In the Blade

Chapter 545 Ancient Memories

Some rules are set on the surface, and some rules are unwritten.

Following Huode Xingjun's narration, Du Chengfeng realized that there was an unwritten unspoken rule among these powerful men.

"If you can't use otherworldly power, try not to use it. If you must use it, it's best not to be seen."

Originally, Du Chengfeng thought that the biggest purpose of this statement was to increase his strength. After all, once the powerful people use their specialized power, basically everything can be solved. As the saying goes, one force can reduce ten. , nothing can stop this unrivaled power - but doing so will also make things end too quickly, and the experience will be greatly reduced.

In the final analysis, the most important thing for powerful people to sneak into the mortal world is the experience process. As for whether the matter can be solved... is this a big deal?

Of course, there are some exceptions where these great powers cannot solve the problem even if they use extraordinary means. For example, if they happen to bump into another great power and the two sides fight directly - but this is another difference. of practice. Under the condition of restraining each other's means, only mortal power is used to determine the outcome. This is more like a special entertainment for the powerful people.

But no matter what the situation, there is an inevitable premise.

That is, try your best not to let others see those extraordinary abilities.


It was because he understood what Lord Huo Dexing said that Du Chengfeng became even more puzzled.

"Why can't we use the skills we worked so hard for? This kind of thing really doesn't make sense, does it?"

"You... well, I'll put it another way."

Mr. Huo Dexing thought for a while, and then asked about Du Chengfeng.

"Have you ever seen a heavenly immortal like me before?"


Du Chengfeng was about to say that this was not nonsense, how could he have known this old man before, but he immediately realized that what Huo Dexingjun wanted to say was something else.

What Huode Xingjun wanted to say was not whether he had seen himself, but whether he had seen other powerful beings in the sky.

Of course, he has never seen that before. Although he has seen many things claiming to be immortals, it is obvious that there is still a considerable gap between these things and the great powers in the sky - even speaking, these earthly beings The so-called immortals have actually never seen these powerful beings in the sky.

If they had really seen it, they would know how crude and ridiculous their so-called abilities were in the face of true immortality.

Just like the gray-black fire phoenix, if you had known from the beginning that you could live forever with just a firm will, then you wouldn't have had to dig out some secret weapon secrets from old papers or attach yourself to any weapon. On the body - from this point of view, Wu Zhao actually suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated, and his self-righteous way of immortality took a long way around.

As for Huang Tian... If this kid's family could realize that he was just digging holes deep into a cave-like place throughout his life, then they probably wouldn't be so obsessed.

"It seems you understand what I mean."

It was at this time that Lord Huodexing spoke again.

"Then, if you think about it this way, if you had seen a heavenly immortal like me before, would you want to become like me?"


Du Chengfeng nodded slowly.

If you think about it this way, if the descendants of the Chu people have really seen the power of the powerful, then there will be no detours. With a ready-made template in front of you, the descendants of the Chu people will be able to do it from the beginning. On the right path - As for Wu Zhao from Yin, I'm afraid he will only go one step further. After all, this kid can be said to have almost reached the right path.

That's what the saying goes, a slight difference can lead to a mistake of a thousand miles.

When there are no pioneers in front of them, when they can only rely on their meager knowledge to try and make mistakes, and keep hitting blindly, even if they occasionally get some seemingly feasible results, they may not be real. is the best path.

This point is most obvious to Huang Tian. The members of this family are almost the same as those powerful people Du Chengfeng knows. Their thinking level can even be said to be beyond the previous version, but the inherent thinking path is still blocked after all. They forced themselves into a dead end.

There is also the Nanchen Taizu who lived alone because he was invincible. This is even more...

If we could show them what real power looks like, even if we just let them see the power beyond ordinary imagination, would they take a different path?

Yes, they will definitely do it. After all, to reach that point, they themselves are no longer ordinary people. All they need is a little necessary inspiration and the most important advice.

As long as they see power, they can become powerful very quickly.

You only need to look at Du Chengfeng himself to know this. Becoming a powerful person is really not as difficult as imagined.

"That's why there is this unwritten rule."

Seeing Du Chengfeng nod, Lord Huo Dexing continued.

"Because there is no need to have so much power."


Du Chengfeng chewed on Huo Dexingjun's words and understood what the old man wanted to express.

What do you mean you don’t need to be so powerful? Isn’t this kind of thing something that can be solved once you have cultivated it? Why would there be such a sentence...

"I went to heaven quite late."

Seeing Du Chengfeng still had some doubts, Huode Xingjun also sighed.

"I went to heaven quite late, so I didn't experience that incident. I heard about it from others, but you will understand it after a brief discussion."

At this point, Huode Xingjun pointed to the remains of Black Tiger Xingjun on the ground.

"Being able to ascend to heaven means that most of the time, you will not die. You should know this, right?"

"That's true."

Looking at the still trembling corpse on the ground, Du Chengfeng nodded slowly.

Just like Black Tiger Xingjun on the ground, even if it was cut into pieces, the body still maintained vitality - after all, in this idealistic world where ghosts have been seen, as long as the mind is firm and unyielding, then as long as you don't want to die, I'm afraid you really won't die.

After all, Du Chengfeng himself had experienced this kind of thing. When he fought with the Death Star before, he was beaten into pieces, not to mention being torn into pieces, but he was still alive and well, and even tore the Death Star's body apart.

Even death itself is just an eternal sleep. Since it is an eternal sleep, there is naturally the possibility of being awakened at any time - from this perspective, there is no real death at all, which means that it is really difficult for the powerful to fly to the sky.

So the trouble is here.

Just thinking about it, Du Chengfeng's scalp was numb, just because he had already realized what the Fire Star Lord was going to say - the powerful with strong power is basically immortal, and there will be new strong people who become powerful at any time, fly to the sky, and become one of the many powerful.

A group with strong power will not only not decrease, but will increase... From this perspective, it may not be very clear, but if the powerful is compared to a tiger, everything will be simple and clear.

Think about it, there is a group of tigers living in a forest, and the number of tigers will not decrease, and will even increase. However, no matter how many tigers there are, the forest is always only this big.

What kind of disaster will this be?

Du Chengfeng was a little afraid to think about it.

"It seems that you have already understood a little."

Just by looking at Du Chengfeng's face, Huo De Xingjun already knew that Du Chengfeng had thought of something.

"Yes, it's just as you think. As more and more powerful people come, chaos will come... I went to heaven late, so I didn't experience that war. Can you imagine it? The scene of two galaxies colliding?"


Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

He already understood what Huo De Xingjun wanted to express. After all, he had just thought of it - as more and more powerful people came, these powerful people inevitably split into two factions. One faction should think that there is nothing wrong with maintaining the status quo, anyway, it has always been like this, but the other faction obviously wants to limit the number of powerful people and wants to make them less powerful.

Then, as Huode Xingjun said, as the world progressed, the differences between the two factions were completely irreconcilable, and bloody fighting ensued.

The powerful opened caves in the sky, like bright stars, so the collision of the two galaxies meant that the two factions had already started a real fight. As the war continued, they put everything they had on the line, regardless of the consequences, just to kill their opponents and those stumbling blocks that dared to stand in their way.

So, from the results, the faction that wanted to limit the number of powerful people won.

Think about it, after all, this faction is not content with the status quo, so they will naturally be rejected by the old faction that does not want to change the status quo, but it is precisely because of this rejection that they will become more united - unity is strength, and strength can kill people, so their victory also seems to be justified.

"But... there is no way to completely limit the emergence of powerful people, right?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng raised his head and looked at Huode Xingjun.

Yes, this road is not completely blocked, otherwise the coyote would not have taken him to the sky - not to mention that the coyote himself also has the fisherman as a guide. From this perspective, the great powers in the sky do not have too many restrictions on the emergence of new great powers.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be absolutely blocked.

As long as the path still exists, there will be people who can walk on it. Unless these great powers can directly deny themselves and deny the path they have always taken, otherwise, with this big world, there will always be people who will walk on this path and find the direction to the sky.

"That's the case."

Sure enough, just as Du Chengfeng thought, Huo De Xingjun nodded.

"Before I ascended to heaven, those ancient powers had thought of using the method of blocking, but this method ultimately failed... Just like managing floods, it is always better to drain than to block, so everyone chose another method."

Yes, those ancient powers were not stupid. They all saw that under rigid blocking, more unpredictable chaos might arise, so as Huo De Xingjun said, they chose a relatively gentle method.

That is, the current method.

"If you want to limit the emergence of powerful powers, it is useless to just kill new powerful powers. What you really need to do is to seal the information about the powerful powers."

Huo De Xingjun spoke slowly.

"As long as there are not many people who know about it, the great power produced will naturally be less. As for those who have reached the edge of the mortal world by relying only on their own abilities, after all, they are only a minority, and they may not be sure in a hundred years. If there is only one, there won't be any trouble even if they are taken to heaven... But."

Having said this, Huode Xingjun once again pointed to the corpses on the ground that were still squirming, as if they were trying to piece themselves back together.

"But if he did this and let so many mortals see what the power of almighty looks like... you can also understand how harmful it is."

"Ah this."

Du Chengfeng touched his chin.

It seems to be true. After all, the power of these great powers is far beyond the mortal world. You must know that the current world is mainly dominated by evil spirits. In fact, there are only a few people who can touch the power of the mind, let alone those that are more complicated. Some incense has the power to do it, but not many can do it.

As for the powerful, whether it is evil spirit, mental power or incense and wish power, they can only be regarded as ordinary. The abilities they can really display are far beyond the power that is attributed to the "three turbidities".

However, once this kind of ability is seen by ordinary people...

"That's what a man should do!"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but have such a statement in his mind.

"There is even that kind of thing that can replace it!"

Who doesn't want to become stronger, who doesn't want to have otherworldly power, but they couldn't see it before, so they can only choose the visible and tangible roads in front of them - but these roads have hidden dangers after all, whether it is evil spirits , mental power, or incense and wish power, there are hidden dangers after all. If they only roll up on this, they will not be able to come up with any explanation.

But if we can show them the real way...

Those who can become masters are not fools. What they lack is not necessarily the strength itself. In fact, they do not lack the persistence of strength.

Just like the opponents Du Chengfeng recalled just now, these masters never lacked strength. What they lacked was just an opportunity, an opportunity to go further.

"So we can't give them a chance, we can't let them see it."

Saying this, Lord Huodexing extended his hand to Du Chengfeng.

"Come and do me a favor and seal this Black Tiger Star Lord."

"He broke a taboo, so he deserves to sleep forever."

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