Fast Dragon…

But Qin never took this seriously, because he had never encountered rare elves, and now he actually ran into it in the game world.

What else is there to say about this, you must not let it go! This is the full V of the Royal Three Families!

What the? How does Qin know it’s full V?

All the elves, aren’t they full of V in his hands, and harvesting the three royal families, it’s normal Well, he can’t really control the three fast dragons, plus the three divine birds to play the game, this is not killed alive?

Now that you see the wonderful frog seed, what else is there to say, roll it!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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